Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fall Equinox & Astrology

The Fall Equinox begins the season of Autumn in the northern hemisphere: the moment when the sun appears to cross the celestial equator, heading southward; regularly, the fall Equinox occurs around September 22September 24, varying slightly each year according to the 400-year cycle of leap years in the Gregorian Calendar.

In 2005, Fall Equinox arrived on the cusp of Virgo/Libra, on September 22 at 22:23 hours, thus we need to give a follow up to the projects we started during the last Spring Equinox. This follow up is a seasonal time for balance and harmony, because, according to Astrology, during the Fall Equinox, the Sun will enter 0 degrees Libra, the Air sign of balance in Astrology. The symbol of Libra in Astrology brings the fall Equinox in the northern hemisphere whilst bring the Spring Equinox to the southern hemisphere. Astrology uses a scale to represent the house of Libra, meaning a balance of light and dark.

Let me give you a common explanation about Equinoxes the word Equinox was derived from Latin term that simply means equal night, a concept which is better demonstrated seeing that the night has the same length than the day. For measuring the length of a day, sunrise is the moment when the sun is half-above the horizon and sunset is the moment when the sun is half-under the horizon.

But day and night are not exactly of equal length during the March and September Equinoxes. The dates when daytime and nighttime are each 12 hours occur a few days before and after the Equinoxes. The specific dates of this occurrence are different for different latitudes.

During the Equinoxes, the Earths auric or magnetic field is affected by the Suns alignment with the Earths equator. Twice each year, at the Equinoxes (Spring/March & Fall/September), the Sun rises and sets exactly over the equator remaining closely aligned there for approximately 48 hours.

When the Fall Equinox occurs, the life-force or universa l energy on our planet changes. The balance and alignment energies coming with the Fall Equinox make it a great time to manifest, meditate, pray. We can reflect on whether we have actually planted the seeds we intended and have nurtured them to fruition. We can refocus our attention on what we truly want to manifest and then create the right atmosphere or attitude to bring it about.

Some synonyms in Astrology:

Fall Equinox = 1st day of Autumn,
Fall Equinox = Autumn Equinox,
Fall Equinox = Autumnal Equinox,
Fall Equinox = Harvest Tide,
Fall Equinox = Festival of Dionysus,
Fall Equinox = Night of the Hunter,
Fall Equinox = Mabon,
Fall Equinox = Wine Harvest,
Fall Equinox = Alban Elfed,
Fall Equinox = Cornucopia,
Fall Equinox = Feast of Avilon, Fall Equinox = Festival of Dionysus,
Fall Equinox = Harvest Home,
Fall Equinox = Night of the Hunter,
Fall Equinox = Second Harvest Festival,
Fall Equinox = Witch's Thanksgiving.

For those who live in the northern hemisphere, this is when the sun of God is crucified on the solar cross of the ecliptic and celestial equator, and then descends into the underworld(southern hemisphere).

For those who live in the southern hemisphere, this is when the sun of God is crucified on the solar cross and then begins its ascension into heaven on the 3rd day of their spring.

The Equinox solar effect reduces the magnetic field of the Earth, allowing us to connect our souls with other dimensions or doorways. Equinox is also one of the best seasons for connecting with Earths sacred sites, like:

The Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, USA, is some sort of Equinox corridor within its complex. This corridor marks the Equinox Sunrise, tracks the Suns journey th rough the sky, and then marks the Equinox Sun set.

The Chichn Itza pyramids. The ancient Mayans constructed the pyramid of Chichn Itza, which displayed different patterns of triangles of light during solstice and Equinox. On Fall Equinox, seven triangles of light become visible on the stairway of the Mayan pyramid.

Few Fall Equinox Holidays

Fall Equinox Day is an official national holiday in the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan, and is spent honoring Japanese family burial place, and meeting together.

In the United Kingdom Harvest festival falls around the Fall Equinox.

The Fall Equinox is also known as the Pagan holiday, Mabon (Wiccan Sabbat). It is on this day that Pagans celebrate balance, the harvest season and Thanksgiving. On the Autumn Equinox, food, such as dried vegetables, is offered back to the Earth in a gesture of thanks for all that the Earth has supplied in the past season.

Alma De la Cruz, a staff mystic employed by http://w, has a profound personal history where she has unabashedly delved deep into the heart of occult mysteries for an extensive period of her life. Her name literally means Soul of the Cross in Spanish. Currently she is working publishing a manuscript that delves into the mysteries of Hispanic new age beliefs incorporating old insights with new spiritual methodologies. Check out her bi weekly metaphysical column: where she takes a new twist, incorporating Latin shamanistic philosophies with leading edge occult beliefs.

Author:: Alma De La Cruz
Keywords:: FALL EQUINOX, Equinox, Astrology, Equinoxes, Autumn, Astrology yahoo, Astrology chinese, Autumnal
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