When your Astrological Chart is drawn up by the astrologer according to the information you have given of your birth date, time of birth and also the place of birth, it appears as a large circular disc with a smaller one in the centre in which the individual is symbolically placed. The larger circle of 360 is usually equally divided into 12 segments of 30 like equal slices of a cake. Each of the 12 segments is known as a 'house' with the first one being that on the left and just below the horizon or horizontal in the chart. Numbering anticlockwise, the twelve houses are represented in sequence and named according to their numerical place - First House, Second House and so on. Sometimes the Rising Sign may appear as only a few degrees above the horizon and at other times 28 or more. When it is sharing the influence of the next sign rising as in these latter degrees to the 30 it is called on the cusp and the characteristics of that Rising Sign are modified by those of t he one following. The Rising sign is strongest in its essential characteristics the closer it is to the 15 or midway point.
The zodiacal sign in which the Sun is placed at your birth is what is commonly called your Sun Sign, Birth Sign or astrological sign. The symbol for the Sun is immediately placed appropriately in the sign and the degree that it occupied at the moment of your birth .All the other planets will also be placed according to their actual astronomical position.
At the beginning of each house is one of the zodiacal signs which dominates that particular house. The ruling or dominant sign governing the first house, once it has been established by astronomical calculation, is placed on the Chart on the left hand horizontal and this is called your 'Rising Sign'. Only an astrological chart drawn with scientific accuracy can determine the exact degree of the Rising Sign.
For example, let us call that zodiacal Rising Sign, Aries. The rest of the zodiacal signs are then placed in their natural order and in anticlockwise fashion around the circle of the Chart, to finish with the sign Pisces shown as ruling the 12th House, situated above the horizon, just as Aries is below.
Basically this means when you begin to consider your personal make-up there are two main factors to consider, not just the one. Even though your Sun sign (your known Birth Sign) may be Cancer, you must take into account that Aries will also play a dominant role in your nature, particularly regarding your physical appearance, your outer personality and many of your instinctive reactions to life events. In this case although you may be highly emotional, as indicated by Cancer, you will have very strong outgoing energies and attitudes which are positive and very different from the more sensitive person you are inside. You will have an outer appearance of forceful, direct and more adventurous personality than the quieter soul you know as your true nature.
Most of us start life with these two different and often opposing influences inherent in our personality and in our potential psychological equipment. Our Rising sign is different from our Sun sign. We have to come to understand this mix of influences and absorb the best of the energies of each into our own intelligent blend of characteristics. We must make a study of both these signs in our first attempt to understand how Astrology reveals our main character traits, as they represent the constituents in our unique and complex recipe of human nature.
But of course there are also many cases where both the Sun sign and the Rising sign, because of astronomical configurations, will be the same. In which case, there is an intensification of all the traits and no moderating influences and a Taurean person with Taurus a lso as the Rising sign will show classical virtues and faults of a Taurean - a double Taurean so to say! It is certain that such an individual will know that the clues to his nature and his life will be found through study of the Taurean energies and principles.
It is the degree of the Rising Sign which accents or moderates the characteristics association with that sign, according to the distance between its neighbouring signs. So with 1 degree Aries rising there would be still the strong influence of Pisces. As the qualities of Pisces are very different from Aries, in character analysis this factor would have to be taken into consideration. With 28-30 Aries rising, one would have to add the strong up and coming influence of Taurus which, in this case would add some caution to the rashness of the Aries nature.
The factor of the Sun Sign and the Rising Sign and their proper interpretation is very interesting subject which has been the focus of a great deal of research over the last century or so. There is ample evidence to show that certain definite features and circumstances will be common to those persons having similar factors in their birth charts. This helps you to feel confident when seeking to clarify particular details.
Many come to know that the Sun sign is what you come into the world with regarding your talents, soul purposes and spiritual attitudes and the Rising Sign is the indicator of our physical appearance and outer personality - the tool through which our soul expresses itself.
The Rising sign strongly influences some aspects of our appearance (as to whether we are fair, dark and some influence over proportion and facial features). It affects our health, giving us clearly defined physical strengths and weaknesses. It accents all personality likes, dislikes, attitudes and attributes to frequently describe how different a personality you are compared with your siblings - who were born at different times and sometimes different places.
So it is wise to study the energies and influences of both the Rising Sign and the Sun Sign in combination, in order to see which factors you feel accurately describe your personal make up. It is good to know at the outset what the opposing or conflicting elements in your character are likely to be. It is also helpful to know the positive, complementary qualities which you can use in a resourceful and positive manner.
Analysing another person's horoscope is very much like trying to distinguish the flavourings in a complex recipe of a cake - some of the separate ingredients may in time be identified but the ultimate flavour and taste are beyond any analysis, just as the work of coordinating and utilizing the various astrological energies is entirely a matter for the individual himself.
Analysing your own Chart is very different from reading the report of a professional. It requires you to be without bias which is almo st impossible except regarding events and circumstances. However such an exercise has many rewards. It can make you aware of your qualities, both good and bad and encourage self improvement.
Interpreting astrological energies is a difficult task which is why many astrologers remain somewhat aloof from personal contact with the subject, preferring to use computer aids for the scientific preparation and to rely upon only one personal consultation for a reading.
Others liken it to psychology and their work of interpretation to the analogy of creating order out of pieces of a jigsaw - with each factor being just another piece to find a place for in the complex pattern of the personality. It cannot be emphasised enough, that Astrology is both a science and an art.
If you sincerely wish to understand the subject, there are man y books covering various aspects and some courses which take you from a study of the zodiacal Signs and their associated qualities , to the placement of the other planets, the importance of the Moon upon your emotional nature, the relationship between the planets in the birth chart, the common link with parents and loved ones, health matters, good and bad fortune, relationships, interests and events and of course that which fascinates many people, their future. One must be cautious of taking notice of the general and often superficial comments in astrological newspaper columns. These often serve to denigrate the science.
Every professional astrologer should be well versed in setting up your personal chart providing you have a record of the exact time and the place of birth. Each individual astrologer has his own methods and system of interpreting your Chart. Many specialise in particular aspects such as health, relationships, character, future events and even weath er prediction. It is important to find a good professional with considerable experience in the field of your own interest. In the meantime, be aware when reading of matters related to your Birth Sign or Sun Sign that you must also take into consideration the qualities of your Rising Sign.
Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Astrology
Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
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