Friday, October 5, 2012

Meteor Shower Predictions for 2006

Nearly every year we get some form of meteor shower showers. In 2005 we had the Perseids Meteor Shower, which was quite good and turned out to be a major shower, very impressive. In October of 2005 we had Draconids, which was observed over Asia and Eastern Europe, although it was not a major event. There of course were other notable showers, but not so spectacular. But in 2006 we will witness some wonderful meteor showers.

On January third and forth we will see the Quadrantids, the peak will be extremely brilliant and comparable to the Perseids and Geminids. The rates of meteors per hour are not easily predicted with Quadrantids, yet many scientists and studiers of such believe this year will be something special perhaps as high as 85 to 100 per hour during the peak.

Then on April 22-23 we will get the Lyrids Meteor Shower, which is not as spectacular but 20-25 per hour for the maximum and peak is not untypical. Then around the corner on May 6 we will have the Eta Aquarids, with up to 55 per hour, but generally if you get to witness 12 per hour you are doing quite well. July 28-30 comes the South Delta Aquarids, which are notable as you can expect 8-12 per hour for up to 28 hours. The Perseids in August on the 12-13 ought to be very good this year, but the moon will be somewhat in the way casting some light pollution during the peak and you can expect about 25 per hour or more. In October from the 20-22 will come the Orionids, this time the moon will be cooperating and allow for good visibility against a blackened sky for a good 25 per hour between none some hours.

The Leonids will arrive on Novermber 19, as EArth travels thru left remnants of the Leonids Comet, the predictions are sketchy, yet some say we may get to see as many as 100 per hour, that will truly b e worth watching indeed. And rounding out the year in 2006 will be the Geminids, which will be at its best on December 13-14, again with one hundred per hour maximums. The Geminids are known for their often various colors of Yellow, Green and Blue. This meteor shower will extend thru Pearl Harbor Day to the seventh of December and it is especially excellent during the 13-14 of December, so be sure to mark your 2006 Calendar. 2006 is your year to make a wish, so think on it and be ready.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Meteor Shower Predictions for 2006
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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