Sunday, June 26, 2011

Full Moons Skeptics are Wrong

Many do not believe in Werewolves or full moons. But they are Wrong you see, whereas there may not be Werewolves like in the horror flicks cruising around Suburban Cities, there are plenty of crazed humans during those full moon nights. Are you still in denial you skeptic?

Well I would say, ask a police officer at the coffee shop or bookstore next time you see one about if the Crime rates are higher during full moons. Then also ask an Emergency Hospital Room Worker. Then mention the over cast nights or even rainy nights full moons and ask them if there is more Crime related accidents and the cops if there is more violent Crimes. They will tell you and they have stories too.

Did you know in Chile every time they have an Eclipse they have an Earthquake right afterwards or the next day? Some 20 years running now, every single eclipse. Also higher tides cause more weight on the plates and thus more stress, which could improve chances slightly of an Earthquake. Chec k it out. Skepticism I applaud of course, so see for yourself perhaps you can add some information to your knowledge base in this case. Skeptics need to re-consider and look at the facts; this is not an old wives tale. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Full Moons Skeptics, Wrong, Crime, Werewolves, Earthquakes, violent Crimes
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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