Friday, November 30, 2012

Astrology: What is It?

Astrology is a science, which, together with the knowledge gained in astronomy, observes and records how celestial bodies and zodiacal influences affect life on our planet. Generally it is related to the effects upon humans, but also takes into account mineral life, vegetable life and animal life. The influences from the planets and beyond form complex patterns, much like weather conditions, and also indicate calm or turbulent atmospheres-but these are beyond the visible range of influence.

The science is based upon the fact that at any particular point in time, a chart may be drawn up which records and focuses upon all the different incoming influences and energies upon the particular life concerned, and in this case, we consider an individual person. These vibrations which could be seen t o correspond to different instruments in an orchestra, establish a co-operative and harmonious invisible climate to which that individual life has opportunity to respond, or, in the case of clashing energies, adverse conditions which the individual must learn to deal with.

All energy, although invisible, is a power. The sun's light we can see and its power we can feel as we can to a lesser degree, the moon's energy. But that of the other planets, although it exists, is not obvious to the average person. However, since early history, we have acknowledged their subtle power and even named them as gods named in our days of the week.

Regarding the influence of the other far galaxies and celestial energies, we must rely upon what the science of Astrology gives us as a basis to understand how human beings react to them. There is no better place to start our observations, but with ourselves, at the moment of our birth.

At that very moment, there were astronomically calculated positions of the sun, moon and all the planets. The other planets were in particular location according to the system which designates different areas of the sky and to which have been given names of the zodiacal signs. And according to the hour of your birth, there was one of these twelve signs rising above the horizon. This is placed in your Astrological Chart as your Rising Sign and it is just as important as your well known Sun sign which we determine by the day and the month of birth. In the middle of all these influences we take our first breath by which we assert the beginning of our life.

The influences which existed at the time of our birth however, are very strong and affect our personality, our basic temperament, early family life, and determine a great deal of ou r instinctive attitudes in thought and feeling, beyond those that develop through our environment. However, regarding human life it must be understood that each person by their free will, can react positively or negatively in any situation as we do under changing weather conditions. These initial influences will pervade much of our life as we live to capitalize on our good fortune and learn to cope with the difficulties in our circumstances.

Although a professionally drawn up horoscope is seen as a set pattern, it should be understood to have certain flexibility. It is like a blueprint which the individual by use of free will, modify, utilize or alter the inherent tendencies and pattern of his life.

Any experienced astrologer will confirm however, that the fundamental ingredients in the make up of a personality will not change quickly or easily. This allows certain confidence in analysing character and in predicting future circumstances.

Astrological sc ience can be applied in many ways - including personal health, psychology, relationships, analysing national conditions or in matters regarding world trends and events. Once the principles are known there is opportunity to apply the knowledge in the avenue of your personal interest in consultation with a professional astrologer.

To quote Astrologer Dayne Rudhyar: The young people...hope to find in Astrology not only answers to poignant personal problems, but even more, some sort of inner security. Many of them...refusing to participate in a culture increasingly dominated by a de-humanized and de-natured approach to knowledge, long to discover their place and function in a more-than-human, universal or cosmic order.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
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Use the Stars as Your Guide To Finding Great Birthday Presents

Having trouble deciding which birthday presents to get for friends and family? Never fear, Astrology is here! You can be sure that the recipient will love the birthday presents that you give him or her if you follow his or her astrological sign.

Here are some great ideas for birthday presents for people of particular signs:

Aries March 21 - April 20. An Aries loves both challenges and oppositions. Because of this, a good board game makes an excellent birthday present for an Aries. Try to get one that is especially challenging and competitive like Scrabble or Settlers.

Taurus April 21 May 20. A Taurus, on the other hand, does not appreciate challenges or oppositions and naturally gets along well with others. A Taurus loves peace and harmony. A great gift for a Taurus is a day at the spa or a yoga class. A Taurus is always helping other people give him or her a chance to relax and be helped by others.

Gemini May 21 June 20. Gemini are very analytical and yet still easy going. They are also very attracted to all things modern. Because of this attraction to modern things, Gemini tend to like gadgets. A great birthday present for a Gemini is a new gadget like an mp3 player (or any mp3 player accessories), a unique travel alarm clock, or even a kitchen gadget like an fancy electric can opener.

Cancer June 21 July 20. Cancers have a very deep sense of humanitarian values. Because of this, you can get away with giving one a donation in his or her name to a favorite charity of his or hers. This is not necessarily a good idea for other people, but a Cancer would truly appreciate the thought.

Leo June 21 July 20. Leos are born leaders. One of the main downfalls of Leos, though, is that they are not always good with money matters they are very willing to share their wealth. In fact, a Leo is very likely to give money to charity. A great birthday present for a Leo is a gift certificate to a restaurant or a store it is much harder to simply give away, so you know that the Leo will have to use it to treat himself or herself!

Virgo August 22 September 2. Virgos are very observant and can be described as perfectionists. Virgos also have a keen interest in the arts. Give a Virgo two tickets to a play or opera. Take a Virgo to a museum. Give a Virgo a book on art!

Libra September 23 October 22. Libras have a very high sense of Justice and they often take the side of the wronged. They have a natural affinity to the Arts. Because of this affinity to the arts, a great gift for a Libra is an art set. Give a Libra some paint or colored pencils, etc.

Scorpio October 23 November 22. Scorpios are always willing to accept something new. Therefore, you can take a Scorpio out to a new restaurant and to try some unusual food for his or her birthday.

Sagittarius November 23 December 20. Sagittarius people love sports and are happiest when out of doors. Get a Sagittarius a new golf club, a Frisbee, or a ball. Take a Sagittarius on a picnic or on a hike, etc. All of these things make great birthday presents for a Sagittarius.

Capricorn December 21 January 19. Capricorns are generally very hard workers. Give a Capricorn a break and give him or her a gift certificate for a massage or make dinner for him or her. Give a Capricorn a relaxing novel and a bath set.

Aquarius January 20 February 18. Aquarius or both honest and tolerant. A game like Balderdash is very fun to play with an Aquarius because it requires him or her to lie! Of course, Aquarius are always thinking ahead, so they end up being quite good at board and card games. Any sort of game makes a great birthday present for an Aquarius.

Pisces February 19 March 20. Pisces are talented in music and or fine arts. Give a Pisces concert tickets or some sheet music or a guitar. Sign him or her up for a pottery class!

These are just a few ideas for birthday presents to help you out. It is amazing how accurately Astrology can often describe a person. It only makes sense to pick out birthday presents for that person based on his or her sign!

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, f ashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on great gifts, please visit Distinct Gift Baskets.

Author:: Anne Clarke
Keywords:: birthday presents, Astrology, birthday gifts, astrological signs, Leo, Taurus, Cancer, Aries, Libra
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Astrology? It's Element ary My Dear Watson

What kind of RAT are you?

The Five Chinese Elements are WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL & WATER. If you are a Water Rat, you are not the same sort of Rat as your friend who is a Wood Rat. Ditto Fire Horses. Fire Horses are feistier and more obstreperous than calmer, more serious Earth Horses. Here's how it works:

To allow for movement to occur and bring about change, Chinese philosophy calls upon the five elements as agents of change and reaction. Change, the Chinese think, derives from the influence of the five main elementsWood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Wateron the basic Yin or Yang energies. Like in the old rock, paper, scissors game that we played as kids, each of these five Chinese elements has the ability to control and/or destroy the previous element, and is capable of producing the element that directly follows it. In the regenerative cycle of the elements, Water engenders Wood. Wood begets Fire. Fire burns to Earth. Earth creates Metal and Metal gives way to Wa ter.

Wood is characterized by the color green. Wood heralds the beginning of life, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity. Woods influence affects the liver, the gallbladder and, by extension, the digestion. Wood needs moisture to thrive. Its two opposite yet equally emotional forces are rage and altruism. The Wood person will be expansive, outgoing and socially conscious.

Wood, in its turn, can create and nourish Fire. Fires signatory color is red. Fire is hot weather, satisfaction of nature, aridity and dust. The tongue and the small intestine are the centers of attention in the Fire persons body. Fire makes heat, which either warms or burns. The Fire person must constantly seek to balance a tendency to explode and possibly destroy, against a desire to create coziness and warmth. Passionate by nature, this impatient, ebullient person must strive to keep his flame under control.

Earth is created from the ashes of the Fire. Now we are in the soothing ly satisfying late summer cycle. Earths favorite color is yellow, which represents the equanimity between beginnings and. endings. The weather of Earth is mild or temperate. In the human body, Earth influences spleen, pancreas and mouth. Earth's two opposite but equal forces which need to be kept in constant balance are enhancing and smothering. On the one hand Earth gives care and allows for growth and improvement. On the other, Earth buries roots and snuffs out breath. Earth people are gifted for fairness and have the ability to commit themselves to protracted projects and complete Herculean tasks with ease. They must struggle against a penchant for worry.

The Earth grows Metal in her veins. Metal says white and autumn. Metal is cool, crisp weather. Metals effect on the body centers in the lungs and respiratory system. It only secondarily rules the large intestine and the nose. Metal people like to communicate. They need to keep discord and harmony in constant balanc e. Metal signifies the onset of winter. Its influence can sometimes add sadness or gloom to an astrological chart. Two of Metals emotional forces are melancholy and romance. I see Metal as Wagnerian. Metal people must guard against a tendency to wallow in nostalgia.

Lastly, Metal begets Watergroundwater trickling its way through layers of the Earths ore. Waters color is blue. Its season is full-blown winter. Water is always moving, fluid, and mutational. In our bodies, waters influence affects our plumbing systems, the kidneys and the bladder. The ear, too, comes under the spell of Water. Hence people born in Water-ruled years are frequently musical. They pick up on everything. Be it good or bad, they never miss a vibe. Water-ruled creatures are always very sensitive and sometimes even mentally fragile. The downside of Waters influence, then, is a stressful nervousness. To balance that fidgety, squeamish, overly sensitive side, Water endows its subjects with the nobles t quality of all, kindness and sympathy. Sometimes too permeable, the Water-ruled must take precautions against drowning in the chagrin of those they see as less fortunate than themselves.

So, the five elements cause a lot of the commotion and are responsible for creating and maintaining both balance and imbalancefor moving things around and making life interesting. These purveyors of change can be controlled or not, depending on how one manages them.

Each animal year of the Chinese Zodiac has been assigned one of the five elements. That element turns up twice in the cycle going away for another ten years. The five elements are always presented in the above order. Once we know this, we can understand how the elements directly affect us and pertain to individual characters.

For more information on which of the five Elements enhances your Chinese animal sign, Google Suzanne White.

Don't you deserve to know who you really are? Are you a Rat, Ox, Tiger, C at/Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog or Pig? Are you a shrinking violet Earth Pig? Or perhaps you will find out that you are a bossy Metal Rooster or a picky Fire Dog. Whatever your Chinese animal sign, it is governed by one element and that element modifies your basic character - big time!

Find out all about who you are, what the future holds and what other animal signs you are compatible with. Which animal sign years should you have your kids in? What is it about you has been causing you so much stress? Which of your characteristics makes certain people recoil from you? What signs are fatally attracted to yours? There's a world of information to for you on Ms. White's web site. Google Suzanne White and see for yourself. Suzanne White's books and Consultations wil l open all the doors of perception that you will ever need to walk through to find peace of mind and true felicity.

Visit Suzannewhite's web site. It's named after her. Find out which is your Animal sign and what Element you were born under. Put that sign and its element safely into a corner of your mind and don't ever leave home without it again.

Suzanne White says: I like to count my readers among my friends. Suzanne is the celebrated author of 4 best selling Astrology Books. Ms. White is American. She lives in Paris and Buenos Aires. Suzanne White offers private Consultations:

Author:: Suzanne White
Keywords:: Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Horoscopes, Chinese wisdom, Zodiac, Consultations
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Chinese Horoscopes Much More Than An Animal

These days, when it comes to Chinese horoscopes most people know which of the 12 Chinese Animals they are, based on the year they were born. However, nothing in life is ever that simple.

If all there was to it was 12 Animals that would mean there wouldnt be much variation between the characteristics of people, just 12 types, or possibly 24 if you consider male and female.

Well I can tell you there is FAR more to a Chinese horoscope than knowing which of the 12 Animals you are.

The first thing to remember is that Chinese horoscopes are based on the Lunar calendar not the solar one, that is why Chinese New Year falls anywhere between the middle of January and the middle of February.

So you see if your birthday is during this period you may not be the dog you thought you were, you may be a pig instead!

But, with 12 Animals in the list each twelfth year the animal is repeated as they cycle through doesnt seem so complicated? Well unfortunately the Chinese calendar works on a 60 year cycle not a 12 year one. This means that each animal occurs 5 times in the 60 year cycle (12 x 5 = 60) and each one is unique so there are actually 5 types of each animal.

So if you are a Rat, you could be a Rat on the roof, or a Rat in the field, or a Rat in the Warehouse, or a Rat on the beam or finally a Rat on the mountain.

Then there are the 12 Palaces, Ming, Brothers and Sisters, Marital, Man and Woman, Wealth, Sickness, Moving, Servants, Officials, Property, Fortune and Virtue and finally the Parents Palace. Each Palace influences a different aspect of your life.

There are 5 elements, Wood, Metal, Water, Fire and Earth and 37 Stars and they all come together to produce a unique chart just for you.

The key to it all is your 8 character horoscope determined from your year, month, hour and time of birth, 2 characters for each, in Lunar years of course.

In fact your very own personalised Chinese horoscope has so many possible variations that there are millions and millions of combinations

So you see with all these parts that make up a full Chinese horoscope it is not enough just to know that you are a Pig or a Dog or a Cock.

Colette York is the originator and builder of Your-Chinese- Horoscope. A place for personalized Chinese horoscopes.

Author:: Colette York
Keywords:: Chinese horoscope, Palaces, Animals
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Psychic Tarot Card Readings Is a Tarot Card Reading the Same as a Psychic Reading?

Some people are not quite sure about the difference between a regular Tarot Card Reading and a Psychic Tarot Card Reading. The difference is really dependent upon the skill and the ability of the person using the Tarot Cards as a tool for divination. A beginning tarot card reader may rely more heavily on the individual meanings of the tarot cards rather than relying on their intuition.

One must develop their intuitive skills when learning the tarot because it is the individual's unique ability to tap into another's energy coupled with the use of the tarot as a medium or mechanism to trigger visions, thoughts, feelings that accurately reflects their ability to help you. Psychic gifts come in all shapes and sizes and it's up to you to make sure that your reader is experienced and gifted in the various areas of intuition that guarantees beneficial and valuable insights and accurate predictions.

Tarot Cards are powerful symbols representing life experiences. Af ter applying spiritual principles using tarot cards to master receiving accurate extrasensory information, a psychic tarot card reading will be one in which a gifted reader should be able to use their natural spiritual gifts in combination with the tarot and not just tell you literal meanings of the individual cards.

Is a Psychic Tarot Card Reading more accurate than an Automated Online Tarot Card Reading?

Tarot cards are very mysterious indeed. When getting an automated online tarot card reading, it's hard to imagine that your computer has the ability to divine spiritual information. And, of course, this is a ridiculous notion.

An online automated tarot card reading, or a virtual tarot card reading, does have some conveniences. You do not have to book an appointment, you can have your results instantly, and your chosen cards are randomly selected providing you with an assortment of spreads and interpretations.

Although these type readings are popu lar and fun, there is no intuition or psychic ability involved. The reason why they may be helpful is because there is much insight that can be gained from the essential meanings inherent in the Tarot that you may find some words of encouragement or a mysterious parallel to your current concerns. And because of this, online automated tarot card readings provide a very fascinating and entertaining activity. Further, you may be tapping into your own intuition stimulated by the magic of the tarot, and this could be a good thing. So long as you feel empowered and positive after your online tarot card reading, there is no harm, but nothing such as this can compare to the natural talent and skill of an authentic psychic reader who will amaze you with a true psychic tarot card reading.

Cherry Sage owns and operates one of the top quality psychic web sites on the internet today. Her main focus is authenticity, honesty and integrity. One of her missions is to make sure that everyone looking for a real psychic reading or tarot card reading will be able to find certified authenticity and quality service--to change the current paradigm. Her many followers trust in her advice and her accurate predictions. You can read hundreds of inspiring testimonials on her website Cherry Sage is a professionally trained master psychic, tarot card reader and numerologist. She is an author, she was a Featured Expert in the Ask the Expert column in Spin Magazine. She currently has her own live weekly radio show and continues to provide exceptional services to her growing customer base. Please visit her website where you will find very helpful Articles to keep serious seekers of psychic advice informed and up-to-date regarding the psychic world.

Author:: Cherry Sage
Keywords:: psychic readings, psychic tarot card readings, tarot readings, free tarot card readings
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Develop Your Psychic Ability

TRUST YOURSELF. This is still the greatest way to develop your psychic ability and any other talents that you have. You develop anything that interests you by working with it, practicing a lot, and becoming aware of everything that is written, everything that is working, and aware of the people in the field who are making a huge achievement.

For your own psychic awareness stArt to become aware of how your receive messages. What does it feel like? How does it come in? Is there a specific pArt of your being that is receiving the information? How do you make an assessment that this is a message? How do you know? What do you feel? Trus t this process. As you become more aware of your own space, ability, and the psychic energy, set up little experiments for yourself. For an example: Put out a casual thought for someone to call you. Record how many times that happens. Become aware of your dreams, and watch if any of these come true and how often.

Listen silently, and see if you can pick up the thoughts of someone who is physically near you. StArt with someone you know well, like a friend or relative. See if you can hear the words, or get an impression of the thought picture that they are holding in their mind. Do not be afraid of this. You are practicing and developing as you would with any musical instrument, any new tool, or any skill. A pArt of you is a casual and objective observer. You are just becoming aware of what is there. You become aware of how you receive, and how you can transmit, and then you become aware of pictures, sounds, or words coming spontaneously in.

Some techniques of practice according to the website- Try pausing before you do something. For example, when the phone rings pause a few seconds before answering, can you tell who it is? Try it when someone knocks at your front door. Try it at work, can you tell when someone is happy, sad or pre-occupied with other things on their mind? Try to become universally aware, let your mind and body become an antenna to psychic information that flows through and about you. Touch objects that belong to someone that you know and try to see if you sense any impressions of that person. Work with a known psychic who is very adept at the psychic practice and who can teach you well. You need to feel very comfortable and trust this person.

One of the ways to develop and hone your talent is to work with the energy. Keep allowing yourself to receive messages. If you dont understand the messages keep ask probing questions until what you are receiving comes in more clearly. This is very effective when you are working in healing such as Reiki. When the information is correct, try to determine how it was correct, how that felt before and during the impressions. Was it a strong feeling? Was it more subtle? What pArt of your body did the information come through? Remember how it felt so that you can have greater understanding in the future when messages come through. Also if it felt off, or there was any tension. Why does it feel that way? What adjustme nt needs to be made, or is this a warning of something for you or the person?

When you are walking in the street or you get an impression about changing directions, or a thought of caution about something small, like locking your keys in the car. Pay attention to these little promptings. If you are open to this, you get prompting very frequently throughout the day. These are all little flashes of your psychic ability. The more that you tune in, the more clearer your impressions and flashes will become.

Yoga Kat--aka Katheryn Hoban is a yoga teacher and Reiki Master Teacher with twelve years experience. She teaches children's yoga ages 3-6, and 7-12 and Adults privately in NJ. She is the author the book DAUGHTER BELOVED which will come out next year. She has created a children's affirmation CD (ages 3-6) and an affirmation CD for adults. Yoga Kat is available for speaking or writing and can be reached at or 201 970-9340


Author:: Katheryn Hoban
Keywords:: Psychic ability, develop your Psychic ability
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Leo Sign North Node Your Soul's Mission and Path to Fulfillment

The nodes (south and north node) are two points in an astrological chArt that possess priceless information about one's karmic past and soul-destined future. Calculated by using the birth data of the individual, the nodes symbolize the unique life path that one is on and can answer many questions about his own, as well as his pArtner's, inner struggles and desires -- answers that can transform not only his relationship but his life.

Since there are twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also twelve unique nodal positions -- each pair of nodes (north and south) representing two opposite signs of the zodiac. For instance, a Leo Sign Nort h Node is paired with an Aquarius Sign South Node because they are opposites. And because they are opposites, they create a clear picture of the dualistic struggle that resides within the Leo north node/Aquarius south node individual.

Often, the individual is unaware of the war taking place inside, a situation that could go on for years. As time passes he is dumfounded by his inability to progress in life - professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. He doesn't understand why he keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again and continues to dwell on the past as he desperately dreams of the future.

All of us have our own set of visible (and invisible) struggles to work through -- obstacles that the Nodes of the Moon can help us isolate and resolve while simultaneously freeing us to move forward on our destined path.

We all know that knowledge is power...and that's why I offer a bit of it to give you the strength a nd courage you need to not only live, but thrive.

This week I'd like to begin with a brief overview of the Leo Sign North Node/Aquarius Sign South Node position.

To stArt, let's take a look at some keywords. These words describe the polarity between these two opposing signs and can offer you a glimpse of the soul journey that the individual with this nodal position is on.

Just remember that the south node represents the comfortable but not necessarily healthy habits within your personality - patterns that have accumulated over lifetimes that now need to be acknowledged and released. The north node, on the other hand, represents your soul's potential - the direction of the future...the behavioral habits that will lead you to greater happiness and the kind of life that y ou will find fulfilling.

Here are a few Aquarius South Node traits that should be put to rest, sort of speak, if the individual with this nodal position is to live an emotionally rich life:

Overly logicalremoterepressedimpersonalopinionatedtoo unpredictablealooferraticradicalcoldintolerantoblivioustoo detached.

Here are a few Leo North Node traits that the individual might at first find foreign but eventually will need to acquire if he is to connect to his true soul potential and live the life he was meant to live:

Generouscourageousfun loving.leaderheArt-centeredcommandinginspiringdignifiedinfluentialdramaticwilling to actwhimsicalself-confident.

The journey from an Aquarius Sign south node to a Leo Sign north node will take some work. Bu t then again, so does everything thats worth doing. Obstacles are simply strategically placed hurdles that are to teach and show us the power of our own strength and courage. So as long as the Leo north node individual remembers to never lose sight of the ultimate goal, he should have no problem achieving and holding it firmly within his hands.

The Leo Sign north node reveals a soul that has spent lifetimes dependent on other peoples ideas and opinions. Therefore, as he arrives into this world, he still feels a strong pull towards groupstoward sharing common intereststoward accomplishing unified goals.

Unfortunately, this dependence on the group as well as his friends only leaves him disappointed at the end. Each time he reaches out for support, he is left standing alone on his own two feet. The abandonment hurts, but this is what his soul wants him to feel. Because his soul mission in this lifetime is to develop his own identityhis own willand h is own courage. To stop relying on others and begin depending on himselfexpressing his own opinions rather than those of whom he represents. He must finally learn to be a leader and forget being a follower.

The request mentioned above is only the first of three favors asked by his Leo Sign north node. The second would be that he reconnects to his heArt. This individual has spent lifetimes as an aloof, impersonal, and somewhat cold person always keeping contacts at a comfortable distance. In this lifetime, his Leo Sign north node will ask him to depend less on his intellect and reason when dealing with others, and instead, make a conscious effort to interact with others in a more loving, involved, and personal manner. This reawakening of the heArt will allow him to connect to his solar power so that he can use it to become the spiritual king he is meant to be.

The last but not least request of his Leo Sign north node will be that he bravely expresses the unique individuality that belongs only to him. This individual is so used to thinking for the collective and is such a worshiper of complete equality, that he has forgotten what it is like to remain an individual within the group.

Fortunately (a bit painful to him at the time), his Leo Sign north node will urge him to take center stage and receive applause. It will ask him to stop expecting approval and force him to move forward with his beliefs even in the absence of support. And it will help him let go of his fear of standing out in the crowd, and the world at large, while simultaneously encouraging him to use his unique abil ities to lead others toward progress.

The Leo Sign north node individual is meant to play, inspire, and love. He can teach us how to be courageous when we want to retreat, how to use the power of our will to achieve our goals when we are ready to give up, and how to develop the unshakable spirit we need in order to stand up against the expectations of the world.

The life journey of the Leo Sign north node individual might in the beginning be somewhat lonesome. Because he will have to spend at least a pArt of his life alone in order to develop his inner strength. However, once he is strong and ready to take the throne, there is almost nothing that can stand in his way. Nothing!

Having said all that, it might not be such a bad idea to fill your surroundings with as many sym bolic representations of the Leo Sign as possible. Surrounding yourself with Leo sign colors, Leo sign fragrances, and Leo sign ornaments will remind you of the soul mission you're on and help you find your unique path to fulfillment.

Now if it's your mate that has the Leo sign north node, and you do that for your mate, well...that's about the greatest gift that you could ever give him/or her. Because there's nothing like the feeling one gets when he realizes that he has found someone who really gets him -- a true friend...lover...and the irreplaceable soul companion he's been searching for his entire life.

...that soul companion who is you!

Have an adventurous journey my friend!

You may freely use this Article on your blog, website or newsletter provided the a bove credit and active link are retained.

Copyright 2006 and Julia Simkin

Julia Simkin is the co-founder of Always in search of the yet-to-be-discovered, Julia strives to offer her readers inspired ways of looking at both love and life. An Aquarian visionary of both mind and spirit, Julia is a facilitator for those seeking a different truth and deeper meaning. To learn more about your soul mission, go to Julias North Node ChArt to find your north node position or directly to the Leo North Node Page if you already know that your north node is in the sign of Leo.

Author:: Julia Simkin
Keywords:: Leo sign, Leo sign north node, Leo sign soul mission, Leo horoscope, Leo symbols, Leo compatibility,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Psychic Advice

Psychics are people who use a sixth sense or ESP (extra sensory perception) to feel and sense things that other people can't. Psychic ability is the ability to feel a higher energy that can be used to understand and interpret things that normal people cannot. This can be something that happened in the past, a forecast of something that is going to happen in the future, a look into the past life of a person. Psychics use their powers to help people overcome their doubts, anxieties, depressions and even illnesses.

Psychic advice is the counseling or guidance provided by a psychic. Psychics use several techniques like astrology, numerology, intuition, clairvoyance, spirit guides, auras, spells, channeling, Clairaudience, the ability to hear or perceive sounds which are not normally audible or clairsentience, knowing about an event-past, present or future, through a feeling.

A more commonly known psychic ability is clairvoyance, the extrasensory perception of an event, which does not relate to the senses. Divination claims the capacity to prophesize, predict or foretell the future by practicing the occult arts, while hiero is manifested as automatic writing, painting or drawing. Precognition is the ability to see forward in time and prophesy involves predicting a future event under the influence of divine guidance.

Psychometrics alleges the ability to derive knowledge about an object or a person connected with it by coming into contact with the object or person and psycho kinetics can move objects with the mind. Remote viewers can describe a person, place or thing without being in their presence and finally, telepathics communicate mind to mind.

Psychic advice can be about: wealth, job or career, health, relationships, love, fulfilling dreams and even past lives. Psychics claim they can help clients see barriers to success, outcomes of a particular situation, destiny, dreams and more.

There are a few Psychics who offer psychic advice for a fee but this is uncommon. The Internet is just one source for finding a psychic.

Psychics provides detailed information about Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is the sister site of Phone Psychics.

Author:: Kristy Annely
Keywords:: Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Chinese Astrology

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western Astrology, in Chinese Astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depArt the eArth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese Astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the chArts to determine the correct sign.

You will find a chArt of the dates and signs below. Each sign repeats every 12 years, so 2006/7 will be the year of the Dog. For exact dates visit our website. Following the chArt you will find the characteristics of people born during the Chinese Year of The Rooster.

9 February 2005 - 28 January 2006: Rooster

22 January 2004 - 8 February 2005: Monkey

1 February 2003 - 21 January 2004: Goat

12 February 2002 - 31 January 2003: Horse

24 January 2001 - 11 February 2002: Snake

5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001: Dragon

6 February 1999 - 4 February 2000: Rabbit

28 January 1998 - 5 February 1999: Tiger

8 February 1997 - 27 January 1998: Ox

19 February 1996 - 7 February 1997: Rat

31 January 1995 - 18 February 1996: Pig

10 February 1994 - 30 January 1995: Dog

The Chinese Year Of The Rooster..

If you or your child was born in the Chinese yea r sign of the rooster you have far to go. Roosters are full of confidence, fearless and brave. They will take on an adversary far superior to themselves if they believe they are in the right.

If they can control their impulsive streak they are usually successful in business. Intelligent and ambitious, Roosters work hard and like to be in control, often successfully running their own businesses.

People born under this sign are extroverts and enjoy the company of others. They do not like to be criticised and their self-esteem can crumble if they are ridiculed.

Roosters hate to be bored and can be deliberately provocative if life is too dull.

Other signs either love or hate Roosters. Fortunately for the Rooster, most people love them.

There are twelve signs in Chinese Astrology< /a>. To read about the others visit our website

About The Author
Tony Luck runs a site babies. If you wish to learn the characteristics of other Chinese Year signs, visit our website

Author:: Tony Luck
Keywords:: chinese Astrology
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Psychic Phone Readings

Mention the term psychic phone reader and most people scoff in cynical incredulity. Others simply shrug their shoulders admitting that they dont know what to believe. Sadly, a number of scam Artists duping vulnerable people with questionable services are overshadowing the legitimate gifted people. Just as when locating a doctor or lawyer one makes enquiries, one must make an effort to locate an authentic psychic phone reader.

Speculation notwithstanding, with attractive commercials endorsing the power of psychic phone readers to transform our lives, a large number of callers are paying up to $2 a minute for a supernatural advisor. Though some people prefer an impersonal voice offering them counseling, which they feel helps them in opening up more easily, others consider the personal interaction that comes with meeting a psychic reader in person more gratifying.

New clients usually have no idea how a psychic phone reading works and hence the guesswork about its accuracy. When a person makes up his mind to undertake a phone reading, he is making a conscious decision to see the past, present and future outcome of a pArticular situation. This creates a connection between him and the reader. His mind continuum contains all the necessary physical information that is required for the session though eventually, the psychic is not reading the physical body at all; he is reading the Akashic Record. Therefore a person does not have to be physically present for a psychic reading.

An important thing to keep in mind is that when a person has decided to trust his psychic reader, a lot of vital information becomes av ailable to the reader. A genuine psychic reading, pArticularly on the telephone, should not include too many personal questions by the reader; rather, the customer should receive direct answers to his questions.

Psychic Readings provides detailed information on Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readings and more. Psychic Readings is affiliated with Famous Psychic Mediums.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readi
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Astrology Compatibility and Zodiac Sign Compatibility Report

Astrology: Compatibility & Relationship

Your relationships are based on all the planets, signs, and houses in your birth chArt. It is also based on how they interact with all the planets, signs, and houses, in other peoples chArts.

Relationship Astrology is a pArt of Astrology which analyses just how compatible you are with someone else. It takes into account varied aspects between two people and also the type of relationship it is going to be, or not be.

This type of astrological study can tell whether two, or more, people are emotionally, mentally, or sexually compatible.

Astrology zodiac sign compatibility

Do you know how compatible your zodiac sign is with the person you are in love with? Know more about your love and Sun sign co mpatibility with Astrology report!

A Compatibility Report analyses your relationship/s deeply, and also answers significant questions related to romance, sex, and love. With the report in hand, you will be able to discover how to expand on your relationship and become more accessible to one another.

What your compatibility chArt also examines are your strengths and weaknesses, and also what measures youd take to deal or improve your situation. Isnt this an amazing potential to know your future better even before it takes off in the direction you want it to?

For more information visit our website and receive Astrology compatibility report

This Article is written by team

Author:: Balveer Barot
Keywords:: Astrology compatibility, zodiac sign compatibility, Astrology zodiac sign, Astrology relationship
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Do You Believe in the Powers of Planet Alignments?

Many people Believe that during times of planet alignment magical things can happen. Others say no way; that is utter hokum. Perhaps you have an opinion on this subject? Can Planet alignment affect the Earth and the Earths path?

Now then with regard to planet alignment, indeed the planets are very far apart and thus somewhat insignificant. However many nearby planets all aligned could ever so slightly change the resonance of the normality of Earth and ever so slightly move the all the planets a little off their exact (atomic clock amounts in micro seconds stuff) path.

Insignificant yes. But mankind does not have enough power to do that yet? Well unless he can put a large yield nuclear weapon on a fault line and trigger something like the Sumatra Earthquake nearly cracking a tectonic plate. S omething to think on.

Additionally Eclipses are significant because they will provide for slight changes of Earths resonance. Some say that in fact human beings seem to pick up these things, even Full Moons as they seem to have an innate ancient hunting need during those times which comes out. Any policeman will tell you that they have significant troubles and lots of arrests on full moons, as people will do some pretty crazy things.

Could it be a double factor? Resonance changes picked up by the brain, body, bio-rthyms or the full moon triggering mammalian old part of the brain seeing the full moon? Yet over cast full moons also have huge arrest rates in large cities, when no one can see the moonlight. Now then does this mean that they can they feel it subconsciously? Lots of questions here and few answers and those are my main thoughts this issue. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Believe, Powers Planet Alignments
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The Ethics of Divination Choosing Your Seer

Professionals have their regulatory bodies and codes of practice, but individuals involved in mystical work are often self taught. This can leave them feeling they are in something of a black hole when it comes to dealing with the public appropriately. From the point of view of the client, it makes it difficult to know who to choose for a reading.

Ethical principles should guide all practitioners of the divinatory arts, whatever their field. Talking with a group of astrologers confirmed for me that the same types of problems face all readers whose clients have come seeking advice: dealing with difficult questions; the possibility of tragic events; what to do when people have depression or issues they cannot handle alone, and especially, avoiding dependency and the pressure it places on the practitioner. It is dependency on the reader that I will discuss here and how readers and their clients can avoid the problem.

Initially, I would say, be clear about motives. As a practitioner, I think the best position is to have a set of strong values with regard to your work that accord with your spiritual perspective. Being a person who tries to live her life by Buddhist teachings I ask myself, What is my motivation in doing this kind of work? The answer that initially springs to mind is to help others by giving them the insights gleaned from a reading, but it is more than that. It is to empower others to choose for themselves how to deal more effectively with problems in their lives by giving them information. Encouraging clients to become dependent on more and more readings is not ethical.

Client dependency usually occurs when people have a simplistic view of Divination. They believe that a reading reveals Fate a future written in tablets of stone that cann ot be avoided. They see themselves in the role of puppets on a stage where larger forces are pulling the strings. If they get the wrong answer to their queries then real stress can result and clients can pressure readers to tell them what they want to hear by asking the same question again and again, until they get the right answer. Its easy to forget how much the client invests in what a reader says and how careful readers need to be when faced with someone overwhelmed by life problems.

The Tarot cards show potentials, trends and possibilities for a person at any one time. At no stage does that person lose their free will. Readers need to show clients how they have choices and need to be proactive in their lives. If you follow this path, then X may occur. If you follow that path then Y is more likely. Does anybody get a new job or a new romance if they dont make some moves towards their goal? A good reading should show ways of making desirable changes.

If you ar e a client looking for a reader who can give you real insight into your possibilities then you should be looking for someone who has the insight to explain things in this way. At no time should you feel you have lost control of your choices. The purpose of Divination is to seek guidance not intimidation. Both seers and clients need to adopt an exploratory frame of mind in a reading rather than a predictive one and clients should ask, when they book a reading, How do you work? Is there only one answer to a problem or am I free to explore the possibilities open to me?

Dianne Hardwick has been reading Tarot for over 30 years. For a free Astrology forecast visit her website at

Author:: Dianne Hardwick
Keywords:: Tarot,Astrology,Tarot card,Divination
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Protecting Yourself Psychically

There are many energetic leeches or energetic vampires around and sometimes you may feel you need more protection. If you do need to put up a psychic shield this is one way that you can do this. I use this technique myself. I imagine that it is a light weight extremely thin titanium shield. I imagine the colors of titanium on my shield (which is blues and pinks and purples tones.) Titanium is extremely strong and durable. I next imagine that this invisible shield materializes in front of my heArt and third eye and separates me from whatever energy drain Im receiving. It could be from a specific person that is trying to intimidate me, or of a psychic energy of which Im very aware and I dont want any pArt. In my exercise when my shield comes up, I imagine that the psychic drain, or probe from them is immediately blocked.

My shield can be as long or tall as I create. If I need further protection, I can then imagine my shield is more like a thin fortress that can wrap all around me like light weight body armor. If I feel I need a bigger separation, I imagine a very thick psychic wall that is growing thicker, wider, and stronger between me and that person. I can push them back with that wall. My space. Your space. That need has not occurred many times but on occasion that I was traveling on a bus or in a public space and you cant control the environment or who will want to invade your space, just because they can. They dont have to know that you are doing anything psychically. You dont even need to look in their direction, but if you are effective in putting up your wall, they will begin to become uncomfortable in the location that they chose near you and will begin to find another place away from you to stand. When that happens, you can back off building the thickness of your wall. You can diminish your wall if you choose or just keep your psychic shield active. Once you get the hang of this you can create a psychic shield or wall at will.

Another technique that I sometimes use is to imagine that Im behind a one way mirror that is used in police stations. On your side you can view, but they cant see you from behind the glass, that has a mirror on their side. However you must do what you feel is comfortable, and you must practice working with your psychic ability and also backing off. Practice putting up your shields, or walls, and folding them down again. Hone your craft. Keep asking questions, expecting guidance and making psychic adjustments. Believe me, youll do fine. Work with balance. You will begin to expand your abilities immediately. You wi ll be able to manage your abilities more and more. Everything comes with practice.

Yoga Kat--aka Katheryn Hoban is a yoga teacher and Reiki Master Teacher with twelve years experience. She teaches children's yoga ages 3-6, and 7-12 and Adults privately in NJ. She is the author the book DAUGHTER BELOVED which will come out next year. She has created a children's affirmation CD (ages 3-6) and an affirmation CD for adults. Yoga Kat is available for speaking or writing and can be reached at or 201 970-9340


Author:: Katheryn Hoban
Keywords:: Develop your psychic ability, psychic ability
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Free Romance Horoscopes Deception

I do not bash the beauty of astrology. My article pertains to the deception that is Horoscopes and zodiacs and tarot cards. Mind you, I really don't think they are all scams, but most of the ones found on the net are. You have to pay anywhere from five to ten to fifteen to more dollars to get a personalized report regarding stuff you already know about yourselves.

I will admit to liking to read my Horoscopes in the papers and sometimes when I am bored, I read them online. The truth to the matter is, why would you want to know what will happen? Rather, why would you want to let a few lines in a paper or the internet or a magazine govern how you choose to do things just so that subconsciously, the Horoscopes are made definite to come true. If you read You will fall in love on the 14th, you will probably go out instead of staying at home as usual and actually do meet someone and convince yourself you are falling in love because the horoscope says so.

And hence thi s is where rests their intrigue. Horoscopes often come true because we choose to believe them and we lead our actions to make sure they come true.

The next time you want someone to read your palm or have tarot cards read, remmeber all the Greek and Roman mythologies of Prophecies and oracles. Even Macbeth, remember Macbeth. Had he paid no heed to the three witches, he would not have worked so hard only to lead to his own demise. Therefore, it really is not something arcane and magical at work here. It is our lack of free will or rather, too much of our free will. It's an awesome notion.

So the next time you stare at the stars, remember how they are just gaseous entities in the universe, some of which have already exploded but since they are so far away, it takes so long for their last li ght to reach our eyes on Earth. Now that's truly amazing.

Visit for more information on the author and more freebies and articles.

Author:: Kathleen Lieu
Keywords:: Horoscopes, Romance, tarot cards, Prophecies
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do You Have a Wounded Moon?

Astrologers have known about the wounded Moon for centuries, but most psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists are totally oblivious to how this affliction affects the life of an individual.

What is a wounded Moon?

When the outer Planets of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto form a negative relation to a person's Moon in their birth chart, they are emotionally wounded. This is not a rare occurrence. It is often found in the charts of many people.

It is important to realize that the Moon in your birth chart shows how you receive and give Nurturing. When our Moon is afflicted by the outer Planets, we often feel totally unstained emotionally by life.

A skilled astrologer can see these aspects immediately and can determine how these Planets impact your emotional life.

Here Are Some Indications of a Wounded Moon
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Astrology Zodiac Sign Facts

Do you know your zodiac sign? Do you ever wonder why people have certain personality characteristics? These twelve signs could explain these questions and give you insight into your future and your relationships.

There are two ways to group the twelve signs. The first way is to divide them into four groups, based on the four elements. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are in the Fire group. Fire signs are very intense and exciting, inspirational and imaginative. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are in the Earth group. Earth signs have characteristics such as common sense and stability. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are in the Air group. Air signs are very sociable and intellectual. Lastly, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are in the Water group. Water signs are very emotional and have great intuition.

The second way to group the zodiac signs is to separate them into three modes. The three modes are based on creativity. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are in the firs t mode called Cardinal. Cardinal signs are inclined to initiate change. They cause things to happen. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are in the mode called Fixed. Fixed signs are inclined to sustain, preserve, endure and solidify change. They are very focused and determined. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are in the last mode called Mutable. Mutable signs are very adaptive and flexible. They take things and attempt to adapt or alter them.

If you combine the two classification systems, you will find that each sign has a different combination of the two groups. For example, Taurus is fixed earth and is the only sign that has that combination. This is what makes each sign unique and what creates different characteristics in people.

People that are Aries are born between March 20th and April 18th. This sign is represented by the ram and ruled by Mars. Some characteristics of Aries are independent, impulsive, competitive, arrogant, dynamic, advent urous, energetic and courageous. Aries always wants to be the best and wants to lead. Aries is very faithful to friends and family. Aries are good matches in relationships with Gemini, Leo, Libra and Scorpio.

If you are born between April 19th and May 20th then you are a Taurus. This sign is represented by the bull and is ruled by Venus. People under the Taurus sign are dependable, practical, reliable, patient, stubborn, warm hearted and loving. They are very faithful to family and friends, but if insulted, they won't forget it. Taurus makes good matches in relationships with Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Gemini falls between the dates May 21st and June 20th. This sign is represented by the twins and is ruled by Mercury. Some characteristics include curiosity, adaptability, versatility, witty and expressiveness. Geminis are great communicators; they love to talk. They can be pessimistic sometimes due to the duality of their nature. Gemini makes good m atches in relationships with Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius.

The dates of Cancer are June 21st to July 22nd. This sign is represented by the crab and is ruled by the moon. People under the Cancer sign are sensitive, sympathetic, emotional, romantic, shy and lazy. These people take everything personally because they are so sensitive. Cancer makes good matches in relationships with Pisces, Scorpio and Aquarius.

If you are born between July 23rd and August 22nd then you are a Leo. This sign is represented by the lion and is ruled by the sun. Some characteristics include creativity, optimism, loyalty, confidence, generosity and boastful. Leos love to get everyone's attention; they often will buy very expensive items. They also love to entertain. Great matches for Leo are Scorpio, Capricorn and Leo.

Virgo falls between the dates August 23rd and September 22nd. It is represented by the virgin and is ruled by Mercury. Some characteristics are accuracy, co mpetency, rational, intelligent and picky. Virgos need lots of adoration and attention. They are perfectionists and must have their home ordered and clean. Virgo makes good matches in relationships with Gemini, Pisces and Taurus.

People that are a Libra are born between September 23rd and October 22nd. This sign is represented by the scales and is ruled by Venus. These people are cooperative, persuasive, sociable, indecisive, loyal, caring, adaptive and devoted. Libras want everyone to receive fair justice. They are very trustworthy in relationships; however, this sometimes makes them possessive. Great matches for Libra include Aquarius, Aries and Taurus.

If you are born between October 23rd and November 21st, then you are a Scorpio. This sign is represented by the scorpion and is ruled by Pluto. Some characteristics include passionate, motivation, resourceful, clever, intuitive, non-compromising, temperamental, suspicious and sarcastic. Money is very important for these people. Scorpios can say one thing but be thinking another, which makes them great actors. Great matches for Scorpio include Capricorn, Leo and Pisces.

Sagittarius falls between the dates of November 22nd and December 21st. The sign is represented by the archer and is ruled by Jupiter. These people are enthusiastic, generous, blunt, impatient, optimistic, honest and faithful. Sagittarians are not very emotional. They also will quickly adapt to different situations. Some good matches for them are Gemini, Aries, Taurus and Virgo.

The dates for Capricorn are December 22nd to January 19th. This sign is represented by the goat and is ruled by Saturn. Some characteristics of Capricorn are responsible, careful, practical, shy and reserved. They are very faithful to family and friends. They are very affectionate and kind but this is often suppressed due to their shyness. They are also very insecure about their abilities. Good matches for Capricorn are Cancer, Leo, Taurus and Virgo.

Aquarius falls between the dates January 20th and February 18th. This sign is represented by the water-bearer and is ruled by Uranus. Some characteristics are independent, unpredictable, intellectual, charming and sincere. These people aren't very sociable and prefer to be by themselves. However, they can entertain easily. Good matches for Aquarius are Aries, Gemini and Libra.

People that are Pisces are born between February 19th and March 19th. The sign is represented by the fish and is ruled by Neptune. Some characteristics include compassionate, dreamy, artistic, independent, sensitive, loving, impractical and timid. They can easily adapt to different situations and can handle many different tasks at the same time. Good matches for relationships include Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio.

These twelve zodiac signs can easily explain why people are the way they are and why they do certain things. Zodiac sig ns can also help you in relationships. This can explain why many relationships don't work out and why others do.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
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Revival Of An Astrology

The scientific revolution that started in XVII century has caused some illusions to many western intellectuals, that in the near future all secrets of the world will be discovered by the power of the main and experimental Science. The worldwide recognition of the heliocentric Kopernik theory (Mikolaj Kopernik (14731543) the founder of modern astronomy) and then the discovery of new planets has been seized as a refutation of the Astrology that traditionally used Ptolemys geocentric model (Ptolemy (367?-283?b. c.), astronomer and general in Alexander the Great's army who succeeded him as ruler of Egypt (323-285 b. c.)) and only five visible planets.

As a result, by the end of XVII century in continental Europe the practice of Astrology had actually come to nil. In England some astrological traditions continued and had not been stopped because in England the strong tradition of herb Science included some astrological knowledge.

During this period of time society s tarted to demand from astrologists scientific proofs of their Astrology discoveries, no matter how paradoxical this sounds, because Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences. At that time the definition of a Science was extremely narrow. Everything that could not be proved by a stick and a rope, appeared unscientific. Those astrologists, who aspired to social acceptance, began to offer (and continue to offer until now) various rationalistic explanations of Astrology. However in relation to the area of knowledge based on the ancient philosophical-religious concepts it turns out not so harmoniously.

At that time a lot of changes happened not only in Science but also huge changes occurred in society by itself. The role of the astrologists in society changed too. During those years many astrologists were at the same time doctors, translators, and mathematicians. They were highly educated people. Their clients were the aristocrats and priests, those who ruled the world at that time. For example, one of the major representatives of the Medieval Astrology Guido Bonatti was nobleman by himself and he predicted to the priests the rank they can reach - bishop, cardinal or even Pope. He used to give advice to the members of the royal family and aristocrats about political, military, and state affairs.

Now the authority passed to businessmen more and more and the growing education among workers has given rise to popular Astrology - that which now fills the last pages of many newspapers and magazines. The education system changed the orientation, now the basic were concentrated on engineers, managers, bankers, and the knowledge of languages and philosophies become less valuable and significant. And when in the second half of XIX century in Europe had began the next revival of Astrology, only a few were capable of using the sources, and the majority of documents were still not translated from Greek, Arabian, and Latin.

Renewal of intere st in Astrology in the XIX century is caused substantially by skepticism of the existing theory that all of Mankinds secrets are possible to explain by means of reason. The understanding of Science began to extend gradually and as a result at the end of XX century nobody is surprise at such Science like psychology - whose subjects and methods are in many cases very far from a rationalistic pattern.

Inspired by the social success of psychology, many astrologists of the XX century began to teach Astrology by combining it with psychology. As a result psychological Astrology was born. Psychological Astrology focused, unlike classical Astrology, not on the objective reality but on the emotional world of the person.

At the same time, by end of the XX century it has increased the interest to classical astrological works, to those methods and directions which have been hidden. Because of that a lot of astrological documents were translated from the Greek and Latin langua ges.

If you would like to learn more about Astrology, especially mystical parts of Astrology, visit the Astrology-Wisdom site.

Willie Krut is studying Astrology and readily likes to share his knowledge. To subscribe to the free Willie's Newsletter, visit

Author:: Willie Krut
Keywords:: Astrology,Horoscope,Science,Wisdom,Stars,History
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Psychic Ability

Psychics have the ability to foresee, feel and sense things that others can't. It is the use of ESP (extra sensory perception) or sixth sense, also known as Psi (mind and the unknown) for interpreting things in a paranormal way. Psychic ability is a part of parapsychology, or the study of the paranormal.

Everyone has psychic abilities though some people have more, or rather use more of them. Higher psychic ability is possible by using a greater part of the brain, which develops intuition and analytical skills. The psychic brain or rather, the mind is believed to have the capacity to look into the past or future, talk to a person who is miles away, hear things that others can't, predict future events or even heal themselves or others.

Automatic Writing, writing through the subconscious mind without conscious thought, or through guided writing from an unknown energy source is one psychic ability as is channeling, which is receiving information from an outside source. Clairaudience is the ability to hear or perceive sounds, which are not normally audible and clairsentience is being aware of an event, past, present or future through a feeling.

Clairvoyance-an extrasensory perception of an event that is not sensed by the normal five senses and divination, the predicting or telling of a prophecy is also a talent of the psychic detective. Hiero, the automatic writing, painting or drawing has also been observed.

A more common psychic ability is intuition, or the knowing, learning, acting or perceiving by intuition. Psychometrics is described as knowing about a person or an object by coming into contact with it and psycho kinesis is he art of moving objects with mental power. Remote Viewing is described as being able to see or describe a person, place or t hing without being in their presence and finally, telepathy is the ability to talk to a person without physical contact.

A well developed intuition and reasoning capability is the first step to gaining psychic ability. Increasing concentration and learning to tune into the universal mind can sharpen psychic abilities. Great faith in one's mental power and in the presence of a higher power is very important for developing psychic abilities.

There are tests, which determine psychic abilities. These tests are also available online and can be sourced through the Internet. There are also many Psychics who are willing to help you develop your psychic abilities.

Psychics provides detailed information about Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is the sister site of Phone Psychics.

Author:: Kristy Annely
Keywords:: Psychics, psychic readings, psychic me dium, psychic healing
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The Zodiac

From the beginnings of time man has been star struck by the stars (in the sky, that is) and this is where the signs of the Zodiac come from. The different stars make up the designs and shapes of the constellations in the sky, and ancient astronomers have always identified them and mapped them out. We look and observe them, and their movements in time and then we make wishes on the first star I see tonight.

Early astronomers made maps of the all the ancient constellations that they discovered, and relatively nothing has changed in the cosmos since then, so they are still observed today. Many people can find the Big Dipper or the Little Dipper on a clear night, and some people know more than that the Big Bear, for instance, still sits in the northern sky. To the trained eye or someone who has studied the astronomical charts, the 12 signs of the Zodiac appear on a clear, starry night in the same way, and this is where the belief in the horoscopes originated.

Depending on where you are in the world at the time, remember that the Earth itself revolves on its axis, you could find your Zodiac sign. The signs of the Zodiac have been tracked for centuries and are made up of 12 different signs, or shapes of the constellations. Your birth date determines your own sign and shape. For instance, a birthday on October 14, would be under the sign of Libra, which is the sign of the scales.

The 12 signs and the birth dates that are included in that sign are below:

Aries - March 21 - April 20

Taurus - April 21 - May 21

Gemini - May 22 - June 21

Cancer - June 22 - July 22

Leo - July 23 -August 21

Virgo - August 22 - September 23

Libra - September 24 - October 23

Scorpio - October 24 - November 22

Sagittarius - November 23 - December 22

Capricorn - December 23 - January 20

Aquarius - January 21 - February 19

Pisces - February 20- March 20

Whats your sign?

This article was written by T. Potter. You can visit Guide To The Zodiac for further information and Astrology resources.

Author:: T Potter
Keywords:: Zodiac,Astrology
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Monday, November 26, 2012

Is Astrology a True Science?

Learning your horoscope can have a tendency to freeze or weaken your willpower and paralyze you with its inaccurate messages. Karma rules the brainless stars and your fate. We are not made in the image of astrology; we are made in the image of God.

Is astrology a true science? Yes it is, but there are few scientists who understand it. You have to be a pretty highly advanced being to be able to tell the karma of a person and his future. And you can make tremendous karma when you influence a person to believe things that you believe to be true, for if you are an astrologer, for every mistake you have made in your astrological chart you are going to take that karma of the individual. This is not a simple business, so if you consider yourself to be an astrologer, start to consider what you are saying as one astrologer told a friend, you will be dead in ten years. Can you imagine a mistake like that? If you tell people that all kinds of terrible things are going to happen to them, it will happen because none of us are positive enough or fearless enough to reject negative ideas or suggestions. We are afraid of the unknown and when someone begins talking about the unknown cautioning us, we are afraid.

You must understand that our whole galaxy or present universe is moving at incredible speeds. Therefore, how are you going to find out the exact planetary conjunctions of a child at birth? Only a master can through his intuition. You see if you are off more than a few seconds you can not have an absolute exact condition.

Spiritualizing astrology is a very complex subject. If your body is very strong and your mind is powerful, and certain destructive vibrations radiate from the stars due to past karmic blueprints in your subconscious mind, and they begin to shed their rays upon you, there will be no reaction at all because you will be impervious to their rays, your shield is strong. How do you develop this shield? Suppose your body and mind are weak at that particular moment and your biorhythms are low and your immunity is weak due to certain transgressions such as wrong eating, lack of exercise and sexual abuse. What will happen? The cosmic rays will have great power to affect you.

There are certain outward protections, such as astrological bangles that have a specific weight, consisting of three metals combined in a pure form of silver, gold and copper. Certain sizes of diamonds can also be effective. Unfortunately, if you are not spiritually strong the radiation will start affecting you in a destructive way when using large stones as a shield. If you are spiritual, you will absorb the radiation and the magnetic shield will protect you. The whole idea is that if you do not protect yourself constantly when you are healthy those karmic laws begin to come to collect bills. Children should learn these laws to be able to take care of themselves. You must reprogram the computer of your subconscious mind with strong positive affirmations.

Astrology is a scientific study of the astronomical influences which comes at certain periods of your life according to the planetary conjunctions of certain planets and time specific magnetic fields, attraction and repulsion. And you are born at the very specific time where specific conjunctions are there and which guide your entire life if you do not control your destiny by willpower.

How can you control your destiny? Take Nostradamus, who with great accuracy could see four hundred years into the future happenings of the world. He predicted the colossal draught which is happening in parts of the world today and all the starvation in Africa. You see, the future is already made, the movie is finished. It is all there on the big screen of this cosmic drama. But you can change your destiny. Fate means that you make absolutely no effort to stop all kinds of things from happening to you. You let yourself sink into the misery of the experiences of life because the moment you suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, you start fighting like a wild animal; then you begin to remember who you are. The soul does not evolve, it must be reawakened. The quicker you learn how to control your destiny the less suffering you will have. As long as you question whether or not you will win or lose your battles in life, you will keep on losing. Dont stand still and dont go backward. Most people are engaged in a tug of war or are stationary. Your will power will determine what you are going to do, not your karma, not your horoscope, not your bad habits.

PART II continues.

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Keywords:: article su bmission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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Astrology The Planets in the Houses

For the purposes of Astrology, the Sun and the Moon are dealt with as planetary bodies. Each of the Planets has a particular influence of its own which affects human nature differently according to the area of the sky or the House in which it falls in the Chart. These influences have been studied minutely and the main points of importance to the individual are commonly accepted as follows.

SUN IN THE HOUSES 1st positive leadership. 2nd desires wealth, possessions. 3rd Active intellectually. 4th Home life important. 5th creativity is important. 6th health and hard work. 7th relationships important. 8th self development. 9th learning and teaching, travel. 10th work and career. 11th co-operative ventures. 12th seclusion, aloneness, selflessness

MOON IN THE HOUSES 1st restlessness - easy going disposition - love of travel - strong sociability - contact with public. 2nd fluctuating finances but usually satisfactory - love of opulence and extravagance - spasmodic regarding thrift and devotion to simple life. 3rd love of variety and change - travel - publicity - mental activity - education - communication - imagination rather than intellect- intuitive thought. 4th family importance - domestic attachments - frequent moves - gain from real estate - financial inheritances - early upbringing. 5th tends to gambling, risk taking and inconstancy -interest in amusement exaggerated - love of children - possibly large family-creative imagination. 6th service - health - charities - work in a subordinate capacity - material gain from inferiors - best working under direction. 7th popularity brings success - social success - money from marriage and/or partnerships likely - interest in public life and holding official positions - liability to loss through litigati on. 8th money by legacy or through relative - several children but possibility of losses of some kind or litigation after marriage - respect likely to be accorded after death. 9th religious and philosophical interest - inclined towards mysticism - strong imagination - mental changeability - dreams vivid - long distance travel by sea - publicity possibly in regard to unconventional opinions which attract censure. 10th popularity in public ventures - accumulation of property and gains from external sources - reversals of fortune - scandal and public censure may result from unfavourable aspects. 11th wide range of friends - popularity in associations and clubs - women play a large part in the life of the individual - danger from self seeking friends who only wish to further their own ambitions. 12th home life favoured or occupation in retirement involving seclusion - charitable work. liable to clandestine love affairs - danger from secret enemies, treachery or deceit.

MERCURY IN THE HOUSES 1st restless, interesting, contrary personality, elusive. 2nd documents and signature involving finances needs care - caution with promises re money and attention to bills etc. 3rd restless disposition of mind full of creative new ideas - needs concentration and self discipline to materialise brilliant potential of thought. 4th lots of intellectual interest in the home and among visitors. 5th scattered talents and energies - study and reading centred mainly on children -teaching. 6th adopting pets and lesser creatures - nursing and healing - medicine. 7th needing a mate who meets with your mind or friend to share thoughts. 8th estate matters, taxation, interest in the occult. 9th expansion of interest in science, art and philosophy, foreign lands, religion etc. 10th activity and disturbances in business and career. 11th many and variable types of friends. 12th desires seclusion and escape - interest in mysteries and obscure influences in l ife

VENUS IN THE HOUSES 1st loving affectionate nature and harmonious personality. 2nd indicates wealth and beautiful possessions and many admirers. 3rd good for a peaceful mind and attractive, harmonious and constructive thought. 4th harmonious home life - refinement of taste in decoration. 5th very strongly seeks excitement and adventure in love and romantic relationships. 6th peaceful attitude helpful for healing and encouraging good health. 7th good for partnerships - harmonious marriage. 8th affects beneficial fortunes such as legacies, well wishes from others etc. 9th indicates a love of long journeys - for pleasure or work. 10th good for business and luxury goods - success in meaningful life values. 11th success in social activity and entertaining. 12th affections are confined in some way, involving health, institution or commitment in reclusive circumstances. Secret romances and alliances are indicated.

MARS IN THE HOUSES 1st enthusiastic and energetic - an active personality apt to be impatient. 2nd finances are apt to create or to suffer conflict in some way.-.too impulsive in matters of economy and finance. 3rd hectic short travels and erratic habits or changeable communication. 4th activity surrounding the home.- beware of fires and results of carelessness with sharp cutting utensils.- avoid impulsive home purchases. 5th strong, ardent emotional attachments and relationships -.strong feelings and desires.- apt to suffer frustration and irritability. 6th health is tending to suffer in such a way as to require surgery. 7th money problems and conflict with partners and loved ones. 8th often learns of sudden or violent deaths of loved ones. 9th interest in higher education and legal or philosophic debate. 10th good for business and enterprises - but should not neglect family 11th friends can be aggressive - enemies abound - do not force your opinions on others. 12th secret enemies bring conflict and dis turbances - energy turns to secretive pursuits, or quiet minded activity and research - sometimes being investigated by others.

JUPITER IN THE HOUSES 1st problem solving temperament-easy success and fortune - a 'lucky' personality. 2nd apt to be too easy going with inherited or easily acquired money and possessions. 3rd short journeys are many.- travel is important.- correspondence will be enjoyed. 4th improvements in home.- advanced social standing - gains from real estate etc. 5th one of the most fortunate placements of this planet bring much goodness and happiness to heart and mind and success in creative enterprises. 6th good for unselfish service in work and good relationship with workmates. 7th good fortune in marriage and professional partnerships - brings changes of life direction. 8th beneficial legacies and successful insurance claims in litigation matters etc. 9th wonderful placement for fortuitous travel overseas - wide contact with other peoples and philosophies, writing and publishing etc. 10th good for success in business. 11th expansive interest in education and learning, overseas contacts, social popularity. 12th less obvious good fortune in life - perhaps known mainly to oneself.

SATURN IN THE HOUSES 1st earnest disposition, serious nature and responsible one, tires easily, not enough lightness and fun in personality, strong sense of responsibility. 2nd security conscious in all matters including money - inclined to save, conserve. 3rd cautious mind - tends sceptical - serious studies - sober outlook leading to maturity of intellect.- determined upon absolute truth.- close relatives give problems. 4th disappointments or restraints re. home, real estate or family relationships. 5th lack of romance and sparkle in love life, limited enjoyment and capacity for light hearted fun - needs develop humour. 6th employment is tedious or monotonous and can be uninspiring - delays bring bad fortune and sometime s health problems - talent for medicine, nursing profession. 7th difficulties in marriage and business partnerships, misunderstandings manifest and cause deep rift - strongly influenced by someone much older than yourself - suffers trials and tribulations in relationship. 8th disappointing investments and delays in settlements.-.problems in marriage and family. 9th deep philosophical inclinations which are firm and conventional - unfavourable for long trips. 10th utmost diligence required in career to avoid problems - must stand on own feet and accept responsibility - must become confident and self reliant. 11th lots of hard work for good causes not always appreciated by others. 12th restraints and problems abound in this life and need resolution for the individual's next life freedom from restrictive limitations.

URANUS IN THE HOUSES 1st some irregularity regarding physique, or unusual features and unconventional ideas and personality. 2nd causes sudden happeni ngs in affections, person and business - many unpredictable happenings in one's life indicating need for feeling more at the helm of circumstances. 3rd sudden changes of mind and mental interests and involvements - particularly unusual nature - inventive mind sometimes amounting to genius - 'lateral' thought processes. 4th apt to be big upheavals and changes in the home and family, residences etc. 5th possesses unusual talents and associates - often creative with flair and originality. 6th work must be totally absorbing with total freedom to fulfil the individual's needs. 7th unusual partnerships and relationships in marriage possibly ending in separation or divorce.- erratic circumstances.- unconventional or rebellious social attitudes. 8th unsettled conditions in finance or those of your partners, impulsive, erratic moves to be avoided. 9th unusual adventures of the mind rather that the body - scientific explorations into wider territories but also physical travel w ith unusual purpose. 10th often called upon for leadership of some kind. 11th introduces different friends and changes which will affect your thinking and lifestyle - foreigners - unconventional. 12th Inclines one to deep thought and sudden revelations of occult nature or abstract - or danger of involvement in illegal activities.

NEPTUNE IN THE HOUSES 1st vivid imagination, interest in music, idealism, sea travel, can be too vague a personality, weak in self assertion. 2nd unusual source of income - loss of money through errors of judgement and confusion- often suffers theft. 3rd interest in metaphysical and spiritual subjects, intuition is high and psychically sensitive - but confusion of mind and obsessions are the danger if contacting negative people or influences. 4th attracted to a permanent home or holiday cottage near the sea. 5th sensuous nature with fascination for interesting and emotional relationships - love of music and arts.- tends to seek escape from realities through sexual relationships and drugs. 6th poisonings, allergies and inexplicable factors affect and prevent robust health. 7th mistrust of partner or deception will be suffered - inclined to platonic relationships and idealistic ties - emotionally dependent. 8th mystery and psychic phenomena - astral experiences - investments involve deceptions from others. 9th high inspiration and imagination - spiritual interests - strongly idealistic. 10th mysterious and inexplicable fortune - good and bad - nature apt to be gullible. 11th deception from friends who will not be as they seem - suffers disillusionments. 12th psychological and spiritual sensitivity must be employed in practical outlet and life planning to avoid waste of opportunity and talents.

PLUTO Pluto has been relatively recently discovered with insufficient time to indicate many certain details as to how it is differently responded to when it falls in each of the Houses. Research into the influence of Pluto continues and is a point which fascinates astrologers. The general nature of the planet has been observed well enough to allow what must be seen as general reactions to apply and these are as follows:

1st strong personality able to bounce back after disasters - great resilience. 2nd individual usually seeks to possess a reputation of astuteness or business acumen. 3rd seeks wide communication on international or inter-planetary matters. 4th home life is often uncongenial with individual feeling discomfort of some kind. 5th exceedingly interested in all creative matters and seeks excellence in others and in his creations, or his children. 6th unusual health problems. 7th seeks to be the powerful partner in marriage or relationships. 8th logical and intuitive nature but suffering sexual problems or excesses. 9th interested in universal religions, philosophies, ideologies and well being of all. 10th ambitious to the point of ruthlessness in b usiness - mergers and monopolies. 11th inclined to lose the sense of basic human values and overlooks the 'acres of diamonds' nearby. 12th intense investigator who may be himself placed under and suffer wider investigation.

In seeking to understand and interpret the astrological influences and energies and how they affect us, patiently study the many additional factors and planetary aspects which affect the character and the whole psyche of a human nature.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
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