Thursday, June 30, 2011

Astrology Refuted: They Should Have Seen It Coming

A comedian once showed a newspaper to his audience. The headline read, 1-800 Astrology Business Goes Under: They Should Have Seen It Coming. Everyone laughed, including me. We chuckled at the irony of a real contradiction here. If such a business could provide the service they claim, then its owners should have succeeded where other businesses failed. In fact, if they really knew the future, they likely wouldn't bother with this business at all. They would simply raid the stock market with a perfect investing record. We all somewhat instinctively know this, even those of us who have never had the occasion to sit and think it through carefully.

But this pseudo-science has another problem that concerns us. It's adherents who create the garden-variety horoscope columns (found in most any newspaper) spotlight a basic contradiction. On the one hand, they pretend to tell your future based upon the timing of your birth and the alignment of the stars and/ or planets. Philoso phers have called this assumption astral determinism.

This means simply that the stars and planets determine your future, hence the phrase, written in the stars. On the other hand, however, when the predictors finish telling just what will befall you, they move onto the next part of the column. They offer advice. But this advice you may take or leave, as though you have a free choice to make, the outcome of which no star determines.

So they assume astral determinism when predicting, and then assume its opposite when advising. One simply cannot have it both ways. The only way to resolve this contradiction derives from saying that the heavenlies determine SOME things, but not others. This avoids contradictory impulses, however, at the cost of engaging a purely arbitrary (pick and choose whichever you like) approach to what stars do and do not determine about your life. And yet their charts promise a principled (non-arbitrary) way to know the future. So this option makes no logical headway either.

Either way then, assumptions necessary to the trade of star-traffickers show themselves bogus. The whole thing turns out a useless mirage. Astral determinism thus represents a phoney idea, and we can show this with a little logical rigor.

Finally then, we wish to add logical insult to mystical injury by noting that our refutation of astral determinism posits a fairly clear and obvious problem for their trade. And like the bug who never quite manages to avoid the fast-approaching windshield -- they should have seen it coming.

Carson Day has written some 1.3 gazillion articles and essays on all manner of topics. These aim to glorify God and offer people real help to live wisely and well. You can visit Carson's websites at (The Omniblog, where Carson blogs everything) or (Carson's Day Trading Outpost). Thanks for stopping by.

Author:: Carson C. Day
Key words:: critique astrology, critical thinking, pop culture, astrology contradictions, refute astrology, Fun
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A Fine Line between Heaven Hell and Astrology Angelic Governors of the Zodiac

Have you ever wondered which Angel governs your sign? And did you know that all Angels are not exlusively deriven from Heaven? With regards to your personality, each of these entities play a role in your individuality.

Rf. from A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson

The Angel, Machidiel, (meaning fullness of God), governs the month of March and is also the ruler of Aries.

Asmodel, the Angel of April, rules the Zodiacal sign of Taurus. He is widely known as the demon of punishment.

May's Angel, Ambriel governs Gemini and is the chief officer of the 12th hour of night. On an Oriental, Hebrew charm, Ambriel's name is inscribed to ward off evil.

Then we have Muriel, the Angel of June and the ruler of Cancer. Muriel is interesting in that not only is he the chief officer of the 3rd hour of the day but if invoked from the South is believed to procure a magic carpet.

The Angel of July, Verchiel, ruler of Leo. Not only is Verchiel one of the rulers of the order of powers, but he also governs the Sun.

Hamaliel, Angel of August, a ruler of Virgo is also one of the rulers of the orders of virtue.

Libra's ruler, Uriel, (translating Fire of God), governor of September, is also known as the Archangel of salvation and is renowned globally from the infamous painting - Dryden's The State of Innocence, depicted descending from Heaven in a chariot drawn by white horses. He is also likened to divine vengeance and Justice ~ thus the scales of Libra.

Barbiel, ruler of Scorpio and the Angel of October is one of the 28 Angels of the 28 mansions of the Moon. Barbiel also serv es as one of the seven Electors in the underworld.

The Angel of November and ruler of Sagittarius is Adnachiel. He and Phaleg-referred to as the Warlord, alternate as ruling Angels of the Order of Angels.

Haniel, Angel of December and ruler of Capricorn meaning Glory or grace of God, is known as the chief of innocents. He is invoked as an amulet against evil.

Aquarian ruler, Gabriel (God is my strength) and Angel of January is one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judaeo-Christian and Mohammedan religion. He stands for annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death and revelation. He presides over Paradise and is the ruling prince of the 1st Heaven. He is also said to sit on the left-hand side of God and known as the spirit of truth. Gabriel was the Angel who inspired Joan of Arc t o go the succor of the King of France.

Barchiel, the Angel of February and the ruler of Pisces, (Lightening of God) is one of the 7 archAngels, and is also known to be the ruler of Jupiter

It is evident, Astrologically speaking, the Zodiac closely mirrors the Heaven that we know and the Angels therein. So, the words, It is written in the Stars truly exhibits our predestination of life and all that lies within. How we use our knowledge, experience and Angelical Governors of the Zodiac is up to us.

A Fine Line between Heaven, Hell and Astrology - Angelic Governors of the Zodiac All Rights Reserved by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCa melot

About the Author: C. Bailey-Lloyd - Author of Somewhere Along the Beaten Path

Visit Media Positive Radio -- Providing a positive and uplifting listening experience - All the Time! Featuring the finest music from Independent and Mainstream musicians all focusing on the power and greatness of every individual as well as the collective power of unity and brotherhood.

NOTICE: Article may be republished free of charge as long as Author Resource Box (above) is included, and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN in tact and active.

Author:: C. Bailey-Lloyd
Keywords:: Angels, archAngels, Governors, Zodiac, Astrology, Signs, Heaven
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Psychic Readings: A Guide

A psychic reading is a consultation with a psychic: someone who is sensitive to the electrical, magnetic and other energies radiating from the seeker and collectively referred to as the aura. The psychic is thus able to access information from the emotional, physical and spiritual pArts of the auric field. As the aura contains an insight into the seekers past, present and future, psychic readings can be very accurate. Additionally, a psychic also enhances the reading by using his natural ability to tune into the seekers non-verbal communication i.e. body language and facial expressions.

Just wanting information about the future at large is an ambiguous objective and the reading will be of no value. A seeker must assess what he expects from the consultation and determine the scope of the reading. It could be his career, relationship, marriage or health but it must be focused. When a seeker intends to gain clarity, insight and direction on a specific issue, the process of psychic reading becomes sanctified. A significant advantage of a psychic reading is receiving accurate answers, which will then empower the seeker to make choices that will enhance his future; yet they often overlook the fact that to receive precise answers, it is imperative to ask focused questions.

Going to a good psychic reader is imperative as great care is required on behalf of the psychic during readings; some people seeking help can be very vulnerable and a psychic can subconsciously calculate probable future events by an evaluation of the information available and end up giving likely forecasts. It should be noted in pArticular that a psychic reader is able to sense things on a material level and cannot tune in to the spirit world, as is the general misconception.

Psychic Readings provides detailed information on Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readings and more. Psychic Readings is affiliated with Famous Psychic Mediums.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readi
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Horoscopes Libra

In this seventh of a 12 part series on Horoscopes, we're going to look at the first of what are called the fall signs, Libra the Scales.

People who are born between September 22 and October 23 are Librans. Their element is Air, their quality is Cardinal, their energy is Yang, their ruler is Venus, their color is blue, their gem is Opal, their main anatomical parts are the kidneys, lower back and adrenal glands, their keywords are balance, harmony and justice, their Tarot suit is Swords and their Tarot Major Arcana card is Justice.

Some famous celebrities who are Librans are Nicole Kidman, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, John Lennon, Eleanor Roosevelt and Barbara Walters.

There is an old joke about Librans. How many Librans does it take to screw in a lig ht bulb? The answer, Two. One to do it and one NOT to do it.

Harmony and balance. That is what the Libra is all about. No sign wants to even the sides as much as Libra does. They seek balance in everything they do. That means never indulging in anything one way or the other. So you'll rarely find a Libra who either drinks to excess or doesn't touch alcohol at all. Everything in moderation. That's how they live their lives and that's what the strive for in getting others to do the same.

To achieve these ends, they can be very charming when they have to be or very blunt when the charm doesn't work. They try to look at every issue from both sides. Because of this they sometimes have a hard time actually taking a side in an argument. This can drive the partner of a Libra crazy, especially when the partner thinks he is right.

Because of the nature of the Libra, they are very social creatures. They are more than ready, willing an eager to share their beliefs with others. They will form many friendships. At least they will try. As they are quite the diplomat, this isn't something that comes hard to them.

But because of the way they are, they can come off as being insincere because they are too eager to compromise. Their desire to keep the peace makes them seem indecisive at times. Don't try to nail them down to a definite yes or no on anything. You'll have a long wait.

Librans in love demand equality in a relationship. They expect as much love given to them as they give to their partner. For them, love is a definite two way street and they won't accept anything less. Librans get along great with other Librans as well as with Geminis and Aquarians.

When it comes to work, Librans really shine. Many times they turn out to be leaders. They like to show others at work the way to do things and keep balance and harmony at the same time. When involved in a work dispute they often times end up being t he negotiator. Because of their great social skills, they can easily charm both sides of the argument into a compromise.

Librans are constantly in motion, constantly enjoying life and forever looking at both sides of everything. After all, somebody has to do it.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Horoscopes

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Horoscopes
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Psychic Spiritual Readings

Those who are uncertain about how to tap their inner selves may glean insight at a session with a good psychic spiritual reader. Amidst the frenetic pace that characterizes today's fast paced world, where values and principles seem subject to the demands of the rat race, a large number of people are speaking out against a clock-dominated, work-oriented lifestyle. Struggling for power, wealth and material happiness doesn't seem to satisfy them anymore, and deep inside these people are beginning to deduce that lasting peace and happiness is an internal thing.

Many people are looking into the spiritual realm for a greater sense of purpose, direction and meaning. In the process, these seekers find themselves asking psychic spiritual readers: Who am I? What am I doing? What is my real purpose in life? This invaluable insight can be the richest experience of one's lifetime.

A psychic spiritual reading attempts to show us the directions to a rich, gratifying life. The seeker will still need to make the journey by himself, and will meet all the difficulties that life has in store for him, but he will be armed with the knowledge that his chosen direction is correct.

Based on the seekers aura and background details, the psychic spiritual reader aids him with messages referring to subconsciously buried issues, which are central to the seekers life; they simply need awakening. If the reading is successful, the old ways of life may not interest the seeker anymore as he gradually becomes aware of how a pArticular rule can offer stability in his hectic, fast paced lifestyle.

However, it is important to take note that there are many ways to get from one place to another in life. There is no pArticular decree; it is a strictly individual thing. A spiritual psychic reader simply outlines one path, among many, for the seeker to consider. For example, the discussion between the psychic spiritual reader and seeker may encourage the seeker to spend less time commuting to distant jobs or cut down on a hectic social life, leaving him with time better spent with family members.

Psychic Readings provides detailed information on Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readings and more. Psychic Readings is affiliated with Famous Psychic Mediums.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readi
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Astrology? It's Element ary My Dear Watson

What kind of RAT are you?

The Five Chinese Elements are WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL & WATER. If you are a Water Rat, you are not the same sort of Rat as your friend who is a Wood Rat. Ditto Fire Horses. Fire Horses are feistier and more obstreperous than calmer, more serious Earth Horses. Here's how it works:

To allow for movement to occur and bring about change, Chinese philosophy calls upon the five elements as agents of change and reaction. Change, the Chinese think, derives from the influence of the five main elementsWood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Wateron the basic Yin or Yang energies. Like in the old rock, paper, scissors game that we played as kids, each of these five Chinese elements has the ability to control and/or destroy the previous element, and is capable of producing the element that directly follows it. In the regenerative cycle of the elements, Water engenders Wood. Wood begets Fire. Fire burns to Earth. Earth creates Metal and Metal gives way to Wa ter.

Wood is characterized by the color green. Wood heralds the beginning of life, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity. Woods influence affects the liver, the gallbladder and, by extension, the digestion. Wood needs moisture to thrive. Its two opposite yet equally emotional forces are rage and altruism. The Wood person will be expansive, outgoing and socially conscious.

Wood, in its turn, can create and nourish Fire. Fires signatory color is red. Fire is hot weather, satisfaction of nature, aridity and dust. The tongue and the small intestine are the centers of attention in the Fire persons body. Fire makes heat, which either warms or burns. The Fire person must constantly seek to balance a tendency to explode and possibly destroy, against a desire to create coziness and warmth. Passionate by nature, this impatient, ebullient person must strive to keep his flame under control.

Earth is created from the ashes of the Fire. Now we are in the soothing ly satisfying late summer cycle. Earths favorite color is yellow, which represents the equanimity between beginnings and. endings. The weather of Earth is mild or temperate. In the human body, Earth influences spleen, pancreas and mouth. Earth's two opposite but equal forces which need to be kept in constant balance are enhancing and smothering. On the one hand Earth gives care and allows for growth and improvement. On the other, Earth buries roots and snuffs out breath. Earth people are gifted for fairness and have the ability to commit themselves to protracted projects and complete Herculean tasks with ease. They must struggle against a penchant for worry.

The Earth grows Metal in her veins. Metal says white and autumn. Metal is cool, crisp weather. Metals effect on the body centers in the lungs and respiratory system. It only secondarily rules the large intestine and the nose. Metal people like to communicate. They need to keep discord and harmony in constant balanc e. Metal signifies the onset of winter. Its influence can sometimes add sadness or gloom to an astrological chart. Two of Metals emotional forces are melancholy and romance. I see Metal as Wagnerian. Metal people must guard against a tendency to wallow in nostalgia.

Lastly, Metal begets Watergroundwater trickling its way through layers of the Earths ore. Waters color is blue. Its season is full-blown winter. Water is always moving, fluid, and mutational. In our bodies, waters influence affects our plumbing systems, the kidneys and the bladder. The ear, too, comes under the spell of Water. Hence people born in Water-ruled years are frequently musical. They pick up on everything. Be it good or bad, they never miss a vibe. Water-ruled creatures are always very sensitive and sometimes even mentally fragile. The downside of Waters influence, then, is a stressful nervousness. To balance that fidgety, squeamish, overly sensitive side, Water endows its subjects with the nobles t quality of all, kindness and sympathy. Sometimes too permeable, the Water-ruled must take precautions against drowning in the chagrin of those they see as less fortunate than themselves.

So, the five elements cause a lot of the commotion and are responsible for creating and maintaining both balance and imbalancefor moving things around and making life interesting. These purveyors of change can be controlled or not, depending on how one manages them.

Each animal year of the Chinese Zodiac has been assigned one of the five elements. That element turns up twice in the cycle going away for another ten years. The five elements are always presented in the above order. Once we know this, we can understand how the elements directly affect us and pertain to individual characters.

For more information on which of the five Elements enhances your Chinese animal sign, Google Suzanne White.

Don't you deserve to know who you really are? Are you a Rat, Ox, Tiger, C at/Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog or Pig? Are you a shrinking violet Earth Pig? Or perhaps you will find out that you are a bossy Metal Rooster or a picky Fire Dog. Whatever your Chinese animal sign, it is governed by one element and that element modifies your basic character - big time!

Find out all about who you are, what the future holds and what other animal signs you are compatible with. Which animal sign years should you have your kids in? What is it about you has been causing you so much stress? Which of your characteristics makes certain people recoil from you? What signs are fatally attracted to yours? There's a world of information to for you on Ms. White's web site. Google Suzanne White and see for yourself. Suzanne White's books and Consultations wil l open all the doors of perception that you will ever need to walk through to find peace of mind and true felicity.

Visit Suzannewhite's web site. It's named after her. Find out which is your Animal sign and what Element you were born under. Put that sign and its element safely into a corner of your mind and don't ever leave home without it again.

Suzanne White says: I like to count my readers among my friends. Suzanne is the celebrated author of 4 best selling Astrology Books. Ms. White is American. She lives in Paris and Buenos Aires. Suzanne White offers private Consultations:

Author:: Suzanne White
Keywords:: Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Horoscopes, Chinese wisdom, Zodiac, Consultations
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On Stephen Hawking

I was introduced to the theories and the work of Stephen Hawking about three years ago, in high school. At the time I was an eager student, and had a very interesting form of 'attraction' torwards the Sciences like physics, mathematics, and Astronomy. I kept hearing the words 'black hole' on television, social conversations, among friends and family, and literally everywhere I was around. People said that it was an early stage of this new branch of Astronomy, and scientists were still going with small steps torwards the truth about black holes.

Stephen Hawking contributed a lot with his theories about the black holes of our Universe. Besides being a genius with a lot of courage and determination (no to mention his huge disabilities), he was a thinker, a logical hybrid of Science and philosophy. There is something about Stephen Hawking that trespasses normality and randomness. Not only he proved wrong Albert Einstein, but his simple formed and yet enigmatic questions like 'Does God play dice?', mentioning an understatement about black holes, have such deeply indirect answers like 'God sometimes throws dice where they can't be seen', which is truly indifferent at Religion, as it is to Science, but have a deep meaning.

What I like and respect most about him is the amazing energy and willingness to go forward on great matters; when people probably would prefer to die rather than even live, not to do scientific discoveries and study the Universe in a physical state of being where you can't even have the energy to speak yourself. I come to think that even if he made considerable mistakes, the amazing turn up he caused to our scientific discoveries and the way he showed how fare the human mind can go alone, make him mathematically and logically a great contributor, not only to today's Science and technology, but also to our human society.

There is nothing more than respect, gratitude, and admiration for that physically impaired man with a great desire for more and determination. Lastly, the Universe should have had a beginning. If not, then I hope that it never has an ending. Who knows... If time is not real and does not come to an end, another Stephen Hawking will come along and find out.

Author:: Arber Spaho
Keywords:: stephen hawking,Astrology,God,black holes,Universe,Astronomy,Religion,Science
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Take Care when Communicating

Welcome to another week of self-discovery and universal understanding. This week's Forecast begins on Wednesday when the Sun, your source of vitality and light at 20 degrees Taurus will square Neptune, the planet of universal love at 20 degrees Aquarius. The energy of this square will make you will make you feel emotionally vulnerable today. Neptune on the Sun will weaken your ego demands for independence which can distort your reality of self, making you feel dreamy and unsure of your reality. Sometimes these feelings of inadequacy can create images of failure and you will construct impossible dreams to justify your inability to succeed. If you are to become independent and express yourself with confidence in this life, you must be willing to risk failure if you are to gain from the experience of living. With time you will grow more aware of your abilities and and will be able to accept full responsibility for your creative reality.

On Thursday Merc ury, the planet of communication at 13 degrees Taurus will be in opposition to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth. The energy expressed from this opposition of Mercury with Jupiter will make you think in grand terms. With this transit you can plan details with precision and clarity. Because you are looking at the greater whole which includes the finer details of your perception, communications with others today will have a touch of arrogance and cocksureness. Try to remain flexible enough to others' points of view or you could find yourself engaged in a heated debate.

On Friday Mercury, the planet of communications at 14 degrees Taurus, will sextile Uranus, the planet of unexpected change at 14 degrees Pisces. The energy expressed from this sextile of Mercury with Uranus will have you seeking excitement and change. You can expect a change in direction and your travel, and in communications with others today. All around you today, pleasant sur prises will influence the direction of your comings and goings that will give you new insights into your world.

Late Saturday night, the Moon at 22 degrees Scorpio will be in opposition to the Sun at 22 degrees Taurus. This opposition of the Moon and Sun is known as the Full Moon. This month's full moon will focus her light on your value system versus your resources. Since the Taurus (Sun) and Scorpio (Moon) polarity is connected with desire, your misuse of these energies can create trouble with regard to the objects you own, or wish to make your own. The Taurus desire to accumulate material goods for emotional security can lead to Scorpionic pride as well as jealousy under this month's Full Moon. This Full Moon Taurus-Scorpio polarity is concerned with what what you value. The problem of values is that they are connected with your Scorpio desire. Desire is also associated with sex, which will also be the focus of today's Full Moon. Scorpio is assoc iated with sex and all forms of letting go. Elimination, ejaculation, and death are all expressions of Scorpio's energy. This Full Moon will create confrontations that will intensify your awareness and appreciation of Earth's securities. The lesson of the Full Moon is not to become unduly attached to the physical gifts of Earth's abundance, which are given to use and discard.

On Saturday Mercury, the planet of communications at 17 degrees Taurus will sextile Mars, the planet of personal energy and ego drive at 17 degrees Cancer. The energy expressed from this sextile of Mercury with Mars will make for an extremely busy day. Mentally you are ready for any opportunities that arise today. You should take the initiative and don't hesitate to display your skills and know-how. Under this influence you will be successful.

On Sunday, Mercury, the planet of communications at 20 degrees Taurus will square Neptune, the planet of universal love at 20 degrees Aquarius. The energy of this square of Mercury with Neptune will cloud your judgment. Today's communications are hopelessly misunderstood or perhaps not even delivered. Don't believe all of what you hear today; truth will be distorted or misrepresented. What you think will be challenged by what you feel, and what you feel is only a fantasy of what you desire. Are you confused? You should be. Just stay in touch with the real world and maintain control over your fantasies today.

Have a great week! As above, so below.

Tony Mims writes a Weekly column entitled Metaphysical Muse, for Listen & Be Heard at, that discusses Astrology, Numerology and other metaphysical topics. He is the host of open mic on Friday nights at Listen & Be Heard poetry Caf in < b>Vallejo CA, owned by he and his wife Martha Cinader Mims

Author:: Tony Mims
Keywords:: Metaphysics, Numerology, Astrology, Forecast, Advice, Weekly, Vallejo
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Leo Sign North Node Your Soul's Mission and Path to Fulfillment

The nodes (south and north node) are two points in an astrological chArt that possess priceless information about one's karmic past and soul-destined future. Calculated by using the birth data of the individual, the nodes symbolize the unique life path that one is on and can answer many questions about his own, as well as his pArtner's, inner struggles and desires -- answers that can transform not only his relationship but his life.

Since there are twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also twelve unique nodal positions -- each pair of nodes (north and south) representing two opposite signs of the zodiac. For instance, a Leo Sign Nort h Node is paired with an Aquarius Sign South Node because they are opposites. And because they are opposites, they create a clear picture of the dualistic struggle that resides within the Leo north node/Aquarius south node individual.

Often, the individual is unaware of the war taking place inside, a situation that could go on for years. As time passes he is dumfounded by his inability to progress in life - professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. He doesn't understand why he keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again and continues to dwell on the past as he desperately dreams of the future.

All of us have our own set of visible (and invisible) struggles to work through -- obstacles that the Nodes of the Moon can help us isolate and resolve while simultaneously freeing us to move forward on our destined path.

We all know that knowledge is power...and that's why I offer a bit of it to give you the strength a nd courage you need to not only live, but thrive.

This week I'd like to begin with a brief overview of the Leo Sign North Node/Aquarius Sign South Node position.

To stArt, let's take a look at some keywords. These words describe the polarity between these two opposing signs and can offer you a glimpse of the soul journey that the individual with this nodal position is on.

Just remember that the south node represents the comfortable but not necessarily healthy habits within your personality - patterns that have accumulated over lifetimes that now need to be acknowledged and released. The north node, on the other hand, represents your soul's potential - the direction of the future...the behavioral habits that will lead you to greater happiness and the kind of life that y ou will find fulfilling.

Here are a few Aquarius South Node traits that should be put to rest, sort of speak, if the individual with this nodal position is to live an emotionally rich life:

Overly logicalremoterepressedimpersonalopinionatedtoo unpredictablealooferraticradicalcoldintolerantoblivioustoo detached.

Here are a few Leo North Node traits that the individual might at first find foreign but eventually will need to acquire if he is to connect to his true soul potential and live the life he was meant to live:

Generouscourageousfun loving.leaderheArt-centeredcommandinginspiringdignifiedinfluentialdramaticwilling to actwhimsicalself-confident.

The journey from an Aquarius Sign south node to a Leo Sign north node will take some work. Bu t then again, so does everything thats worth doing. Obstacles are simply strategically placed hurdles that are to teach and show us the power of our own strength and courage. So as long as the Leo north node individual remembers to never lose sight of the ultimate goal, he should have no problem achieving and holding it firmly within his hands.

The Leo Sign north node reveals a soul that has spent lifetimes dependent on other peoples ideas and opinions. Therefore, as he arrives into this world, he still feels a strong pull towards groupstoward sharing common intereststoward accomplishing unified goals.

Unfortunately, this dependence on the group as well as his friends only leaves him disappointed at the end. Each time he reaches out for support, he is left standing alone on his own two feet. The abandonment hurts, but this is what his soul wants him to feel. Because his soul mission in this lifetime is to develop his own identityhis own willand h is own courage. To stop relying on others and begin depending on himselfexpressing his own opinions rather than those of whom he represents. He must finally learn to be a leader and forget being a follower.

The request mentioned above is only the first of three favors asked by his Leo Sign north node. The second would be that he reconnects to his heArt. This individual has spent lifetimes as an aloof, impersonal, and somewhat cold person always keeping contacts at a comfortable distance. In this lifetime, his Leo Sign north node will ask him to depend less on his intellect and reason when dealing with others, and instead, make a conscious effort to interact with others in a more loving, involved, and personal manner. This reawakening of the heArt will allow him to connect to his solar power so that he can use it to become the spiritual king he is meant to be.

The last but not least request of his Leo Sign north node will be that he bravely expresses the unique individuality that belongs only to him. This individual is so used to thinking for the collective and is such a worshiper of complete equality, that he has forgotten what it is like to remain an individual within the group.

Fortunately (a bit painful to him at the time), his Leo Sign north node will urge him to take center stage and receive applause. It will ask him to stop expecting approval and force him to move forward with his beliefs even in the absence of support. And it will help him let go of his fear of standing out in the crowd, and the world at large, while simultaneously encouraging him to use his unique abil ities to lead others toward progress.

The Leo Sign north node individual is meant to play, inspire, and love. He can teach us how to be courageous when we want to retreat, how to use the power of our will to achieve our goals when we are ready to give up, and how to develop the unshakable spirit we need in order to stand up against the expectations of the world.

The life journey of the Leo Sign north node individual might in the beginning be somewhat lonesome. Because he will have to spend at least a pArt of his life alone in order to develop his inner strength. However, once he is strong and ready to take the throne, there is almost nothing that can stand in his way. Nothing!

Having said all that, it might not be such a bad idea to fill your surroundings with as many sym bolic representations of the Leo Sign as possible. Surrounding yourself with Leo sign colors, Leo sign fragrances, and Leo sign ornaments will remind you of the soul mission you're on and help you find your unique path to fulfillment.

Now if it's your mate that has the Leo sign north node, and you do that for your mate, well...that's about the greatest gift that you could ever give him/or her. Because there's nothing like the feeling one gets when he realizes that he has found someone who really gets him -- a true friend...lover...and the irreplaceable soul companion he's been searching for his entire life.

...that soul companion who is you!

Have an adventurous journey my friend!

You may freely use this Article on your blog, website or newsletter provided the a bove credit and active link are retained.

Copyright 2006 and Julia Simkin

Julia Simkin is the co-founder of Always in search of the yet-to-be-discovered, Julia strives to offer her readers inspired ways of looking at both love and life. An Aquarian visionary of both mind and spirit, Julia is a facilitator for those seeking a different truth and deeper meaning. To learn more about your soul mission, go to Julias North Node ChArt to find your north node position or directly to the Leo North Node Page if you already know that your north node is in the sign of Leo.

Author:: Julia Simkin
Keywords:: Leo sign, Leo sign north node, Leo sign soul mission, Leo horoscope, Leo symbols, Leo compatibility,
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TAROT How Often Should You Have a Reading?

One of my FAQs is, How often should I have a Tarot Card reading? There is no general answer. It depends on your purpose - what type of reading you are having and the way you are using it. If you are looking for some indication about what is happening in general in the future, then you could have a reading every six months or so, or perhaps every year.

This kind of reading tends to involve a bigger spread or layout as Tarot readings are called, with more cards in it. This allows a broader view of trends that may be coming into play around you. It usually tells a reader whether you are in a time of change or of relative stability - whet her new stuff is going to happen or things remain very similar to how they are now. You don't need this kind of reading very frequently. It's big picture stuff and tends to change slowly.

If you are looking at one issue at a time, such as if you are going to get a new job soon, you can ask that question with a smaller kind of layout. A few cards or a Celtic Cross will be fine and will tell you what the possibilities are in that situation. The reading might tell you if you need to add to your skills and head off in a new career direction or search more thoroughly for a job than you are currently doing. If you asked about moving house it might say that moving would be disruptive at this time. The Tarot is always more than just Yes or No. Usually it gives you some advice or insight as well.

With a re ading based on one specific topic you can ask whenever you like as long as the topics are different. It's no good asking the same thing many times, because the answers just become confusing and often merely reflect how you are feeling that day. I always try to discourage people from becoming dependent on divination. Asking the same question again and again, trying to nag the cards into telling you what you want to hear is not healthy. Sometimes life doesn't give us what we want and we have to accept that and get on with things as best we can.

It's better not to ask trivial questions. I have found that the Tarot works best when you've thought out your question carefully and put it in a sensible manner. When you have an answer to a question, then it's a good idea to go away and reflect on it and see how t hat answer can help you with your problem. That is one of the strengths of the Tarot - guidance. It can help us to see solutions for ourselves.

By using the Tarot wisely, it becomes like talking to a good friend. The answers often open up new ways of looking at our lives that can help us bring out the best for ourselves in the future. Like all good friends it responds best if you take notice of the answers it gives.

Dianne Hardwick 2006

Dianne Hardwick has been reading Tarot for over 30 years. For a free astrology forecast visit her website at

Author:: Dianne Hardwick
Keywords:: Tarot,reading Tarot,Tarot cards
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Using Astrology for Meet Dating and Seducing Single Women

Most women are interested in astrology and you can use this to your advantage. I have used this method very successfully in meeting single women to get a woman to leave a nightclub with me to go over to my place to do her horoscope. This can work for you and it's so very simple.

You may be saying to yourself, I don't know anything about astrology. Well don't panic, because all you're going to need is one book to get you started. The book is called, Heaven Knows What by Grant Lewi and may be available at your local metaphysical or regular book store. It's out of print, but you can get some used copies cheap at This book will enable you to cast a detailed horoscope in ten to fifteen minutes without the slightest study or knowledge of astrology beforehand. All you need to do is follow the simple directions carefully, step-by-step, and you just can't go wrong.

The chief use of the horoscope is it's aid in self-discovery or in discovering what makes your friends tick, not to mention the women you do a horoscope on. The horoscope tells the basic underlying psychological and emotional drives of the individual. If you desire to pursue astrology further after using this book, there are many excellent books on the market. I've been studying astrology for over twenty years and believe me, you can never learn enough about astrology. If you don't believe in astrology, investigate the subject and you will find there's a lot of truth to it.

Now, here's how this method is used to pick up and meet single women in nightclubs. Of course, you can use this method in any setting or situation. The best time to use this method is after you have made initial contact with a woman and towards the end of the evening. You can't just walk up to a woman and ask her if she would like to have his horoscope done and then leave and go to your place. OK, let's say you have met a woman and you have had a few drinks and a few dances and you're hi tting it off pretty good. It's getting late and it's time to make a move. Ask her, What sign are you? Then follow up with, Are you interested in astrology? Then ask her, Would you like to have your have your horoscope done? Assuming she says yes, then follow up with, Why don't we leave and go over to my place and I'll calculate your horoscope and let you read about yourself? If she declines your offer for that particular night, set it up for another night. If you don't get her over to your place the first night, at least you'll get her over at a later date. Of course, you can always go over to her place instead.

You have the option of making the main objective of getting a woman to your place to have her horoscope done is to seduce her. I'll leave this up to you. After doing her horoscope you can proceed with your seduction routine (dim lighting, soft music, a few drinks, kissing, stroking, etc.).

In conclusion, you're going to run into some women who don't want any part of astrology. You'll just have to try and convince them to try it before knocking it. If this fails, you'll just have to resort to other methods to get a woman to your place. At least give it a try and see how it works for you. You have nothing to lose and a hell of a lot to gain. This method sure did work for me. Just buy the book and learn how to calculate a horoscope and you will be on your way to meeting more single women.

This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with women, please visit his website at:

Author:: Don Diebel
Keywords:: dating tips, dating advice, attracting women, dating tips, dating advice, Relationshi ps,
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The Zodiac

From the beginnings of time man has been star struck by the stars (in the sky, that is) and this is where the signs of the Zodiac come from. The different stars make up the designs and shapes of the constellations in the sky, and ancient astronomers have always identified them and mapped them out. We look and observe them, and their movements in time and then we make wishes on the first star I see tonight.

Early astronomers made maps of the all the ancient constellations that they discovered, and relatively nothing has changed in the cosmos since then, so they are still observed today. Many people can find the Big Dipper or the Little Dipper on a clear night, and some people know more than that the Big Bear, for instance, still sits in the northern sky. To the trained eye or someone who has studied the astronomical charts, the 12 signs of the Zodiac appear on a clear, starry night in the same way, and this is where the belief in the horoscopes originated.

Depending on where you are in the world at the time, remember that the Earth itself revolves on its axis, you could find your Zodiac sign. The signs of the Zodiac have been tracked for centuries and are made up of 12 different signs, or shapes of the constellations. Your birth date determines your own sign and shape. For instance, a birthday on October 14, would be under the sign of Libra, which is the sign of the scales.

The 12 signs and the birth dates that are included in that sign are below:

Aries - March 21 - April 20

Taurus - April 21 - May 21

Gemini - May 22 - June 21

Cancer - June 22 - July 22

Leo - July 23 -August 21

Virgo - August 22 - September 23

Libra - September 24 - October 23

Scorpio - October 24 - November 22

Sagittarius - November 23 - December 22

Capricorn - December 23 - January 20

Aquarius - January 21 - February 19

Pisces - February 20- March 20

Whats your sign?

This article was written by T. Potter. You can visit Guide To The Zodiac for further information and Astrology resources.

Author:: T Potter
Keywords:: Zodiac,Astrology
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Blame it on Mars

There are two facets for deficiency of sex; physical and mind. When either of them or any one of them afflicted, it causes a disease in the mind with respect to sex. This disease may be caused by Mars who is not well posited in a horoscope. It may not be to the extent of causing impotency. The mind and the body both which are otherwise required to do some useful works, waste time in too much material things such as looks, limbs and colour. A person is attracted to the opposite sex of either too young or too old. The colour , body pArts such as feet, limbs, back , breasts, face or anything for that matter becomes attractive including an awkward body .

There is no discretion in getting attracted. He stArts day-dreaming that woman in his bed. That a person is easily provocated by slightest distractions. Mars is the cause for such ailment. Mars holds the key to sexual drive. First Mars creates sexual urge in a person. Then he separates the person who is cause for such attraction . If separation is not there, at least He creates ill-harmony . Mars is masculine. Venus is feminine. Just as Sun and Moon form king-queen set up, Mars and Venus do it. A person needs Love.Since it is constructive. Because if one is satisfied in Love, that person concentrates on Work; Next on achievements.

When Mars and Venus are well-posited in a horoscope, the Coitus is complete. That is the greatest pleasure in life. When the Coitus is incomplete, the urge to get it , increases. This urge due to dis-satisfaction in Love, give rise to distractions as opposed to concentration. Frigidity, Premature-ejaculation , Even Sadism which are the causes of mental illness are the results of such in-completeness. Love, Work & Achievement in ones life go together. Reichs improvement to the Freuds Libido Theory holds good. This is again the process of achievement of Sat, Chit and Ananda ( bliss ). A good conduct produces a healthy mind; A healthy mind creates Pleasure (Ananda). For all this the blessings of Mars and Venus are necessary.

Adhyaya II, Verse 3 of Phaladeepika of Mantreshwara,[ Translated by S.S.Sareen reads like this : Mars is the Karaka of mental and physical strength, all that grows in the EArth, well-being of the brothers and sisters, cruelty, battle field, courage, enmity, kitchen fire, gold, kindred, weapons, thieves, enemies, zest, adultery, falsehood, manliness, large-heArtedness, wickedness, wound and injury, and army command.

In a Horoscope, when the Mars is ill-posited , such as dusthana, Kendras, since he is a natural malefic, or aspected by Rahu, Ketu and Saturn, and/or Mars aspecting these naturally malefic planets, theft, injury, wound, enmity, adultery, wickedness, mental and physical weakness, etc., show their presence predominantly in the life of that person. Mars being Karaka of sex, adultery and mental weakness, the person is always reverberating with the feeling of sex dreaming. There is no reason and rationality in falling to the opposite sex. One classic example of Yashodhara Charitre, the queen there falls for a servant who was a horse-cleaner.

The queen would tolerate even the beating by such a person. At that moment, the status and honour are given away for the sake of sexual pleasure . The person in whose horoscope, the Mars is ill-posited, such person always be thinking of the looks of physical body. On the positive side, Mars is kind, benevolent, a disciplinarian. To those who are disciplined in their life, or to those whom Mars is well-positioned, he yields easily and grants all the bounty to such persons. It is always advised to pray for Mars through his deity Hanuman or Skanda.. In Tantric Yoga, to increase Tejas, Mantra worship of Skanda, and Rudra , the terrible form of Shiva are suggested. Bhoo-Chakra or EArth Chakra represents Tejas. There is an example of Mars causing separation, though Mars is not a separative planet, unless he be in 12th.

Considering Horoscope of Sriramachandra In the Horoscope of Lord Rama Avatar, whose ascendant is Cancer, Mars is posited in 7th house of Capricorn. Even though Mars is not a separative planet [ Sun, Saturn Rahu, Ketu and Lord of 12th , brought about separation of Rama with his wife Sita, augmenting the power of 7th house, whose Lord is Saturn, a separative planet. Mars re-united Sita and Rama , through a war only (Mars content). Mars being the Lord of 5th house,[Scorpio is the negative house of Mars which stands for issues and children, for which Jupiter is Karaka, Lord Ramas sons are separated from him and even fought a battle ( Mars content ) with their father. [ For in-depth analysis , see, This Authors Book of Articles : Horoscope of Rama Avatar.

When Saturn causes separation, there is detachment , anguish, petulancy about the person separated. Even separation forgotten in case of separation by death. When Rahu causes s eparation, there is illusion or some other cause. Some other attraction may cause separation by forgetfulness of the dear ones. When Ketu causes separation, there is helplessness. This may be due to inevitable and near impossible situations such as paralysis of the body. But when Mars causes separation, there is more attachment, more attractions. The separation is caused due to attachment. The separation is caused due to reasons of too much attachment .

Mars is warmonger. Whenever he is strong and badly posited, there ensues war. The earlier World Wars indicate a strong Mars influence. A person is haughty, ferocious and would not listen to reason. What about President Bush of America ? A classic example of war-mongering. The very presence of a Mars person creates fire in atmosphere. Such a person creates anxiety neurosis, due to his Libido. The atmosphere as well as the associates feel the anxiety neurosis. Anxiety is created whenever the greed is not full-filled. The void created between the greed (id) and the achievement or full-fillment spreads in the atmosphere. Others become tense , feel not easy. Anxiety is created because, there is a gap between the work and achievements. The anxiety is also created whenever the body and mind act in different directions.

By understanding Mars, we can adjust our way of life and inculcate discipline. Mars is a hard master, but benevolent. He is kind and bountiful to the disciplined. Of course, there is a lack of discipline in this life full of struggles for material things. Worship Mars as directed in the other Article About Mars, follow discipline and meaning in every thing , you can see miracles in your life.

Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor, is an advocate by profession, Study and research in various subjects, including Scie nce, Medical,Philosophy.Wait for his series of Articles on Horoscope of Rama Avatar, Max Planc,Madhvacharya and Duality Concept and other thought provoking writings. Experienced and skilled in Remedial Astrology through worship.Finds pleasure in helping those who seek service, since it is also a way of worship. Those in distress, contact Author through

Author:: Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor
Keywords:: Mars being karaka of sex, adultery and mental weakn ess, person always reverberating with sex dreamin
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Astrology The Planets

In Astrology both the Sun and Moon, as heavenly bodies are generally included amongst the listings of the influences of the planets.

The subject of planetary influence upon life on earth and upon the human psyche in particular has been the focus of attention over thousands of years and in every culture. Where Astronomy continues to observe the physical aspects of the planets, scholars continue to refine what is known of the affects of the planets upon our human psyche.

Remember, the influence over each individual can only be determined by his Astrological Chart which will modify or intensify each factor through what is established as the special relationship of one planet to the other at the time of birth.

The centuries have confirmed the following generalizations.

SUN The S un is obviously the most powerful of the heavenly bodies. It represents our most important or spiritual being and represents our enduring characteristics throughout each lifetime. Each of us evolves through incarnations under a birth sign which is different each lifetime, progressing through all the zodiacal birth signs until we have complete experience of human nature. The Sun holds the key to our spiritual life and in our birth Chart indicates all that is life giving, warm, masculine, positive, optimistic, electric and creative. It is an indicator of our good fortune in life and our conscious intelligence.

MOON The Moon is the complementary heavenly body to the Sun. It represents our growing and changing soul which is affected by changing circumstances and emotions throughout our lifetime. It represents our unconscious intelligence and subconscious mind and emotional outlook rather than our conscious thought as does the Sun. The qualities it symbolizes are the feminine traits of nurturing, calming, comforting, reflective, magnetic and is concerned with gestation and growth. It is an indicator of our personal emotions and our faculties of intuition and imagination.

MERCURY Mercury was once considered the messenger which flew between heaven and earth. It represents the human mind with such capabilities. Its position in the chart and the relationship with other planets and energies will indicate whether we are utilizing this gift of free will and human intelligence to the utmost. In the Chart is shows the speed, the movement and the talents we have for communication and intellectual development. It can equally indicate, along with other factors in the Chart, a highly developed genius for peace or an agitator for revolution.

VENUS The benign planet of love and harmony. These qualities are immortalized in the legends of the gods and in the enduring symbols of romantic love and harmony integral to the great works of art of all times. The planet affects our talents in music, dance, decoration and in diplomatic skills which maintain a peace between differences. In the Chart it indicates our love capacity and our personal needs and expressions and much of our good fortune.

MARS Mars is dedicated to protection of things of value - defence of the weak - preservation of goodness in culture and in all things and is willing to fight to the death for its cause. It was once the god that was twinned with Venus, which represented human goodness. In the Chart it indicates an inclination towards activity, agitation, aggression, even violence, but also shows the ardent qualities of the soul and its willingness to defend its values. In our Chart it shows our dynamic talents and passions as it shows our ill fortune which comes through uncontrolled energy and enthusiasm or the aggression of others.

JUPITER Jupiter is the grand planet of beneficence. It represents magnanimity, generosity , wealth, good fortune, happiness and abundant health. Because it indicates ease and luxury it has been shows by the symbol of the horn of plenty. But in a Chart not only will it indicate these things, but also where one is perhaps lazy or indolent because of good fortune and so can be although generally the planet of well being, can also show where we are resting on our laurels so to say. Generally its influence accentuates the good.

SATURN Saturn is regrettably generally considered 'malefic'. We know it as a huge planet with mysteries as yet undiscovered. In legend however, it is always associated with its main purpose in human life, to cause difficulties and death, before renewal and known as 'The Reaper'. It is certainly the representative of the great law of Karma - the justice which fulfils the law of action and reaction and which we question why to us? when we suffer bad fortune but neglect to do the same equally with our good fortune! Saturn's influence represents natural law. In our Chart it shows the difficulties, our personal restrictions, our unresolved problems and the serious matters of our soul which provide the present lessons we must learn for our personal growth.

URANUS Uranus is the unpredictable planet affecting all of us by its energies causing unusual and unconventional feelings, interests and behaviour. Its influence flooded our earth and our civilization with stimulated the growth of great planetary changes throughout the last few centuries of revolutions and wars beyond anything history has shown to date. Its influence is to urge us out of the confines of the individual consciousness to understand the universality of all life on our earth and beyond. It focuses the virtues of the New Age Of Aquarius (the sign it rules) that is humanitarian instincts, purposes and actions. In our Charts it will indicate the sudden and life changing things that happen without any observed cause. In our nature it t ouches the part of us which wants to swim against the worn out values of the past and to break new ground.

NEPTUNE Neptune as its name indicates is the planet which rules over the most nebulous of our watery emotions. As we look at a globe of our earth we see that the material world or earth is much less than the great vastness of the oceanic blue. Water proves greater materially and in our human psyche, shows our emotions to be greater than our physical selves. But until we know how to utilize its influence the energies show in our Chart as our vague potentials, our dreams, our unrealised selves, the indeterminate aspects of our character, our human weaknesses instead of virtues and strengths. It shows our capacity for addiction to habits and to drugs and our reliance and the blame we foist upon others. Its most controlled energies provide us with inspirational dreams and ideas, with idealistic concepts and feeling, with mystical experiences and with a sense of t he greater unity of life beyond our petty ego.

PLUTO Pluto is so small that it is easy to see how one could query it having any influence upon our distant world but indeed its influence is such that we are now beginning to find to what extent. Having only been recently discovered there has been limited investigation possible as to how it affects us but certain factors emerge. Pluto was associated as the god of the underworld and often thought of as negative. But like all energies, they can be bad or good depending upon the purpose to which the energies are harnessed. If it is seen that the power of Pluto directs the great monopolies and business enterprises which have bullied others out of existence, or which work to undermine the health and well being of us all, it is course is seen as a negative power developed and expressed in this way.

However if the same energy could work to bring us a one world of peace and a brotherhood of people an ideal as yet never accomplished in our history - it can only be seen as a unifying principle which is goodness itself. The actual details of Pluto, its function in the solar system and its affect upon our lives remains to a large extent, speculation.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
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Free Psychic Reading

Psychic readers are said to have extraordinary mental powers or a sixth sense, generally known as ESP (extra sensory perception). ESP is the ability to look into the lives and future of people and predict events, which have yet to occur. Derived from the Greek word psychiokos or psyche, which means soul or that which is mental, the word psychic is generally associated with fortunetellers.

Psychic reading implies the art of reading into a person's life and mind. It involves use of intuition and deep analysis of a particular problem or a query that is posed by a person. Psychics use several techniques such as psychometrics, astrology, tarot, palmistry, telepathy, I Ching and so on to connect to a higher consciousness, which they believe will have answers to all questions and solutions to life's my steries. Psychic readings can relate to a person's present , past, future, love life, family relationships, ailments, mental stress or tension and general success (or failure) in life. Psychic readers claim they can answer all these questions.

Some Psychics offer free psychic reading as a service but this is not common. There are also professional Psychics who offer free psychic readings for limited categories, such as health, love, and relationships. Most charge a fee for financial problems. There are some other Psychics who offer a few minutes of free psychic reading and then charge for anything beyond that. Sometimes, the first call is given free while the rest of the calls are charged. This is generally used as a promotional offer. There are online psychic readers who provide free psychic reading over online chat.

There are several online psychic readers who provide one or more of such kind of free psychic readings. They can be located using search engines on the Internet. However, many offers of free psychic reading are just a way to attract people onto their sites.

Psychics provides detailed information about Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is the sister site of Phone Psychics.

Author:: Kristy Annely
Keywords:: Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing
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Monday, June 27, 2011

Born With The Moon In Scorpio

According to Astrology, the exact location of the moon during the time of your birth determines your emotional reaction to the world around you. While the astrological sun colors your outwardly aggressive actions, the moon dictates your inner, passive or receptive urges. The moon is your female energy - she represents the type of nurturing energy you project, and/or the type of mothering you received as a child. Today we will discuss the Moon in Scorpio.

The Scorpio Moon: Joy and Pain

The Moon is literally in its fall, or denouement, in this sign. For this reason, Scorpio Moon folks are known to grapple with themselves on the inside. They typically experience all emotions extremely, deeply and totally - ecstasy, sorrow, elation... and yes, their tempers, when provoked, can be explosive. To complicate matters, Scorpio Moon people regard their own emotions as a source of vulnerability and therefore try to keep their true feelings under wraps. So, it's not surprising that while many Scorpio Moons are traveling this earth feeling everything very intensely, they're also wearing this kind of detached look. After all, if they were to be found out, there would be very grave consequences indeed. What those consequences might be is anybody's guess... but if the Scorpio Moon is the one doing the imagining, it's sure to be quite catastrophic.

The Scorpio Moon, in a nutshell: intensity. Intense likes, intense dislikes, intense fascination, intense disgust... and yes, in keeping with the general Scorpio reputation, intense love affairs. This is a very black-and-white, all-or-nothing moon with extremely fixed notions about things. If you're loved by a Scorpio Moon then you are loved fiercely, totally and completely; but if you're despised by a Scorpio Moon, then you may as well not exist. And it's quite possible in dealing with this turbulent moon native that both emotions may be directed at you at different points in this lifetime. If a Scorpio Moon perceives that you have slighted them in some way... better mak e good immediately, or run and hide until the mood passes, because in all likelihood, revenge is being plotted against YOUR head!

The Scorpio Moon: Offsetting the Drama With Private Relaxation

Scorpio Moon people tend to go through life acting on hunches, reading between the lines - picking up subtle nonverbal cues, moods, intentions, underlying messages and such. Indeed, someone with this moon placement may get a very different meaning from the same conversation heard by someone with a more literal and pragmatic mind. This is not only quite distracting to the moon native, but when they react to these perceptions it often l eads to undesired consequences and drama. Thus, the irony of the Scorpio Moon; being consumed by the very internal composition one despises in himself, and attracting drama-infused situations as a direct result of trying to avoid them.

A troubled Scorpion Moon person should allow herself some distance from time to time... a private sanctuary where she can sort out her emotions, get a healthy perspective and then emerge from the cocoon with renewed inner peace and a higher purpose in mind. Indeed, reflection and meditation feels quite natural to this introspective moon native and is encouraged as a way to take the edge off and tem per the extreme moods. A deeply sensitive soul, capable of great courage and strength... there is much room for psychological growth and wisdom to be gained with this lunar positioning.

The Scorpio Moon: A Powerful Force for Good OR Evil

As with any sign, there are both positives and negatives to the Scorpio Moon placement. The sign of Scorpio has been assigned two symbols- the Scorpion and the Eagle. The former, a covert creature who stealths along the ground; and the latter, a symbol of power and might, soaring into the high heavens. Lows and highs... the Scorpio Moon is quite familiar with both states of consciousness... more than most, in fact.

Spiritually evolved Scorpio Moon souls can (and should) harness the gift of their emotional intensity and move proverbial mountains with it. If a Scorpio Moon person is intrinsically good, then that goodness of spirit can manifest itself in divine ways... extreme compassion and generosity toward fellow man, great and unshakeable integrity, impeccably honest conduct in business and personal affairs, and a permanent seat on the side of righteousness and justice. An enlightened Scorpio Moon will pledge his whole self to any and every cause he deems important; profess his undying faith to his family, home, country; and even make the ultimate sacrifice in a lifelong promise to serve God. Yes, this moon placement is often found in religious leaders, as the spiritual aspect is heavily emphasized here.

Less evolved Scorpio moons, on the other hand, are not averse to using abject means to get what they want. The concentration of power in this sign placement has led many a wayward Scorpio lunar native down a dark and devious path of corruption. In direct contrast to their enlightened counterparts; illicit affairs, illegal and underhanded dealings, petty and deceitful behavior, psychological turmoil, and loyalty to no one but themselves are trademark signs of the afflicted Scorpio Moon. Again, this is all due to the fact that Scorpio is in the moon's fall, thus making emotions feel uncomfortable, unnatural and all-encompassing. With the all-or-nothing theme at work, indeed this placement will produce some extreme results.

The Scorpio Moon and Sex

It has been said that sexual impulses drive the Scorpio Moon native moreso than other moon signs, perhaps because they radiate such passion and intensity that they're forever in need of release. The Scorpio Moon is equated with transcendental lovemaking or soul sex in which the participants experience an exalted state of consciousness by way of the physical sex act itself. Clearly, while sexual nirvana is hardly a day-to-day occurrence, this moon person has been labeled as having an extra potential for such achievements. At the very least, this moon person admits to having a high sex drive, even allowing sex to affect his or her decisions at certain points in life.

The Scorpio Moon as a Nurturer

The Scorpio Moon Nurt urer is fiercely protective and psychologically all-consuming. Scorpio Moon Mothers, or Smothers as they are sometimes known, must learn to temper their intensity. If the Scorpio lover is possessive in her affairs, the Scorpio mother is equally possessive of her children. It will be her ongoing challenge to let go. These moon natives must get a reign on that fretfulness that leads to strings of sleepless nights, and interfere less in the daily trials and tribulation s of their young sons and daughters. Scorpio Moon Mothers must generally permit themselves to chill out, cool down and back off. An earth-sign or earth moon-sign partner can lend a comforting and grounding effect for the Scorpio nurturer who has let the worrying get out of hand yet again.

Other signature themes and preoccupations of the Scorpio Moon: secrets, mysteries, severity, psychology, power, control, passion, revenge, obsession, loyalty, sex, depth of f eeling, ethics, spirituality, solitude, death. No, the Scorpio moon is surely not made of green cheese, but rather some of the most powerful facets of human existence. This lunar native must learn to embrace the reality of his or her own emotions as opposed to running or hiding from them. If the Scorpio Moon person can navigate his or her own spirit to a higher and more exalted place, he will recognize the potential for complete and total happines that lies within himself... and the transformation will be powerful for certain.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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Author:: D. Giolitto
Keywords:: Astrology, Astrology numerology, moon sign, Astrology profile, Scorpio,Scorpio moon, moon in Scorpio
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The True Zodiac

Vedic Sidereal Zodiac

The firmament contains countless stars that we know little about. But those that concern us from an astrological viewpoint because of their influence on earth and its inhabitants are located in the Zodiac belt that extends 9 on each side of the ecliptic (upward and downward) to form an imaginary 360 sphere divided into 12 equal parts called Zodiac signs.

Since the Zodiac is not a straight line, but a circular or ecliptic belt, how can the beginning or starting point be identified? The Jyotisha establishes that point on the basis of fixed constellations, specifically the Ashwini (or Arietes according to modern astronomy) at 0. The starting point for Western Astrology, however, is the vernal equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere), on March 21. This happens when the sun moves northward to a spot precisely over the equator. At that moment, night and day last the exact same length of time anywhere on earth. When the spring equinox coincided with the Ashwini 0 position about 1800 years ago, the two Zodiacs, the sidereal (Vedic) and the tropical (Western), were identical. However, the retrograde movement of the equinoctial points (a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes) creates a constant delay of 1 every 72 years, meaning that today there is a difference of over 24 between the true Zodiac based on the constellations from which the signs take their qualities and, in some cases, their names, and the Zodiac used today in Western Astrology.

So, according to the sidereal Zodiac, the Sun is not in the sign of Aries be tween March 23 and April 22, as shown in Western horoscopes, but is located there between April 14 and May 13. The same difference of over 23 is to be found in the position of the ascendant and in that of the other planets.

In order to calculate a birth chart according to the sidereal Zodiac, if Western birthdays are used, the correction known as ayanamsha must be made. The term Ayanamsha is a combination of two Sanskrit words: ayana, which means solstice and amsha which means a portion, and establishes the difference between the present location of the spring equinox in relation to the fixed constellations, and the beginning of the Aries constellation. In other words, it is used to calculate the constellational longitude of a point or a celestial body when its position has been taken from West ern birth dates.

The official Ayanamsha used by the Government of India is the Lahiri, according to which the beginning of the Ashwini constellation and the vernal equinox coincided in the year 258 A.D.

An error handed down by the Greeks

Modern Western Astrology has inherited the Greek error of measuring the Zodiac from the spring equinox. A great deal of the literature on which current Astrology is based was written and translated in the third century and at that time the vernal equinox coincided with the beginning of the Ashwini or Aries constellation. The Greeks made the mistake of considering that point unchangeable. The spring equinox today still occurs in the third week of March, as it did at that time; however, it is no longer in the Aries constellation, but in the Pisces because of equinoctial precession.

The popular idea that we are living in the Age of Aquarius is another misconception arising from that same error; in actual fact, this is the Age of Pisces and it will be another four centuries at least before the Age of Aquarius sets in.

It is important here to stress that the signs of the Zodiac do not exist apart from the constellations; they are imaginary spaces that correspond to a given group of stars.

This also means that the horoscopes published in Western newspapers and magazines are meaningless, because the position of the Sun is their only reference point and in 75% of the cases this position is incorrect, having been calculated according to an obsolete Zodiac. In India, however, the Bangalore monthly, The Astrological Magazine, and other similar publications contain horoscopes based on the Moon, which is used to calculate planetary courses, as we shall see later. Most of the people there can benefit from reading a true horoscope based on Lunar planetary courses.

The Vedic sidereal Zodiac corresponds to visible and certifiable astronomical phenomena

Physicist Georges Charpak and Professor Henri Broch, in their scientific book Debunked, published in France, seek to unmask mystical philosophies and beliefs, together with certain paranormal phenomena like levitation, walking on coals, and so forth. They use the following argument to demonstrate the a lleged falseness of Astrology:

In fact, the Zodiac birth signs so common in astrological columns, along the supposed personal qualities for those born under them, are mostly based on astronomical positions traced out thousands of years ago. The problem with this is that the axis of the Earth's rotation is in continual change. The axis pivots, in a way similar to a spinning top, completing a revolution in about 25,790 years. As a result the Zodiac signs in use today by astrologers do not correspond at all to the constellations represented when the charts were originally drawn up

The authors conclude that modern society i s infected with thoughts that have little to do with science and that it is not so rational or scientific, after all. In seeking to discredit Astrology in general, Charpak and Broch brandish an argument that, as we have seen, is not applicable to Vedic Astrology, whose Zodiac recognizes and adjusts to the continuous changes in the axis of the earths rotation they mention in their book. Astrology, for them, apparently refers only to that practiced in the West. It is true, then, that modern society is neither so rational, nor so scientific, for, with the exception of a very small group of people, it is unfamiliar with the goldmine of knowledge and information to be found in the Vedas and believes that the civilization of ancient India was based exclusively on superstition and religious fanaticism, without any philosophical or scientific basis whatsoever.

When modern astronomers and students discover the existence of the Vedic Zodiac, they will realize that the wise men of old India were extremely familiar with facts that they are only now beginning to glimpse with the advances in technology. They will find themselves, thanks to this discovery, looking upon that civilization and culture with respect and admiration and will want to learn from it. We predict that in the not-too-distant future, there will be very few astrological practitioners who dont use the Vedic sidereal Zodiac.

Daniel Ghiotti - Vedic Astrologer and wr iter. Author of Health and Vitality, the first book on Ayurveda in the Spanish language

Author:: Daniel Ghiotti
Keywords:: Astrology,Vedic Astrology,Hindu Astrology,Zodiac,Indian Astrology,Sideral Astrology,Sideral Zodiac
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