Friday, May 31, 2013

Why did they not ask Heavens? The Case of the Missing Bridegroom in Women Horoscopy

Despite the shortage of the brides in number when compared to the number of bride-grooms, due to various reasons including the preference to male child birth, there is an increasing trend in the late marriage of girls. This is due to socio-economic imbalances. Now a days the girls are earning equally and some times more than the boys. They are working equally with the men in the fields of works related to education, computer and intellectual jobs. This has resulted in no time to think about marriage. The institution of marriage is considered to be an obstacle in an otherwise progressing material and social aspects of a girl. But the main reason behind the late marriage is due to the anomalies in the horoscopes of the brides. The main fields of operation in a horoscope of late marriage are the ( a ) The afflictions to 7th house ( b ) The afflictions to Jupiter , the significator of marriage to the 7th house for women ( c ) The afflictions to Mars resulting in what is kn own as Kuja Dosha . ( d ) And finally afflictions to the houses 3, 7 and 9, according to Dr. Commander Selvam , in his Yoga Craft .Com. ( a ) Afflictions to 7th house : The important points for consideration in studying the afflictions to the 7th house are

  • (1)
  • The occupation and ownership of malefics.
  • (2)
  • The aspect of malefics on the 7th house.
  • (3)
  • The position and aspects of separative planets The Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and ruler of 12th house.
  • (4)
  • The position of the 7th house Lord .
  • (5)
  • The position of Jupiter, as significator of marriage in a female horoscopy.
The Seventh house is the descendant in a horoscope. It is the house which complements and supplements to the ascendant. The union of the First house and the Seventh house is the Dharma and ultimate aim of all the beings. Without one another, there is no completeness. There is no meaning to the life. Praying God together, begetting the off-springs to gether, leading a moral life together are the injunctions of Vedas and the wise. Any Dosha such as Kalasarpa Dosha, will definitely act as an obstacle of marriage in a horoscope. All the Doshas are to be removed first. The Yogas in a horoscope are to be studied. By worshipping the planets and their deities which are causing delay in marriage, the girl will have an early marriage and prosperity and meaning in her life. It is only when the marriage is unduly and hopelessly delayed, then only the parents stArt thinking about the marriage. Then they stArt consulting the astrologers. ( b ) The afflictions to Jupiter : The Jupiter is the significator or Karaka of marriage in a womans horoscope. The Jupiter is benevolent. He can overcome all the afflictions and bestow his grace on the subject. But one important consideration is that when Jupiter is Retrograde, He may cause delay in marriage. In Vedic Astrology, the retrograde planet is powerful . But the planet in retrograde indicate the past Karma of the subject and this cannot be easily remedied. The Jupiter is a strict disciplinarian. He expects the subject to be disciplined and then worship Jupiter. Jupiter is Dhanakaraka; Jupiter is Bhagyakaraka. Jupiter is all powerful and He can destroy our sins. He can make the other planets to behave by His aspects. Jupiter stands for Dharma. Jupiter stands for Religion. Jupiter stands for ceremonies , pomp and show. There is no meaning in secretly wo rshipping Jupiter. Yet Jupiter is beyond ones reach. Only discipline may please Him. He possesses infinite knowledge. A knowledge of God, Brahma. He is called Brihaspathi and Brahmanaspathi. Here one important socio-economic change is to be considered with respect to Jupiter as Karaka of 7th house of marriage. Now a days most of the girls are working. A working girl is an asset to the parents and the family; But a married girl is a burden in the family. Getting the girl married in time is the Dharma of all the parents. But the mind of the girl and the parents alike acting under the influence of malefics mostly the Mars , would be thinking differently. The change in socio-economic trends suggest altogether a different picture. The natural values of sex, marriage, family and child bearing have become out dated. In its place, the money , the show of money, those luxuries which money can buy have been substituted. That is the main reason, the parents and the girl stArt thinking of marriage lately, by which time it forms a delay which cannot be easily condonable. That is where the Jupiter comes in and says follow discipline and Dharma. If the discipline and Dharma are back seated, naturally, The Jupiter does not significate the house No.7.

( c ) The afflictions to Mars : Mars causes obstructions to marriage, if placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses. This is known as Kuja Dosha. Exceptions are Aries to 1st, Scorpio to 4th , Capricorn or Pisces to 7th and Cancer to 8th and it is 12th for Sagittarius ascendants. Afflictions to Mars have special interpretations concerning the chastity of a woman. But this cannot be loosely interpreted, since they have repercussions on the family life. Since the ancient astrologers themselves have cautioned against these unsavoury pred ictions, it is better to avoid it completely. A small and inadvertent mistake on the pArt of the astrologer may lead to complications. The whole family is affected by the concept of loose and immoral character of a woman. For more of Mars effect, the readers are advised to read Articles on Mars, About Mars, Blame it on Mars, There is a Mars in my kitchen, by this author. The Mars factor operates in the field of energy and prowess. This in turn applied to marriage factor, the sex becomes predominant. The social scientists have researched and found that now a days the sex in youth is hardened. The sex element is being deteriorated. Once upon a time , the blush, the look, the lovely limbs, which attracted the opposite sex, are diminished in values; [ May refer to the poem The forsaken city of Ayodhya- which stArts like this: Where the lovely maidens washed their lovely limbs.. by W.B.Yeats . The blush and the angled looks of the maidens have become the things of the past. Both qualitatively and quantitatively. In its place the hard sex, exposure and vulgarity are predominant. Even then there is no sex element. The youth are loosing their salt. There is no urge for sex and hence the marriage. By the time the parents and the youth think of marriage, its sanctity and values are derogated. By that time it becomes only a formality, status and prestige issue. Marry Very Early Made Jane Shake Up Nevilles Pillow. A Shakespearean quote to remember the Nine planets , wherein while each first letter in the sentence representing a planet, the sentence itself may be suggestive of the necessity of early marriage. If one thinks of marriage in early stages, the remedies to the obstructions in a horoscope are followed, the late marriages can be averted. Any how better late than never. ( d ) Afflictions to houses 3, 7 & 9 ,: This is again , the position and aspects of the separative and malefic planets on these houses. Mainly the residence of these planets are considered much. Dr. Selvam does not assign reasons as to why these houses are to be considered ? The significator for the Third house is Mars as energy and prowess; The field of activity being power, brothers, friends, motivation and interest. The significators for the Ninth house are Jupiter and Saturn representing Dharma and father respectively. The field of activity being Dharma, grace, fortune and father. The considerations for the houses 3, 7 & 9 are general in nature and no t specifically with respect to marriage, unlike house no. 7. While suggesting a remedy for an astrological problem, the astrologer must be specific. His duty is to find out where the planet obstructs. Then only an effective remedy can be suggested.

Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor, is an advocate by profession, Study and research in various subjects, including Science, Medical,Philosophy. Remembering Agatha Christie through the titles of these Astrology Articles, makes one understand the subject in a different perspective. There is a Mars in my kitchen, Blame it on Mars etc., are some of the interesting Articles by the author. The present Article has a social science background.

Author:: Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor
Keywords:: Shortage of brides, but delay in marriage, A working girl an asset, but married is burden to family
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Best Sights For Astronomy

What are the best sights for astronomy? That's hard to say. There is so much out there that the determination of what are the best sights for astronomy probably requires you to do some advance study and decide for yourself what you'd like to learn about.

There are a couple of very helpful books that can guide you through a determination of what are the best views for astronomy.

A new beginner or intermediate handbook for stargazers is the Guide to Stars and Planets by Patrick Moore. This accomplished astronomer has concisely gathered reference information on the night sky that details the best views for astronomy. It looks at the moon as well as the various constellations. You'll find chArts, photographs and maps that have been garnered through study with eArth bound and space telescopes. The best areas for astronomy are laid out in this book as well as some guidance on how you're going to take a look at the best views for astronomy yourself.

Here you'll find guidance on what telescope to buy, how to set up an observatory for yourself as home and how to become a good amateur astronomer. Details about the perfect sights for astronomy include information on the moon, our sun, the various planets, the debris found in the solar system, a myriad number of stars, the various galaxies we know about, the constellations, and comets, asteroids, meteors and eclipses that humans have noted and photographed in the past.

The best sights for astronomy have been highlighted in the book, including important features in the moon and the stars we've studied extensively.

Anne Noonan makes it quick and easy t o find the best telescope Read expert information here.

Author:: Anne Noonan
Keywords:: Best Sights For Astronomy
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Astrology What It Is And Isn't

Before we dive into the technical aspects of Astrology and exactly how the science works, we first need to set the record straight about exactly what Astrology is and what it isn't, as their are many misconceptions about this science that need to be put to rest. Hopefully this article will be able to do just that.

Astrology, as a belief, is a science that essentially connects your outer world to your inner world to reveal the potentials that you have as a human being. This is not to say that the influences of Astrology are absolute. Just because a person has an astrological chart that shows he will be a great leader of people doesn't mean that this will necessarily come to pass. This is where free will comes into play.

Astrological influences are like little strings that tug on each person. How much influence these strings have on you depends on your own strength of will, or in the case of many people, lack of strength of will. For example, Astrological influences may cause someone to develop an addictive personality that will be prone to problems such as addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling or a number of other things. How likely that person is to actually become an addict depends a lot on their own free will and strength of w ill. This does not minimize the astrological influences, which could be very strong, but what it does is put them into perspective in that they are not absolute. Free will is always the ultimate decider. You can fight the influences, good or bad, or you can give in to them.

Where Astrology comes into play is like this. It is easy to predict, using Astrology, that you are going to have major changes come into your life at home. Perhaps outside forces beyond your control will force certain changes. For example, forces may indicate that your home is in some kind of danger, possibly from storm or fire or maybe even from a break-in. Where free will comes in is how you handle this news. You can choose to ignore it and possibly have your house get hit by a falling tree, or you can take precautions to avoid it which may include moving. Ultimately what you decide to do in response to the foreseen problem is what will ultimately determine the final outcome.

Now in the case of using your free will to wait to see what happens, some people would say that you are really doing nothing, That may be true. In that case the normal response to what happens would be that it was fate. This may also be true. But in either case, whatever you were supposed to learn from these astrological forces, you have learned. If you acted and it turned out well, then you learned to rely on your instincts to do something. If you didn't act and disaster struck then you learned that maybe you need to be more decisive about things. In either case, fate of not, you learned your lesson from the astrological force s. This in itself could be called fate in that you were meant to learn the lesson in this manner.

Many astrologers believe that you really don't have a choice. Ultimately what you decide to do has already been decided for you by the astrological forces themselves. In other words, if an astrologer tells you that your job is in danger of being lost and you are proactive and get another job before this happens, your actions were predetermined by the astrological forces themselves even though it was your own free will.

Obviously, that theory will be debated for centuries to come. But the point is, whatever the astrological forces have in store for you, ultimately it is up to you to decide how to deal with them. Therefore, Astrology is not fortune telling. It is simply a warning of things that might happen depending on how you react or don't react to the circumstances.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

House Energy Correction Horoscopes Karma & Crystal Energy Fields Part I

House Energy Correction is the concept of controlling the 8 Directional Energies; 7 Chakras and 7 Energy Bodies of the People; Boosting and Balancing the 5 Elements of the Lands & Buildings. Simply stated, it is the Total Energy Rectification of Horoscopes of the Family Members and Business Partners; Vaastu and Fengshui Energy Correction for their Lands & Buildings. Read the revealing FAQs about unique Crystal Energy Fields based on the Ancient Siddha Programming Techniques for Karma Correction. This is the first of a series of 3 parts of FAQs.

Question 1 : What exactly is Energy Correction ?

Human beings, like all objects, receive different levels of energies from the 8 different directions. When all the 8 directional energies are positive enough, they get positive results. When the Energy levels dip below a limit, they suffer. For example, if a person receives high positive Energy from his North, he will be financially well off. But if he also receives negati ve Energy from his South East, he will never be able to enjoy it. The blue print of the Energy levels of a person at his birth time is what you could call as his Birth Horoscope.

These 8 Energy streams control the 7 Chakras and 7 Energy Bodies of the person, which in turn control every thing else in his life. The quality (positive or negative) of the Energy and the quantum (percentage) of the Energy that a person receives is his Karma or Destiny. The concept of correcting the 8 Directional Energies and tuning the 7 Chakras & Energy Bodies of a person so that he stays within a 100% positive Energy belt all his life-time is called Personal Energy Correction.

Question 2 : Can you explain more about these Energy Beams from the 8 Directions ?

Energy (or Prana or Chi) is pure and on it's own, is a lways balanced positive. It is the basic power brick on which the Cosmos is built upon. However, depending upon the Karma of the Person, Land and Building, it/he receives Energy either as positive or negative. Then the percentage of the positive or negative Energy that it/he receives culminates in positive or negative events of it's/his life. Unlike Land and Building, the Person moves. Where the Person moves, his Karma follows. So do the Energy Beams that he receives from the 8 Directions. It does not matter what direction he is moving or facing, it does not matter whether he is in India or America, he keeps receiving the same Energy Beams with the same Quality (Positive or Negative) and Quantity (Percentage), until the change is destined or brought about.

Question 3 : You spoke of Horoscope & Karma. Are you saying that both can be rectified ?

Yes ofcourse. All the Planetary Energies are received by a person through the 8 Directional Energies only. By filtering o r/and transforming them, you pacify the planets, remove the effects of problems like female curses, planetary & pithru doshas, etc. In other words, you rectify the Birth Horoscope itself. In fact, there is a more sophisticated process with which I undertake Karma Correction itself. This process minimises the bad Karma to such an extent that one simply doesn't feel it's impact at all.

Question 4 : So then what is House Energy Correction ?

House Energy Correction is a two fold process. In the first fold, Personal Energy Correction (including Horoscope Rectification) for all the residing family members is done. In the second fold, the Five Elements of the Land and the House are fully balanced. In other words, the Karma of the Lands, Home and the People living there are integrated, cleansed, tuned and balanced. That is called House Energy Correction.

Sub-Question : What are the controlling Five Elements of Nature ?

The controlling Five Elements of Nature are also known as the Pancha Pranas or the Pancha Bhoodhas : Earth (Bhoomi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), Air (Metal, Vaayu), and Ether (Wood, Sky, Spirit, Space, Aakash).

Question 5 : Once corrected, how long do these positive effects last ?

In my process, once corrected, the energies stay corrected. That is because I use Crystals as my Energy Tools. Unlike any other remedies, Crystals last for hundreds of years. Plus the Crystal Programming Techniques that I use are extremely powerful, time-tested and bestowed by the Ancient Ones or the Sacred Siddhas. That is why I say the positive effects will atleast last for 3 generations. The Energy Corrections that I undertake are done through custom built Crystal Energy Fields.

Question 6 : Can you eloborate more on these Crystal Energy Fields ?

The Crystal Energy Fields are created by numerous Crystals arranged in a special formation, after being programmed and energised for executing specific tasks for specified people. The quality, colour, nature and shape of the Crystals needed for House Energy Correction depends on the Karma of the Family. Some of the crystal Energy shapes that I use for Energy Correction are Maha Meru, Stupa, Vajra, Viswa Vajra, Rahu or Vajra Phurba, etc. I also use exclusive crystal shapes like Maha Meru with Viswa Vajra, Ashta Vajra Stupa and Ashta Vajra Maha Sakthi Chakra.

Question 7 : How do you determine the type and number of Crystals that are needed for a particular family or business ?

By Clairvoyance or Sookshma Drishti, I scan the Energy levels of the People, Lands & the Buildings. Without it you cannot practice Energy Correction. I also use certain Divining Tools like Tarot Decks, Runes & I-Ching Coins, if and when needed.

Question 8 : Are there many models of Cry stal Energy Fields ?

Yes, there are very many models. Some are very sophisticated and more powerful than others. Some are for specific tasks like bringing together estranged couple, concieving a child or solving psychic problems or breaking black magic. Some of them are dedicated for Business Energy Correction. There are certain models for only handling factory related problems like production and labour problems, litigations, etc. I also build exclusive CEFs for the NewAge Kabbalah Numerology which I practice. The kabbalistic numeric vibrations of the tuned name are transmitted 24/7 through CEF, to achieve and retain results.

The FAQs will be continued in Part II.

Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Fengshui & Vaastu Researcher, Crystal Master & Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is permanent Karma Energy Correction through custom-built Crystal Energy Fields. His E-Mail : His websites : me.htm &

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: Karma,Destiny,Astrology,Horoscopes,Vaastu,Fengshui,Bau,Biology,Remedy,Crystals,Energy,Reiki,Prana
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

A Fine Line between Heaven Hell and Astrology Angelic Governors of the Zodiac

Have you ever wondered which Angel governs your sign? And did you know that all Angels are not exlusively deriven from Heaven? With regards to your personality, each of these entities play a role in your individuality.

Rf. from A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson

The Angel, Machidiel, (meaning fullness of God), governs the month of March and is also the ruler of Aries.

Asmodel, the Angel of April, rules the Zodiacal sign of Taurus. He is widely known as the demon of punishment.

May's Angel, Ambriel governs Gemini and is the chief officer of the 12th hour of night. On an Oriental, Hebrew charm, Ambriel's name is inscribed to ward off evil.

Then we have Muriel, the Angel of June and the ruler of Cancer. Muriel is interesting in that not only is he the chief officer of the 3rd hour of the day but if invoked from the South is believed to procure a magic carpet.

The Angel of July, Verchiel, ruler of Leo. Not only is Verchiel one of the rulers of the order of powers, but he also governs the Sun.

Hamaliel, Angel of August, a ruler of Virgo is also one of the rulers of the orders of virtue.

Libra's ruler, Uriel, (translating Fire of God), governor of September, is also known as the Archangel of salvation and is renowned globally from the infamous painting - Dryden's The State of Innocence, depicted descending from Heaven in a chariot drawn by white horses. He is also likened to divine vengeance and Justice ~ thus the scales of Libra.

Barbiel, ruler of Scorpio and the Angel of October is one of the 28 Angels of the 28 mansions of the Moon. Barbiel also serv es as one of the seven Electors in the underworld.

The Angel of November and ruler of Sagittarius is Adnachiel. He and Phaleg-referred to as the Warlord, alternate as ruling Angels of the Order of Angels.

Haniel, Angel of December and ruler of Capricorn meaning Glory or grace of God, is known as the chief of innocents. He is invoked as an amulet against evil.

Aquarian ruler, Gabriel (God is my strength) and Angel of January is one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judaeo-Christian and Mohammedan religion. He stands for annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death and revelation. He presides over Paradise and is the ruling prince of the 1st Heaven. He is also said to sit on the left-hand side of God and known as the spirit of truth. Gabriel was the Angel who inspired Joan of Arc t o go the succor of the King of France.

Barchiel, the Angel of February and the ruler of Pisces, (Lightening of God) is one of the 7 archAngels, and is also known to be the ruler of Jupiter

It is evident, Astrologically speaking, the Zodiac closely mirrors the Heaven that we know and the Angels therein. So, the words, It is written in the Stars truly exhibits our predestination of life and all that lies within. How we use our knowledge, experience and Angelical Governors of the Zodiac is up to us.

A Fine Line between Heaven, Hell and Astrology - Angelic Governors of the Zodiac All Rights Reserved by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCa melot

About the Author: C. Bailey-Lloyd - Author of Somewhere Along the Beaten Path

Visit Media Positive Radio -- Providing a positive and uplifting listening experience - All the Time! Featuring the finest music from Independent and Mainstream musicians all focusing on the power and greatness of every individual as well as the collective power of unity and brotherhood.

NOTICE: Article may be republished free of charge as long as Author Resource Box (above) is included, and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN in tact and active.

Author:: C. Bailey-Lloyd
Keywords:: Angels, archAngels, Governors, Zodiac, Astrology, Signs, Heaven
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Astrology Refuted: They Should Have Seen It Coming

A comedian once showed a newspaper to his audience. The headline read, 1-800 Astrology Business Goes Under: They Should Have Seen It Coming. Everyone laughed, including me. We chuckled at the irony of a real contradiction here. If such a business could provide the service they claim, then its owners should have succeeded where other businesses failed. In fact, if they really knew the future, they likely wouldn't bother with this business at all. They would simply raid the stock market with a perfect investing record. We all somewhat instinctively know this, even those of us who have never had the occasion to sit and think it through carefully.

But this pseudo-science has another problem that concerns us. It's adherents who create the garden-variety horoscope columns (found in most any newspaper) spotlight a basic contradiction. On the one hand, they pretend to tell your future based upon the timing of your birth and the alignment of the stars and/ or planets. Philoso phers have called this assumption astral determinism.

This means simply that the stars and planets determine your future, hence the phrase, written in the stars. On the other hand, however, when the predictors finish telling just what will befall you, they move onto the next part of the column. They offer advice. But this advice you may take or leave, as though you have a free choice to make, the outcome of which no star determines.

So they assume astral determinism when predicting, and then assume its opposite when advising. One simply cannot have it both ways. The only way to resolve this contradiction derives from saying that the heavenlies determine SOME things, but not others. This avoids contradictory impulses, however, at the cost of engaging a purely arbitrary (pick and choose whichever you like) approach to what stars do and do not determine about your life. And yet their charts promise a principled (non-arbitrary) way to know the future. So this option makes no logical headway either.

Either way then, assumptions necessary to the trade of star-traffickers show themselves bogus. The whole thing turns out a useless mirage. Astral determinism thus represents a phoney idea, and we can show this with a little logical rigor.

Finally then, we wish to add logical insult to mystical injury by noting that our refutation of astral determinism posits a fairly clear and obvious problem for their trade. And like the bug who never quite manages to avoid the fast-approaching windshield -- they should have seen it coming.

Carson Day has written some 1.3 gazillion articles and essays on all manner of topics. These aim to glorify God and offer people real help to live wisely and well. You can visit Carson's websites at (The Omniblog, where Carson blogs everything) or (Carson's Day Trading Outpost). Thanks for stopping by.

Author:: Carson C. Day
Key words:: critique astrology, critical thinking, pop culture, astrology contradictions, refute astrology, Fun
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Annual Forecasts & Fengshui Remedies for 2006 : Year of Yang Red Fire Dog for Ox Sign

The ancient Chinese Astrology is not only fascinating but also quite accurate. Its Zodiac is based on 12 signs, a cycle of 12 years and are named after 12 symbolic animals : Rat (or Mouse), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog).

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is based on your Chinese Lunar Year of Birth. The Chinese New Year is movable and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year.

If your Date of Birth falls into any of these below listed Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), you are symbolically identified as a Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow) :

From 19 Feb 1901 to 07 Feb 1902

From 06 Feb 1913 to 25 Jan 1914

From 25 Jan 1925 to 12 Feb 1926

From 11 Feb 1937 to 30 Jan 1 938

From 29 Jan 1949 to 16 Feb 1950

From 15 Feb 1961 to 04 Feb 1962

From 03 Feb 1973 to 22 Jan 1974

From 20 Feb 1985 to 08 Feb 1986

From 07 Feb 1997 to 27 Jan 1998

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2006 is the 4703rd year and is also the third year of the New Fengshui Land Luck Period 8. The new Chinese Lunar Year is from 29.01.2006 to 17.02.2007. Here are the Annual Forecasts and suggested Fengshui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming New Year 2006 : Bing Xu, the Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog :


If you work hard without excessive ambitions, you could gain more power and eventually a better status. But your income may not that proportionate. The upward swing in career would be quite reasonable, if you continue to remain courteous and refused to get involved over annoying gossips that keep poking at you. Your subordinates and colleagues might form an effective coalition against you; your superiors may turn against you. Avoid immersing in internal politics at office. Always work behind the scene and avoid the forefronts. Refrain from signing documents in a haste and when you do sign, make sure that you have fully read between the lines. Your well knit social network will come to your rescue, when you need to be rescued. Opportunities and fortune will decline in the second half but you will get unexpected help from the opposite sex, to get through. All the same, this is a fit case for displayin g an image or icon of Green Tara, to tide over the obstacles. Be careful when you delegate work to your subordinates. Chances of wrong decisions there could undermine your efforts and earn you a bad reputation. Handling issues and people will take up a lot of your time and you will be judged by others instantly. Be wary of so called friends, who will be out to malign you. There could be a lot of unresolved issues continuously pouncing on you. Possibilities of back-stabbing exist. Some of you might face situational blackmailing because of unresolved financial disputes. Females will have a better year than males. Wearing a single or double termianted Amethyst Pendant will ease you out of many problems. Light up a red bulb in the center of your home. You can also install the icon of Kuan Kung to get guided and protected. If you are a clerk or government official or in creative field, you will do much better than others.

You are in punishment formation with the Tai Sui th is year, so display the statue of a Three Generations Dragon Head Turtle alongwith a photograph of the presiding Year Authority of 2006 in the North West, to minimise the negativities of gossips and scandals. You should also personally wear a Fengshui Rabbit Pendant or place the statue of a Rabbit in the East. (The position of Tai Sui corresponds to North West this year. Tai Sui is also popularly called as Grand Duke of Jupiter and is an intangible energy body of war-like nature that should not be disturbed.)


Cashflow would be reasonably good, though not consistent. The year is full of unexpected expenses and it would be difficult to retain the incoming money. Not a good year for making large or long term investments. Do not gamble or indulge yourself in financial speculation, though some of you do have good lottery luck this year. Vigilance is needed as the chances of money loss through theft or an affair is a reality too. Keep a set of PaKua Horoscope Coins in your pocket and a set of Dragon & Phoenix Coins at your home.


The urge to eat more food and good food will be on the increase. Be careful with what you eat. You are forewarned of problems linked to digestion, diarrhea, abdomenal and gastrointestinal infections. Common headaches, sneezing, cold, flu, viral infections and some allergies also are indicated. Drink and smoke less. Some of you might get problems related to throat and trachea. Exercise and meditate. If any of your old illness resurfaces, go in for medical treatment immediately. Hang a large sized original Chinese Sacred Fruit called the Wou-Lou or Hoo-Loo in your dining room, from the ceiling.


Normal love luck, if you keep it that way. To keep it that way, you have to resist temptations to be irresponsib le. Active social life may bring in gossips that can hurt you rather badly. It would be a good idea to keep a Rooster figure in the South West of your bedroom. Singles need to take a lot of initiatives to get their life partners.

Beneficial Crystal : Turquoise, for 2006

Good Relationship with : Rat, Rabbit & Monkey, for 2006

Conflict with : Horse, Dragon & Goat, for 2006

Yin/Yang : Yin

A NOTE ABOUT REMEDIES : The above Analysis has suggested some Remedie s/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and has recommended certain enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy. For the Remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location. Any or all of these Remedies can be reused for the coming new years, the only thing is that some of them may have to be repositioned according to the specific new year.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it's entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be clickable hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

The Author of this article Sri Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Vaastu & Fengshui Researcher, Crystal Master and a Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is in permanent, life-time Remedial Solutions, especially Crystal Energy Fields. His wife Srimathi Kalpana Guptha is also a Psychic Reader. The Energy Couple can be reached through or either of their websites: or

Janarrdhana Guptha has authored the book titled Guide to Fengshui Good Luck Symbols. He writes regularly in leading English & Tamil Magazines from India. More of his articles can be read at his blog :

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: chinese astrology, Forecast, yearly prediction, Remedies, Fengshui, four pillars, Analysis, 2006
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Free Romance Horoscopes Deception

I do not bash the beauty of astrology. My article pertains to the deception that is Horoscopes and zodiacs and tarot cards. Mind you, I really don't think they are all scams, but most of the ones found on the net are. You have to pay anywhere from five to ten to fifteen to more dollars to get a personalized report regarding stuff you already know about yourselves.

I will admit to liking to read my Horoscopes in the papers and sometimes when I am bored, I read them online. The truth to the matter is, why would you want to know what will happen? Rather, why would you want to let a few lines in a paper or the internet or a magazine govern how you choose to do things just so that subconsciously, the Horoscopes are made definite to come true. If you read You will fall in love on the 14th, you will probably go out instead of staying at home as usual and actually do meet someone and convince yourself you are falling in love because the horoscope says so.

And hence thi s is where rests their intrigue. Horoscopes often come true because we choose to believe them and we lead our actions to make sure they come true.

The next time you want someone to read your palm or have tarot cards read, remmeber all the Greek and Roman mythologies of Prophecies and oracles. Even Macbeth, remember Macbeth. Had he paid no heed to the three witches, he would not have worked so hard only to lead to his own demise. Therefore, it really is not something arcane and magical at work here. It is our lack of free will or rather, too much of our free will. It's an awesome notion.

So the next time you stare at the stars, remember how they are just gaseous entities in the universe, some of which have already exploded but since they are so far away, it takes so long for their last li ght to reach our eyes on Earth. Now that's truly amazing.

Visit for more information on the author and more freebies and articles.

Author:: Kathleen Lieu
Keywords:: Horoscopes, Romance, tarot cards, Prophecies
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Flying Stars Fengshui for 2006 : Predictions & Remedies for Main Door Facing North

(Chinese Solar Year : 04.02.2006 to 03.02.2007)

Flying Stars or Fei Xing is a powerful form of Feng Shui derived from the famous Xuan Kong Fengshui. It is an Analysis of the Five Elements and Star Combinations (representing certain energy patterns) that occupy every building. Each new year these annual stars change, Qi (energy) shifts happen, bringing good and bad energy with them - thereby producing different effects.

In February 2004 all the Feng Shui Energy Patterns underwent huge transformations to the NewAge of Land Luck called Period 8 Energy Cycles. It means that a large scale evolution of the human race with completely new energy dynamics has started. The significance is that the new, vibrant energies of Period 8 impacts on the buildings differently than before and energies that were previously activated now need to be remedied, in order to reduce any bad effects from the past influences.

The Flying Stars Chart or the 9-Grid Meteor Plan for the Bi ng-Xu, Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog has been plotted and the effects of their energy patterns are analyzed. The analysis also contains suggested remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and recommended enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy.

For the remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location.

The direction in which your main door lies is very important to any form of Geomancy, including Fengshui & Vaastu. The primary reason for this is that the air currents and energy flow in and flow out through the mouth of the main door. Thus you receive positive energy for the year, if the main door faces a direction of auspicious stars or meteors (powerful energy bodies) and receive negative energy for the year, if the main door faces a dir ection of evil stars or meteors. In case negative impacts are forecast, you can simply offset the negative energy by installing the recommended remedies there. Any or all of these remedies can be reused for the coming years, the only thing is that they should be repositioned according to the new year.

Please note that the effects may be felt in varying degrees depending upon the exact compass degree of the main door.


A good year for you to enjoy. People of the household, whether in employment or in practice or in business, will flourish. The Wealth Star of Period 8 will bring you good reputation and excellent cashflow. Businessmen can plan properly to convert the incoming cash into assets. Your sphere of influence will expand and consolidate into good name and fame. If you have a budding business person in your home, placing a white ceramic Dog statue will help.

< p>The children of the household could suffer from stomach pains and digestive problems. Do not over strain yourself in work. Try and cut down smoking, liquor, etc. Be forewarned of problems related to blood and kidneys. Be careful to read between the lines any document you wish to sign. Avoid taking impulsive decisions. Do not use this area for storage purpose otherwise you may lose some of your wealth luck. Hang a large sized natural, original Chinese Wou-Lou on the inside of the main door, to minimise health related problems. To avoid theft and money loss, install a pair of Chi-Lins or Kuan Kung straight opposite your main door, overlooking it.

This year the Three San Sha Afflictions (also called as the Three Demons or the Three Killings) is residing here. So the potential of making good money will not be realised fully and consistently. Do not install any moving objects like Fish Aquariums or Water Fountains here, this year. But you can place a potted water plant. D o not dig, construct, renovate, redecorate or repair this year near your main door. Do not drill or even drive a nail in this wall. It is also not advisable to sit or sleep for extended periods, near your main door. If you do any of these, you will be inviting betrayals, thefts, accidents, injuries, money loss and other fatal disasters for your family members. If you had already started any of these work last year and would definitely have to continue and complete it in this year, then hang a golden, metal Wou-Lou and a Wind Chyme near the main door.

It is also recommended to place an icon of Kuan Kung or Three Generations Dragon Head Turtle or a pair of Pi-Yau near your main door, facing North, as even opening and closing the door is considered as violating the Three Demons. Also remember not to sit with your back facing North when you read, eat, watch TV, operate computer, etc.

Display the Safety Talisman for 2006 in the North West sector and carry a miniature version of it always.

Door Mat Colour for the Main Door : Red or Yellow (on the outside).


To minimise damage due to gossiping and rumours, arguments and disputes, avoid the colours green and blue in the center of your home. Do not place any moving water features like fish aquarium or water fountains here. Display 8 red roses without thorns and leaves in the center of your home/office/building and light up a small red coloured bulb which will burn continuously, 24/7. This is applicable for all buildings, irrespective of the direction of the main doors.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it's entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be clickable hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

The Author of this article Sri Janarrdhana Gupt ha is an Energy Consultant, Vaastu & Fengshui Researcher, Crystal Master and a Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is in permanent, life-time Remedial Solutions, especially Crystal Energy Fields. His wife Srimathi Kalpana Guptha is also a Psychic Reader. The Energy Couple can be reached through or either of their websites: or

Janarrdhana Guptha has authored the book titled Guide to Fengshui Good Luck Symbols. He writes regularly in leading English & Tamil Magazines from India. More of his articles can be read at his blog :

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: flying stars fengshui, chinese astrology, xuan kong, fei xing, four pillars of destiny, Forecasts
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Chinese Horoscopes Much More Than An Animal

These days, when it comes to Chinese horoscopes most people know which of the 12 Chinese Animals they are, based on the year they were born. However, nothing in life is ever that simple.

If all there was to it was 12 Animals that would mean there wouldnt be much variation between the characteristics of people, just 12 types, or possibly 24 if you consider male and female.

Well I can tell you there is FAR more to a Chinese horoscope than knowing which of the 12 Animals you are.

The first thing to remember is that Chinese horoscopes are based on the Lunar calendar not the solar one, that is why Chinese New Year falls anywhere between the middle of January and the middle of February.

So you see if your birthday is during this period you may not be the dog you thought you were, you may be a pig instead!

But, with 12 Animals in the list each twelfth year the animal is repeated as they cycle through doesnt seem so complicated? Well unfortunately the Chinese calendar works on a 60 year cycle not a 12 year one. This means that each animal occurs 5 times in the 60 year cycle (12 x 5 = 60) and each one is unique so there are actually 5 types of each animal.

So if you are a Rat, you could be a Rat on the roof, or a Rat in the field, or a Rat in the Warehouse, or a Rat on the beam or finally a Rat on the mountain.

Then there are the 12 Palaces, Ming, Brothers and Sisters, Marital, Man and Woman, Wealth, Sickness, Moving, Servants, Officials, Property, Fortune and Virtue and finally the Parents Palace. Each Palace influences a different aspect of your life.

There are 5 elements, Wood, Metal, Water, Fire and Earth and 37 Stars and they all come together to produce a unique chart just for you.

The key to it all is your 8 character horoscope determined from your year, month, hour and time of birth, 2 characters for each, in Lunar years of course.

In fact your very own personalised Chinese horoscope has so many possible variations that there are millions and millions of combinations

So you see with all these parts that make up a full Chinese horoscope it is not enough just to know that you are a Pig or a Dog or a Cock.

Colette York is the originator and builder of Your-Chinese- Horoscope. A place for personalized Chinese horoscopes.

Author:: Colette York
Keywords:: Chinese horoscope, Palaces, Animals
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

TAROT How Often Should You Have a Reading?

One of my FAQs is, How often should I have a Tarot Card reading? There is no general answer. It depends on your purpose - what type of reading you are having and the way you are using it. If you are looking for some indication about what is happening in general in the future, then you could have a reading every six months or so, or perhaps every year.

This kind of reading tends to involve a bigger spread or layout as Tarot readings are called, with more cards in it. This allows a broader view of trends that may be coming into play around you. It usually tells a reader whether you are in a time of change or of relative stability - whet her new stuff is going to happen or things remain very similar to how they are now. You don't need this kind of reading very frequently. It's big picture stuff and tends to change slowly.

If you are looking at one issue at a time, such as if you are going to get a new job soon, you can ask that question with a smaller kind of layout. A few cards or a Celtic Cross will be fine and will tell you what the possibilities are in that situation. The reading might tell you if you need to add to your skills and head off in a new career direction or search more thoroughly for a job than you are currently doing. If you asked about moving house it might say that moving would be disruptive at this time. The Tarot is always more than just Yes or No. Usually it gives you some advice or insight as well.

With a re ading based on one specific topic you can ask whenever you like as long as the topics are different. It's no good asking the same thing many times, because the answers just become confusing and often merely reflect how you are feeling that day. I always try to discourage people from becoming dependent on divination. Asking the same question again and again, trying to nag the cards into telling you what you want to hear is not healthy. Sometimes life doesn't give us what we want and we have to accept that and get on with things as best we can.

It's better not to ask trivial questions. I have found that the Tarot works best when you've thought out your question carefully and put it in a sensible manner. When you have an answer to a question, then it's a good idea to go away and reflect on it and see how t hat answer can help you with your problem. That is one of the strengths of the Tarot - guidance. It can help us to see solutions for ourselves.

By using the Tarot wisely, it becomes like talking to a good friend. The answers often open up new ways of looking at our lives that can help us bring out the best for ourselves in the future. Like all good friends it responds best if you take notice of the answers it gives.

Dianne Hardwick 2006

Dianne Hardwick has been reading Tarot for over 30 years. For a free astrology forecast visit her website at

Author:: Dianne Hardwick
Keywords:: Tarot,reading Tarot,Tarot cards
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Indian Astrology and Marriages

Astrology is considered to be the oldest of all sciences, which studies the effects of the planetary positions and movements on our lives. Indian Astrology is an integral aspect of the Vedic literature (Vedic Astrology) and was practiced over the years by Indian sages and passed on to their disciples. In olden days, the kings would depend on astrology to determine the right and auspicious time before embarking on any new and important initiatives. Ages later, today, we still find the strong influence of astrology in our day-to-day life. Any major event in life, whether it is marriage, buying a car, buying a house, or even entering a new house, is undertaken only after consulting the astrologer for an auspicious time.

Astrology is in-depth science with multiple widespread branches. It is used to create birth or natal charts (Jathaka / Janampatri) based on the time, date and place of birth, to answer any specific questions Prashnas, to find the auspicious time and da y called Muhurtha. While all of these aspects of astrology are well in use today, one of the most popular one is the creation of Jathakas and matching of Jathakas for marriages. Marriage is an important aspect of life. In India, when a child is born, the exact place, date and time is documented and when the child grows older his/her natal chart is created based on this birth data. When the child attains marriageable age, his/her natal chart is matched with those of prospective brides and grooms to find an astrologically compatible match. This is an age-old tradition, which is practiced with equal fervor even in this tech-savvy, net-savvy age.

It is interesting to note that, thousands of years ago astrology was imparted by the teachers to their pupils orally. During the beginning of Kali Yuga the astrological literature was documented for the future generation.

Today, the essence of astrology has been captured and converted into astrological software. These softw ares are immensely accurate and provide extensive reports based on scientific calculations. One such service is provided on the website, which is an Indian matrimonial site. The Astrology section provides various astrological services like Horoscope / natal chart generation, Horoscope / natal chart matching for compatibility, star matching for compatibility.

Indian Astrology is an integral part of the Indian culture and most of the marriages are consummated only after consulting an astrologer. At a genuine effort is made to help prospective couples figure out whether t hey are compatible to be bound in the holy wedding knot.

The author is a freelance writer based in Pune, India. She has been collecting information on Indian Astrology.

Author:: Priya Dave
Keywords:: Indian Astrology, Horoscope, Horoscope Matching, Indian brides, India Grooms, Indian Matrimonials
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Cancer Sign North Node Your Soul's Mission and Path to Fulfillment

The nodes (south and north node) are two points in an astrological chArt that possess priceless information about one's karmic past and soul-destined future. Calculated by using the birth data of the individual, the nodes symbolize the unique life path that one is on and can answer many questions about his own, as well as his pArtner's, inner struggles and desires -- answers that can transform not only his relationship but his life.

Since there are twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also twelve unique nodal positions -- each pair of nodes (north and south) representing two opposite signs of the zodiac. For instance, a Cancer Sign N orth Node is paired with a Capricorn Sign South Node because they are opposites. And because they are opposites, they create a clear picture of the dualistic struggle that resides within the Cancer north node/Capricorn south node individual.

Often, the individual is unaware of the war taking place inside, a situation that could go on for years. As time passes he is dumfounded by his inability to progress in life - professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. He doesn't understand why he keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again and continues to dwell on the past as he desperately dreams of the future.

All of us have our own set of visible (and invisible) struggles to work through -- obstacles that the Nodes of the Moon can help us isolate and resolve while simultaneously freeing us to move forward on our destined path.

We all know that knowledge is power...and that's why I offer a bit of it to give you the str ength and courage you need to not only live, but thrive.

This week I'd like to begin with a brief overview of the Cancer North Node/Capricorn South Node position.

To stArt, let's take a look at some keywords. These words describe the polarity between these two opposing signs and can offer you a glimpse of the soul journey that the individual with this nodal position is on.

Just remember that the south node represents old patterns of being - patterns that have accumulated over lifetimes that now need to be acknowledged and released. The north node, on the other hand, represents the soul's potential - the direction of the future...the behavioral habits that will lead the individual to greater happiness and the kind of life that will fulfill him.

Here are s ome Capricorn South Node behavioral patterns -- patters that the individual must pArt with if he is to live an emotionally rich life:

Overly ambitiouspessimisticinsensitiveoverly cautiousarrogantobsessed with the pastdisciplinarianalways needs rulesmaterialisticunresponsivesternstubborn.

Here are some Cancer North Node behavioral patterns that the individual might find foreign at first, but ones that he needs to aspire to if he is to connect to his true potential and the existence his soul both needs and desires:

Nurturingsensitiveintuitivematernalsupportivefaithfultenaciousprotectiveromanticvalues familydevotedfocuses on homeempatheticemotional.

The journey from a Capricorn south node to a Cancer north node will take some work. But so does everything el se that holds so much potential. The key is to never lose sight of the ultimate goal and move towards it until it firmly lies within your hands.

The Cancer north node reveals a soul that has spent numerous incarnations as an opinioned, well-respected, and accomplished member of the community. It worked hard to achieve its once prominent level of recognition and enters this lifetimes wanting, needing, and pursuing the same prestige it once had.

The Cancer north node individual also arrives with much inner pride. He has vivid memories of the dignified social presence he once had and can't understand why now, in his present life, he is not getting the respect he knows he deserves. As a result, he spends much of his life trying to regain what he feels he has lost.

In addition to pride, the Cancer north node individual also brings with him memories of past hardships as well as the desire to avoid all imperfection; especially within h imself. He works harder than most yet fails to accomplish all that he sets out to do. And if he feels that a situation might make him seem inadequate, he will go far out of his way to escape the embarrassment; even if it means making himself emotionally and/ or physically ill.

Karmic residues of materialism and self-righteousness are also not foreign to him. Rarely will he accept the advice of others; secretly thinking that he knows best. Seldomly will he share his honest feelings because he believes in personal privacy and is unable to accept any form of criticism. And being the opportunist that he is, will strategically place himself in situations where there is something to be gained; not hesitating for one moment if offered the chance to use another's weakness for his own benefit. All of this is done secretly of course, as to not damage the respectful image he has worked so hard to create for himself.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you want to look at it, the Cancer north node will ask him to leave his rigid ways behind and soften his walls when dealing with others. He will be asked to trade his arrogance for emotional honesty and will be shown the benefits of nurturing and being nurtured. And most importantly, he will asked to gradually open himself up to his Cancerian sensitivity.

At times he might feel the urge to resist this transformation; feeling comfortable with the habits he has come to know so well. Yet life, being the wise teacher that it is, will certainly make sure that he stays on his soul-destined path.

As time goes by, he will begin to value life and family more than money, emotional connectedness more than calculated control and new creation more than old baggage. His soul will teach him that the rock which was once him, is now ready to give way and allow some water to seep in. His soul will help him see that one of his greatest pleasures and achievem ents in this lifetime will be to nourish others; both in physical and spiritual ways. His Capricorn south node has overfilled his vesseland so now it is his turn to share its abundance with those who need it.

Having said all that, it might be a good idea to fill your surroundings with as many symbolic representations of the Cancer Sign as possible. Surrounding yourself with Cancer sign colors, Cancer sign fragrances, and Cancer sign ornaments will remind you of the soul mission you're on and help you find your unique path to fulfillment.

Now if it's your mate that has the Cancer sign north node, and you do that for your mate, well...that's about the greatest gift that you could ever give him/or her. Because there's nothing like the feeling one gets when he realizes that he has found someone who really gets him -- a true friend...lover...and the irreplaceable soul companion he's been searching for his entire life.

...that soul comp anion who is you!

Have an adventurous journey my friend!

You may freely use this Article on your blog, website or newsletter provided the above credit and active link are retained.

Copyright 2006 and Julia Simkin

Julia Simkin is the co-founder of Always in search of the yet-to-be-discovered, Julia strives to offer her readers inspired ways of looking at both love and life. An Aquarian visionary of both mind and spirit, Julia is a facilitator for those seeking a different truth and deeper meaning. To learn more about your soul mission, go to Julias North Node ChArt to find your north node position or directly to the Cancer North Node Page if you already know that your north node is in the sign of Cancer.

Author:: Julia Simkin
Keywords:: Keywords: zodiac cancer sign, cancer sign north node, cancer sign soul mission, cancer horoscope
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The Runes Why Are They Becoming So Popular?

The Runes are having a revival and just like the Tarot.

They are a way of understanding our lives better and look set to grow again in popularity, as we seek to understand our lives in more depth.

The Runes History

Runes are ancient characters used in Teutonic, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian civilizations, and found on many ancient inscriptions.

They were probably first used by the East Goths (c.300), who are thought to have derived them from Helleno-Italic writing, and were used extensively throughout N Europe, Iceland, England, Ireland, and Scotland until the final establishment of Christianity.

After that the use of runes was reviled as a pagan practice, so their use was discouraged, discontinued or used in secret. However, in Scandinavia their use persisted even after the Middle Ages; there they were used for manuscripts as well as inscriptions.

The word rune is derived from an early Anglo-Saxon word meaning secret or mystery.

T herefore in our ancient past, writing was perhaps a much more serious thing than it is today; not just to communicate, but it was full of magical power.

Runes were often used in casting spells, to get someone to love you, or to make an enemy impotent, or even die.

Interestingly, in the casting of spells, the writing of the runes was accompanied by a mumbled (whispered) or chanted prayer or curse, also called a rune. This was to make the magic effective.

Today, the revival of the rune, which had faded away like a whisper, has reappeared from the mists of the past.

Runes have now been rediscovered as a significant symbolic system and have gained a wide following as a means of divination.

Like the Tarot, they give a glimpse into the past as well as the future, as they provide an approach to understand the lives and beliefs of our ancestors.

The Runes, have much to teach us about a way of life that was more intimately related to the worlds of nature world, and spirit, than our own today.

The darkest period in the history of runic studies was paradoxically their revival by German scholars connected with the Nazi movement in the that 20's and 30's.

The legitimate historical research of our past was unfortunately tainted by Nazi propaganda and racism and it rendered the results negligible.

However, by whatever means, the Runes had re-appeared in our cultural sphere, and with it, came its mysteries and perhaps, power.

Today, the Runes are basically used as a method of Divination. However, since there are no reliable historical descriptions of runic divination (at least not known to the general or scholastic communities), virtually any method one chooses can be considered valid.

There are certain characteristics of the runes that make them better suited to some methods than others.

For example, most runes are carved onto small bits of wood, clay or stone. These are designed to be e asily picked up and scattered, rather than being laid out in a specific pattern (like the Tarot

How to use the Runes.

You must either buy a set of them (sold in bookstores or New Age stores or sites). You can also make your own. You will need a bag to place them in. There are several good books to buy that will explain all these steps in details.

However as an example, after you have your Runes, you can quickly ask some question mentally, and then place your hand in a bag, and pull out three Runes as in the system below.

The Norns System (The Three-Rune Easy Cast).

This method is helpful in getting an overview on a given situation, and to give some idea about a future outcome.

The result will depend on how much time and effort you put into the analysis and your understanding of the meaning of each Rune.

To begin, you pull one rune out of the bag and lay it down face up. This rune represents the first Norn - or those events in the pas t which affect the current situation.

Pull another rune and lay it next to the first. This is the second Norn - or the present situation, which frequently to a choice that needs to be made.

Pull a third and lay it down. This is the third Norn, and often proves the most difficult rune to interpret. It can represent the person's inevitable fate, or might simply be the end result if the current situation remains unchanged, or even just one of several results.

You must rely on your own psychic abilities to decide which the answer is. As in all things, practice makes perfect. This is something that the more you practice, and concentrate, the better the result.

For more alternative toughts

On the Runes and on spirituality, religon and alternative thought please visit our newsite

Author:: Sacha Tarkovsky
Keywords:: The runes
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The Zodiac

From the beginnings of time man has been star struck by the stars (in the sky, that is) and this is where the signs of the Zodiac come from. The different stars make up the designs and shapes of the constellations in the sky, and ancient astronomers have always identified them and mapped them out. We look and observe them, and their movements in time and then we make wishes on the first star I see tonight.

Early astronomers made maps of the all the ancient constellations that they discovered, and relatively nothing has changed in the cosmos since then, so they are still observed today. Many people can find the Big Dipper or the Little Dipper on a clear night, and some people know more than that the Big Bear, for instance, still sits in the northern sky. To the trained eye or someone who has studied the astronomical charts, the 12 signs of the Zodiac appear on a clear, starry night in the same way, and this is where the belief in the horoscopes originated.

Depending on where you are in the world at the time, remember that the Earth itself revolves on its axis, you could find your Zodiac sign. The signs of the Zodiac have been tracked for centuries and are made up of 12 different signs, or shapes of the constellations. Your birth date determines your own sign and shape. For instance, a birthday on October 14, would be under the sign of Libra, which is the sign of the scales.

The 12 signs and the birth dates that are included in that sign are below:

Aries - March 21 - April 20

Taurus - April 21 - May 21

Gemini - May 22 - June 21

Cancer - June 22 - July 22

Leo - July 23 -August 21

Virgo - August 22 - September 23

Libra - September 24 - October 23

Scorpio - October 24 - November 22

Sagittarius - November 23 - December 22

Capricorn - December 23 - January 20

Aquarius - January 21 - February 19

Pisces - February 20- March 20

Whats your sign?

This article was written by T. Potter. You can visit Guide To The Zodiac for further information and Astrology resources.

Author:: T Potter
Keywords:: Zodiac,Astrology
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Brief Look At The Puranas (Origin of planets) Enjoy Indian Astrology

Astrology or Jyotish is an integral part of the Vedas. Though in the Vedas the emphasis is more on Astronomy, there was hardly any distinction between Astrology and Astronomy in the Vedic period. Both were studied to determine the auspicious timings for making offerings to propitiate the Gods. The Vedas, therefore, made detailed studies of the stars and the movement of Planets across the sky. Eclipses had to be timed because they signified evil portents. The obliteration of the luminaries, however temporary, could not be good for the mere mortals.

The stories regarding the birth of Planets are found in the Puranas, which are of a later vintage. There are 18 Puranas. They deal with the story of creation, the tussle between the Gods and demons, the various forms and reincarnations of Lord Vishnu and sometimes even the genealogy of kings on earth. The same story appears in several Puarnas and predictably, the versions differ from one another.

In the early stages, Puranas were also an oral tradition. While elaborate care was taken to preserve the integrity of the Vedas so that distortions might not creep into them through repeated retelling, no such precaution was thought necessary for the Puranas. The Vedas were sacrosanct. The Puranas were not quite as sacred.

Methods of memorizing the Vedas were very interesting. Let us assume that we have a sentence in the Vedas - God is good. (Actually, Vedas do not dish out such simple sentences. We have cooked up an example to illustrate a point). One student would memorize it as God is good. That is normal. We all go through a similar exercise the night before our exams.

But a second one would do it in a strange form:

Doog si dog - memorizing it backwards. There would be a third who would do something even more strange:

Go od di is sg go oo od.

This gobbledygook can be easily unscrambled to find the original message. There were many more ways; all were simultaneously practiced to ensure that if corruption took place in one it would be rectified by comparing it with the others.

In one method two sentences would be mixed up in a manner not entirely unlike sending scrambled digital packets across the broad bandwidth.

But enough of that! Let us go back to the story of the Planets as given in some of the Puranas. These were subsequently changed, modified, expanded until they became part of a rich folklore of India wit h all its sectarian bias and regional garnish.

So the stores we bring to you here originated in the Puranas but got extensively revised through successive retelling!

Enjoy your look into Indian Mythology!

Note: You are allowed to republish this article in your website and ezines without any change in the content and the link to cyberastro must be provided as the article author.

Sujit Bose is a very well educated, wise and senior person having great insight into Astrology. Read more Astrology articles by some of the well know astrologers of cyberastro at

Author:: Sujit Bose
Keywords:: Astrology, Religion,Horoscopes,Yajnas,Planets,indian Astrology
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Astrological Talismans Amulets & Good Luck Charms

The sound by which all things are created isnt just any sound, it is the Word of God, this word pervades through everything that exists. The power of the spoken word in the form of prayers, hymns and chants, is a belief that is common to all major religions and these sounds resonate in churches, mosques and temples throughout the world. In Hinduism, Mantras are a combination of sacred words, composed mainly in Sanskrit. According to the ancient Hindu scriptures, the Vedas and Upanishads, the chanting of Mantras can achieve enlightenment and oneness with God.

The visual equivalent of a Mantra is a Yantra, it is in fact the graphical representation of a Mantra. The literal meaning of Yantra is Device, but it is unlike any manmade device, as its working is in complete harmony with nature. It is believed that a Yantra possesses infinite power, that its results are miraculous and that it can not only remove problems, but also realize wishes.

Yantras are made up from Vedic symbols, comprising of straight lines, squares, rectangles, triangles and circles. These symbols are so precise in design, that even the angles employed are determined to the last degree. Some Yantras may also comprise of numbers and letters of the Dev Nagari script. These symbols represent the five basic elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, Air, Water and Ether. Each element is associated with certain properties. For example Earth denotes among other things stability, patience, material happiness and success. While Wind represents dishonour, sorrow and ignorance. These symbols are arranged so as to enhance one property and enervate the other.

The materials out of which Yantras can be created are very varied. These include Asht Dhatu or an eight metal alloy, gold, silver, copper, crystals or even plant leaves. Some materials are more suited to the properties of certain Yantras. However, any Power Yantra has an intrinsic energy which is always radiated, irrespective of s ize or material and these factors are not critical to its power.

The energising of a Yantra is the most important aspect of its creation. Without performing the complex, ancient energising ceremonies, set out in the Vedas, a Yantra remains dormant. Once it has been energized an ordinary Yantra is transformed into a Power Yantra and in this state it is considered to be the dwelling of the Gods and Deities it represents. In fact Yantra also means Abode. Genuine Power Yantras, such as those that can be found at, are fountains of positive energy, that shower on those who worship them.

The energising ceremonies, or Havans are preformed only on specific dates, during certain months of the Hindu calendar. Once this date has been selected, the exact time at which the Havan is to be preformed is calculated. At that precise time, in the presence of a Sacred Fire, the appropriate Mantras are recited and offerings made. This is done so as to invoke the Gods and Deities to invest their power and presence on the Yantra, igniting it with positive energy. According to the learned Guru (teacher) Maharishi Kishore Yogi Raj of Dehra Dun, India, who creates and energises Yantras for (check, It is essential that pure, unselfish thoughts are maintained during the energizing of theYantras.

Without this, the Yantras will not bear the desired results. There are numerous types of Yantras, each having its own unique design and purpose. Some may have multiple effects, such as the Sri Yantra. This Yantra is known to not only provide wealth and prosperity, but to also enhance mental concentration and harmony. Other Yantras may have a more specific purpose such as neutralizing the effects negative thoughts, evil wishes or adverse astrological conditions. Each Yantra has a corresponding Mantra. Repetition of this Mantra in the presence of a Power Yantra can have quite remarka ble effects, especially in relation to the realization of ambitions and desires.

According to Dr. R.K. Shrimali, author of Shri Yantra Rahesya or The Mysteries of the Shri Yantra, Yantras also serve a functional purpose during prayers. That is, of providing a fixed point on which spiritual energy can be focused. It has been observed that when sound waves of certain frequencies are directed at a Yantra, the reflected waves mirror the patterns inscribed on the Yantra surface. This principle of wave polarization is believed to also extend to other energy forms, such as light, heat and magnetic fields.

In the words of Sir Thomas Browne, There is surely a piece of divinity in us, something that was before the elements, and owes no homage to unto the sun. It is this Inner Divinity that fuels a Power Yantra. As when this is focused on a Power Yantra, it is amplified and returned back to us, thereby causing the profound effects that are observed. For more information an d details of availability of Power Yantras, log on to

Vineet, is a copywriter and astrological consultant for Lucky Charms, Talismans.

Author:: Vineet S
Keywords:: Astrology,Talismans,Amulets,good luck charms,lucky charms,astrological products
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Astrology Aspects

Aspects are where we start to get into the more complex part of Astrology. Truthfully, however, if you take the time to really study and understand aspects and apply them to other things in your life, they actually make a lot of sense, at least logically. We're going to cover the five major aspects and try to explain them in a way where they will make sense to you and you'll be able to interpret them correctly when doing your astrological reading.

Aspects basically show how the various planets get along with each other, based on where they are at any one time. Most planets can form aspects to each other, except for Mercury, which is never more than 28 degrees from the sun and Venus, which is never more than 48 degrees from the sun. An aspect is the number of degrees one planet is from anot her. The smallest degree of difference for the major aspects is 60 degrees with one exception that will be covered.

Conjunctions are the strongest aspects. This is where the two planets involved are in total alignment with each other, or 0 degrees apart. Planets that are in conjunction to each other can either be easy or challenging depending upon the aspects of the other planets. Notice we do not use the terms good or bad as an aspect is neither good nor bad. They are simply challenges in our lives. Some may be challenges that are easy to deal with and some may be very difficult to deal with. In any case, the outcome itself for any aspect can be either good or bad depending on how we deal with it.

Sextiles are aspects where the planets are 60 degrees from each other. These aspects are considered quite favorable. Usually their signs share the same energies which compliment each other. They do require some effort on your part as they are not the easiest of aspects. Usually sextiles are development opportunities. So if you don't take the necessary action to take advantage of them you'll usually miss out on the opportunity.

Squares are aspects where the planets are 90 degrees from each other. These aspects are considered very challenging. The tension of these aspects can provide you dynamic action in your life. Without squares most of us would never do anything with our lives because we wouldn't be motivated by the forces which cause us to take action. Squares are probably the most important aspects for us to have meaningful and interesting lives.

A trine is considered the most favorable aspect. This is where the planets are 120 degrees apart. The signs of a trine usually share the same element and energy. These aspects are usually well developed skills and strengths that most people don't notice because they naturally do them so well. The truth is, too many trines can make you weak and lazy because ever ything in your life is so easy.

Finally, oppositions, which are planets that are 180 degrees apart, are considered challenging, especially in the areas of growth and achievement. Oppositions also show a need for balancing opposite needs and energies. Examples of this are people who have trouble balancing their career against their home life. This is not always easy to do. A person with many oppositions is usually stressed to the breaking point.

Now that we know what aspects are and what the planets and houses are, it's time to put it all together and do a simple reading, which is coming very soon.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
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Psychic Spiritual Readings

Those who are uncertain about how to tap their inner selves may glean insight at a session with a good psychic spiritual reader. Amidst the frenetic pace that characterizes today's fast paced world, where values and principles seem subject to the demands of the rat race, a large number of people are speaking out against a clock-dominated, work-oriented lifestyle. Struggling for power, wealth and material happiness doesn't seem to satisfy them anymore, and deep inside these people are beginning to deduce that lasting peace and happiness is an internal thing.

Many people are looking into the spiritual realm for a greater sense of purpose, direction and meaning. In the process, these seekers find themselves asking psychic spiritual readers: Who am I? What am I doing? What is my real purpose in life? This invaluable insight can be the richest experience of one's lifetime.

A psychic spiritual reading attempts to show us the directions to a rich, gratifying life. The seeker will still need to make the journey by himself, and will meet all the difficulties that life has in store for him, but he will be armed with the knowledge that his chosen direction is correct.

Based on the seekers aura and background details, the psychic spiritual reader aids him with messages referring to subconsciously buried issues, which are central to the seekers life; they simply need awakening. If the reading is successful, the old ways of life may not interest the seeker anymore as he gradually becomes aware of how a pArticular rule can offer stability in his hectic, fast paced lifestyle.

However, it is important to take note that there are many ways to get from one place to another in life. There is no pArticular decree; it is a strictly individual thing. A spiritual psychic reader simply outlines one path, among many, for the seeker to consider. For example, the discussion between the psychic spiritual reader and seeker may encourage the seeker to spend less time commuting to distant jobs or cut down on a hectic social life, leaving him with time better spent with family members.

Psychic Readings provides detailed information on Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readings and more. Psychic Readings is affiliated with Famous Psychic Mediums.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readi
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A Fine Line between Heaven Hell and Astrology Angelic Governors of the Zodiac

Have you ever wondered which Angel governs your sign? And did you know that all Angels are not exlusively deriven from Heaven? With regards to your personality, each of these entities play a role in your individuality.

Rf. from A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson

The Angel, Machidiel, (meaning fullness of God), governs the month of March and is also the ruler of Aries.

Asmodel, the Angel of April, rules the Zodiacal sign of Taurus. He is widely known as the demon of punishment.

May's Angel, Ambriel governs Gemini and is the chief officer of the 12th hour of night. On an Oriental, Hebrew charm, Ambriel's name is inscribed to ward off evil.

Then we have Muriel, the Angel of June and the ruler of Cancer. Muriel is interesting in that not only is he the chief officer of the 3rd hour of the day but if invoked from the South is believed to procure a magic carpet.

The Angel of July, Verchiel, ruler of Leo. Not only is Verchiel one of the rulers of the order of powers, but he also governs the Sun.

Hamaliel, Angel of August, a ruler of Virgo is also one of the rulers of the orders of virtue.

Libra's ruler, Uriel, (translating Fire of God), governor of September, is also known as the Archangel of salvation and is renowned globally from the infamous painting - Dryden's The State of Innocence, depicted descending from Heaven in a chariot drawn by white horses. He is also likened to divine vengeance and Justice ~ thus the scales of Libra.

Barbiel, ruler of Scorpio and the Angel of October is one of the 28 Angels of the 28 mansions of the Moon. Barbiel also serv es as one of the seven Electors in the underworld.

The Angel of November and ruler of Sagittarius is Adnachiel. He and Phaleg-referred to as the Warlord, alternate as ruling Angels of the Order of Angels.

Haniel, Angel of December and ruler of Capricorn meaning Glory or grace of God, is known as the chief of innocents. He is invoked as an amulet against evil.

Aquarian ruler, Gabriel (God is my strength) and Angel of January is one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judaeo-Christian and Mohammedan religion. He stands for annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death and revelation. He presides over Paradise and is the ruling prince of the 1st Heaven. He is also said to sit on the left-hand side of God and known as the spirit of truth. Gabriel was the Angel who inspired Joan of Arc t o go the succor of the King of France.

Barchiel, the Angel of February and the ruler of Pisces, (Lightening of God) is one of the 7 archAngels, and is also known to be the ruler of Jupiter

It is evident, Astrologically speaking, the Zodiac closely mirrors the Heaven that we know and the Angels therein. So, the words, It is written in the Stars truly exhibits our predestination of life and all that lies within. How we use our knowledge, experience and Angelical Governors of the Zodiac is up to us.

A Fine Line between Heaven, Hell and Astrology - Angelic Governors of the Zodiac All Rights Reserved by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCa melot

About the Author: C. Bailey-Lloyd - Author of Somewhere Along the Beaten Path

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Author:: C. Bailey-Lloyd
Keywords:: Angels, archAngels, Governors, Zodiac, Astrology, Signs, Heaven
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