Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Love and the Stars

Astrological Compatibility

Compatibility decides the future of any relationship. Zodiac compatibility predicts the ease with which a couple can get along while respecting each others feelings and opinions by a comparison of personalities.

A good relationship requires the continuing efforts of each partner to make the match a lasting one. The stars can possibly guide us in the choice of a soul mate. But, once true Love has bloomed, it doesn't need the stars.

Love at first sight

Has it ever happened to you? Suddenly without warning you meet someone special and you feel that you have known them all of your life. The two of you fall into an instant harmony. Time melts away as this strange attraction takes hold and leads you into a relationship that you never saw coming.

This blending of personalities is one of the wonders of life. It can lead us to happiness or heartbreak depending on our resolve and willingness to help it to flower. Love takes hold only if we open or hearts to one another with childlike simplicity.

Love and the Stars

It could be the stars. It could be magnetism or some orientation that exists between your Signs of the Zodiac that brings two people together. Since the beginning of recorded history many people have experienced this phenomenon. Many attribute this state of attraction to the stars.

If the stars can bring us together it is only our hard work that makes such a relationship a l asting one. The binding of two souls will always be a work in progress. It is a journey that spans mountains and valleys of emotion, alternating between the light and the darkness. Only those with the desire to become one with their partner can ever hope to succeed in this quest.

There are many things in this life that we do not understand. Love is certainly one of them. Love can take many shapes and it wears many disguises. But, there is one universal truth that should guide us. Love is a positive thing it builds up it does not tear down. The true union of Love is an upward flight of spirits not a death spiral.

Eugene DeFazzio is the webmaster of

Author:: Eugene DeFazzio
Keywords:: Love,Astrology,Compatibity
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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