Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Do You Believe in the Powers of Planet Alignments?

Many people Believe that during times of planet alignment magical things can happen. Others say no way; that is utter hokum. Perhaps you have an opinion on this subject? Can Planet alignment affect the Earth and the Earths path?

Now then with regard to planet alignment, indeed the planets are very far apart and thus somewhat insignificant. However many nearby planets all aligned could ever so slightly change the resonance of the normality of Earth and ever so slightly move the all the planets a little off their exact (atomic clock amounts in micro seconds stuff) path.

Insignificant yes. But mankind does not have enough power to do that yet? Well unless he can put a large yield nuclear weapon on a fault line and trigger something like the Sumatra Earthquake nearly cracking a tectonic plate. S omething to think on.

Additionally Eclipses are significant because they will provide for slight changes of Earths resonance. Some say that in fact human beings seem to pick up these things, even Full Moons as they seem to have an innate ancient hunting need during those times which comes out. Any policeman will tell you that they have significant troubles and lots of arrests on full moons, as people will do some pretty crazy things.

Could it be a double factor? Resonance changes picked up by the brain, body, bio-rthyms or the full moon triggering mammalian old part of the brain seeing the full moon? Yet over cast full moons also have huge arrest rates in large cities, when no one can see the moonlight. Now then does this mean that they can they feel it subconsciously? Lots of questions here and few answers and those are my main thoughts this issue. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Believe, Powers Planet Alignments
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Astrology The Planets

In Astrology both the Sun and Moon, as heavenly bodies are generally included amongst the listings of the influences of the planets.

The subject of planetary influence upon life on earth and upon the human psyche in particular has been the focus of attention over thousands of years and in every culture. Where Astronomy continues to observe the physical aspects of the planets, scholars continue to refine what is known of the affects of the planets upon our human psyche.

Remember, the influence over each individual can only be determined by his Astrological Chart which will modify or intensify each factor through what is established as the special relationship of one planet to the other at the time of birth.

The centuries have confirmed the following generalizations.

SUN The S un is obviously the most powerful of the heavenly bodies. It represents our most important or spiritual being and represents our enduring characteristics throughout each lifetime. Each of us evolves through incarnations under a birth sign which is different each lifetime, progressing through all the zodiacal birth signs until we have complete experience of human nature. The Sun holds the key to our spiritual life and in our birth Chart indicates all that is life giving, warm, masculine, positive, optimistic, electric and creative. It is an indicator of our good fortune in life and our conscious intelligence.

MOON The Moon is the complementary heavenly body to the Sun. It represents our growing and changing soul which is affected by changing circumstances and emotions throughout our lifetime. It represents our unconscious intelligence and subconscious mind and emotional outlook rather than our conscious thought as does the Sun. The qualities it symbolizes are the feminine traits of nurturing, calming, comforting, reflective, magnetic and is concerned with gestation and growth. It is an indicator of our personal emotions and our faculties of intuition and imagination.

MERCURY Mercury was once considered the messenger which flew between heaven and earth. It represents the human mind with such capabilities. Its position in the chart and the relationship with other planets and energies will indicate whether we are utilizing this gift of free will and human intelligence to the utmost. In the Chart is shows the speed, the movement and the talents we have for communication and intellectual development. It can equally indicate, along with other factors in the Chart, a highly developed genius for peace or an agitator for revolution.

VENUS The benign planet of love and harmony. These qualities are immortalized in the legends of the gods and in the enduring symbols of romantic love and harmony integral to the great works of art of all times. The planet affects our talents in music, dance, decoration and in diplomatic skills which maintain a peace between differences. In the Chart it indicates our love capacity and our personal needs and expressions and much of our good fortune.

MARS Mars is dedicated to protection of things of value - defence of the weak - preservation of goodness in culture and in all things and is willing to fight to the death for its cause. It was once the god that was twinned with Venus, which represented human goodness. In the Chart it indicates an inclination towards activity, agitation, aggression, even violence, but also shows the ardent qualities of the soul and its willingness to defend its values. In our Chart it shows our dynamic talents and passions as it shows our ill fortune which comes through uncontrolled energy and enthusiasm or the aggression of others.

JUPITER Jupiter is the grand planet of beneficence. It represents magnanimity, generosity , wealth, good fortune, happiness and abundant health. Because it indicates ease and luxury it has been shows by the symbol of the horn of plenty. But in a Chart not only will it indicate these things, but also where one is perhaps lazy or indolent because of good fortune and so can be although generally the planet of well being, can also show where we are resting on our laurels so to say. Generally its influence accentuates the good.

SATURN Saturn is regrettably generally considered 'malefic'. We know it as a huge planet with mysteries as yet undiscovered. In legend however, it is always associated with its main purpose in human life, to cause difficulties and death, before renewal and known as 'The Reaper'. It is certainly the representative of the great law of Karma - the justice which fulfils the law of action and reaction and which we question why to us? when we suffer bad fortune but neglect to do the same equally with our good fortune! Saturn's influence represents natural law. In our Chart it shows the difficulties, our personal restrictions, our unresolved problems and the serious matters of our soul which provide the present lessons we must learn for our personal growth.

URANUS Uranus is the unpredictable planet affecting all of us by its energies causing unusual and unconventional feelings, interests and behaviour. Its influence flooded our earth and our civilization with stimulated the growth of great planetary changes throughout the last few centuries of revolutions and wars beyond anything history has shown to date. Its influence is to urge us out of the confines of the individual consciousness to understand the universality of all life on our earth and beyond. It focuses the virtues of the New Age Of Aquarius (the sign it rules) that is humanitarian instincts, purposes and actions. In our Charts it will indicate the sudden and life changing things that happen without any observed cause. In our nature it t ouches the part of us which wants to swim against the worn out values of the past and to break new ground.

NEPTUNE Neptune as its name indicates is the planet which rules over the most nebulous of our watery emotions. As we look at a globe of our earth we see that the material world or earth is much less than the great vastness of the oceanic blue. Water proves greater materially and in our human psyche, shows our emotions to be greater than our physical selves. But until we know how to utilize its influence the energies show in our Chart as our vague potentials, our dreams, our unrealised selves, the indeterminate aspects of our character, our human weaknesses instead of virtues and strengths. It shows our capacity for addiction to habits and to drugs and our reliance and the blame we foist upon others. Its most controlled energies provide us with inspirational dreams and ideas, with idealistic concepts and feeling, with mystical experiences and with a sense of t he greater unity of life beyond our petty ego.

PLUTO Pluto is so small that it is easy to see how one could query it having any influence upon our distant world but indeed its influence is such that we are now beginning to find to what extent. Having only been recently discovered there has been limited investigation possible as to how it affects us but certain factors emerge. Pluto was associated as the god of the underworld and often thought of as negative. But like all energies, they can be bad or good depending upon the purpose to which the energies are harnessed. If it is seen that the power of Pluto directs the great monopolies and business enterprises which have bullied others out of existence, or which work to undermine the health and well being of us all, it is course is seen as a negative power developed and expressed in this way.

However if the same energy could work to bring us a one world of peace and a brotherhood of people an ideal as yet never accomplished in our history - it can only be seen as a unifying principle which is goodness itself. The actual details of Pluto, its function in the solar system and its affect upon our lives remains to a large extent, speculation.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
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Free Indian Horoscope & Astrology Indastro


Horoscope is the construction of your basic placement of planets at time of birth in a pre-decided format called the birth chart .

There are basic differences in techniques in casting birth chart/ Horoscope by Indian Vedic, Western, Greek, Chinese System etc. It is this differences which makes the interpretations & predictions different and superior to other systems.


The birth chart cast on the Indian System is truly unique since the Indian system makes adjustments for the fact that our Zodiac / Universe is moving and not fixed ( by the Big Bang theory of creation of Universe - this system is following for more than 7000 years, proving ancient Indians had a great grasp of astronomy before any other civilization).

Also the Indian system takes into account that the zodiac is elliptic an not circular due to which the twelve houses in a bi rth chart are not 30 degree each but varying according to the time of birth. Due to these differences the birth chart cast on the Indian system would come out different from that done on any other system AND much more accurate :

To QUOTE an example, there could be a chart cast on the western system with MOON in Sagittarius on 10 degree in the 9th house, making the person : WISE WELL KNOWN, FRANK, OPEN MINDED, LUCKY, HAVING INTERNATIONAL REPUTE, HAPPY WITH REGARD TO MOTH.

NOW, if the same birth details are used to construct the chart on the Indian system, the MOON will fall in Scorpio 17 degree, 8th house, making the person petty, unhealthy, complexed, problems with mother, low on talent, insignificant and having a problematic married / love life.

http://www.indastro.com/ and http://www.indastro.com/Astrology-Reports/Horoscope.php

Author:: Archna Sajwan
Keywords:: Horoscope, Astrology, indian Astrology, indian Horoscope, vedic Astrology, vedic Horoscope, Report
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Flying Stars Fengshui for 2006 : Predictions & Remedies for Main Door Facing North

(Chinese Solar Year : 04.02.2006 to 03.02.2007)

Flying Stars or Fei Xing is a powerful form of Feng Shui derived from the famous Xuan Kong Fengshui. It is an Analysis of the Five Elements and Star Combinations (representing certain energy patterns) that occupy every building. Each new year these annual stars change, Qi (energy) shifts happen, bringing good and bad energy with them - thereby producing different effects.

In February 2004 all the Feng Shui Energy Patterns underwent huge transformations to the NewAge of Land Luck called Period 8 Energy Cycles. It means that a large scale evolution of the human race with completely new energy dynamics has started. The significance is that the new, vibrant energies of Period 8 impacts on the buildings differently than before and energies that were previously activated now need to be remedied, in order to reduce any bad effects from the past influences.

The Flying Stars Chart or the 9-Grid Meteor Plan for the Bi ng-Xu, Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog has been plotted and the effects of their energy patterns are analyzed. The analysis also contains suggested remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and recommended enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy.

For the remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location.

The direction in which your main door lies is very important to any form of Geomancy, including Fengshui & Vaastu. The primary reason for this is that the air currents and energy flow in and flow out through the mouth of the main door. Thus you receive positive energy for the year, if the main door faces a direction of auspicious stars or meteors (powerful energy bodies) and receive negative energy for the year, if the main door faces a dir ection of evil stars or meteors. In case negative impacts are forecast, you can simply offset the negative energy by installing the recommended remedies there. Any or all of these remedies can be reused for the coming years, the only thing is that they should be repositioned according to the new year.

Please note that the effects may be felt in varying degrees depending upon the exact compass degree of the main door.


A good year for you to enjoy. People of the household, whether in employment or in practice or in business, will flourish. The Wealth Star of Period 8 will bring you good reputation and excellent cashflow. Businessmen can plan properly to convert the incoming cash into assets. Your sphere of influence will expand and consolidate into good name and fame. If you have a budding business person in your home, placing a white ceramic Dog statue will help.

< p>The children of the household could suffer from stomach pains and digestive problems. Do not over strain yourself in work. Try and cut down smoking, liquor, etc. Be forewarned of problems related to blood and kidneys. Be careful to read between the lines any document you wish to sign. Avoid taking impulsive decisions. Do not use this area for storage purpose otherwise you may lose some of your wealth luck. Hang a large sized natural, original Chinese Wou-Lou on the inside of the main door, to minimise health related problems. To avoid theft and money loss, install a pair of Chi-Lins or Kuan Kung straight opposite your main door, overlooking it.

This year the Three San Sha Afflictions (also called as the Three Demons or the Three Killings) is residing here. So the potential of making good money will not be realised fully and consistently. Do not install any moving objects like Fish Aquariums or Water Fountains here, this year. But you can place a potted water plant. D o not dig, construct, renovate, redecorate or repair this year near your main door. Do not drill or even drive a nail in this wall. It is also not advisable to sit or sleep for extended periods, near your main door. If you do any of these, you will be inviting betrayals, thefts, accidents, injuries, money loss and other fatal disasters for your family members. If you had already started any of these work last year and would definitely have to continue and complete it in this year, then hang a golden, metal Wou-Lou and a Wind Chyme near the main door.

It is also recommended to place an icon of Kuan Kung or Three Generations Dragon Head Turtle or a pair of Pi-Yau near your main door, facing North, as even opening and closing the door is considered as violating the Three Demons. Also remember not to sit with your back facing North when you read, eat, watch TV, operate computer, etc.

Display the Safety Talisman for 2006 in the North West sector and carry a miniature version of it always.

Door Mat Colour for the Main Door : Red or Yellow (on the outside).


To minimise damage due to gossiping and rumours, arguments and disputes, avoid the colours green and blue in the center of your home. Do not place any moving water features like fish aquarium or water fountains here. Display 8 red roses without thorns and leaves in the center of your home/office/building and light up a small red coloured bulb which will burn continuously, 24/7. This is applicable for all buildings, irrespective of the direction of the main doors.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it's entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be clickable hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

The Author of this article Sri Janarrdhana Gupt ha is an Energy Consultant, Vaastu & Fengshui Researcher, Crystal Master and a Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is in permanent, life-time Remedial Solutions, especially Crystal Energy Fields. His wife Srimathi Kalpana Guptha is also a Psychic Reader. The Energy Couple can be reached through crystalvaastu@yahoo.com or either of their websites: http://www.newage-kabbalah-numerology.com or http://www.crystal-vaastu.com/home.htm.

Janarrdhana Guptha has authored the book titled Guide to Fengshui Good Luck Symbols. He writes regularly in leading English & Tamil Magazines from India. More of his articles can be read at his blog : http://www.spaces.msn.com/members/crystal-vaastu/.

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: flying stars fengshui, chinese astrology, xuan kong, fei xing, four pillars of destiny, Forecasts
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Revival Of An Astrology

The scientific revolution that started in XVII century has caused some illusions to many western intellectuals, that in the near future all secrets of the world will be discovered by the power of the main and experimental Science. The worldwide recognition of the heliocentric Kopernik theory (Mikolaj Kopernik (14731543) the founder of modern astronomy) and then the discovery of new planets has been seized as a refutation of the Astrology that traditionally used Ptolemys geocentric model (Ptolemy (367?-283?b. c.), astronomer and general in Alexander the Great's army who succeeded him as ruler of Egypt (323-285 b. c.)) and only five visible planets.

As a result, by the end of XVII century in continental Europe the practice of Astrology had actually come to nil. In England some astrological traditions continued and had not been stopped because in England the strong tradition of herb Science included some astrological knowledge.

During this period of time society s tarted to demand from astrologists scientific proofs of their Astrology discoveries, no matter how paradoxical this sounds, because Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences. At that time the definition of a Science was extremely narrow. Everything that could not be proved by a stick and a rope, appeared unscientific. Those astrologists, who aspired to social acceptance, began to offer (and continue to offer until now) various rationalistic explanations of Astrology. However in relation to the area of knowledge based on the ancient philosophical-religious concepts it turns out not so harmoniously.

At that time a lot of changes happened not only in Science but also huge changes occurred in society by itself. The role of the astrologists in society changed too. During those years many astrologists were at the same time doctors, translators, and mathematicians. They were highly educated people. Their clients were the aristocrats and priests, those who ruled the world at that time. For example, one of the major representatives of the Medieval Astrology Guido Bonatti was nobleman by himself and he predicted to the priests the rank they can reach - bishop, cardinal or even Pope. He used to give advice to the members of the royal family and aristocrats about political, military, and state affairs.

Now the authority passed to businessmen more and more and the growing education among workers has given rise to popular Astrology - that which now fills the last pages of many newspapers and magazines. The education system changed the orientation, now the basic were concentrated on engineers, managers, bankers, and the knowledge of languages and philosophies become less valuable and significant. And when in the second half of XIX century in Europe had began the next revival of Astrology, only a few were capable of using the sources, and the majority of documents were still not translated from Greek, Arabian, and Latin.

Renewal of intere st in Astrology in the XIX century is caused substantially by skepticism of the existing theory that all of Mankinds secrets are possible to explain by means of reason. The understanding of Science began to extend gradually and as a result at the end of XX century nobody is surprise at such Science like psychology - whose subjects and methods are in many cases very far from a rationalistic pattern.

Inspired by the social success of psychology, many astrologists of the XX century began to teach Astrology by combining it with psychology. As a result psychological Astrology was born. Psychological Astrology focused, unlike classical Astrology, not on the objective reality but on the emotional world of the person.

At the same time, by end of the XX century it has increased the interest to classical astrological works, to those methods and directions which have been hidden. Because of that a lot of astrological documents were translated from the Greek and Latin langua ges.

If you would like to learn more about Astrology, especially mystical parts of Astrology, visit the Astrology-Wisdom site.

Willie Krut is studying Astrology and readily likes to share his knowledge. To subscribe to the free Willie's Newsletter, visit http://www.Astrology-Wisdom.com.

Author:: Willie Krut
Keywords:: Astrology,Horoscope,Science,Wisdom,Stars,History
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Monday, May 30, 2011

Power Bead that Beats Failure and Gives Wealth Health Success Part II

The Indian Star System or Hindu Nakshatra system divides the ecliptic the apparent path of the Sun in the sky into 27 equal divisions of 13 degrees 20 minutes each. This system is a scientifically designed system. This mysterious system reveals all the present, past, future events of every man. These 27 nakshatras or stars are closely related to each and every man/woman.

In India, the nakshatra at the time of birth is immediately noted for the newly born child. This is called birth star or Janma Nakshatra in Sanskrit. For every star there is a beneficial Rudraksha bead. The twenty seven nakshatras and the beneficial rudraksha bead are given below:

1)Ashwini - Nine faced
2)Bharani - Six faced
3)Krittika - Single faced or Twelve faced
4)Rohini - Double faced
5)Mrigashirsha - Three faced
6)Aardraa - Eight faced
7)Punarvasu - Five faced
8)Pushya - Seven faced
9)Ashlesha - Four faced
10)Maagha - Nine faced
11)Poorva Phalkuni - Six faced
12)Utra Phalkuni - Single faced or Twelve faced
13)Hasta - Double faced
14)Chitraa - Three faced
15)Swaati - Eight faced
16)Vishaakha -Five faced
17)Anuraadha -Seven faced
18)Jyestha -Four faced
19)Mula -Nine faced
20)Poorvaashadaa -Six faced
21)Uttaraashaada - Single faced or Twelve faced
22)Shraavanaa -Double faced
23)Dhanishtha -Three faced
24)Shatabhisak -Eight faced
25)Poorva Bhaadrapada -Five faced
26)Uttara Bhaadrapada -Seven faced
27)Revathi -Four faced

Rudraksha has no side effects. The various types of rudraksha, different classifications which bestow wealth, health and other worldly pleasures are given in the first pArt of this Article. However for the benefits of the new readers the list is given below again:

A rudraksha of a single face bestows worldly pleasures and salvation. Very rarely one gets this single faced bead.

A rudraksha with two faces bestows the fulfillment of all desires. This quickly makes one to control his mind.

A Rudraksha with three faces always bestows means of enjoyment. As a result of its power all lores become firmly established.

A Rudraksha with four faces instantaneously bestows the four aims of life namely, virtuous life, wealth, sexual enjoyments and salvation. It also represents Brahma the lord of creation. By wearing this, designers, engineers, interior decorators and Artists can improve their power of creativit y.

A Rudraksha with five faces bestows salvation and all desired objects. Normally ninety per cent of the rudrakshas available in the market are five faced.

A Rudraksha with six faces absolves all sins. This bestows health and wealth.

A Rudraksha with seven faces bestows wealth and wisdom. Even a poor man becomes a great lord.

A Rudraksha with eight faces bestows longevity. Man who wears it lives the full span of life.

A Rudraksha with nine faces increases the energy.

A Rudraksha with ten faces removes ill luck, poverty.

More on Rudraksha secrets will be enumerated in the next Article.

S. Nagarajan is a vehicle body engineer by profession. He has written more than 1300 Articles in 16 magazines and published 18 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine Articles, seminars, courses. His website www.santhanamnagarajan.com His Articles on Yoga, laughter, efficacy of mantras and sound, Hypnotism, Tele Kinesis, Power of Prayer, Vastu and Feng Shui, Auto suggestion, Success Formula, Out of Body Experience etc are regularly appearing in ezineArticles.com. So far sixty four Articles have been published in ezineArticles.com.

Author:: Santhanam Nagarajan
Keywords:: Indian star system divides the sky into 27 divisions, each nakshatra has a beneficial rudraksha
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

TAROT How Often Should You Have a Reading?

One of my FAQs is, How often should I have a Tarot Card reading? There is no general answer. It depends on your purpose - what type of reading you are having and the way you are using it. If you are looking for some indication about what is happening in general in the future, then you could have a reading every six months or so, or perhaps every year.

This kind of reading tends to involve a bigger spread or layout as Tarot readings are called, with more cards in it. This allows a broader view of trends that may be coming into play around you. It usually tells a reader whether you are in a time of change or of relative stability - whet her new stuff is going to happen or things remain very similar to how they are now. You don't need this kind of reading very frequently. It's big picture stuff and tends to change slowly.

If you are looking at one issue at a time, such as if you are going to get a new job soon, you can ask that question with a smaller kind of layout. A few cards or a Celtic Cross will be fine and will tell you what the possibilities are in that situation. The reading might tell you if you need to add to your skills and head off in a new career direction or search more thoroughly for a job than you are currently doing. If you asked about moving house it might say that moving would be disruptive at this time. The Tarot is always more than just Yes or No. Usually it gives you some advice or insight as well.

With a re ading based on one specific topic you can ask whenever you like as long as the topics are different. It's no good asking the same thing many times, because the answers just become confusing and often merely reflect how you are feeling that day. I always try to discourage people from becoming dependent on divination. Asking the same question again and again, trying to nag the cards into telling you what you want to hear is not healthy. Sometimes life doesn't give us what we want and we have to accept that and get on with things as best we can.

It's better not to ask trivial questions. I have found that the Tarot works best when you've thought out your question carefully and put it in a sensible manner. When you have an answer to a question, then it's a good idea to go away and reflect on it and see how t hat answer can help you with your problem. That is one of the strengths of the Tarot - guidance. It can help us to see solutions for ourselves.

By using the Tarot wisely, it becomes like talking to a good friend. The answers often open up new ways of looking at our lives that can help us bring out the best for ourselves in the future. Like all good friends it responds best if you take notice of the answers it gives.

Dianne Hardwick 2006

Dianne Hardwick has been reading Tarot for over 30 years. For a free astrology forecast visit her website at http://www.diannehardwick.com/

Author:: Dianne Hardwick
Keywords:: Tarot,reading Tarot,Tarot cards
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

During Meteor showers and Eclipses We Can Save Energy

Can we get Americans to conserve energy on nights of Meteor Showers and Eclipses? The reason I ask is there are several such dates throughout each year, which such special events occur and if we told people of the need to conserve energy and the issues with light pollution then we might save quite a bit of energy over a years period?

We could have a rule, or a suggestion that require lights out for light pollution issues during these events in our heavens. We could ask citizens to respect light pollution issues and tout the beauty of the events and ask citizens to be cognizant that others will need the lights off to enjoy the beauty.

If we can save the energy of 25 to 30 night per year with dimmed lights and work to resist the temptation to turn all the lights on which are not needed we st and to save 5% of our lighting energy usage each year and in doing so about 2-3 percent of our nations total energy usage on the power grid. That is a huge savings and worth a look see.

Will it really work? Well ask yourself if you were asked nicely to use less lighting during these nights, would you? Sure you would. Now then what if you got into a habit of turning off the lights in the house you did not need? What then, well you would simply use less power and if everyone did this also, well, you get the point. So, perhaps you might consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: During Meteor showers, Eclipses, We Can Save Energy
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Chinese Astrology

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western Astrology, in Chinese Astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depArt the eArth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese Astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the chArts to determine the correct sign.

You will find a chArt of the dates and signs below. Each sign repeats every 12 years, so 2006/7 will be the year of the Dog. For exact dates visit our website. Following the chArt you will find the characteristics of people born during the Chinese Year of The Rooster.

9 February 2005 - 28 January 2006: Rooster

22 January 2004 - 8 February 2005: Monkey

1 February 2003 - 21 January 2004: Goat

12 February 2002 - 31 January 2003: Horse

24 January 2001 - 11 February 2002: Snake

5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001: Dragon

6 February 1999 - 4 February 2000: Rabbit

28 January 1998 - 5 February 1999: Tiger

8 February 1997 - 27 January 1998: Ox

19 February 1996 - 7 February 1997: Rat

31 January 1995 - 18 February 1996: Pig

10 February 1994 - 30 January 1995: Dog

The Chinese Year Of The Rooster..

If you or your child was born in the Chinese yea r sign of the rooster you have far to go. Roosters are full of confidence, fearless and brave. They will take on an adversary far superior to themselves if they believe they are in the right.

If they can control their impulsive streak they are usually successful in business. Intelligent and ambitious, Roosters work hard and like to be in control, often successfully running their own businesses.

People born under this sign are extroverts and enjoy the company of others. They do not like to be criticised and their self-esteem can crumble if they are ridiculed.

Roosters hate to be bored and can be deliberately provocative if life is too dull.

Other signs either love or hate Roosters. Fortunately for the Rooster, most people love them.

There are twelve signs in Chinese Astrology< /a>. To read about the others visit our website http://baby-talk.co.uk/chineseAstrology.htm.

About The Author
Tony Luck runs a site babies. If you wish to learn the characteristics of other Chinese Year signs, visit our website http://www.baby-talk.co.uk.

Author:: Tony Luck
Keywords:: chinese Astrology
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

A Version Of The Origin Of Astrology

The history of astrological development is as foggy as the history of mankind. Definitely, there is a theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Also there is a not-fully-proven theory of an Astrology development that our ancestors observed- they observed the star sky, wrote down everything, that occurred there, and as a result they came to the conclusion that, supposedly, some configurations in the sky correspond to some proceedings on the earth.

I do not wish to go deep into scientific disputes, but the theory of Mankind as a result of natural selection seems to me unreal. For the tens of centuries reflected in history, people changed very little. In the same way I do not consider possible the occurrence of Astrology just from observation. Certainly , a lot of imperative astrological observations have been done in the past, especially in Babylon. However their purpose was not the discovery but only the acknowledgement of astrological laws.

We can ask then, from where have these laws come? I would answer: they have been the result of the practical appendix of certain philosophical-religious concepts. Of course we can continue from where these concepts came, etc. If we continue to do this we will go too far from our sphere of interests in a practical Astrology.

There are many blank spots in the history of Astrology. When you try to understand it very often there is an impression, that there once existed an extensive knowledge that was gradually forgotten. For example, there exists the evidence that the very deep and detailed understanding of astronomy (that is, actually, Astrology as the astronomy at that time was an integral component of Astrology) were around in Egypt in days of the Pyramids creation, that i s about 2400 BC. Around that time (1650 BC) they created complex calendars and it looks like later on the Egyptians began to forget the astronomical basis of those calendars.

It is possible to tell that Astrology has come to Europe (we shall concentrate on the European branch of Astrology as the closest to us) from the Egyptian, Babylonian, and Persian sources. The middlemen in this process, also interpreters and distributors of astrological knowledge in the first century AD., were the Greek philosophers. The Greek books were a source of Astrology for the civilized world of those times, including the Roman Empire. Astrology played an important role in the Roman Empire and by IV century AD, was finally stated as a public Science.

However after the Roman Empire collapsed around 500 AD and the rise of the barbarian kingdoms in Europe (present-day Italy, France, Germany, etc.) the astrological tradition in Western and Central Europe stopped. And in the east, in the B yzantium Empire, religious and political conditions completely suppressed the practice of an Astrology.

Then onto the stage came the Arabs. In 711 AD their empire extended from the territory of present Spain in the west up to India in the east. In VIII century the Arabian governors and leaders of the Muslim world motivated the intelligence of the country to study the Greek language and assimilate the scientific achievements of other nations. So Greek Astrology along with other Greek Sciences became a component of the Arabian Islamic Science. In this condition Astrology continued to develop, while in Europe during the six centuries, from 500 to 1100 AD, the practice of Astrology was extremely complicated.

One of the major reasons for the decline of Astrology in Europe was the degradation in the field of mathematical and other scientific formations that followed the fall of the Roman Empire. However by 1100 the West has realized, at last, the necessity of the devel opment of a Science - in the same way as it occurred in the Muslim East in VIII century. The mass translation of Arabian scientific (including astrological) texts to Latin language had begun.

The result became the revival of interest in Astrology in Europe, which prolonged up to XVII century.

If you would like to learn more about Astrology, especially mystical parts of Astrology, visit the Astrology-Wisdom site.

Willie Krut is studying Astrology and readily likes to share his knowledge. To subscribe to the free Willie's Newsletter, visit http://www.Astrology-Wisdom.com

Author:: Willie Krut
Keywords:: Astrology,Horoscope,Science,Wisdom,Stars
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Flying Stars Fengshui for 2006 : Predictions & Remedies for Main Door Facing South East

(Chinese Solar Year : 04.02.2006 to 03.02.2007)

Flying Stars or Fei Xing is a powerful form of Feng Shui derived from the famous Xuan Kong Fengshui. It is an Analysis of the Five Elements and Star Combinations (representing certain energy patterns) that occupy every building. Each new year these annual stars change, Qi (energy) shifts happen, bringing good and bad energy with them - thereby producing different effects.

In February 2004 all the Feng Shui Energy Patterns underwent huge transformations to the NewAge of Land Luck called Period 8 Energy Cycles. It means that a large scale evolution of the human race with completely new energy dynamics has started. The significance is that the new, vibrant energies of Period 8 impacts on the buildings differently than before and energies that were previously activated now need to be remedied, in order to reduce any bad effects from the past influences.

The Flying Stars Chart or the 9-Grid Meteor Plan for the Bi ng-Xu, Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog has been plotted and the effects of their energy patterns are analyzed. The analysis also contains suggested remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and recommended enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy.

For the remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location.

The direction in which your main door lies is very important to any form of Geomancy, including Fengshui & Vaastu. The primary reason for this is that the air currents and energy flow in and flow out through the mouth of the main door. Thus you receive positive energy for the year, if the main door faces a direction of auspicious stars or meteors (powerful energy bodies) and receive negative energy for the year, if the main door faces a dir ection of evil stars or meteors. In case negative impacts are forecast, you can simply offset the negative energy by installing the recommended remedies there. Any or all of these remedies can be reused for the coming years, the only thing is that they should be repositioned according to the new year.

Please note that the effects may be felt in varying degrees depending upon the exact compass degree of the main door.


The Black Star # 2 brings you arguments, misunderstandings, disputes, gossips, stress, food poisoning and gastrointestinal problems, respiratory problems, gynaecological problems and sickness to many in the family. The womenfolk will suffer the most. Even your best neighbours will turn hostile. Hang a large sized natural, original Chinese Wou-Lou near the maindoor and in the bedroom.

Married couple will tend to have more disagreements and dish armony will prevail. Install the combined statue of Dragon & Phoenix or a pair of pink Mandarin Ducks in the bedroom. Minimise red and yellow coloured clothing, lighting, etc. inside the home. Alternatively place a Rooster figurine near the main door.

If you have a Rabbit or Dragon (according to the Chinese Astrology Zodiac Animal Signs) in your family, you may have to take special remedial measure to avoid seperation.

The Year Breaker Tsui Po which moves directly opposite to that of Tai Sui, corresponds to South East this year. This energy body too, should not be violated. Do not install any moving objects like Fish Aquariums or Water Fountains here, this year. Do not dig, construct, renovate, redecorate or repair this year near your main door. It is also not advisable to sit or sleep for extended periods, near your main door. If you do any of these to violate the Year Breaker, you will be inviting more accidents and health mishaps for your family members. If yo u had already started any of these work last year and would definitely have to continue to complete in this year, then hang a golden, metal Wou-Lou and a Wind Chyme near the main door.

If you have a secondary door that is not facing SE, then use it for this year. Otherwise, It is recommended to place an icon of Kuan Kung or Three Generations Dragon Head Turtle or a pair of Pi-Yau near your main door, facing SE, as even opening and closing the door is considered as violating the Tsui Po.

Display the Safety Talisman for 2006 in the North West sector and carry a miniature version of it always.

Door Mat Colour for the Main Door : Grey or Blue (on the outside), with 6 I-Ching coins taped under it.


To minimise damage due to gossiping and rumours, arguments and disputes, avoid the colours green and blue in the center of your home. Do not place any moving water features like fish aquarium or water fount ains here. Display 8 red roses without thorns and leaves in the center of your home/office/building and light up a small red coloured bulb which will burn continuously, 24/7. This is applicable for all buildings, irrespective of the direction of the main doors.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it's entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be clickable hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

The Author of this article Sri Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Vaastu & Fengshui Researcher, Crystal Master and a Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is in permanent, life-time Remedial Solutions, especially Crystal Energy Fields. His wife Srimathi Kalpana Guptha is also a Psychic Reader. The Energy Couple can be reached through crystalvaastu@yahoo.com or either of their websites: http://www .newage-kabbalah-numerology.com or http://www.crystal-vaastu.com/home.htm.

Janarrdhana Guptha has authored the book titled Guide to Fengshui Good Luck Symbols. He writes regularly in leading English & Tamil Magazines from India. More of his articles can be read at his blog : http://www.spaces.msn.com/members/crystal-vaastu/.

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: flying stars fengshui, chinese astrology, xuan kong, fei xing, four pillars of destiny, Forecasts
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Find Out What Astrology Can and Can't Do for You

Almost everyone worries about the Future at one point or another. We become uncertain about income, Relationships, and Health, and we do everything in our power to ensure positive outcomes. When personal strength fails, some people decide to turn to Astrology and stargazing in hopes of learning more about what lies in their path and what they can do to prepare for it.

If you are thinking about calling a 900-telephone line for Advice, keep in mind that anyone can set up shop as a Horoscope reader, and there are many scams in place on the Internet and in the yellow pages. Think about it: anyone who could really tell the Future could make a pretty good living by working for government agencies, wealthy clients, and serve their own interests through investments and gaming. The vast majority of people purporting to tell the Future share very little personal information with a client, but tend to make more generalized statements, like Happiness is in your Future or You wil l lose a loved one in the foreseeable Future. Does foreseeable refer to one week or ten years? Without detailed facts, no one should seriously consider the Advice of someone with untried or unproven claims.

With that in mind, though, there do seem to be those who have a sixth sense in understanding much about a person they have just met. Sometimes these people can make claims that seem very close to reality, which, when they come to pass, fit the interpretation offered by a Horoscope reader.

If you are thinking about consulting a medium, or fortuneteller, about your Future, here are some things to consider when selecting a person to contact:

1. How long has the person been reading Horoscopes? Has she lived in the immediate area for a long or short time? Does she live in a place that betokens someone making a successful living?

2. Where did the reader learn her skills? Who trained her? When did she realize she had second sight? Does she get ongoing tra ining or study? Have her skills improved over time?

3. Can the person tell her own Future? How has that worked out for her? What has she learned about herself and her clients in practicing this skill?

4. With what degree of accuracy can the teller predict your Future? Can she offer immediate insight that will prove her claims? Are there client referrals that you can check with to see if their predictions came true?

5. Ask about the tellers methods. How does she see into the Future? How reliable is her methodology?

Take specific questions or areas of your life that you would like to ask about during your consultation. Write down the tellers specific words or phrases so you can check for accuracy later.

If you believe that you have encountered a scam, dont hesitate to report it to the Better Business Bureau to help protect others from falling victim to the scam artist.

Find out if Astrology Study can help you when you visit Astrology Study a t http://www.Astrologystudy.com

Author:: Charles Kassotis
Keywords:: Astrology,Stars,Future,Relationship,Health,Advice,Horoscope,Zodiac
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Here Comes the Sun (Signs) Romance Astrology and You Water Signs

Cancer Caring - (June 22 July 22) Cancer is ruled by the Moon and its symbol is the crab. It is a Water sign, and as such is connected to the world of emotion and the instincts. People react in a positive way to your sensitive intuitive nature. If its a Love interest you are after, you instinctively know how to get the attention you desire. Because you are a good friend and confidante, people have a tendency to confess their sins to you. When it comes to flirting you prefer a more demure or reserved approach to one that is overt. You are a caring, nurturing Lover and enjoy cuddling and hand-holding. You may seduce the object of your desire with a home-cooked meal of fare that is fit for a king or queen. You tend to fuss over the object of your affections, a clear indication that you are interested in pursuing the relationship further. Pampering and affection are your signatures in Romance. You are also very protective of your Love interests (all Relationships for that matter) and will go to the ends of the earth to make those in your life feel safe and secure. Family is important to you and you enjoy sharing family traditions as well as starting those of your own creation. For you, home is where the heart is. A Cancerean in full courtship mode will invite their Love interest to meet the family. You make those you Love feel like the center of the universe.

Scorpio - (October 24 November 21) Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars and is symbolized by the scorpion. As a Water sign it is connected with the world of emotions. You can be intently focused, even absorbed on the object of your desire. You are send by others as sultry, emotional and even a dangerous. Your passionate nature can smolder for days, weeks and even months and then it all of the sudden erupts into a volcanic fire that is almost impossible to contain. You have a Sexy animal magnetism that can subtly seduces the object of your desires. There is a mesmerizing way about you; when you look into the eyes of your Love it is as though you are looking deep into their soul. You are a born detective and will go to almost any lengths to find out about someone to whom you have an interest in. You are intense and emotionally perceptive. When hurt, you dont mend easily and dont forgive quickly (if ever). You know how to channel your energy and power into exploring your Lovers Sexuality. You are intuitive and inquisitive; there are no secrets you wont discover. However, your nature is such that you may keep a few secrets of your own. Ever resourceful and self-confident, you know whats best for you and think you know whats best for others. Sex with a Scorpio is anything but subtle, it is full of energy, daring and can even involve some risk taking. You are looking for a fea rless Lover, one willing to create a Romance that will unleash your passions.

Pisces - (February 22 March 21) Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune , and its symbol is two fish bound together. Pisces is a water sign, emotional and compassionate. You have an air of mystery and Love a good secret. You Love affairs of the heart and could become involved in a Love tryst or steamy affair. You can be shy or coy, and your sensitive side and air of vulnerability can and will often work to your advantage to attract the object of your desires. You Love Romance and fantasy and sometimes have a hard time separating the two. You are able to share your deepest feelings with the one you Love and often connect on a soul level. It is said the eyes are the window to the soul and you often find yourself flirting with your eyes. Pisces men are often seen as gallant (opening doors, and offering a hand) and both Sexes can be self-sacrificing often putting the needs of their Lover ahead of their own. You tend to daydream and often have your head in the clouds. You would rather go with the flow than ruffle feathers. You Love to serve your Lover and shower him or her with delightful fantasies. You have a spiritual nature, and are very creative. When it comes to Romance, you can be unpredictable and truly enjoy the game of Love, although you will pursue the object of your affection with slow, careful intent.

2005 - Heidi Richards is an Author , Professional Speaker, and Business Mentor. She is the owner of Eden Florist & Gift Baskets http://www.edenflorist.com and the Founder & CEO of the Womens ECommerce Association, International http://www.WECAI.org an Internet organization that Helps Women Do Business on the WEB. BASIC Membership is Free. She can be reached at heidi@edenflorist.com. Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication is appreciated.

Author:: Heidi Richards
Keywords:: Astrology, Internet, Love, Relationships, Sex, Lovers, sun signs, Romance
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Astrology & the Galactic Center

At 26 degrees of Sagittarius, the Galactic Center of the Milky Way is hidden behind a veil of dust and gas. With Pluto, our Solar Systems outermost planet (symbolic of the parts of ourselves were least able to access) moving over this same degree, we are experiencing seismic shifts deep in our universal unconscious. The last time this occurred was in 1745, the birth of the industrial revolution. Daily life changed irrevocably as workers moved off the farms to gun production because of the Jacobite rebellion in Britain and textile expansion. The polarity of religious fundamentalism and religious exploration was represented by the birth of Hasidism and of Universalists. Ben Franklin ran with his kite to harness electricity. And of course, the voices of the American and French Revolutions were gaining momentum.

In the 1500s when Pluto was at this degree, the first map of America was published and the Protestant Reformation swept through Europe, laying the seeds for the ground on which the United States was established. Each time Pluto confronts the Galactic Center, we experience a death of the familiar routine of life while we embrace the new birth. It becomes impossible for us to go back to the way things were before, while we grapple with changes that we may not be able to cope with in the most progressive way.

When Pluto traveled through this point in the 1250s, eyeglasses were introduced and Marco Polo headed for China. The illuminating piece about looking at a transit historically is we can see parallels of what occurred in the past with the present. Our medical technology continues to provide options for people, but we must deal with its ramifications. As of today, the wounded US soldiers from Iraq that cannot return to duty totals over 7500. Our technology has altered the potential casualties of this war, but the long-term consequences of maimed survivors with limited services available to them will have a far-reaching impact on our society.

Historically we see how technology has changed how we see life. At this time, a spa owner tells me how her clients dont relax in the massage or treatment. Everyone has her cell phone on or Blackberry lit; we have become married to technology and it seems to have the signatures of a codependent relationship at best, or a battered one at worst.

Another theme has been religious expression and fundamentalism. The USA has its roots in this and we continue to struggle with the inherent paradox of giving complete freedom of religion to all. Plutos message is always about meeting the Shadow in the mirror. Do we embrace and integrate it or do we try to eradicate it, never meeting its lessons?

As the retrograde Pluto returns to the point of the Galactic Center, we are given the opportunity to choose how we will cope with the Age of Destruction the Mayans foresaw. We can reassess choices made when earlier explorers tried to capture new worlds to make them their own. We are integrating cellular changes caused by the increasing electromagnetic field caused by our technology, which will affect the evolution of all life forms on our planet. We can choose if we will re-visit the Sagittarian celebration of the earth and the inherent information we can glean from it. When we stepped forward into the Industrial Revolution, did it have to be at the expense of an agrarian culture and the solidity of the family? Can we balance the freedom technology should avail us with a sophisticated cooperative of farming and education? We have the power of choosing what will be destroyed and what will be born. But make no mistake about it, the more each individual takes responsibility for our cultures destiny, the more Spiritually evolved our decision will be. We have the opportunity to align our Spiritual evolution with our technical evolution and each time we miss the opportunity, it gets more challenging to catch up. The thrust of Plutos pat h is to allow us a chance to go light years in a lifetime.

copyright 2006 Pamela Cucinell All rights reserved.

Pamela Cucinell is a professional Astrologer certified through the National Council of Geocosmic Research. She has studied symbols and psychology at the CG Jung Institute in NYC and is a tarot consultant. She is a Reiki Master, a sensitive and an artist, working with the symbols of her disciplines in a Spiritual and Mythological way. Phone sessions available. Pamela is the owner/caretaker of Sunburst Oasis, gift store & wellness services in Mt. Kisco, NY. Find out more at http://www.sunburstoasis.com

Author:: Pamela Cucinell
Keywords:: Astrology,Astrologer,Pluto,Spiritual, Mythological,Galactic Center
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

What is Numerology?

Each day, we are exposed to numbers. We have phone numbers, birthdates, even our financial information is driven by numbers. Numerology is the study of the numbers in our lives and how they affect us. A student of Numerology uses the letters in a word, such as a full name, or a birth date and reduces that to a single number. That number tells them certain things about the person's character, what strengths and weaknesses they possess; it can even be used to predict their future. Numerology is often closely associated Astrology as astrologists assigned the numbers 0 through 9 to each celestial body in the solar system and each number has its own set of values.

Numerology has been around for thousands of years. The Egyptians and Babylonians both used it over 10,000 years ago. Pythagoras, a mathematician whose theories are still in use today, is believed to have official organized Numerology in Greece over 2,500 years ago. He held the view that math concepts were easier to regulate and classify than physical ones. Others beliefs and writings important i n the development of Numerology were early Christian mysticism, the Chinese Circle of the Dead, the Kabbalah, and the Indian Vedas. At the beginning of the 20th century, L. Dow Balliet published the first book about Numerology, beginning what is known as the modern phase of Numerology and interest in it grew over the next few decades. Recently, a revival of interest in Numerology has occurred and many people are learning how numbers might affect them.

Although methods may vary, typically a numerologist reduces a word or number using a procedure called digit summing. If the numerologist is dealing with a number, such as a birth date, they add up all the numbers. If the sum is two or more digits, then those numbers are added until there is a single digit left. When dealing with a word, such as a name, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number. For example, A =1, B = 2, C = 3. Then the same steps as above are followed - the numbers are summed until one digit remains. Some numerologists will not break numbers that total 11, 22, or 33. These are known as master numbers and are considered to have higher vibrations as than the numbers they would create if digitally summed.

Below is a brief definition of each number:

One - Because it is the first number, one is seen as having great power. Usually seen as male, one can be happy, loving and dynamic while also being alone and egotistical.

Two - Associated with female energy, two often represents partnerships and interacting with others. It can also stand for the polar opposites of things such as black and white or good and evil. This number is best symbolized by the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang.

Three - Three is often related to learning through life experiences. It is often considered lucky and magical. It can mean both wisdom and understanding, yet also be foolish and negative.

Four - The first composite number (the first number to be created by multiplying numbers other than one and itself), four is associated with the four cardinal points (North, South, East and West), the four Gospels of the Bible, and time (four seasons, roughly four weeks in each month). It is a homonym for the Chinese word for death, therefore; s ome hospitals do not have a fourth floor.

Five - Five is related with the five senses (smell, touch, taste, hearing, and sight) and often represents service to others as well as openness to new experiences, but it can also represent an addictive personality.

Six - The number six relates to beauty and often helps in building relationships. It is believed to hold charm, sensuality, and diplomacy. Six is also considered the mother/father number.

Seven - A spiritual number, seven can be both dreamy and spiritual while also being deceptive and insincere.

Eight - Eight represents hard work and life lessons. Because of that, eight is seen as seeking financial and material success, but is also associated with the hardships encountered while seeking both.

Nine - A sacred number, nine is viewed as a humanitarian number and holds mystical significance due to the nine-month gestational period for humans.

Numerology has been around for thousands of years. As with Astrology, some see Numerology as an occult science with little meaning, while others see it as a viable way to help them understand themselves and the world around them.

Michelle Andersen is an astrologer providing valuable tips and advice on understanding Chinese Astrology, pet horoscopes, and zodiac compatibility. Choose from any one of three free readings - psychic love, tarot cards, or Numerology reading.

Author:: Michelle Andersen
Keywords:: Astrology, Numerology
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Your Mysterious Horoscope

Many rich and fulfilling answers lie hidden in the Horoscope of every human being. Unfortunately, most people are not only suspicious of this wonderful celestial map of the psyche, but even tend toward the tongue in check What's your sign? approach.

This unknowing attitude is akin to looking at the clothes I wear and assuming that you understand me.

The What's your sign? approach is a very shallow way of looking at Astrology.

Because there are nine other heavenly bodies which are also located in a sign. Your Moon could be in Scorpio, your Venus in Libra, your Mars in Leo, your Jupiter in Gemini, your Saturn in Virgo, your Uranus in Taurus, your Neptune in Libra and your Pluto in Libra. Each one of these Planets and their relationships reveal a ton of information about you. Now, you can see when you ask someone, What's your sign? why you will not find enough information that you can can really depend on.

One session with a com petent Astrologer will instantly change the way you look at your Horoscope. For instance, in a matter of minutes, a skilled Astrologer can tell how you think, what your talents are, what you don't like, and the kind of people you are attracted to. Of course, he can tell you much more. This is only the beginning. There are many things that he can see right away. Other insights will follow as he delves deeper into your Horoscope.

If you have a session with a skilled Astrologer, I assure you that you will never again ask What's your sign? You will understand that a Horoscope contains a great well of information about who you are, where you are going, and what you are destined to do.

I can make such a statement, because I have read thousands of Horoscopes and I am still discovering new insights. This shows that this wonderful map of the psyche is far deeper than any person who reads it. No matter how long I study it, it still holds many mysteries yet to be understood.

Randall Curtis 2006

Randall Curtis is a professional Astrologer with world-wide clients. Click on this link to gain quick and valuable insights into your relationships, a professional analysis of your secret energy cycles, and how they rel ate to the fulfillment of your life purpose.

Author:: Randall Curtis
Keywords:: Horoscope,Planets,Signs,Astrology,Astrologer
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Here Comes the Sun (Signs) Romance Astrology and You Earth Signs

TAURUS - (April 21 May 21) Taurus is ruled by Venus and its symbol is the bull. Taurus is an Earth sign which is connected with fruitfulness and stability. You Love luxury and sensual comforts such as silky satin sheets, robes fit for a king or queen and beautiful surroundings. You seek comfort, security and beauty. A perfect Romance to you is one that is harmonious and beautiful, even if a bit materialistic. Because of your fondness for pretty things, you will proudly display your possessions and purchasing power. You are easygoing, calm, and comfortable to be around. You enjoy sharing quiet times with your Love interest and also get excited about everyday activities such as shopping and cooking and dining. You tend to be stubborn and will do whatever you can to get what you want. When it comes to showering affection on the object of your desire, you enjoy physical contact. You have a very sensual nature and appreciate the pleasures of food, art, music, perfumes, fondling, or Sex. Because you appreciate nature; a walk in the woods, hiking and rock-climbing may be considered exciting dates. You also Love sunsets camping, gardening and simply being outdoors and can be attracted to those who are equally down-to-earth and outdoorsy. As long as your partner or mate displays the qualities of loyalty and honesty qualities which you likely possess, they will have your undying loyalty and a relationship destined to endure.

VIRGO - (August 23 - September 22) Virgo is ruled by Mercury and is symbolized by the Virgin. As an Earth sign, Virgo is connected with material things and practicality. The ultimate organizer, you gravitate toward anything that puts your analytical mind to use. To the outside world you may appear reserved and tend to hold back your emotions, when it comes to Love, its no holds barred for the loving Virgo. You display great attention to detail which can be considered good fortune or a curse when it comes to Relationships. You are good at remembering your partners desires (even those that were only mentioned in passing) and Love to cater to those desires. To you, organizing the object of your affections is considered flirting. Your favorite role is to be of help and service to friends and partners. You are witty, perceptive and logical. Your reasoning powers help you to resolve conflicts easily and quickly taking your Romance to new depths. You need a partner who will help you loosen your cautious shy nature. You are a good listener and communicator, an important aspect in Romance. You Love to fuss over your partner and can sometimes be seen as critical. Your partner should know though, that if you were not interested, you would not work so hard to help your Love interest be all he or she can be. Good health is of great concern to you and you work hard to take care of yourself. You aim to please and when it comes to Love you fall hard. Virgos are most attracted to those who keep themselves physically fit.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is symbolized by the sea goat. As an Earth sign, Capricorn is motivated, determined and sets practical goals. Taking unnecessary risks is not your thing, even in the area of Romance. You are ambi tious and responsible. You will, however do whatever it takes to get what you want. Social status, reputation, position, and career are important to you. You use these to impress and attract the object of your desires. When it comes to Love, no silly games for you, you prefer a more mature approach to courtship. Glamour and dazzle are more your style so an evening that starts out in a limousine would be perfect. You are supportive and dependable, good qualities in any relationship. Security, a good home, and the finer things in life are what you strive for. You do not shy away from commitment, as long as it is with the right person in fact you play for keeps and will be forever faithful. Some might consider you a loner, but do not be fooled by the aloof Capricorn. You are longing for a deep, meaningful relationship with just the right partner. Capricorns can be as powerful in the bedroom as they are in the boardroom, so Lovers beware. You are seen by your peers as a winner and often attract the same. When it comes to romantic adventures, you are both practical and romantic so a perfect getaway for you could include both work and play.

2005 - Heidi Richards is an Author, Professional Speaker, and Business Mentor. She is the owner of Eden Florist & Gift Baskets http://www.edenflorist.com and the Founder & CEO of the Womens ECommerce Association, International http://www.WECAI.org an Internet organization that Helps Women Do Business on the WEB. BASIC Membership is Free. She can be reached at heidi@edenflorist.com. Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication is appreciated.

Author:: Heidi Richards
Keywords:: Astrology, Internet, Love, Relationships, Sex, Lovers, sun signs, Romance
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Getting the Best Psychic Readings

There are many types, methods and systems of readings employed by people who claim to have Psychic abilities. Each and every professional Psychic may have one or more specialized areas such as Tarot reading, Numerology, Palm reading, Psychometry readings etc. Though the reliability of such readings cannot be fully ascertained, many people are ready to pay huge amounts on personal readings while some do it for the sake of entertainment.

Psychic readings include Face to Face Readings such as In-Person Readings at home, Psychic Party Readings for a group, and the less detailed and shorter Psychic Fair Readings. Distant Readings include Internet Readings, Phone Readings and Mail Readings.

Tarot Reading:

Tarot reading is the most popular form of Psychic reading in which a deck of 78 cards known as the Tarot is used to predict and interpret relationships, love, careers, etc. The tarot is also used for spiritual, esoteric, psychological, occult and divinatory purposes. Tarot reading has a great deal of variables because each card in the Tarot, as well as the order in which they appear, and their position within the 'spread' when dealt, have different specific meanings.

Psychometry Readings:

Psychometry is a form of postcognition which enables the Psychic reader to achieve information about people or events that had already occurred, or is occurring by being in close contact with the area or object where the event took place. If you seek pyschometry reading in the commercial world, the reader would ask for your favorite and closely worn objects such as wedding rings, glasses, car keys etc for the reading. This method is also used to try and locate missing persons.


Numerology is defined as the study of the occult meanings of numbers and their supposed influence on human life. It is essentially a reading of an individual based specifically upon numerical values such as their date of birth, letters in their names, etc. Numerology was considered part of higher mathematics in the ancient world but is now regarded as pseudomathematics.

Aura Reading:

Aura Psychic reading involves the observation and interpretation of auras around physical human bodies. The aura is a set of cascading colored outlines emanating from the surface of your body which differs from one person to another in terms of size, shape, intensity, and color. Aura readers claim to have the ability to see or sense this aura, observe each characteristic and interpret their meaning to the individual.

Palm Reading:

Palmistry is another popular method in Psychic reading which involves characterization and foretelling ones future through the study of the lines, shapes, wrinkles and curves on the palm. Palm reading has its origins in gypsy fortune tellers and Indian mystics. This practice is regarded as pseudoscience like many other Psychic readings.


Astrology is clo sely related to, but not regarded as a science because it involves reading of an individual and predicting the future based upon date of birth, using the planets and stars, and their alignments etc which is considered unscientific. Astrology is most popular in India and surrounding countries.

Psychics Live http://Psychics-live.com/ presents articles about Psychics and how to uncover your Psychic abilities.

Author:: George Royal
Keywords:: Psychic, Psychic reading, astrology report, Horoscope, chinese Horoscope, numerology report
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Predictions From the Zodiac Zone

The daily movement of the Planets reveal the celestial weather of coming Events.

Your Zodiac chart is a map of who you. When you took your first breath, the Planets activated the energies of that map. A skilled Astrologer can tell you with a great deal of occuracy what is happening to your inner psyche. To you. To your own Zodiac Zone.

How can this be?

All of us are composed of psychological patterns. That is, we are conditioned to react to life in our own unique way. We react according to the celestial patterns that were created in our Zodiac Zone. Because they spend most of their lives investigating these patterns, professional Astrologers can explain them in a way that will make sense to you.

All of the Planets in the Heavens are moving through the energy field of our psyche, which I have called the Zodiac Zone. By studying the movement of these Planets, a master Astrologer can tell you what psychological patterns are or will be activated within you. Sometimes, he can even tell you what day these patterns will be activated and even describe some of the Events associated with them.

Years ago, I had a client who had a tendency to violence. I determined this by recognizing a pattern of rage within his Zodiac Zone. I saw that the planet Uranus was presently entering this part of his Zodiac Zone and that on a certain day he would really be upset and have a tendency to violence. I told him that he would need to be calm and not let matters get out of hand. I told him that this seemed to relate to his wife in some way. He said, That's not possible. We are very close. But, when the appointed time arrived, he discovered that his wife was having an affair. He blew up and walked out in search of the retreating lover.

This kind of psycholgical pattern can be seen instantly by a skilled Zodiac master.

Let's look at George Bush's Zodiac Zone.

He was born with Mercury next to Pluto. Mercury represents the mind and Pluto is a coercive and powerful energy that knows no compromise. Throughout the centuries, Astrologers have discovered that this pattern shows an arrogant mind that believes it is always right. Also, Pluto is next to his Venus in Leo which shows he is quite demanding in relationships and expects others to adapt to his needs. Venus also reveals what we love. The many stories that are emerging from the White House confirm these observations. Since his rising Sign is Leo, there is a strong indication of self-love (Although this is not really true when we look at the rest of his chart.).

Bush's Venus is at 21 degrees and 30 min utes of Leo. If an Astrologer looks to see what is going on in George's life, he will quickly sees that the transiting planet, Saturn, is at 21 degrees and 30 minutes on the morning of October 2, 2006, and will make a conjunction with his Venus at that time. A visit of Saturn to one's Venus is not a happy experience. It is the nature of transiting Saturn to deny love and lead the individual to feel he is not supported by others. This could be a rude awakening for our leader.

These statements are being made in May of 2006. Time will tell us if this Prediction is correct, but according to the Heavens, it indicates a celestial fall from grace. If this turns out to be true, then surely we can predict with some degree of accuracy by reading the Zodiac Zone. This also suggests that more people should turn to the Heavens for the deeper answers to their lives.

It has been said that All things are already finished, but their Events happen in time. One of the great benefits of reading the Zodiac Zone is to see what Events may likely occur within our own time.

2006 Randall Curtis

Randall Curtis is a professional Astrologer with world-wide clients. Click on this link to gain quick and valuable insights into your relationships, a professional analysis of your secret energy cycles, and how they relate to the fulfillment of your life purpose.

Author:: Randall Curtis
Keywords:: Prediction,Zodiac,Zone,Astrologer,Astrology,Heavens,Planets,Sign,Leo,Saturn,Events
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Rudrakshathe Panacea For All Evils

It is commonly believed that Rudraksha belong to the Rishis and Saints and is only of spiritual value. While I give due respect to this belief it is sad that few are aware of its abundant curative qualities both physical and mental.

Rudraksha the dried fruit of the Rudraksha tree grown in India, Indonesia and the Himalayan Kingdoms considered as a symbol of purity if used properly can remedy many a physical and mental deficiencies besides bestowing the wearer good health, fortune, peace and tranquility. It is however pertinent that the selection and use of Rudraksha bead calls for the help of an expert.

There is an interesting mythology behind the origin of this virtuous fruit. The story unfolds to us in the form of a conversation between lord Shiva and Lord Karthikeya. Tripura the ferocious demon who terrorised all the three worlds and the devas including Brahma and Vishnu was all prevailing to the despair of all . To end his evils Lord Shiva did meditate on the mighty Aghora ( The weapon of destruction.) for million of years, closing his eyes. Tears fell from his eyes and the the revered Rudraksha tree was born at his will and for the benefit of the human race.

Ancient and revered Indian texts such as Shiva Mahapurana , Shreemad Devi Bhagavatham and a few other religious scriptures give us a detailed account of the rituals and uses of Rudraksha. It would be difficult if not impossible to give a graphic account of the whole gamut of the uses and rituals of various types of Rudrakshas within my limited space allotted here . I however would like to share with you a few tips on the selection ,use and rituals of this sacred eye of Rudra the third among the omniscient trinities of Hinduisam. I give below the basic principles and rituals for wearing the Rudraksha as given in the scriptures with the help of the valuable advice received from my most revered and celestial Master Lord Nandikeshwara. I have also relied on my past 20 years of experience as a successful vedic astrologer.

Though most of the Rudrakshas look alike there is subtle difference among them. The identity and the uniqueness of the various types of Rudraksha are represented by their facets. Though it may be difficult for an ordinary person to identify the genuiness and the type of Rudraksha an expert can do this easily.

Fourteen types of Rudrakshas are commonly found in the market.They vary from one facet to fourteen facets. A few varieties of importances are discussed below.

Rudraksha with one facet:- (Yek Mukhi)

This is the rarest of the rare Rudrakshas and the most virtuous and powerful one. It is very costly and should be bought from genuine and authorised persons. It represents Lord Shiva and is used by people of high spiritual order, Rishis, sages and great devotees. It wards of all past sins and bestows the wearer with divine grace, enlightenment, virtuous mind peace and tranquility. It has limited use for mundane affairs. It helps cure the maladies related to an afflicted sun.

Rudraksha with two facets:- (dwi Mukhi)

Representing both Uma and Maheswara this is comparatively available cheap in the market. It is commonly suggested for conjugal bliss, mental disorders, bronchial problems and general prosperity.This do not call for any rigorous restrictions on the sadhaka.

Rudraksha with five facets:- (pancha Mukhi)

This is the cheapest of all varieties available in the market. It provides the wearer spiritual inclination, blessings of elders and the preceptors , financial success and release from all sins. This is normally worn as single or rosary of multiples of 27.

Rudraksha with six facets:- (shashta Mukhi)

This is represented by Lord Subramanya and the scriptures prescribe it to be worn on the right hand of a male and left for a female. It destroys the evil influences, oppositions, enemies, and diseases.

Rudraksha with eight f acets:- (Ashta Mukhi)

Rudraksha with eight facets is normally prescribed for frequent ill health. Representing lord Ganesh the wearer is blessed with release of all sins related to immoral acts bestows virtuous character and leads to salvation.

Rudraksha with fourteen facets:- (Chathur dasa Mukhi)

Representing the universal Ardha Nareeswara concept this is the one that is popularly known as Gowri Shankara Rudraksha. Rare and costly among all types of Rudraksha it ensures the wearer all kinds of wealth , power and worldly comforts. People who aspire for mundane success ,money, fame and power may obtain this .

It may be clear for my readers from above that Rudrakshas are meant not only for the renounced or Mendicants (Sadhus) but also for people of all walks of life subject to the usual restrictions.

The wearer of all kinds of Rudrakshas is expected to be virtuous , calm and control his senses. He is advised to keep away from bad company , wine me at and cigars. Wearing the same on inauspicious occasions and with unclean body and surroundings may bring negative results.

Who can wear a Rudraksha ?

People of all walks of life can wear the Rudraksha subject to the general restrictions mentioned above. Contrary to the popular belief besides men and children women also can wear Rudraksha during the 10 reproductive days of their monthly cycle and women off the reproductive age throughout the month.

The selection and the identification of the Rudraksha should be made with the help of a an experienced person on the subject and Astrology. It is considered auspicious should the Rudraksha be received as a gift from the preceptor or person of high spiritual order along with proper Manthra(Divine Syllables) and rituals and the latter fo llowed scrupulously to derive maximum benifits.

The author is a freelance Indian Vedic astrologer, gemmologist and consultant in various occult remedies. He answers direct queries in his following site at nominal cost. http://www.menon.ammas.com

Author:: Raveendranath Menon
Keywords:: Rudraksha, Astrology,Vedic remedies,Indian Mythology.
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