Sunday, July 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Leo It's Deja Vu All Over Again

Well of course there is always something disturbingly familiar about getting older every year, but that's not quite the Deja Vu that I am talking about. This year those Leo's born before August 13 - will experience the effects of Retrograde Mercury in their Birthday Chart and this will have a major impact on the next Solar year (the year between Birthdays) of your life.

Each year is a new page in life. On the day near your Birthday (sometimes a few hours before, and sometimes a few hours after) the Sun returns to the exact degree in the sky where it was when you were born. If you were born at 9 degrees 18 minutes of Leo, then your Solar Return happens in the day, hour and minute when the Sun Returns to 9 degrees 18 minutes of Leo. The entire impact of a Solar Return happens over the course of about 5 days; two preceding the return to 918 Leo and two following it, plus the actual day of the Return.

These 5 days are very powerful and potent. You can - and shou ld use them to set an intention for the whole next year of your life. Take some time to meditate or walk alone and contemplate what you want to do, be and accomplish this year. The influences will be felt for the entire next year of your life. It is as if the Universe has handed you a set of tools and materials and said. Here are your resources for the next 12 months - do what you can with them. But of course, it is up to you to use them constructively. We can use an electric saw to build a house, or we can use it to cut down the only bridge into town. The choice is ours.

This year almost all of the Leo's in the world will feel the impact of the Retrograde Mercury in their Solar Return Chart. This makes it a very unusual and important year for Leo's. You have been handed a special tool to use this year called Retrograde Mercury. It is up to you how you use it! But there will definitely be a set of experiences that come along with this tool. It is different to use an electric saw than it is to use a set of knitting needles! I can promise you that this is true, since I have used both of these. But don't underestimate knitting needles - they were the subject of a rather nasty murder fantasy scene on 'Desperate Housewives,' and Airlines will no longer allow them on board a commercial flight. So much for harmless fun! In fact it would be easier to smuggle a power saw onto your next flight.

What has this got to do with you? A lot. This year Leo's have been handed a set of knitting needles. And your thoughts (Mercury) will determine what those needles create. This particular set is kind of boomerang shaped, and will bring things back to you. You know how a boomerang works right? The harder you throw it away from you, the faster and more furiously it returns. This year your thoughts and beliefs will operate in much the same way. People from the past return. Old conversations come back around. And the feelings that you hav e towards others land back in your own lap. It's Deja Vu, all over again.

When contemplating writing this message for you I was shown two animals - these are the Totems representing the energy you will confront this year. First is the Mountain Lion - much like your Leo symbol. This is showing me that you must face any fears, questions and issues that stand in the way of you taking a position of leadership. Lead with your heart, find your courage and speak your truth. Issues of power and abuse of power may confront you. Your job is to be a leader, hold compassion (especially for those who attack you) and act with the utmost respect for yourself and all living things. Above all, do not fall into the trap of stooping to the level of petty tyrants - even if they plague you at every turn. Yes, you may very well have to deal with a syndrome that I call PTS - Petty Tyrant Syndrome. The other side of this coin is that by rising above PTS, can can will rightfully magnetiz e your proper community and tribe of people around you. And there is power in numbers.

The second totem is Raven. This is power, sorcery and magic. Something of great mystery, the unknown and mysticism is possible - in fact it is necessary for you this year. Raven asks you to confront any fears that you project outwardly onto others, and demystify them. Confront your inner demons. Be ready to experience and embrace the magic and mystery in life. A super consciousness experience is very likely, and such a moment will change and open your entire outlook on the world and how it really works. It's through the looking glass for you my friend! And if Up is Down and down is Left, then what is Right? The only possible answer to that question is: whatever lights up your heart and makes you feel joy, love and courage. The great gift of Raven is to remind you that miracles are everywhere; especially now. Never give up on your dreams or destiny.

So we can boil it down to a few key elements for your year: pride vs courage/compassion and fear vs magic. Living in the realm of courageous and compassionate magic is the sweet spot for you Leo's for the next 12 months. May tenderness, joy and self-respect rain down upon you this year and bring you the tribe of cubs that rightfully belong in your Lion's Den!

Aura Galadriel Wright, Author and Astrologer writes for numerous magazines and can be found online at ~ Find great Gifts for your favorite Sign at my Store You can also print a FREE PDF version of this article to give your favorite Leo as a gift by clicking

Author:: Aura G Wright
Keywords:: Leo, Astrology, Birthday, Horoscope, Birthday Gift, Horoscopes, Sun Sign, Astrology Sign, star sign
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