Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Aztecs Worshipped the Sun For a Reason You Know?

The once great Aztec Empire completely controlled and dominated what is now Honduras, San Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico for centuries. They were Sun Worshippers. The Aztec God was in the form of Energy and that energy was the Sun. What did the Aztecs know that we don't know?

They worshiped the Sun and believed and its Gods in the form of pure energy, yet 500 years later in the United States of America next door to where the Aztec Empire was ruled MesoAmerica we have forgotten all they had learned. Instead of using the Sun for our energy we have set of giant power plants, which indeed have served us well however, now we find out to that they often put out too much hydrofloralcarbons HFCs.

Perhaps we should take a little advice from the Aztecs and develop more solar power to help offset the needs of our civilization. The United States of America leads the world in research and development of energy and our DepArtment of Energy with its massive resources of funding help us stay on the leading edge of the latest technologies.

Today the cost to build solar cells has come down using new high-tech materials it behooves us to put the solar power to work in our homes, small businesses and government agencies. Perhaps we should use the technology and knowledge of the past and the promising technologies of the future in the present period. The Aztecs would've loved the idea of solar cells and we should to. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Aztecs Worshipped the Sun, solar power, solar cells, pure energy
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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