Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What is a Horoscopea Small Introduction Into Astrology

Im Capricorn, youre Leo, my mother is Taurus and the neighbor is Aquarius.

Does this sound familiar? I believe so. Nowadays, most of us know our zodiacal sign and the interest we have for this subject is continuously growing. But how many of us actually know what a Horoscope and a chart are?

The answer: few! This is why so many questions and interpretations get born, a thing that ultimately leads to the defamation of Astrology. You dont need to be an Astrologer to know some things about Astrology, some elements that will help you.

This article was made for the specific purpose of explaining briefly and without details, what a Horoscope is and what are the main components of a chart.

First of all, what does it mean that Im Capricorn and youre Leo? The basic zodiacal sign we keep talking about is given by the Suns position at birth. Therefore, Im Capricorn because the Sun was in Capricorn when I was given birth. You can identify this when you make a chart. The chart represents the astral map of an entity (individual, community etc.) at a certain time. It contains a lot of elements that help at making a Horoscope or an Astrologic analysis.

For making a Horoscope or an Astrologic analysis you need three elements:
- The zodiacal sign
- The Planets
- The Astrological houses

At all this you can add a lot of other elements that bring more information.

The Planets

There are 10 Planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) and they represent a certain characteristic of an individual, a certain type of energy.

For example, the Sun represents our basic personality, our ego, the conscious, while the Moon represents our subconscious and emotions. So when I say Im Capricorn, I actually say that my basic personality has all of Capricorns characteristics. But the fact that I have the Moon in Pis ces, for example, makes my emotions similar to the zodiacal sign of Pisces. The same way, Mercury represents the mentality, the way we think and communicate; Venus represents the feeling and the things we like, while Mars represents our basic energy.

The Planets form between themselves many angles and relations. These relations can be: harmonically (those of 60,120,0 degrees) and un-harmonically (45,90,180 degrees).

The zodiacal Signs

There are 12 zodiacal Signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) and Im sure you know them very well. They represent certain characteristics that have a strong influence on the Planets. A Moon in Aries will be totally different then a Moon in Libra.

The Astrological houses

The 12 Astrological houses symbolize the activity sectors in every persons life. These are being calculated according to the hour and the place of birth. These can have different sizes (in degrees). For example, the 7th house symbolizes the partner, marriage, contractual relationships etc. The 10th is the house of carrier and social elevation.

About the houses, there is an aspect that was a mandatory role: the first grade of a house is called cusps (or cuspis). There are 4 big cusps: the Ascendant (1st house), the Middle of the sky (10th house), the Descendant (7th house) and the Bottom of the sky (4th house). The one most known is the Ascendant, which according to the zodiacal sign its in, it symbolizes the qualities one must gain during this lifetime.

To make an Astrological analyze, one must count all this factors plus a lot of others a thing that depends on each Astrologer in part.

The idea of this article was to show you that each individual is unique in its own way and not all from the same zodiacal sign are the same. Also the prediction on TV or on the newspapers even thought they might be correct, dont apply to all during that period of time.

My name is Dan Ciubotaru and I'm the author of this Astrology software. I'm a romanian Astrologer , member of Romanian Astrologers Association and I'm currently based in Bucharest, Romania. My websites are:, and

Author:: Dan Ciubotaru
Keywords:: Astrology, Horoscope, Plan et, Signs, Charts, Astrolog
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Gemini Sign North Node Your Soul's Mission and Path to Fulfillment!

The nodes (south and north node) are two points in an astrological chart that possess priceless information about ones karmic past and Soul-destined future. Calculated by using the birth data of the individual, the nodes symbolize the unique life path that one is on and can answer many questions about his own, as well as his partners, inner struggles and desires -- answers that can transform not only his relationship but his life.

Since there are twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also twelve unique nodal positions -- each pair of nodes (north and south) representing two opposite signs of the zodiac. For instance, a Gemini Sign North Node is paired with a Sagittarius Sign South Node because they are opposites. And because they are opposites, they create a clear picture of the dualistic struggle that resides within the Gemini north node/Sagittarius south node individual.

Often, the individual is unaware of the war taking place inside, a situ ation that could go on for years. As time passes he is dumfounded by his inability to progress in life professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. He doesnt understand why he keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again and continues to dwell on the past as he desperately dreams of the future.

All of us have our own set of visible (and invisible) struggles to work through -- obstacles that the Nodes of the Moon can help us isolate and resolve while simultaneously freeing us to move forward on our destined path.

We all know that knowledge is powerand thats why I offer a bit of it to youto give you the strength and courage you need to not only live, but thrive.

This week Id like to begin with a brief overview of the Gemini North Node/Sagittarius South Node position.

To start, lets take a look at some keywords. These words describe the polarity between these two opposing signs and can offer you a glimpse of the Soul journey that the individual with this nodal position is on.

Just remember that the south node represents old patterns of being patterns that have accumulated over lifetimes that now need to be acknowledged and released. The north node, on the other hand, represents the Souls potential the direction of the futurethe behavioral habits that will lead tthe individual o greater happiness and the kind of life that will fulfill him on multiple levels.

Here are some Sagittarius South Node behavioral patterns -- patters that the individual must part with if he is to live an emotionally rich life:

Preachy...restless...too abstractoutspokenclaustrophobicimpatientunrealistictemperedafraid of commitmentoverly expansiveirresponsibleimpracticaltoo futuristictoo generous.

Here are some Gemini North Node behavioral patterns that the individual might find foreign at first, but ones that he needs to aspire to if he is to c onnect to his true potential and the existence his Soul both needs and desires:

Socialarticulateversatilequickcleverintelligentreflectivegatherer and dispenser of informationself-expressiveopen-mindedliterarycurious.

The journey from a Sagittarius south node to a Gemini north node is not an easy one. But the promise it holds for the individual willing to step up to the challenge is equally great.

The Sagittarius south node reveals a Soul that has spent many incarnations as a wild, self-righteous, and unrestricted entity a traveler of the physical and spiritual worlds living on its own terms. As a result, in the present life, this individual is still attracted to a natural existence and will go far out of his way to escape any type of responsibility.

To the Sagittarius south node individual, responsibility represents restriction and restriction is synonymous with death. To avoid that imagined predicament, he rushes around trying to finish his chores as quickly as possible and thinka that once hes done, he will be free to do as he pleases. Unfortunately, what he fails to realize is that this constant activity and lack of focus only strengthens the chains that he is so desperately trying to escape.

In addition, the Gemini north individual enters this life innocently primitive and selfish, unable to relate to others and lacking the social graces needed for him to fit in. His memory of a life that included only him is still too fresh in his mind and prevents him from creating the very bonds he needs to survive.

For him, blending into society might be a painful transition, but blend is what he must do. He must learn the lessons of cooperation, sociability, and tact and understand that the negative behavioral patterns he shuns in others are actually reflections of himself that he refuses to see and accept. A blindfold that he will eventually be asked to remov e from his eyes.

The Gemini north node will urge him to let go of his self-righteousness and show him the importance of considering anothers point of view. It will force him to exchange crudeness for refinement and teach him how to pay attention to his mannerisms, habits, and way of speaking. His north node will be his guide, showing him the advantages of living in a civilized humanistic culture and allowing him to do just that.

At times, he might still feel a strong attraction towards all thats natural and primitive. Yet like a wild stallion desperately trying to fight being tamed, he will undoubtedly wonder what it might be like if he was. And be tamed is what he must be if he is to live the gratifying existence he whole-heartedly craves.

Having said that, it would be a good idea to fill your (or your loved ones) surroundings, which ever one of you has the Gemini north node, with as many symbolic representations of the Gemini S ign as possible. Surrounding yourself with Gemini sign colors, Gemini sign fragrances, and Gemini sign ornaments will remind you of the Soul mission youre on and your unique path to fulfillment.

Now if its your mate that has the Gemini sign north node, and you do that for your mate, wellthats about the greatest gift that you could ever give him/or her. Because theres nothing like the feeling one gets when he realizes that he has found someone who really gets him -- a true friendloverand the irreplaceable Soul companion hes been searching for his whole life.

that Soul companion who is you!

Have an adventurous journey my friend!

You may freely use this article on your blog, website or newsletter provided the above credit and active link are retained.

Copyright 2006 and Julia Simkin

Julia Simkin is the co-founder of Always in search of the yet-to-be-discovered, Julia strives to offer her readers inspired ways of looking at both love and life. An Aquarian visionary of both mind and spirit, Julia is a facilitator for those seeking a different truth and a deeper meaning. To learn more about your Soul mission, go to Julias North Node Chart to find your north node position or directly to the Gemini North Node Page if you already know that your north node is in the sign of Gemini.

Author:: Julia Simkin
Keywords:: gemini sign, gemini sign north node, gemini sign Soul mission, zodiac compatibility, Soul, Horoscope
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

What If Astrology Really Worked?

There is a large population which looks at today's forecast the first thing in the morning newspaper. Every one of them desires to find out about their day in the columns. Do the predictions come true? Let me talk about this. Most of the forecast columns have four to five predictions. Practically no body writes down all of them and compares the forecast with actual happening at the end of the day. What we do is to remember something of the forecast and if anything comes true, we are delighted. We forget that the other three to four forecasts did not come true.

That is human nature. We want to believe something and find ways to prove that right. This is what we do with forecasts. None of us wants to critically analyze them because we are subconsciously worried that they can prove to be largely false. We also like to hear about what good may happen. We are all tired with worries and anxieties that we want some assurance that things are not that bad and they will improv e. Astrologers use that weakness very intelligently.

What if Astrology really worked? What if every astrologer made absolutely correct predictions? Say my prediction for today is that I may meet today with an accident. I will believe that and not move out of the home at all. If my prediction says that i may get a windfall soon, I will stop all my work and begin buying Lottery tickets or waiting for a rich relative to die. But despite all the reading of the predictions, none of us acts like this. That proves that we do read the columns to feel good and give no value to them as far as real life is concerned. Some people may be exceptions to this, but this is true for a very large majority. The biggest fun of life is in unexpected happening. That continues.

The author C.D.Mohatta writes fun q uizzes and fun tests at on topics like love, personality, dating, relationships, friendship, movies, tv, music, business, etc. The author also writes for which has free ecards on holidays, birthday, love, friendship, family, expressions, celebrations and all events and occasions. The author also writes articles, advice and ideas at on topics like love, dating, marriage, relationships, break-ups, etc.

Author:: CD Mohatta
Keywords:: Astrology,
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How to Understand Your Horoscope

As you probably know, a Horoscope is a map of the heavens at the time you were born. Your Horoscope shows the Astrologer what Signs your Planets are in. It reveals all your tendencies, attitudes, frustrations, talents and life purpose. And a lot more!

But you don't need to figure this out to find out what your Mars means. Just ask an Astrologer.

Let's say I looked at your Horoscope and found out that your Mars is in the sign of Cancer. Here's an easy way to understand this:

Mars= passion and desire to take action

Cancer= a sign that relates to food, baking, bread, real estate, home, family, stom ach, mothering and nurturing

Now, put some of these meanings together with Mars and you will come up with some things you really have a passion for. Then you simply ask Which one of these things, that relate to my passion, do I feel the strongest about?

You might say that you have a strong passion for cabinetmaking, which relates to building homes. Or you could have a strong passion for real estate or running a bakery. In any case, your Mars in Cancer shows that your passion is strongly related to the areas of life that relate to that sign.

Here's another example:

Your Mercury is in Aquarius. Mercury= thinking and communications. Aquarius= relates to advanced technology, computers, aircraft, space travel, astrology, engineering, musical composition and friendships.

If you have your Mercury in Aquarius, you will always approach information from a technical or advanced level of awareness. The Aquarian Signs imparts a keen ability to look beyond the obvious and seek out radical forms of expression. Some of our greatest pioneers, inventors, and composers had Mercury in Aquarius.

If your Mercury is in Aquarius, all of this will make sense to you.

Don't you find it quite remarkable that the heavens can reveal so much information about you?

Let's take one more example.

Your Venus is in Leo. Venus= appreciation, attraction, what you like. Leo= sign of the arts, creativity in all forms, love, romance, sports, theater, painting music, the heart, and children.

If your Venus is in Leo, you are truly a romantic. You love the game of love, playing the field, and expressing yourself creatively. You have a loving heart and you want to impart that feeling to others.

When you combine the Planets with the Signs, think of the planet as desire and the sign as an attitude. Then your Horoscope will begin to make sense to you.

Obviously, your Horoscope is far more complex than thi s, but I have shown you in a very simple way how the Planets and Signs reveal who you are.

2006 Randall Curtis

Randall Curtis is a professional Astrologer with world-wide clients. Click on this link to gain quick and valuable insights into your Horoscope and get free lessons in astrology.

Author:: Randall Curtis
Keywords:: Horoscope,Zodiac,Signs,Planets,Mars,Venus,Leo,Astrologer,astrology lessons
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A Brief Look At The Puranas (Origin of planets) Enjoy Indian Astrology

Astrology or Jyotish is an integral part of the Vedas. Though in the Vedas the emphasis is more on Astronomy, there was hardly any distinction between Astrology and Astronomy in the Vedic period. Both were studied to determine the auspicious timings for making offerings to propitiate the Gods. The Vedas, therefore, made detailed studies of the stars and the movement of Planets across the sky. Eclipses had to be timed because they signified evil portents. The obliteration of the luminaries, however temporary, could not be good for the mere mortals.

The stories regarding the birth of Planets are found in the Puranas, which are of a later vintage. There are 18 Puranas. They deal with the story of creation, the tussle between the Gods and demons, the various forms and reincarnations of Lord Vishnu and sometimes even the genealogy of kings on earth. The same story appears in several Puarnas and predictably, the versions differ from one another.

In the early stages, Puranas were also an oral tradition. While elaborate care was taken to preserve the integrity of the Vedas so that distortions might not creep into them through repeated retelling, no such precaution was thought necessary for the Puranas. The Vedas were sacrosanct. The Puranas were not quite as sacred.

Methods of memorizing the Vedas were very interesting. Let us assume that we have a sentence in the Vedas - God is good. (Actually, Vedas do not dish out such simple sentences. We have cooked up an example to illustrate a point). One student would memorize it as God is good. That is normal. We all go through a similar exercise the night before our exams.

But a second one would do it in a strange form:

Doog si dog - memorizing it backwards. There would be a third who would do something even more strange:

Go od di is sg go oo od.

This gobbledygook can be easily unscrambled to find the original message. There were many more ways; all were simultaneously practiced to ensure that if corruption took place in one it would be rectified by comparing it with the others.

In one method two sentences would be mixed up in a manner not entirely unlike sending scrambled digital packets across the broad bandwidth.

But enough of that! Let us go back to the story of the Planets as given in some of the Puranas. These were subsequently changed, modified, expanded until they became part of a rich folklore of India wit h all its sectarian bias and regional garnish.

So the stores we bring to you here originated in the Puranas but got extensively revised through successive retelling!

Enjoy your look into Indian Mythology!

Note: You are allowed to republish this article in your website and ezines without any change in the content and the link to cyberastro must be provided as the article author.

Sujit Bose is a very well educated, wise and senior person having great insight into Astrology. Read more Astrology articles by some of the well know astrologers of cyberastro at

Author:: Sujit Bose
Keywords:: Astrology, Religion,Horoscopes,Yajnas,Planets,indian Astrology
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Meteor Shower Predictions for 2006

Nearly every year we get some form of meteor shower showers. In 2005 we had the Perseids Meteor Shower, which was quite good and turned out to be a major shower, very impressive. In October of 2005 we had Draconids, which was observed over Asia and Eastern Europe, although it was not a major event. There of course were other notable showers, but not so spectacular. But in 2006 we will witness some wonderful meteor showers.

On January third and forth we will see the Quadrantids, the peak will be extremely brilliant and comparable to the Perseids and Geminids. The rates of meteors per hour are not easily predicted with Quadrantids, yet many scientists and studiers of such believe this year will be something special perhaps as high as 85 to 100 per hour during the peak.

Then on April 22-23 we will get the Lyrids Meteor Shower, which is not as spectacular but 20-25 per hour for the maximum and peak is not untypical. Then around the corner on May 6 we will have the Eta Aquarids, with up to 55 per hour, but generally if you get to witness 12 per hour you are doing quite well. July 28-30 comes the South Delta Aquarids, which are notable as you can expect 8-12 per hour for up to 28 hours. The Perseids in August on the 12-13 ought to be very good this year, but the moon will be somewhat in the way casting some light pollution during the peak and you can expect about 25 per hour or more. In October from the 20-22 will come the Orionids, this time the moon will be cooperating and allow for good visibility against a blackened sky for a good 25 per hour between none some hours.

The Leonids will arrive on Novermber 19, as EArth travels thru left remnants of the Leonids Comet, the predictions are sketchy, yet some say we may get to see as many as 100 per hour, that will truly b e worth watching indeed. And rounding out the year in 2006 will be the Geminids, which will be at its best on December 13-14, again with one hundred per hour maximums. The Geminids are known for their often various colors of Yellow, Green and Blue. This meteor shower will extend thru Pearl Harbor Day to the seventh of December and it is especially excellent during the 13-14 of December, so be sure to mark your 2006 Calendar. 2006 is your year to make a wish, so think on it and be ready.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Meteor Shower Predictions for 2006
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Psychic Mediums

Some people who have experienced the death of a loved one seek the help of a psychic medium to re-establish contact with that person, who is believed to be in the world of spirits. Psychic Mediums are people who claim to have superhuman powers they use to help ease the pain of those who are grieving for someone who has passed into the spirit world. They achieve this by proving that their loved free from pain and wish to communicate with the people they left behind on eArth.

A medium is a person who uses his or her psychic abilities to communicate with people in the spirit world. They are called mediums because they are the means of contact between the recipient and the spirit. The underlying purpose behind their profession is threefold. They seek to prove the existence of life after death. Mediums also wi sh to console and advise others as well asfurther develop their own spirituality.

Psychic predictions and phenomena can be traced back throughout history. The early demonstrations of medium ship were very physical, like table rapping and table tilting. Over the years, these declined in popularity to be replaced by the type of medium we witness today.

Mediums may have a number of skills, though most have specialties. Most mediums work by seeing pictures in their mind. This image allows them to describe a person in spirit and is known as clairvoyance or clear seeing. Mediums use their psychic vision, either within the mind or objectively, as if the spirit were present in person. Clairaudience or clear hearing, where the medium hears the spirit either subjectively or objectively, is also popular amongst mediums. Spirit communicators are able to send feelings, known as clairsentience, to the medium. This is pArticularly useful if they are trying to indicate what ailment caused them to pass over. They may for example, send a mild pain to the heArt of the medium. The medium would then be able to tell the client how their loved one died.

Although mediums are able to look into future events, offer some advise and help establish communication with loved ones, they do not tell a person what to do. The work of a psychic is to help their clients take direction and control of their situations.

Psychic Mediums provides detailed information on Psychic Mediums, Reputable Psychic Mediums In Long Island, Famous Psychic Mediums, Top Psychic Mediums Of Our Time and more. Psychic Mediums is affiliated with Inspirat ional Psychic Readings.

Author:: Ken Marlborough
Keywords:: Psychic Mediums, Reputable Psychic Mediums In Long Island, Famous Psychic Mediums, Top Psychic Mediu
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Do You Love Reading The Daily Horoscopes Part I

Have you ever wondered why you feel an instant attraction to certain people? These intense reactions are pre-determined by a powerful astrological principle commonly known as horoscopes.

The daily horoscopes not only list the Zodiac signs for each month but also each signs distinctive personality type. The fact is that conflict in a relationship often arises when two incompatible personality types are in disagreement. The Zodiac signs listed in your daily horoscopes can be used as a guide to understanding the innate qualities and personality traits of your pArtner.

And thats not allthe twelve Zodiac signs listed in the horoscopes are actually divided into four separate categories know as Elements. These four natural elements; Fire, Air, EArth and Water houses at least three of the twelve Zodiac signs.

Now the first element Fire, houses the signs Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. The individual personality traits are action-oriented and vibrant. What does this mean for you? Well, look to add different levels of spontaneity to your relationship.

Air, the second element houses the signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. With inquisitive and innovative personality traitsopen and honest discussions about relationship issues are satisfying. Best of all their curious nature are a welcome addition to spicing up any relationship.

The fertile element EArth houses the signs Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. The personality traits are task-ori ented and savvy. Gentle nurturing will relax the tendency of EArth to hold back feelings in a relationship.

A cooling mist, Water the final element houses the signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Water has a keen understanding of peoples needs and a patient temperament. Even better is the high level of confidence and satisfaction manifested in its relationships.

There you have itthe four elements that houses the twelve signs of your daily horoscopes. Discover the personality traits of your pArtner by exploring your horoscopesembrace them. Use them to add intense passion to your relationship. Youll be glad you did!

Copyright 2005 James Hall

James Hall is happily married and thoroughly enjoys writing about relationships. His site is a dating guide to finding lasting love on the web.

Author:: James Hall
Keywords:: free daily horoscope
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Setting Psychic Boundaries

With anything that you are learning and developing you need to do develop your psychic with balance, and caution. You must put a general statement to the universe of what you would like to handle. You set boundaries for what you can and cant take in. You clearly define the boundaries of contact. You need to remember that at all times you are the one in control and you can stop contact at any time. You shut down your receiver and stop transmitting at will. You need to become aware of when you are physically drained, and vulnerable, and when you are stronger.

You must also become aware of how to ground yourself, when you need to put up a psychic shield or a wall and how to do this. You must firmly respect your own space and others. No one has the right to control you or bring you under his or her will. You dont have the right to do that to anyone else either. Also only what you allow to take place can take place. If you dont invite or allow contact, contact w ont happen. Some psychics that I knew in the past, refused to see anything visible like a ghost. They will only hear the words or hear the thoughts. Others are more open to seeing graphic images if it will help solve crimes, and stop the person responsible. But this is very advanced and it requires a very strong and courageous medium channel.

A technique of grounding that I read in James Van Praaghs book Heaven, is to imagine that there is a silver cord tied to your tail bone and ankles and that it goes down to the center of the eArth. It wraps around the core of the eArth. Feel how the cord becomes firm and holds you to the eArth. Feel that you are firmly planted on the eArth and held by this silver cord. Say to yourself, Im fully grounded to the eArth. At this time you can reiterate to the universe and to anyone else out there of your boundaries, and that you can break off contact at anytime if these boundaries are crossed or if it no longer feels safe.

Another technique of grounding is to imagine that you are wrapped in a cocoon of light, everything is filled with light and the light wraps around you. See t hat the psychic energy is contained in a column of light that passes through you directly into the ground, so that it doesnt stay in you or on you.

At the end of any conscious psychic session it is necessary to cleanse the energy off you. You can do this by first placing your hands palms down on the top of your head and imagine that you are wiping off thick clear jelly from your head, face and neck. You always clear off to the sides or downward. Imagine as you pass your hands over that a pure white light is entering into each area that your hands pass over.

This jelly that you cleared off with your hands, you now put your hands together and make an action like you are cleaning off crumbs from your hands with a movement that is directed down to the eArth. You can also flick your fingers downward as if you are shaking off water. StArt again with your hands on your chest, and imagine that you are clearing off this thick jelly, wipe your hands together down into the eArth.

Remember clean out to the sides and downward. Go back to your back, hips and buttocks, wipe off and clean your hands into the eArth, and then go back to your arms. Do one arm at a time. You can make a downward brushing motion with your arms and legs. What you say within is Thank you for this session. I no w chose to conclude this session and Im now clearing this energy into the eArth.

Yoga Kat--aka Katheryn Hoban is a yoga teacher and Reiki Master Teacher with twelve years experience. She teaches children's yoga ages 3-6, and 7-12 and Adults privately in NJ. She is the author the book DAUGHTER BELOVED which will come out next year. She has created a children's affirmation CD (ages 3-6) and an affirmation CD for adults. Yoga Kat is available for speaking or writing and can be reached at or 201 970-9340


Author:: Katheryn Hoban
Keywords:: Psychic ability, develop your psychic ability
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Your Mysterious Horoscope

Many rich and fulfilling answers lie hidden in the Horoscope of every human being. Unfortunately, most people are not only suspicious of this wonderful celestial map of the psyche, but even tend toward the tongue in check What's your sign? approach.

This unknowing attitude is akin to looking at the clothes I wear and assuming that you understand me.

The What's your sign? approach is a very shallow way of looking at Astrology.

Because there are nine other heavenly bodies which are also located in a sign. Your Moon could be in Scorpio, your Venus in Libra, your Mars in Leo, your Jupiter in Gemini, your Saturn in Virgo, your Uranus in Taurus, your Neptune in Libra and your Pluto in Libra. Each one of these Planets and their relationships reveal a ton of information about you. Now, you can see when you ask someone, What's your sign? why you will not find enough information that you can can really depend on.

One session with a com petent Astrologer will instantly change the way you look at your Horoscope. For instance, in a matter of minutes, a skilled Astrologer can tell how you think, what your talents are, what you don't like, and the kind of people you are attracted to. Of course, he can tell you much more. This is only the beginning. There are many things that he can see right away. Other insights will follow as he delves deeper into your Horoscope.

If you have a session with a skilled Astrologer, I assure you that you will never again ask What's your sign? You will understand that a Horoscope contains a great well of information about who you are, where you are going, and what you are destined to do.

I can make such a statement, because I have read thousands of Horoscopes and I am still discovering new insights. This shows that this wonderful map of the psyche is far deeper than any person who reads it. No matter how long I study it, it still holds many mysteries yet to be understood.

Randall Curtis 2006

Randall Curtis is a professional Astrologer with world-wide clients. Click on this link to gain quick and valuable insights into your relationships, a professional analysis of your secret energy cycles, and how they rel ate to the fulfillment of your life purpose.

Author:: Randall Curtis
Keywords:: Horoscope,Planets,Signs,Astrology,Astrologer
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Monday, August 29, 2011

Debunking Psychics

Have you ever been curious about your future? Have you ever called a phone Psychic to get some answers?

If you wonder how Psychics work, read on. This article is for you.

Most Psychics are plain Scammers. They use cold reading to make calculated guess about the sitters. Cold reading is an interactive psychological technique which extracts information from a person through verbal and non verbal cues. More often than not, Psychics utilize known Psychology techniques that can apply to almost anyone. An example would be claiming the sitter is cursed and he or she could lift that curse for a fee, because most people visit a Psychic when they are down and depressed, being cursed is a quick, convenient reason to blame. Paying the fee to lift the curse would be the quickest solution to their complicated life problems.

There seems to be several common factors in Psychic readings. The Psychic usually:

* Skillfully extracts information from non verbal cues such as breathing patterns, voice, dress, skin color, and body language.

* Makes statements that seem to give information when they are actually out to fish for it. E.g. Prompts feedback from sitters by saying I see a man in uniform, why would that be?

* Feeds back to the subject what the latter wants to hear

* Makes general Barnum statements such as You are worrisome on the outside but insecure on the inside.

The sitter of the reading is the key to a 'successful' reading. The sitter's willingness to connect vague 'clues' came up by the Psychic will often decide how successful the reading is. Many sitters who try to contact their deceased loved ones are very motivated in the first place, and will take the Psychic's message as a sign that he or she has made contact with the othe r side. That is why Psychics subtly encourage cooperation before and during the reading. Once the Psychic gains the trusts of the sitter, the latter usually actively supply information and clarifications.

Although facial expressions and body languages could mean differently to people from different cultural backgrounds, many psychologists believe that certain facial and body expressions are universal to the mankind.

How to tell dominance: People who dominates have a tenancy to stand up with an erected body, speaks slowly and rarely, and look people in their eyes for an extended period of time. Because of the demonstrated link between testosterone and aggression, people with square jaws ( testosterone induced feature) are thought as more domineering and aggressive.

How to tell submissiveness: Submissive people touches themselves a lot when they are confronted with a difficult situation. This is because human have an inborn mechanism acquired very early on in life to link physical touching with comfort and safety.

Most important to keep in mind: Real, powerful Psychics don't advertise on the back of a supermarket magazine and do readings for $1.99 per minute.

Jamie Kepcher is the Self Discovery Editor at, a home and self help community.

Author:: Jamie Kepcher
Keywords:: Psychic, Scam, Psychology, reading people, cold reading
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Horoscopes Taurus

In this second of a 12 part series on Horoscopes, we're going to look at the second of what are called the spring signs, Taurus the Bull.

People who are born between April 20 and May 21 are Taurus. Their element is earth, their quality is Fixed, their energy is Yin, their ruler is Venus, their color is green, their gem is Emerald, their main anatomical parts are the neck and throat, their keywords are ownership, dependability and sensuality, their Tarot suit is Pentacles and their Tarot Major Arcana card is The Hierophant.

Some famous celebrities who are Taurus are Jay Leno, Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, George Clooney, Cher, Andie MacDowell and George Lucas.

Can you say stubborn? Well, if you can say it and you know what it means, then tack the definition up on your wall next to a photo of your favorite Taurus. They are as stubborn as they come, thus the saying stubborn as a bull. It doesn't matter if a Taurus is right or wrong. In their minds they are always right. Deal with it or get out of the house quickly because they won't give an inch.

Being a Taurus, however, is not just about being stubborn. A Taurus is the perfect person to have around in a crisis. While everyone else is losing their head on a sinking ship, the Taurus will calmly figure out how to get everybody off the boat safely. Their calm is almost scary. They are so dependable that they are the first people that one will look to when something needs to be done. If you're running a fund raiser and need somebody to make sure it is run efficiently and honestly, turn to the Taurus in the room.

When it comes to love, the Taurus needs security and stability. If a Taurus is in love, he stays in love, no matter how rocky things get. The Taurus will be very patien t when it comes to finding that love too. They have to make sure that the person they give their heart to is just the right one. A Taurus will always be there for you but expects you to do the same.

The best matches for a Taurus are Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. A person born under the sign of Taurus gets along very well with other people who are organized and dependable. They also appreciate somebody who is a good housekeeper as well.

At the job, the Taurus likes long term stability. They are not job hoppers. Many go into teaching where they enjoy the comforts of tenure and knowing that they will be in the same place for at least 25 years. They will do their jobs to perfection, or at least as close to it as possible. At the office, they are the ones everybody turns to when something absolutely must get done quickly and correctly. But maybe the best part of a Taurus at work is that they give their employers no trouble at all. They come to work on time, st ay late and never complain, even if there are things they know are wrong.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Horoscopes

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Horoscopes
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Astrology The Planets

In Astrology both the Sun and Moon, as heavenly bodies are generally included amongst the listings of the influences of the planets.

The subject of planetary influence upon life on earth and upon the human psyche in particular has been the focus of attention over thousands of years and in every culture. Where Astronomy continues to observe the physical aspects of the planets, scholars continue to refine what is known of the affects of the planets upon our human psyche.

Remember, the influence over each individual can only be determined by his Astrological Chart which will modify or intensify each factor through what is established as the special relationship of one planet to the other at the time of birth.

The centuries have confirmed the following generalizations.

SUN The S un is obviously the most powerful of the heavenly bodies. It represents our most important or spiritual being and represents our enduring characteristics throughout each lifetime. Each of us evolves through incarnations under a birth sign which is different each lifetime, progressing through all the zodiacal birth signs until we have complete experience of human nature. The Sun holds the key to our spiritual life and in our birth Chart indicates all that is life giving, warm, masculine, positive, optimistic, electric and creative. It is an indicator of our good fortune in life and our conscious intelligence.

MOON The Moon is the complementary heavenly body to the Sun. It represents our growing and changing soul which is affected by changing circumstances and emotions throughout our lifetime. It represents our unconscious intelligence and subconscious mind and emotional outlook rather than our conscious thought as does the Sun. The qualities it symbolizes are the feminine traits of nurturing, calming, comforting, reflective, magnetic and is concerned with gestation and growth. It is an indicator of our personal emotions and our faculties of intuition and imagination.

MERCURY Mercury was once considered the messenger which flew between heaven and earth. It represents the human mind with such capabilities. Its position in the chart and the relationship with other planets and energies will indicate whether we are utilizing this gift of free will and human intelligence to the utmost. In the Chart is shows the speed, the movement and the talents we have for communication and intellectual development. It can equally indicate, along with other factors in the Chart, a highly developed genius for peace or an agitator for revolution.

VENUS The benign planet of love and harmony. These qualities are immortalized in the legends of the gods and in the enduring symbols of romantic love and harmony integral to the great works of art of all times. The planet affects our talents in music, dance, decoration and in diplomatic skills which maintain a peace between differences. In the Chart it indicates our love capacity and our personal needs and expressions and much of our good fortune.

MARS Mars is dedicated to protection of things of value - defence of the weak - preservation of goodness in culture and in all things and is willing to fight to the death for its cause. It was once the god that was twinned with Venus, which represented human goodness. In the Chart it indicates an inclination towards activity, agitation, aggression, even violence, but also shows the ardent qualities of the soul and its willingness to defend its values. In our Chart it shows our dynamic talents and passions as it shows our ill fortune which comes through uncontrolled energy and enthusiasm or the aggression of others.

JUPITER Jupiter is the grand planet of beneficence. It represents magnanimity, generosity , wealth, good fortune, happiness and abundant health. Because it indicates ease and luxury it has been shows by the symbol of the horn of plenty. But in a Chart not only will it indicate these things, but also where one is perhaps lazy or indolent because of good fortune and so can be although generally the planet of well being, can also show where we are resting on our laurels so to say. Generally its influence accentuates the good.

SATURN Saturn is regrettably generally considered 'malefic'. We know it as a huge planet with mysteries as yet undiscovered. In legend however, it is always associated with its main purpose in human life, to cause difficulties and death, before renewal and known as 'The Reaper'. It is certainly the representative of the great law of Karma - the justice which fulfils the law of action and reaction and which we question why to us? when we suffer bad fortune but neglect to do the same equally with our good fortune! Saturn's influence represents natural law. In our Chart it shows the difficulties, our personal restrictions, our unresolved problems and the serious matters of our soul which provide the present lessons we must learn for our personal growth.

URANUS Uranus is the unpredictable planet affecting all of us by its energies causing unusual and unconventional feelings, interests and behaviour. Its influence flooded our earth and our civilization with stimulated the growth of great planetary changes throughout the last few centuries of revolutions and wars beyond anything history has shown to date. Its influence is to urge us out of the confines of the individual consciousness to understand the universality of all life on our earth and beyond. It focuses the virtues of the New Age Of Aquarius (the sign it rules) that is humanitarian instincts, purposes and actions. In our Charts it will indicate the sudden and life changing things that happen without any observed cause. In our nature it t ouches the part of us which wants to swim against the worn out values of the past and to break new ground.

NEPTUNE Neptune as its name indicates is the planet which rules over the most nebulous of our watery emotions. As we look at a globe of our earth we see that the material world or earth is much less than the great vastness of the oceanic blue. Water proves greater materially and in our human psyche, shows our emotions to be greater than our physical selves. But until we know how to utilize its influence the energies show in our Chart as our vague potentials, our dreams, our unrealised selves, the indeterminate aspects of our character, our human weaknesses instead of virtues and strengths. It shows our capacity for addiction to habits and to drugs and our reliance and the blame we foist upon others. Its most controlled energies provide us with inspirational dreams and ideas, with idealistic concepts and feeling, with mystical experiences and with a sense of t he greater unity of life beyond our petty ego.

PLUTO Pluto is so small that it is easy to see how one could query it having any influence upon our distant world but indeed its influence is such that we are now beginning to find to what extent. Having only been recently discovered there has been limited investigation possible as to how it affects us but certain factors emerge. Pluto was associated as the god of the underworld and often thought of as negative. But like all energies, they can be bad or good depending upon the purpose to which the energies are harnessed. If it is seen that the power of Pluto directs the great monopolies and business enterprises which have bullied others out of existence, or which work to undermine the health and well being of us all, it is course is seen as a negative power developed and expressed in this way.

However if the same energy could work to bring us a one world of peace and a brotherhood of people an ideal as yet never accomplished in our history - it can only be seen as a unifying principle which is goodness itself. The actual details of Pluto, its function in the solar system and its affect upon our lives remains to a large extent, speculation.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
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Does Numerology Really Work ?

Numbers and Vibrations have fascinated Man for a very long time. Thousands of people have changed or tuned their Birth Names hoping to benefit from it. Whatever the Numerology Method - whether it's Kabbalah or Pythagorean or Chaldean, does Numerology really work ? If No, Why ? If Yes, then How ? Read on for some real life, practical FAQs.

The FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions and Answers) listed below are the most important and the most practical ones that are being asked around, more than anything else. If you wish to tune your Birth Name Vibrations, you should read them, to get guidance and clear your doubts. If you have already undergone Name Energy Correction or Numerological Correction, then you too must read them, to understand why it has not worked out to your expections.


Everybody told me about numbers and their Vibrations. I had the spelling in my name changed by an Expert Numerologist. But nothing much seems to have changed. Why ?


(1) You are right about the numbers : they do have Vibrations. But have all the vibration inputs been taken into account ? Not all Numerologists consider all the right factors. The parameters to be considered are : Birth Name; Date, Month & Year of Birth; Day of Birth & the Time of Birth. All of them are equally important. Even if one of these parameters are not included, the input system itself will be incomplete. If any of these factors (say, the time of birth) is not available, there are Clairvoyant methods to see through this.

(2) There is an even important contributing input that eventually influences the name : the person's Karma. Without accessing the Karmic Vibrations nothing can be decided. This is another reason why the Numerologist should also be an Advanced Level Clairvoyant.

(3) Assuming you have changed your name into right Vibrations (after rightly analysing all the correct inputs) how much will the changed Vibrations bring you w hat you desire ?

Let us look at this logically. When YOU pronounce your name (with the corrected spelling), your name Vibrations are activated and REACH OUT to the person/persons you are talking to. I agree.

(1) But what about other people you are linked with ?

(2) Can you talk with every other person about your changed name ?

(3) What about people whom you knew in the past but are not in speaking terms now ?

(4) What about people whom you have no knowledge of, but are going to get involved with you in your future ?

How will your altered personal Vibrations reach them ?

The conclusion is that you need an Energy Tool (which has been exclusively programmed for you) to keep transmitting your changed personal name Vibrations 24/7 to all those who are currently involved with you, involved with you in your past and going to be involved with you in future. Then and only then you can reap the benefits of the corrected name Vibrations.

That is exactly what I do for you when I implement my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology. After diagonising the full range of inputs and scanning your karmic Vibrations, I arrive at the primary objectives to be achieved and the negativites to be shed. These steps are then Programmed into a Crystal (after selecting the size, shape and colour of the Crystal most suitable for you) and then Energised. Now this Crystal will be broadcasting 24/7 the customised Vibrations that will reach all the persons you need to deal with, to your terms. It could be an estranged business partner, a dear friend who had misunderstood you, a good old customer who had disappeared, a relative who hates you or a person who had felt blocks in reaching out to you.

In the NewAge Kabbalah Numerology, the word Kabbalah is spelt in many ways : Kabala, Kabbalah, Kabbala, Kabalah, qabala, qabalah, qabbalah, cabala, cabbala, cabbalah, cabalah.


I had my birth name tuned with a popular Numerologist. When I complained to him after an year that there had been no positive results, he advised me to write and rewrite my tuned name 48 times a day, for atleast the next 10 years - for empowerment, he said. I find it labourious and it also eats into my precious time. Is it worth it ?


It simply is not worth it. The concept that the name Vibrations should be empowered is very correct. I agree. But how do you do it ? Definitely not by writing and rewriting it daily. I mean, how can you empower Vibrations by just repeatedly rewriting it ? It is merely wasting the time and energy and nothing else.

There are dedicated tools and methods for creating, empowering, amplifying and broadcasting the name Vibrations, to bring about sustained results. The best way of doing thi s is to dedicate the ideal crystal for this job, program it for solving the problem or meeting the purpose and activate it. These energy techniques are of very advanced level and have no similarities with energy healing methods like Reiki.


I have changed my name as per Numerology. Accordingly, I have changed my signature too. Shall I have to change my name in government documents, share certificates, gazette, etc. ?


Yes, because you are forced to announce the name change and it will have it's own definite legal implications. You have to go through all the red tape and spend time and money in these procedures.

But not in my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology. Because the converted Vibrations reach and attract all those who have to be reached and informed - in your personal life and professional life, permanently.

In fact, what is nice about this whole system is that you need not announce the name change itself to any bodyelse. Whether you announce or not, you fully get to have all the benefits of the newly tuned name.

Which means there is no necessity whatsoever to change your signature or go through tedius red tape procedures with governmental agencies, etc. and waste both your time and money. Fantastic, isn't it ?


I had my Company's name changed as per Numerology, after a heavy slump in it's fortunes. Now I am forced to readvertise massively the newly tuned name and my advertising bills are becoming very heavy. Not only that, I have lost a lot of good will and reputation that was identified with the previous name. My Numerologist says you can't eat the cake and have it too. Is there a way out ?


Yes, there is. I can custom build a Crystal Energy Field for your re-tuned Company name which will be transmitting positive Vibrations 24/7, so that your original purpose is fully solved.No need to relaunch expensive media campaigns in the new name/brand. You can continue to display your old and trusted Company name but still enjoy all the new benefits ! Yes, you can eat the cake and have it too !

In fact, in my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology, there is absolutely no need to announce the name change at all. That way, you get to save a lot of good money wasted on re-advertising.


Is it possible to do Name Energy Correction for my whole family through a single Crystal Energy Field ?


Yes, it is possible to undertake the Name Energy Correction of a whole family in a single Crystal Energy Field through the Advanced Versions of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology. For example, in Advanced Version II, it is possible to accomodate 8 members of the same family whereas in Advanced Version III, as many as 12 members can be counted in. In fact in these Advanced Versions, what is being done is much more than Name Correction, it is Personal Energy Correction itself.

So now, d oes Numerology really work ?

Yes, but only if properly Custom Programmed Energy Tools (like Crystal Energy Fields) are used to transmit the Name Vibrations.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it's entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be clickable hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Kabbalah Energy Numerologist, Crystal Master, Fengshui & Vaastu Researcher & Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is permanent Karma Energy Correction through custom-built Crystal Energy Fields. His E-Mail : His website : &

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: Numerology, name correction, Vibrations, Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabala, Kabbalah, K abbala, Kabalah,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Psychic Readings: A Guide

A psychic reading is a consultation with a psychic: someone who is sensitive to the electrical, magnetic and other energies radiating from the seeker and collectively referred to as the aura. The psychic is thus able to access information from the emotional, physical and spiritual pArts of the auric field. As the aura contains an insight into the seekers past, present and future, psychic readings can be very accurate. Additionally, a psychic also enhances the reading by using his natural ability to tune into the seekers non-verbal communication i.e. body language and facial expressions.

Just wanting information about the future at large is an ambiguous objective and the reading will be of no value. A seeker must assess what he expects from the consultation and determine the scope of the reading. It could be his career, relationship, marriage or health but it must be focused. When a seeker intends to gain clarity, insight and direction on a specific issue, the process of psychic reading becomes sanctified. A significant advantage of a psychic reading is receiving accurate answers, which will then empower the seeker to make choices that will enhance his future; yet they often overlook the fact that to receive precise answers, it is imperative to ask focused questions.

Going to a good psychic reader is imperative as great care is required on behalf of the psychic during readings; some people seeking help can be very vulnerable and a psychic can subconsciously calculate probable future events by an evaluation of the information available and end up giving likely forecasts. It should be noted in pArticular that a psychic reader is able to sense things on a material level and cannot tune in to the spirit world, as is the general misconception.

Psychic Readings provides detailed information on Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readings and more. Psychic Readings is affiliated with Famous Psychic Mediums.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readi
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Native American Astrology: The Hawk (March 21 April 19)

The Hawk is the first Sign of the Native American Astrology, it heralds spring and the end of winter. If you are born under this Sign, you were born at the Time of Awakening.

Hawks have many of their own peculiarities and distinctions. For instance, if you're a Hawk, the direction that best suits you is north east. The East wind carries good tidings for you and your traditional totem animal is the falcon (or more popularly now, the raven).

The element that you're most closely connected to is fire. Hawks often possess a powerful and intense personality marked by a recurrent habit of spontaneous activity. This spills over into their love lives, where Hawks are firey, passionate and spontaneous.

Emotionally, Hawks have a tendency to be both fast and varied. Getting off to a new start is often a constant theme shared by those under this Sign.

Gracious, adventuresome and ready to try new things, Hawks make for fun friends. But watch out, behind their sun ny smiles and pleasant manners lurk less desirable qualities like impatience, a boastful attitude, and a leaning toward egocentricity.

Often aspiring towards leadership roles and chances to become initiated in small, powerful circles, in truth what Hawks truly seek is knowledge through experience.

But, in order to have success in particular endeavors, or just in life in general, Hawks must learn to develop patience, sympathy and perseverance. They should also be sure to avoid intolerance, vanity and arrogance whenever possible.

When it comes to relationships, Hawks work best with the Salmon (July 22 - August 21) or the Owl (November 23 - December 21) Signs.

Want to know your best days and times?

Your best day is Tuesday. Daily, you're best hours fall between 3 and 5 am. Because you are much more of a morning person than many others, you should save your earnings for relaxation!

Jennifer Gibbs is a successful freelance writer who lives in S outh Georgia with her husband and son. Be sure to check out her website at for more information, free articles and a chance to add her to your team.

Author:: Jennifer Gibbs
Keywords:: Horoscope, Astrology, Native American, Hawk, Sign, Astrological,
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Inspirational Psychic Readings

During an inspirational psychic reading, the counselor uses his sixth sense to delve into the seekers aura and determine his subconsciously buried passions or aim in life. Far too many people experience a tedious daily grind at a job that they dont pArticularly enjoy; their aim is to complete yet another monotonous day, grudgingly accepting the fact, That's just the way life is. It's true that the majority invest so much time and effort into making a living that they neglect their hopes, dreams and aspirations, thus failing to live a gratifying life. And then there are those who are uncertain about what they want out of life.

Inspirational psychic readers believe that there are measures which, if taken immediately, will allow people who lack a focused vision to experience a life of their choice, rather th an being held hostage to a life characterized by unfulfilled aspirations. These counselors motivate seekers to take steps that most of them aren't aware exist, by asking them, do you know exactly what you want out of life? We all know, of course, that we want to find our soul mate, enjoy robust health, a fulfilling career, and be blissfully happy. But what we often don't know is what we should actually be doing, here and now, that will bring about these results.

Situations differ depending on each persons circumstance, but there are specific steps that can be taken right away to help the seeker realize his ambitions, regardless. If the seeker, however, does not have a focused vision regarding what he would like to accomplish, the reader quiets his mind and searches within for any indication of what might motivate him to take action towards a goal or passion that his inner voice has been urging him to do.

The answer may come as a whim to try something different to break the monotony or it may be a gradual awakening to a means of tackling an impediment he may be facing, but it is the first step towards a more gratifying existence.

Psychic Readings provides detailed information on Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readings and more. Psychic Readings is affiliated with Famous Psychic Mediums.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readi
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Yanthras Explored Enigmas!

The Word Yanthra is of Sanskrit origin means Machine in English. The terminology is used here with reference to Mystical Diagrams representing Universal energy.

From time immemorial cross section of civilizations was making use of one or other type of Mystical diagrams for desired ends though mostly in crude ways. There are evidences of uses of mystical diagrams by people of Harappa and Mohanjadaro civilizations . If we trace back further the early nomadics were having their own system of diagrams and rituals for curing of diseases , warding off animals and spirits and also to control fellow beings. Though no scientific evidences may be available for all these there are numerous references in Hindu civilization and History as evident in Many puranas , Vedas and ancient scriptures.

Evolution Of Yanthras:-

Though it may be difficult to know the exact timing of the development of the scientific and systematic preparation of the Yanthras presently being used as per Indian vedic system that is found be scientifically designed and rationally described, there are many references about the same in ancient Sanskrit texts and manuscripts that there were the end result of great Tapas (focused enquiry) and consequent intuitions.

Many an eyebrow may be raised here when I refer about intuitions and Tapas it is matter of fact that there are many such concepts eluding human wisdom, intelligence, and comprehension. The ultimate secret of Yanthras is also one among them.

But it is a fact that these are not random generated checks , triangles, circles or other geometrical figures but a systematic ,scientific and well defined complex diagram charged with live syllables representing sounds and they themselves represent the universe and its energy .

How does Yanthras work?

As mentioned above Yanthras are energy centres artificially ,made and designed to attract a particular frequency of energy required for a given situatio n. In simple terms it may be well compared to the receiving sets of a Television set or Radio that retransmit the picture or voice broad cast at different frequencies. A yanthra on the other hand picks up such type of energies or vibrations required to full fill a desired objective.

The energy so conceived is directed to an individual/s or situations. It is based on the theory of universal soul and individual soul to say the jeevatma and paramatma and all living things take direction from the latter, the central energy source.

The yanthra besides being a complex geometrical diagram also contains Manthras or specific syllables or sound energies. The combination of both is well synchronized and the full power is unleashed.

As we know Manthras energise specific chakras or energy centres of Human body so also Yanthras positively or negatively influences the chakras. One important aspect of Yanthras like manthras are it not only influence the wearer but also th e people and situations around him/her.

All the vedic Yanthras have a uniform pattern containing a central point and Syllable like a circle or triangle and syllable like Om or Hreem. The same is surrounded by specified circle petals or any other geometric figures .

Each figure represent a specific energy receiver and as such is unique. For example while a triangle represents a higher active energy the petals usually indicates soothing energy .Of course there are exceptions to all these theories.

The Yanthras like a Dynamo generates energy and any kind of Motor can be connected to it. The mechanical device is the intended action and the same runs by the energy it generates.

Some of the mathematical formulas of these diagrams are so complex and infinite like the combinations of Chess that even the super computers are not able to solve or comprehend.

One such instance is of the Sree yanthra or popularly known Shreechakra which is being used for all round prosperity and worship of The Divine mother goddess.

Kinds Of Yanthras and Sources

The Yanthras basically are divided into 3 The first kind exclusively for worship the second as a protective charm and realization of positive objectives and the third the despised and those casting spells.

While among the 3 kinds above there are numerous subdivisions classified in the name of different devatahas (deities) and 6 objectives known as shat karmas means 6 different objectives that includes Attraction, annihilation, immobilization, driving out etc.

There are numerous Indian Sanskrit texts like Yanthra chinthamani, Soundarya lahari, Sarada thilakam to mention a few describing over 10000 Yanthras and more can be made should some one does really research in different combinations. However the Yanthras explainedin these texts are time tested ones and enjoys credibility.

Having described about the basics , efficacy, evolution and types of Yanthras let us see some of the commonly applied Yanthras.

Applied Yanthras

I now give below some of the commonly used and most popular Yanthras for various mundane objectives.

Swayam vara Yanthra


This most effective Yanthra conceived and made by None other than the great sage Durvasa for the sake of those who seek permanent life partners is being used successfully from time immemorial. I have personal experience of people getting stunning results with this yanthra normally drawn in silver or gold thin sheets with required Manthras and other prescribed rituals.

Santhana gopala Yanthra

As the name indicates this yanthra is for begetting good offsprings . Many a Couples longing for children have realized their ambitions by wearing these Yanthras.

This should be worn by couples of reproductive age and the result manifest early. Though any medical problems are to be taken care of and clinically to be fit the po sitive vibratios of this yanthra drives you to right treatment , right doctors and in cases of unexplainable reasons solves the same that is beyond reasoning.

Maha Mrithunjaya Yanthra

The Boon given by the great preceptors of this land of Rishis Maha mrithunjaya Yanthra representing the ominiscient Lord Shiva manifested as Mrithunjaya or the one who succeeded over death or overcome the cycle of births saves one from deadly diseases , ill health and other evil effects.

Normally prescribed for those who suffers from terminal illness or persistent health problems the Yanthra along with the Havana and the Japa of the same Manthra surely gives solutions to the needy.

Danwanthari Yanthra

This Yanthra representing the lord Danwanthari an incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu

Is effective in health problems. While Maha hrithunjaya is for severe cases this one is good for normal good health.

Tripura Sundari Yanthra

The one that represents the trinities of Mother godess the Maha lakshmi, Mahakali and Maha saraswathi is an excellent charm against evil spirits, and also to build reputation and popularity. Normally used by cine actors , politicians, and those in Marketing field this is also found to be very effective for Job seekers.

There are numerous Yanthras useful for the modern man as prescribed by my great preceptors.

(copy right reserved)

The authour is a Professional Vedic astrologer and Mystic specialised in vedic remedies.He can be contacted for direct consultation in the following site.

Any of the above mentioned Yanthras or any other specific objective and tailor made Yanthras are supplied as per request and at nominal prices. Contact by direct query at the above site!

Register! Register with my site to receive my articles and advice.

Author:: Raveendranath Menon
Keywords:: Yanthras,Mystical diagrams,Charms,Vedic remedies,,vedic astrology, Mystic remedies
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A Fine Line between Heaven Hell and Astrology Angelic Governors of the Zodiac

Have you ever wondered which Angel governs your sign? And did you know that all Angels are not exlusively deriven from Heaven? With regards to your personality, each of these entities play a role in your individuality.

Rf. from A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson

The Angel, Machidiel, (meaning fullness of God), governs the month of March and is also the ruler of Aries.

Asmodel, the Angel of April, rules the Zodiacal sign of Taurus. He is widely known as the demon of punishment.

May's Angel, Ambriel governs Gemini and is the chief officer of the 12th hour of night. On an Oriental, Hebrew charm, Ambriel's name is inscribed to ward off evil.

Then we have Muriel, the Angel of June and the ruler of Cancer. Muriel is interesting in that not only is he the chief officer of the 3rd hour of the day but if invoked from the South is believed to procure a magic carpet.

The Angel of July, Verchiel, ruler of Leo. Not only is Verchiel one of the rulers of the order of powers, but he also governs the Sun.

Hamaliel, Angel of August, a ruler of Virgo is also one of the rulers of the orders of virtue.

Libra's ruler, Uriel, (translating Fire of God), governor of September, is also known as the Archangel of salvation and is renowned globally from the infamous painting - Dryden's The State of Innocence, depicted descending from Heaven in a chariot drawn by white horses. He is also likened to divine vengeance and Justice ~ thus the scales of Libra.

Barbiel, ruler of Scorpio and the Angel of October is one of the 28 Angels of the 28 mansions of the Moon. Barbiel also serv es as one of the seven Electors in the underworld.

The Angel of November and ruler of Sagittarius is Adnachiel. He and Phaleg-referred to as the Warlord, alternate as ruling Angels of the Order of Angels.

Haniel, Angel of December and ruler of Capricorn meaning Glory or grace of God, is known as the chief of innocents. He is invoked as an amulet against evil.

Aquarian ruler, Gabriel (God is my strength) and Angel of January is one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judaeo-Christian and Mohammedan religion. He stands for annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death and revelation. He presides over Paradise and is the ruling prince of the 1st Heaven. He is also said to sit on the left-hand side of God and known as the spirit of truth. Gabriel was the Angel who inspired Joan of Arc t o go the succor of the King of France.

Barchiel, the Angel of February and the ruler of Pisces, (Lightening of God) is one of the 7 archAngels, and is also known to be the ruler of Jupiter

It is evident, Astrologically speaking, the Zodiac closely mirrors the Heaven that we know and the Angels therein. So, the words, It is written in the Stars truly exhibits our predestination of life and all that lies within. How we use our knowledge, experience and Angelical Governors of the Zodiac is up to us.

A Fine Line between Heaven, Hell and Astrology - Angelic Governors of the Zodiac All Rights Reserved by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCa melot

About the Author: C. Bailey-Lloyd - Author of Somewhere Along the Beaten Path

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Author:: C. Bailey-Lloyd
Keywords:: Angels, archAngels, Governors, Zodiac, Astrology, Signs, Heaven
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Psychic Palm Readings

A palmist can tell a lot about a seekers personality from the shape and lines of his hand. Most character is genetic, and these hereditary traits are reflected in the many lines that are found in an individuals palms. Psychic palmists are distinguished from ordinary palmists due to their sixth sense or extra sensory perception, which makes them aware of things a common palmist cannot perceive.

Combining palmistry with a strong sense of intuition gives a psychic palm reader the power to answer a seekers questions with remarkable accuracy. For example, a persons HeArt Line reveals his emotional stability and romantic outlook; his Head Line reveals his intellectualism; while his Life Line reveals his physical health, general well being and how long he will live. On analyzing palm lines, a psychic palmist get s a complete picture of the seeker i.e. his basic personality, his talents, and his potential future. He then applies his intuitive and psychic talents to this wealth of information to bring clarity and unique perspective to the seekers questions.

Thus, there is a strong likelihood that a seeker will receive reliable knowledge about his natural talents, unresolved issues and the probable course of his future in consultant with an honest psychic palmist. The most frequently asked questions include: What does the future have in store for me? What can I expect from my life in terms of love, relationships, sex, and marriage? Will I find happiness? Will I be a wealthy person some day? Should I look for another job? Would I live a healthy and long life? Can I have children? If yes, which sex are they likely to be?

Psychic Readings provides detailed information on Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readings and more. Psychic Readings is affiliated with Famous Psychic Mediums.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readi
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Our Destiny is in the Planets and Stars

As we grow in awareness of who and what we are, we start to become aware of the influence of the Planets and Stars on the Flow of Our life. For thousands of years people have been aware of the subtle effect of the Planets in Our solar system and their influence on Our moods and Destiny.

Astrologers have followed the movement of the Planets and their relationship to events in Our life. This knowledge has led to the creating of Astrology, a system to predict future events in Our life from the position of the Planets at Our birth.

If you look into the Kabbalah system of knowledge an ancient Jewish mystical tradition you Will see that each heavenly body is given the name of an archangel and we can call upon their influence to bring changes in Our life.

Each planet is known for its qualities: Venus the planet of Love, Mars the planet of War, and so on. These influences set a direction, which is the Natural Flow of life. But it is not fixed, and in ever y moment of Our life, we can use Our Free Will to create Our own future and Destiny.

What I am bringing out is the multi-dimensional nature of being human. There are many Forces interacting with Our body each and every day. The energy field of Our body is like a Cosmic computer interpreting these influences and always aiming to reach a Balance.

We can always use Our Free Will to shape these influences and, using Our imagination, create a different dream or path to follow.

You are always given a choice to go with the Flow of life or create something different, something new, and Flow yOur energies in a different way. Neither is right or wrong, they are just different paths to walk.

Lots of people use gemstones or crystals to enhance the influence of a certain planet. The chakras, the energy vortices of the body, work like radio tuners picking up the energy that is being radiated by the Planets, each tuning in to its distinct frequency.

It is good now and again to just relax and let the mind and the body come to peace within themselves, either through meditation or something as simple as fishing or knitting.

As we let go of Our ego controlling everything, Our energies Naturally find their own Balance and we become more alert to these subtle influences which are permeating Our environment.

As we tune in to the Cosmic dance and align Our energies with that, we become more in tune with these subtle influences, so they start to support and coordinate Our life. We find that they are also giving the same massages to Our neighbOurs and we notice that synchronies start to happen.

We receive the support of the whole universe in every thought, word and deed that Flows from us. These synchronies are coordinated and we find that problems Naturally drop away from us, as we let go of controlling through Our ego. We start to be aware of the subtle energies and feelings that inspire us to action in a Natural way.

Self-awareness and becoming conscious of all these subtle influences are bringing a new, deeper connection to the oneness of the energies of which we are a part. As we tune in, so we feel the peace and harmony, and life Flows in a happier, more joyful way.

This is all about moving the awareness from the intellect, in the head, down to yOur feelings, in yOur heart; living yOur life from the love radiating from yOur heart in full awareness.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * A JOurney into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human: HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you Will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of yOur heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the body, you Will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorges Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Author:: George Lockett
Keywords:: Our,Destiny,Planets,Stars,Kabbalah,Astrology,Natural, Flow,Forces,Balance,Cosmic,Free,Will,Healing
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Soul Mates Destined Chosen or Created?

Are you disappointed that love isnt all rosy, pretty, happy, and bright. Are you frustrated that your soul mate doesnt understand you, nurture you, love you unconditionally, and spend 24/7 thinking about and catering to who? You? Are you wondering -- What happened to my fairy tale? Where did I go wrong?

Well, if you answered yes to any of the questions above, I want you to know that your feelings and frustrations are absolutely understandable. And so is that little voice inside your head thats whispering Just get rid of him and go find your real prince charming ;-)

But what if I told you that what youre actually doing is unknowingly sabotaging your love life and most importantly, your own happiness?

Yes. Your own beliefs, as well as those that youve absorbed from the world around you, might just be preventing you from living the very fairy tale that youve been dreaming about.

Think about it

Starting from the first moment we notice a d ifference between the sexes, were trained to believe that theres only one true soul mate for us. Were hypnotized by the idea that only this individual (only this one soul mate!) will fulfill our lives and complete our destinies. Were convinced that it is this one soul mate that could make all of our troubles go away and is responsible for creating the blissful existence that we want.

Sabotage? I think so!

I realize that I havent been around that long. But I have seen enough and lived through enough to realize that the beliefs we harbor within hearts dont necessarily represent the ultimate universal truth. Instead, theyre probably acquired expectations from generations past that do very little to support the emotional fulfillment we desperately crave today.

Lets imagine for a moment that our beliefs are based on incorrect assumptions. What if finding a soul mate isnt a predestined occurrence? What if choice and will also play a significant role in th e outcome?

What if were meant to have more than one soul mate in a lifetime?

What if a soul mate could actually be someone other than our mate?

What if life isnt supposed to be rosy but transformational instead?

What if our soul mate should be the one forcing us to grow and evolve (even if painful at times) rather than be the one who simply pets our mane?

How would this information change your life?

The answer is yours to keepbut my answer would is -- tremendously!

Now what if I also told you that the sour-flavored relationship youre about to throw away could actually be transformed into the blossoming flower that youve always envisioned? And with your current mate!


Nope. Not fluff. It can be done.

If youre open-minded and daring enough to challenge your current assumptions and are willing to consider the possibility that destiny might need a bit of help from you, you can create the soulful relationshi p that youve always desired.


Wellhave you ever heard of an astrological term The Nodes of the Moon?

If you havent, thats ok. Ill explain.

The nodes of the moon (south and north node) are two points in an astrological chart that possess priceless information about an individuals karmic past and soul-desired future. They symbolize the unique life path that each of us is on and can answer many questions about our own, as well as our partners, inner struggles and desires -- answers that can transform not only our Relationships, but also our lives.

Heres an example

1.Lets say youre constantly fighting with your mate about the fact that hes spending too much time trying to help other people with their problems instead of spending more ti me with you often accusing him of not caring about you and not loving you enough.

Now, what if you knew that your partners north node was in the sign of Aquarius (placing his/her south node in the sign of Leo which is its opposite) and that part of his struggle/journey in life is to find a balance between his personal life and service to humanity? What if you found out that his attention to other causes actually had nothing to do with you but instead had everything to do with his soul mission in this life?

How would this information change your relationship?

Or lets say that his north node is in one of the other 11 sign positions? What might one of his life struggles be?

Aries north node/Libra south node: assertion of singular identity versus self seen though partnership

Taurus north node/Scorpio south node: stability and abundance versus power struggles, intensity, and destruction

Gemini north node/Sagittarius south node: sophistic ation and blending into society versus crudeness and wildness

Cancer north node/Capricorn south node: inner pride, responsibility, and status versus emotional openness, nurturance, and service

Leo north node/Aquarius south node: strength of will to stand alone versus need for friendship and support of others

Virgo north node/Pisces south node: crystallization and structured reality versus superstition and clouded fantasy

Libra north node/Aries south node: self-sacrifice and cooperation versus self-assertion and closed-mindedness

Scorpio north node/Taurus south node: acceptance of the transformational nature life (and himself) and ability to let go versus fear-based attachment to things, people, and beliefs

Sagittarius north node/Gemini south node: understanding the value of loyalty and allegiance versus duality, indecision, and superficiality

Capricorn north node/Cancer south node: responsibility, maturity, and a dulthood versus immaturity, over-sensitivity, and over-dependence on others

Pisces north node/Virgo south node: releasing dependence on structure, rigidity, and the physical plane and learning to accept the untouchable existence of a higher authority that extends beyond the five senses

Just think of what this small piece of information can do for your relationship. Youll finally be able to understand why

And once you understand why, youll most likely begin to fight less, blame less, and cry less.

And instead

Love, embrace, and value more.

So yes, maybe destiny did introduce you to your matebut its up to you to decide whether destinys choice will also become your choice.

The nodes can help you undress your mates complex soul (as well as your own) so that you have a full deck of cards in front of you as you make your life-altering decision. Because believe meyou dont want to regret your decision, especially if it was ba sed on an incomplete set of facts.

Im almost donepromise! ;-)

There is just one more point that I need to mention -- the nodes are just one of the many valuable tools that can and should be used to strengthen a relationship. The disciplines available are numerousbut love being the fascinating and complex animal that it is, can probably benefit from all of them. ;-)

Therefore, if you already have a trustworthy tool to use to support your strong, soulful union, please go ahead and use it. However, if youre curious and are interested in exploring another option, I offer you the nodes of the moon simply as additional food for thought.

Well, I guess thats it. Just remember be a bit patient and dont throw him away just yet! ;-)

Julia Simkin is the co-founder of Always in search of the yet-to-be-discovered, Julia strives to offer her readers inspired ways of looking at love and life. An Aquarian visionary in mind and spirit, Julia is a facilitator for those seeking a different truth and a deeper meaning. So if youre a free-spirited explorer willing to consider alternative possibilitiesand are even slightly interested in astrology and discovering what is a soul mate visit Julias Zodiac Love page at

You may freely use this article on your blog, website or newsletter provided the above credit and active link are retained.

Copyright 2006 and Julia Simkin

Author:: Julia Simkin
Keywords:: what is a soul mate, zodiac compatibility, zodiac love, zodiac signs, Relationships, north node
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