Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Total Solar Eclipse

Astronomer Johannes Kepler did not have the benefit of sophisticated telescopes or computers yet, in the 17th century, he was able to establish a proven harmonic relationship between the planets. In his third law of planetary motion Kepler states: The orbital period of a planet is proportional to its distance to the Sun This was first revealed in his seminal work Harmonice Mundi or 'Harmony of the World' in 1619. It is also known as the Harmonic Law.

Keplers discoveries still hold firm today and corroborate the Pythagorean based theory, that the fabric of our existence is woven with number.

One of the ways that we can visibly observe the presence of this theory is in the relationship and planetary intervals between the Sun, Moon and Earth. More specifically in the observation of Eclipses that occur in regular, repeating numbered patterns known as The Saros Cycle. On Earth we can witness anything between two and five solar Eclipses in a year. The periodicity of each cycle is 18 years, 11 days and 8 hours and there are some 70 Eclipses (lunar and solar) in each Saros series, spanning 1,260 years.

The Sun is but one star amongst an infinite number of others, within an infinite number of galaxies. However, without this star and indeed the solar system, life would just not exist. Although, in the greater scheme of things, the Sun is a fairly insignificant star, its size may be better appreciated when I tell you that, hypothetically, it could accommodate one million planets the size of Earth. Being approximately 109 times the diameter of the Earth, the Sun is 400 times greater than the Moons diameter, whilst the Moon is approximately one-quarter the Earths diameter.

In one of the most beautiful displays of perfection and Synchronicity known to Man, under certain conditions the disc of the Moon is able to completely blot out the light of the Sun, which throws a path of darkness over the surface of the Earth. It is an event k nown as a Total Solar Eclipse.

Due to its distance from the Sun and Earth, and the plane of its orbit when it comes between them, the Moon will periodically cover the face of the Sun in various degrees of obscuration. Thus we can have Total, Annular, Partial and Non Central Eclipses.

The next one in the Saros cycle, is a Total Solar Eclipse, which will occur on Mar 29 2006 at 10.11:21 GMT for duration of 4 minutes and 7 seconds. The area of darkness that the Moons shadow will cause is known as the path of totality. This eclipse has a path of totality that sweeps up from Brazil crossing the South Atlantic Ocean and making landfall through Togo, Benin. Nigeria, Niger, Chad,Libya and Egypt and then extending on up through Turkey and ending in Mongolia.

With the introduction of space probes such as SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory), those in scientific community are beginning to understand the forces that the Sun can have upon the Earth. Particular at tention has been paid in recent years to the impact of Solar Flares and sunspots on the Earth.

In brief, sunspots are the visible affects of the Suns magnetic forces. Sunspots have now been shown to have the greatest affect upon life on Earth when they are either most prevalent at times of Solar Maximum (around 100 sunspots), or most absent (zero sunspots) known as Solar Minimum. In yet another display of collaboration within the Universe, this sunspot cycle lasts for around 11 years - just short of the Eclipse cycle, enfolded within the longer-term solar activity cycle that lasts for 80-90 years. (Known as the Gleisberg cycle).

At times of maximum sunspots the Earth's gravitational field is severely impacted causing migratory animals to lose their bearings, whales to beach themselves and lose directional ability. Power outages occur, electronic equipment, including mobile phones can go haywire and satellites in space can even be destroyed. Conversely, between 16 45 and 1715 in a period known as the Maunder Minimum, the lack of solar activity led to the period known as the Little Ice Age.

It is therefore safe to extrapolate that if alterations to the surface of the Sun causes recognisable terrestrial events, that the entire light of the Sun being obscured from the Earth is going to have enormous consequences. Something that observers of rhythm and pattern (also known as astrologers!) have known since the beginning of civilisation.

This upcoming eclipse is one of three in the last century to occur in the sky at the 8th degree of the zodiac (8 Aries). The other two were in 1968 and 1987. This one however is expected to be the most potent. We judge this by the fact that the other two were not total Eclipses and they did not last for even one minute of time. This eclipse is 4 minutes and 07 seconds in length.

The fact that we also have planets aligning with the Galactic Centre at the time of this eclipse and in angular relationships (or harmonic resonance) with other planetary bodies will also prove significant.

Empirical evidence shows that Eclipses have most impact on those countries that lie under the path of totality and those for whom the degree of the eclipse resonates with their birth moment in someway. By this I mean that any person, country or manifest object whose inception involves 8 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer) is likely to experience events that mirror the celestial event.

Using our theory of number underpinning the Universe, the conjunction of two planets is thought to resonate to the number one, the number of Unity. Within 'Unity' all that is enfolded will unfold in the course of the cycle and indeed, continue to unfold further through subsequent Cycles.

As the disc of the Moon is symbolically putting out the light of the Sun, this correlates with events, which possess a quality of death and rebirth the ending of one pha se of being and the beginning of a new. As the cycle unfolds the Sun, Moon and other planets will make aspects to the original eclipse degree of 8 Aries, triggering International events at those places where the eclipse is either visible, or is rising or setting at that location, or makes transits to chart positions.

People (or any other thing made manifest) who are born on or around 29 March +/- 3 days in any year, will find their lives and fortunes resonate strongly to the Solar/Lunar Cycles and in particular to future eclipse Cycles.

In fact, if the planets are analogous to the mechanism of an intricate celestial clock, the revolutions involved in Eclipses may truly be described as the markers of time - the important Cycles of destiny.

Kathryn Cassidy is a professional astrologer. She was first taught by traditional astrologer, Derek Appleby and later worked with Sun sign astrologer Jonathan Cainer for four years before securing her own Astrology column in an internationally distributed magazine - Journal. She now hosts a blog called Collaborating With Fate where she discusses all aspects of Astrology, with an emphasis on planetary Cycles and the harmonic rhythms inherent in our Universe.

Author:: Kathryn Cassidy
Keywords:: Astrology, total eclipse, Eclipses, Synchronicity, Cycles,Horoscopes, Moon, Fate
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