Friday, October 28, 2011

Free Psychic Readings Are They A Gift of the Spirit?

There's thousands of you out there looking for free Psychic advice and glimpses into your hidden world of thoughts, activities and what lies beneath. As much as an authentic reader would love to be available to give free Psychic readings to everyone, it's physically, emotionally and mentally not possible. A free Psychic reading takes as much time and energy as a Psychic reading that someone purchases.

Many Psychic readers today took the time and energy to study and learn about their craft and have spent hundreds of hours giving nothing but free Psychic readings. For a period of years some genuine, caring spiritual advisors never even considered taking money for their work. As an apprentice, one is humbly content to read and learn and advance. Then one day, something happens. It's almost as though one can actually feel a physical transcendence into a spirtual realm. People can become astonished at what occurs when someone actually connects to the spirit realm and divines insights and answers into the lives of the subjects they are reading. Personally, when this happened to me, I began to notice that when I was doing a free Psychic reading for someone, this enhanced or increased level of energy vibrated throughout my body. Today, it's almost unnoticeable. But when this occurs to someone studying the mystical art of divination using natural Psychic gifts or divination tools such as the tarot, it can mark the beginning of a special awareness and a higher level of experience. One finally recognizes that what they are doing is powerfully real and some extrasensory thing is happening when they are actually doing a reading. It is at this point, when a spiritually gifted person realizes that what they do is so powerful (powerful in the sense that they are capable of accessing a channel and bringing forth truth and knowing) that they come to realize that this can be their life's work. And as we all know, when we go to work, we usually do so with the reasonable expectation of an equal exchange. Well, that means, one could expects to earn a living and to support their family as a result. Not to mention the rewarding and confident feeling one gets in knowing they are giving something of value to the person getting a Psychic reading--and their true calling is being realized.

Is a Free Psychic Reading Really a Gift of the Spirit?

My father always use to say, Free advice is worth the price. Some people think that because what we do originates from Spirit, that we should offer our talent freely and help people without charge. Recently, I was asked, Why can't you get a totally free Psychic reading anymore? I responded by explaining the expenses that are incurred to run a service and the energy it requires to conduct a real Psychic reading, whether it is free or paid. Personally, when I first started to do this spiritual work as a full-time job, after just three readings per day, I was exhausted. These would, of course, be readings lasting more than 20 minutes. But, I observed how draining this work was and had to take measures to make sure that I was able to keep my energy level up to adequately service my clients.

Today, there are many, many spiritually gifted people out there earning their living providing Psychic services to seekers of the light. This is what they do to take care of their family and to pay bills like everyone else. I am amazed at the demand for free Psychic readings but who wouldn't want to get anyth ing they wanted for free. Free offers are designed to attract you to our work and to give a measure of our talent on a complimentary basis; but, to give a totally free Psychic reading, which many people want, would be at the expense of the authentic intuitive advisor who really wants to help and that is not realistic. As an example, at one time, I offered free minutes through a chat program I had on my website. The response was so overwhelming that I had to stop altogether. One has to think of a way for people to get some part of their Psychic reading for free but not feel overwhelmed at the same time. After all, an advisor may ha ve many regular clientele for whom they serve and for which they are paid. An offer of a few free minutes with only a very small minimum requirement is really one of a variety of equitable offers a seeker of a free Psychic reading can get to sample an advisor's abilities.

I just wanted everyone to know that it is not possible to give all those who would like a free Psychic reading, a totally free absolutely free Psychic reading and why. And that is why the m ajority of services that have a free offer keep it to a minimum so that you are getting something complimentary as an incentive to try their service. We are all servants of God but even our pastors and ministers must rely upon money to carry on their work and to take care of their responsibilities.

Becoming a paying client is probably the best way to actually get free minutes on a regular basis for your free Psychic reading or to save you money. For instance, many private, professional Psychic counselors do not begin charging their clients immediately when they call and allow for prepartory time before actually beginning the re ading. And, if you purchased a specific amount of time, your advisor may not charge for running over so that they can finish up. This is a benefit of being a paying client. Not so with Psychic lines or large networks. But if you carefully search for a qualified, private professional, chances are that you will build a wonderful relationship where you will benefit greatly and that is not just in saving money. After all, you are getting the benefit of channeled knowledge which takes time and energy for which the exchange is in dollars and cents. We are all made happy because balance is the goal in life and when someone gives, it is a spiritually correct principle to receive as this creates harmony. I firmly believe we are here to correct imbalances we have created in past lives and by this very small example of getting something valuable for nothing, an imbalance is being created when you receive and give nothing in return. The Universe is the Master Equalizer of all things. Therefore, it is right and correct to charge a fee for valuable services as this is in harmony with the Universe.

Cherry Sage owns and operates one of the top quality Psychic web sites on the internet today. Her main focus is authencity, honesty and integrity. One of her missions is to make sure that everyone looking for a real Psychic reading or tarot card reading will be able to find certified authenticity and quality service. Her many followers trust in her advice and her accurate predictions. You can read hundreds of inspiring testimonials on her website Cherry Sage is a professionally trained master Psychic, tarot card reader and numerologist. She is an author and currently has her own live weekly radio show and continues to provide exceptional services to her growing customer base. Please visit her website where you will find very helpful articles to keep serious seekers of Psychic advice informed and up-to-date regarding the Psychic world.

Author:: Cherry Sage
Keywords:: free Psychic reading, Psychic readings, Psychic, online Psychic reading, free Psychic phone reading
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