Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Astrology Do's And Don'ts

As with anything, there are ethical considerations when doing astrological readings. There are certain things that you should always do and then there are certain things that you should never do under any circumstance. We'll cover the most important of these do's and don'ts in this article.

One of the things you should always do when doing an astrological reading for someone is make them feel comfortable. Wherever your setting, make it as homey as possible. You don't want to dress it up with fancy occult items. Don't wear a turban or anything that makes you look like a psychic. Those are the things that give astrologers a bad name. You want to wear regular clothes and look like a regular person. This will give you a lot more credibility.

When doing a reading, be sociable, but remember that the reason the person is there is for a reading and not for a coffee klatch. Most likely they are paying by the hour so you want to get right to business after you g reet your customer.

While doing a reading, there are going to be a number of terms and things that the person you are reading for may not understand and they may have quite a few questions. Even if these questions seem silly or common sense, answer them as best as you can and always with a smile on your face. Remember, they are paying you for your services and as with any other service related industry, you want to be courteous.

When telling a person something about their future, explain to them where this information is coming from. For example, if you tell somebody that they are about to have challenges at their job or in their career path and this is because of 2 planets that are square to each other, then tell them this. Take the time to explain why you have come up with what you have. This will give your reading more credibility.

On the other hand, you don't want to bog the person down with every little detail of how you arrived at each little thi ng. There are a number of small details for every astrological reading. To dwell on minutiae would turn a two hour reading into four hours. Only point out the parts that are very important and explain those in detail so the person understands not only what is going on, but what to watch out for, such as two planets coming into trine with each other, so they will know when tensions will begin to ease.

The one thing you should never do when performing an astrological reading is predict death. Even though you may be sure you see death coming, this is one thing you just don't do. It is okay to warn somebody that you see a dangerous situation ahead and warn them that they should be careful, say, when traveling. But never tell them you see them getting killed in a plane crash. This is one of the biggest don'ts, not only in Astrology, but for all of the mystical sciences.

By following the above guidelines, your readings should all go very well.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Is Zidane Insane? An Astrological View On A Moment Of Lunacy

Over 1 billion people around the globe, and 69,000 people in a German stadium, looked on in disbelief as the French team Captain in the World Cup Football Final committed an act of sheer madness. Zinedine Zidane, was playing the final minutes, of the final match in his professional career, when he violently Headbutted his Italian opponent, Materazzi, and got sent off in disgrace. What should have been, win or lose, his moment of professional glory has instead gone down in history as his moment of shame - one which will haunt him forever.

Many of the headlines gracing newspapers and media reports across the World on the subject include the words 'an act of Lunacy.' And from an astrological perspective, indeed it was. The word Lunacy comes from the Latin word for the Moon, Luna.

Zinedine or 'Zizou' as he is affectionately known was born on June 23, 1972 in Marseilles, France. Not only is he a lunar ruled, Cancerian but his Mercury and Mars also occupy the sign. H is Moon is in the water sign of Scorpio in mutual reception with his Mars, therefore acting as final dispositer for his Sun. In other words this is one highly emotional man. My guess would be that the inflammatory comments of Materazzi must in some way have been directed either at Zidane's family, or his nationality, for no other planetary placements are more hypersensitive, defensive and reactive to this type of personal insult than these.

With the Sun, Moon and Mars linked in this way his normally controlled, enigmatic, family-man persona belies an aggressive, impulsive streak which can appear to emerge suddenly but which, on closer examination, is invariably linked to the lunar Cycles. A connection between weather patterns, tidal rhythms and menstrual Cycles have long been recognised and accepted as part of the close relationship between the Sun, Earth and its satellite, the Moon. Less widely recognised however are the other stresses and effects on the human body th at the lunar phases exert.

The word 'lunatic' is defined as such because it was once noticed that Insanity was brought about by the changing phases of the Moon. Hospitals know that admissions rise significantly around the time of the Full Moon due to an increase in emotionally driven incidents. Surgeons appreciate that blood take longer to coagulate at the time of the Full Moon and some avoid operating. Law enforcement officers know that a significant rise in arrests for violent disputes occur in 29 day Cycles.

So, can Zidane excuse his behaviour by blaming the decision of FIFA to stage the World Cup Final less than 36 hours before a Full Moon - I think not. And neither should people who possess close links between the Sun, Moon and Mars in their charts be fearful that they might suddenly He adbutt someone one day! No, to explain, but not excuse, Zizou's behaviour we have to see the Moon for what it is - a cyclical trigger for impulses which at other times might lie dormant or find positive, rather than negative expression in his life. Just as when he Headbutted his opponent in Turin on 24 October 2000, transiting Venus was again in close aspect with transiting Pluto at the time of this match. These two planets link in with Zidane's Moon and were themselves in a tense alignment at the time of his birth.

The position of the Cup Final's transiting Moon (and that of 2000) in relationship to the planets in his horoscope alert us to a flashpoint. With the aid of astrological advice, Zidane could have been warned that he was more susceptible to acting on his propensity to 'lose it.' Forearmed with that information he might have been able to arrest his emotional reactions and perhaps have altered the course of World Cup history. In this way he would have been tru ly collaborating with his fate, rather than being a victim of his periodic 'Lunacy'.

Kathryn Cassidy is a professional astrologer. She writes on a variety of topics which fall under the umbrella of the word metaphysical at

Author:: Kathryn Cassidy
Keywords:: Football, Astrology, Zinedine,Zidane,Headbutt,Cycles, Moon, Lunacy, Insanity
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tarot Readers Signs to Look for when Choosing a Tarot Reader

Things have come a long way since my youth when readings were frequently done by mysterious old women in secluded booths masked by beaded curtains. Divination of all forms and Tarot Card reading in particular has attracted its quota of dubious readers. But how can you tell?

Many readers engage in their work with a genuine desire to help clients sort out life issues and offer the insight to help them do so. Some are in it purely to make money and I think that to a certain extent this has made the public skeptical. There is a need to be careful.

With so many media now advertising readings of various kinds, how do you tell where you are likely to get good information and what is likely to be a rip off? Well, for one thing, you should look out for personal contact. Usually individual readers who set up their own web sites are more reliable. If a site has been around for some time, if the reader is experienced and is willing to answer any enquiry you may have, then the signs are good.

Naturally you want to be happy that your credit card details are secure. Internet sites where secure payment systems are used are a good bet. Paypal and KAGI are examples of well established payment agencies. A good website is likely to use these types of secure systems, to protect its clients. It pays to be more cautious about sites which dont use these types of systems and which take your card details themselves. A bona fide web site will also outline clearly what type of reading you get for your money and how much that reading is.

Areas where caution is needed are website or newspaper services where there is no clearly identifiable person dealing with the readings. If its organised by a virtually anonymous company, what are you getting? If there is no interaction with a real person, be cautious. Will the information you receive be genuine or something printed from a long list of options by a computer? If you are asked to send in your mobile phone number to receive your reading in that way, be very cautious. How much are the charges? Is this a one-off reading or will you be sent regular readings and how much will they be? If you are going to speak to a psychic on the phone, how much are the per minute charges? How much will they add up to if you speak for an hour, which is not uncommon? Often these kinds of operations are run by people who teach their readers to keep clients talking so they will spend more and more money. Ethical readings involve a one off payment for a well described service.

To avoid problems it is best to select a reading type from a site which offers a range of options. If you want detailed information about your life over the coming year, then you would be looking at a reading which is quite substantial and for which you would pay more. Simpler questions such as, Will I find a lover? can be covered in smaller layouts.

The issue is that you should choose a reading and know the cost beforehand. Sometimes clients think if they pay more they will hear more. This is another misconception about the nature of divination and it can be encouraged by readers whose focus is on making more money. There is usually a limit to how much can be seen about an issue at any time by a reader. So, if you choose an appropriate reading, it should cover the issue you are looking at adequately and there should be no need to have more readings on that topic. Indeed it can be unproductive to ask the same question again and again.

Provided you bear these points in mind, then the Internet offers a wide range of readers, from different traditions, who are able to help you in your quest to understand your life better. That is what a reading should be. It should not be a lip trembling moment of consulting ab out your Fate but a genuine enquiry into the possibilities around you at the time. Bearing all this in mind, may your readings be fruitful!

Dianne Hardwick 2006

Dianne Hardwick has been reading Tarot for over 30 years. For a free astrology forecast visit her website at

Author:: Dianne Hardwick
Keywords:: Tarot,reading Tarot,Tarot card
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

TAROT How Often Should You Have a Reading?

One of my FAQs is, How often should I have a Tarot Card reading? There is no general answer. It depends on your purpose - what type of reading you are having and the way you are using it. If you are looking for some indication about what is happening in general in the future, then you could have a reading every six months or so, or perhaps every year.

This kind of reading tends to involve a bigger spread or layout as Tarot readings are called, with more cards in it. This allows a broader view of trends that may be coming into play around you. It usually tells a reader whether you are in a time of change or of relative stability - whet her new stuff is going to happen or things remain very similar to how they are now. You don't need this kind of reading very frequently. It's big picture stuff and tends to change slowly.

If you are looking at one issue at a time, such as if you are going to get a new job soon, you can ask that question with a smaller kind of layout. A few cards or a Celtic Cross will be fine and will tell you what the possibilities are in that situation. The reading might tell you if you need to add to your skills and head off in a new career direction or search more thoroughly for a job than you are currently doing. If you asked about moving house it might say that moving would be disruptive at this time. The Tarot is always more than just Yes or No. Usually it gives you some advice or insight as well.

With a re ading based on one specific topic you can ask whenever you like as long as the topics are different. It's no good asking the same thing many times, because the answers just become confusing and often merely reflect how you are feeling that day. I always try to discourage people from becoming dependent on divination. Asking the same question again and again, trying to nag the cards into telling you what you want to hear is not healthy. Sometimes life doesn't give us what we want and we have to accept that and get on with things as best we can.

It's better not to ask trivial questions. I have found that the Tarot works best when you've thought out your question carefully and put it in a sensible manner. When you have an answer to a question, then it's a good idea to go away and reflect on it and see how t hat answer can help you with your problem. That is one of the strengths of the Tarot - guidance. It can help us to see solutions for ourselves.

By using the Tarot wisely, it becomes like talking to a good friend. The answers often open up new ways of looking at our lives that can help us bring out the best for ourselves in the future. Like all good friends it responds best if you take notice of the answers it gives.

Dianne Hardwick 2006

Dianne Hardwick has been reading Tarot for over 30 years. For a free astrology forecast visit her website at

Author:: Dianne Hardwick
Keywords:: Tarot,reading Tarot,Tarot cards
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Your Daily Numerology Mood Organizer

Every day offers you a new vibration for your work or play. If you follow your biorhythms, you have a sense of how your Energy is flowing for a particular day.

Numerology offers you an alternate means for knowing your mood for a particular day.

If you know your Soul Desire Number you can play this game.

This Energy expression comes from your deepest inner self. It filters through your emotional feelings as it moves, or attempts to move into expression.


Combine your Soul Desire number with the current calendar number. If today is December 1, 2005, the Energy pattern for the day is calculated thusly: 12/01/2005 = 3+1+7 = 11 = 2. So this is a #2 day.

Combine that number with your Soul Desire number, and you have your daily Numerology mood number.

HOW TO FIND YOUR SOUL DESIRE NUMBER? Each letter in the name you currently go by has a corresponding number. You Soul Desire numbers come from the vowels in your na me. Add all the vowel numbers in you name. Reduce that to a single digit.










My Soul Desire number is #3: Vitae Bergman >i,a,e,e,a >9,1,5,5,1>21>3


Now I combine my #3 with a particular day. I'll use December 31, 2005. To arrive at the daily number, I add all the numbers of the date in question: 12/31/2005 and reduce the sum to a single digit.

Thus: 12+31+2005>2048>14>5 December 31, 2005, then is a #5 day So, adding my Soul Desire Number, #3 with the date number, #5 yields the #8 Energy expression, which has to do with aspects of leadership. This is my mood number.


This is my day to take charge of my Life situation and my self. This is not a day for me to sit back and let things slide any way they choose. On this day, I can feel confident that my energies are up to the task of organizing myself and even influencing others, whether that be at work or at home in the public arena. My persuasive powers are high. And since my Soul Desire number is #3, which pertains to creative expression, I can let myself use this inner desire quite effectively on such a propitious day.


If this is a #1 day for you, your best bet is to focus on yourself and what is important in your Life. This is not a day in which you can be highly available for others and their needs. No use in trying. Your mood is going inward. It wants to nourish that Soul Desire quality of yours. Do something for yourself that ser ves to fulfill your Soul's Desire, or just simply spend some time in contemplation - feel what inspirations come to you regarding your Soul's Desire.

If this is a #2 day for you, your mood for the day leans towards cultivating harmonious space - within and well as without. If there is strife in your environment, then you are eager to promote peace. Your need today is to have balance in your Life and among those for whom you care. Even strangers will benefit from this mood of yours. This is not a day you are willing to try on new things. If you are a student you are better off reviewing old material rather than learning new material. Same goes for your work. Consolidate old projects; leave new projects for tomorrow.

If this is a #3 day for you, then your creative juices are flowing. Now you are ready to tackle anything new. Listen to your inner promptings for inspiration about those creative projects that have bubbled up into your recent nightly dreams. This is a time to let that Energy flow out into expression. If you are engaged in business, this is the day to finalize negotiations. Your flexible mind is at its best. In any interaction with others you will do well. This is a good time to initiate agreements.

If this is a #4 day for you, your Energy wants to go into stabilizing, consolidating, solidifying your world, your situation, your inner landscape. Not a day for emotional upheaval, rather a time for calm assessments. Your Energy works best working on your foundations. Those around you will tend to look for support, you seem so strong and capable. And you are. You are the rock today.

If this is a #5 day for you, you are eager to be fully active in your work or play. Your Energy is high. It's your action day. All that calm assessment of the day b efore has set the stage for this very active day. Your mood is Let's get things done! The world will wonder at your boundless Energy. This is a day when you can see your soul's desire getting full expression. Even if you are no fully aware of what that hidden desire actually might be, it seems to come out effortlessly. A good day to pay attention to what and how you are expressing, offering you clues about this desire issue. If you have had a Numerology chart made for you, you would have your finger on the pulse.

If this is a #6 day for you, your mood leans toward compassionate expressions. You notice a higher degree of sensitivity toward others and their moods. Your inner heart feels a sweet tenderness during this day. You may be given to reminiscing of times when Love and romance were the center of your < b>Life. You will be open to expressing good feeling to others more readily. If you are typically competitive, your willingness to let the other fellow win or have his way is more in evidence. Everything about you has softened today. Kindliness is your mood.

If this is a #7 day for you, your inclination leans toward scholarly activities. Your thinking mind is in high gear. This is a good day to learn new things, to develop new schemes in your work. Your intellect wants to soar. Curiosity and optimism is the hallmark of your Energy today. If you are spiritually inclined, your metaphysical studies today will bear remarkable fruit. You mind is open to new insights.

If this is a #8 day for you, your Energy levels are such that you can lead yourself into new areas of discovery. This is your day to lead a brainstorming session with your colleagues. You can see clearly what needs to be done in your world and you have the power of suggestion working for you as you encourage your team to move forward. All this leadership Energy, of course, is in the service of your heart's desire.


If this is a #9 day for you, all your effort of the past eight days are paying off. You've used your Energy wisely, following your daily moods instead of attempting to do and be in ways out of sync with the flow of your essence. Consequently, you feel the glow of the #9 Energy coming forth form deep within. A benevolent feeling for your fellow man pours forth. This is the kind of day when you are most appreciative of your Life and your accomplishments and you are full of gratitude for the Life force Source has provided with unconditional Love.

Vitae has been a spiritual counselor for over 25 years. He is an All Game Guide and has trained 22 new guides. All Game is a self-discovery workshop in the form of a board game.

Vitae is as well as master numerologist and teaches Numerology online.

Author:: Vitae Bergman
Keywords:: daily mood, Numerology, Life guide, Happiness, Joy, Love, soul desire, goal setting, Energy, Life
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Annual Forecast for 2006 : Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog General Analysis


(Year of Yang Red Fire Dog : 29.01.2006 to 17.02.2007)


In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2006 is the 4703rd year and is called the Bing-Xu : the Year of the Dog. It is also the third year of the new Fengshui Land Luck Period 8. The Calendar is based on the Five Elements of Nature. They are also known as the Pancha Pranas or the Pancha Bhoodhas : Earth (Bhoomi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), Metal (Air, Vaayu), and Wood (Ether, Sky, Spirit, Space, Aakash). The Year of the Dog symbolises the Fire and Earth. That is Yang Red Fire riding over the Earth. Hence the name Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog. In the Productive Cycle of Fengshui, Fire gives birth to Earth. So the basic elemental relationship is positive and quite strong.

2006 is, in general, a supportive year with a sensible climate of justice, relief, harmony and peace prevailing over the globe, compared to the last few years. Even though global turmoil and instability will continue, the scale of civil wars and international conflicts will come down. Initiatives of the prevoius years will lead to peace talks which in turn could result in amicable settlements. Even the visciousness in the political atmosphere will mellow down and become more polite and optimistic. On the other hand, many countries will see new claims for seperate provinces or states based on certain cultural or ethnic origins. The primary issues for most of the countries will continue to revolve around maintenance of law and order, internal security, defence, border security and control of terrorists. International disputes of land and properties will also continue to thrive.

There will be a huge positive surge in solving issues relating to global interests : global warming problem, environmental pollution, earth conservation, saving extinct species, tackling epidemics, resource sharing, etc. National & inte rnational co-operation will become the trend of the year. 2006 would probably concieve the notion of collective mankind marching towards an inspiring New World Order.

Spiritual and religious following will gather much greater momentum and an yearning to find metaphysical answers will increase. More and more NewAge Ways will be revealed and will gain popularity. Discussions and forums on esoteric subjects will open up. Paranormal happenings will increase drastically. Hidden dangers and unexplainable events will initiate genuine interests in several mystic subjects. Many new Cults will surface.

There will be quite a few windfalls and prosperity not seen for quite some time now. Bitter experience will give way to optimism and self-confidence and when supported by planned and sustained efforts, will yield excellent success. Moderate to fast economic recovery will be seen and a general improvement in living conditions may be witnessed. A sincere attempt for urban rene wal will be started. The underprivileged will get to have a lot of attention. 2006 will see a lot more marriages happen than the previous year - it will also see a lot less break-offs and divorces. Faith and commitments will be rewarded whereas deviousness and treachery will be punished. Marital bliss will in general, be quietly satisfying. Handsome cashflows will also bring in avoidable expenses. To save, accumulate and invest in assets will become more difficult.

For a change, as a general rule, career will flourish, commerce will expand and pay rise will be satisfactory. There could be a fall in unemployment figures, in many countries. Stock and financial markets will skyrocket (and invariably slump) and many will make their lifetime fortunes. However, the second half of the year could prove to be the undoing for too many. Industries identified with fire element : airlines, entertainment, electricity, energy, stock market and financial markets will see a lot of inve stments and massive expansions. All industries related to the wood element, like paper, magazines, books, fashion, textiles and fancy furniture will thrive. Construction industry, real estates and interior designing will flourish. On the other hand in areas like insurance, hotels, mining, chemicals, heavy metal industries, etc. there could actually be decline in business itself, with cut throat competition ruining everything. Industries linked to the water element like shipping, drinks and communications will manage to maintain the last years tempo. The electronic and petroleum industries will expand greatly. The TV and movie industries will see quite a lot of troubles by way of legal disputes, lawsuits, high interest loans, untimely deaths of personalities and violent clashes. Educational and constitutional reforms will be started in many countries. Fields catering to the special needs of women, new-born babies, education, religions and esoterism will do very good business. But whatever maybe the industry, the year will be filled with gossips, arguments, disputes and struggles. There will be many cases where frustrations will end up in lawsuits and imprisonments.

Earthquakes of awesome proportions will occur. Fire based disasters like volcanic eruptions, nuclear disasters and big fire explosions will take place. Typhoons, very heavy rains, floods, building collapses, bridge cracks, landslides, mining accidents, plagues, etc. will happen in frightening frequency. Accidents in mass transport systems will drastically increase. Tourist disasters and refugee crisis will continue to increase. There will be many more cases of children getting hurt in mass, maybe in places like water theme parks, kindergarden schools, etc.

Drug and herbal abuse will lead to serious health problems. Food poisoning due to residual pesticides in fruits, vegetables and flowers will increase to a worrying level. Serious health problems related to blood, heart a nd kidneys are indicated. Stomach pain, shoulder pain and problems pertaining to digestion, abdomen and intestines will be very common. 2006 could see a lot more cases of severe cancer, eye and respiratory infections. Chances of Bird flu breaking out once again is quite high.

The Author of this article Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Crystal Master, Vaastu & Fengshui Researcher and a Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is in permanent, life-time Remedial Solutions, especially Crystal Energy Fields. His wife Srimathi Kalpana Guptha is also a Psychic Reader. The Energy Couple can be reached through or either of their websites: or

Janarrdhana Guptha has authored the book titled Guide to Fengshui Good Luck Symbols. He writes regularly in leading English & Tamil Magazines from India. More of his articles can be read at his blog :

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: Chinese, Oriental, Astrology, Forecasts, Predictions, Remedies, Fengshui, Four, Pillars, Analysis
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Astrology The Planets in the Houses

For the purposes of Astrology, the Sun and the Moon are dealt with as planetary bodies. Each of the Planets has a particular influence of its own which affects human nature differently according to the area of the sky or the House in which it falls in the Chart. These influences have been studied minutely and the main points of importance to the individual are commonly accepted as follows.

SUN IN THE HOUSES 1st positive leadership. 2nd desires wealth, possessions. 3rd Active intellectually. 4th Home life important. 5th creativity is important. 6th health and hard work. 7th relationships important. 8th self development. 9th learning and teaching, travel. 10th work and career. 11th co-operative ventures. 12th seclusion, aloneness, selflessness

MOON IN THE HOUSES 1st restlessness - easy going disposition - love of travel - strong sociability - contact with public. 2nd fluctuating finances but usually satisfactory - love of opulence and extravagance - spasmodic regarding thrift and devotion to simple life. 3rd love of variety and change - travel - publicity - mental activity - education - communication - imagination rather than intellect- intuitive thought. 4th family importance - domestic attachments - frequent moves - gain from real estate - financial inheritances - early upbringing. 5th tends to gambling, risk taking and inconstancy -interest in amusement exaggerated - love of children - possibly large family-creative imagination. 6th service - health - charities - work in a subordinate capacity - material gain from inferiors - best working under direction. 7th popularity brings success - social success - money from marriage and/or partnerships likely - interest in public life and holding official positions - liability to loss through litigati on. 8th money by legacy or through relative - several children but possibility of losses of some kind or litigation after marriage - respect likely to be accorded after death. 9th religious and philosophical interest - inclined towards mysticism - strong imagination - mental changeability - dreams vivid - long distance travel by sea - publicity possibly in regard to unconventional opinions which attract censure. 10th popularity in public ventures - accumulation of property and gains from external sources - reversals of fortune - scandal and public censure may result from unfavourable aspects. 11th wide range of friends - popularity in associations and clubs - women play a large part in the life of the individual - danger from self seeking friends who only wish to further their own ambitions. 12th home life favoured or occupation in retirement involving seclusion - charitable work. liable to clandestine love affairs - danger from secret enemies, treachery or deceit.

MERCURY IN THE HOUSES 1st restless, interesting, contrary personality, elusive. 2nd documents and signature involving finances needs care - caution with promises re money and attention to bills etc. 3rd restless disposition of mind full of creative new ideas - needs concentration and self discipline to materialise brilliant potential of thought. 4th lots of intellectual interest in the home and among visitors. 5th scattered talents and energies - study and reading centred mainly on children -teaching. 6th adopting pets and lesser creatures - nursing and healing - medicine. 7th needing a mate who meets with your mind or friend to share thoughts. 8th estate matters, taxation, interest in the occult. 9th expansion of interest in science, art and philosophy, foreign lands, religion etc. 10th activity and disturbances in business and career. 11th many and variable types of friends. 12th desires seclusion and escape - interest in mysteries and obscure influences in l ife

VENUS IN THE HOUSES 1st loving affectionate nature and harmonious personality. 2nd indicates wealth and beautiful possessions and many admirers. 3rd good for a peaceful mind and attractive, harmonious and constructive thought. 4th harmonious home life - refinement of taste in decoration. 5th very strongly seeks excitement and adventure in love and romantic relationships. 6th peaceful attitude helpful for healing and encouraging good health. 7th good for partnerships - harmonious marriage. 8th affects beneficial fortunes such as legacies, well wishes from others etc. 9th indicates a love of long journeys - for pleasure or work. 10th good for business and luxury goods - success in meaningful life values. 11th success in social activity and entertaining. 12th affections are confined in some way, involving health, institution or commitment in reclusive circumstances. Secret romances and alliances are indicated.

MARS IN THE HOUSES 1st enthusiastic and energetic - an active personality apt to be impatient. 2nd finances are apt to create or to suffer conflict in some way.-.too impulsive in matters of economy and finance. 3rd hectic short travels and erratic habits or changeable communication. 4th activity surrounding the home.- beware of fires and results of carelessness with sharp cutting utensils.- avoid impulsive home purchases. 5th strong, ardent emotional attachments and relationships -.strong feelings and desires.- apt to suffer frustration and irritability. 6th health is tending to suffer in such a way as to require surgery. 7th money problems and conflict with partners and loved ones. 8th often learns of sudden or violent deaths of loved ones. 9th interest in higher education and legal or philosophic debate. 10th good for business and enterprises - but should not neglect family 11th friends can be aggressive - enemies abound - do not force your opinions on others. 12th secret enemies bring conflict and dis turbances - energy turns to secretive pursuits, or quiet minded activity and research - sometimes being investigated by others.

JUPITER IN THE HOUSES 1st problem solving temperament-easy success and fortune - a 'lucky' personality. 2nd apt to be too easy going with inherited or easily acquired money and possessions. 3rd short journeys are many.- travel is important.- correspondence will be enjoyed. 4th improvements in home.- advanced social standing - gains from real estate etc. 5th one of the most fortunate placements of this planet bring much goodness and happiness to heart and mind and success in creative enterprises. 6th good for unselfish service in work and good relationship with workmates. 7th good fortune in marriage and professional partnerships - brings changes of life direction. 8th beneficial legacies and successful insurance claims in litigation matters etc. 9th wonderful placement for fortuitous travel overseas - wide contact with other peoples and philosophies, writing and publishing etc. 10th good for success in business. 11th expansive interest in education and learning, overseas contacts, social popularity. 12th less obvious good fortune in life - perhaps known mainly to oneself.

SATURN IN THE HOUSES 1st earnest disposition, serious nature and responsible one, tires easily, not enough lightness and fun in personality, strong sense of responsibility. 2nd security conscious in all matters including money - inclined to save, conserve. 3rd cautious mind - tends sceptical - serious studies - sober outlook leading to maturity of intellect.- determined upon absolute truth.- close relatives give problems. 4th disappointments or restraints re. home, real estate or family relationships. 5th lack of romance and sparkle in love life, limited enjoyment and capacity for light hearted fun - needs develop humour. 6th employment is tedious or monotonous and can be uninspiring - delays bring bad fortune and sometime s health problems - talent for medicine, nursing profession. 7th difficulties in marriage and business partnerships, misunderstandings manifest and cause deep rift - strongly influenced by someone much older than yourself - suffers trials and tribulations in relationship. 8th disappointing investments and delays in settlements.-.problems in marriage and family. 9th deep philosophical inclinations which are firm and conventional - unfavourable for long trips. 10th utmost diligence required in career to avoid problems - must stand on own feet and accept responsibility - must become confident and self reliant. 11th lots of hard work for good causes not always appreciated by others. 12th restraints and problems abound in this life and need resolution for the individual's next life freedom from restrictive limitations.

URANUS IN THE HOUSES 1st some irregularity regarding physique, or unusual features and unconventional ideas and personality. 2nd causes sudden happeni ngs in affections, person and business - many unpredictable happenings in one's life indicating need for feeling more at the helm of circumstances. 3rd sudden changes of mind and mental interests and involvements - particularly unusual nature - inventive mind sometimes amounting to genius - 'lateral' thought processes. 4th apt to be big upheavals and changes in the home and family, residences etc. 5th possesses unusual talents and associates - often creative with flair and originality. 6th work must be totally absorbing with total freedom to fulfil the individual's needs. 7th unusual partnerships and relationships in marriage possibly ending in separation or divorce.- erratic circumstances.- unconventional or rebellious social attitudes. 8th unsettled conditions in finance or those of your partners, impulsive, erratic moves to be avoided. 9th unusual adventures of the mind rather that the body - scientific explorations into wider territories but also physical travel w ith unusual purpose. 10th often called upon for leadership of some kind. 11th introduces different friends and changes which will affect your thinking and lifestyle - foreigners - unconventional. 12th Inclines one to deep thought and sudden revelations of occult nature or abstract - or danger of involvement in illegal activities.

NEPTUNE IN THE HOUSES 1st vivid imagination, interest in music, idealism, sea travel, can be too vague a personality, weak in self assertion. 2nd unusual source of income - loss of money through errors of judgement and confusion- often suffers theft. 3rd interest in metaphysical and spiritual subjects, intuition is high and psychically sensitive - but confusion of mind and obsessions are the danger if contacting negative people or influences. 4th attracted to a permanent home or holiday cottage near the sea. 5th sensuous nature with fascination for interesting and emotional relationships - love of music and arts.- tends to seek escape from realities through sexual relationships and drugs. 6th poisonings, allergies and inexplicable factors affect and prevent robust health. 7th mistrust of partner or deception will be suffered - inclined to platonic relationships and idealistic ties - emotionally dependent. 8th mystery and psychic phenomena - astral experiences - investments involve deceptions from others. 9th high inspiration and imagination - spiritual interests - strongly idealistic. 10th mysterious and inexplicable fortune - good and bad - nature apt to be gullible. 11th deception from friends who will not be as they seem - suffers disillusionments. 12th psychological and spiritual sensitivity must be employed in practical outlet and life planning to avoid waste of opportunity and talents.

PLUTO Pluto has been relatively recently discovered with insufficient time to indicate many certain details as to how it is differently responded to when it falls in each of the Houses. Research into the influence of Pluto continues and is a point which fascinates astrologers. The general nature of the planet has been observed well enough to allow what must be seen as general reactions to apply and these are as follows:

1st strong personality able to bounce back after disasters - great resilience. 2nd individual usually seeks to possess a reputation of astuteness or business acumen. 3rd seeks wide communication on international or inter-planetary matters. 4th home life is often uncongenial with individual feeling discomfort of some kind. 5th exceedingly interested in all creative matters and seeks excellence in others and in his creations, or his children. 6th unusual health problems. 7th seeks to be the powerful partner in marriage or relationships. 8th logical and intuitive nature but suffering sexual problems or excesses. 9th interested in universal religions, philosophies, ideologies and well being of all. 10th ambitious to the point of ruthlessness in b usiness - mergers and monopolies. 11th inclined to lose the sense of basic human values and overlooks the 'acres of diamonds' nearby. 12th intense investigator who may be himself placed under and suffer wider investigation.

In seeking to understand and interpret the astrological influences and energies and how they affect us, patiently study the many additional factors and planetary aspects which affect the character and the whole psyche of a human nature.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
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Horoscopes Sagittarius

In this Ninth of a 12 part series on Horoscopes, we're going to look at the third of what are called the fall signs, Sagittarius the Archer.

People who are born between November 22 and December 22 are Sagittarians. Their element is Fire, their quality is Mutable, their energy is Yang, their rulers is Jupiter, their color is Purple, their gem is Turquoise, their main anatomical parts are the liver hips and thighs, their keywords are understanding, enthusiasm and exploration, their Tarot suit is Wands and their Tarot Major Arcana card is The Chariot.

Some famous celebrities who are Sagittarians are Brad Pitt, Ben Stiller, Lucy Liu, Britney Spears, Woody Allen, Kim Basinger and Walt Disney.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are called the gypsy, student and philosopher all i n rolled into one package. There is no other sign that is as focused on finding the truth and meaning of life itself. They have a burning need to understand everything. They thrive on the changes that this search can lead them through. Their life is literally one long adventure that is never ending.

The archer needs their freedom and independence. They never get tired of a change of scenery. Therefore, it is not uncommon for an archer to move several times in their lifetime. A home is just a temporary stopping point along their journey of life. It's very easy for them to miss an important date or deadline, but they are also great for getting a dull party going. Their lack of commitment can drive some people crazy. It's hard to tie the archer down to anything and have him commit. Many archers go through their life without ever getting attached.

That brings us to an archer in love, if there really is such a thing. Commitment? Not much of a chance, at l east not for a long period of time. If they ever do find their true love you can bet that they left a long line of lovers behind. The archer is great for a good time. If that's all you're looking for, then you have found the ideal partner. But if you expect that good time to last forever, you better look elsewhere.

At work, the archer is not the most dependable person because they tend to lose interest in a project very quickly. If you want the archer to perform well, put him in a think tank kind of environment. They are at their best when they have to come up with solutions. This all goes back to their unending desire to find the meaning of life. At work, they may simply have to settle for finding a better mousetrap.

Archers have a weakness to always having to be on the go. Because of this, they can wear themselves down quite easily. While they're doing this running around, they may end up gathering a number of projects to do. Eventually these can bec ome quite overwhelming, though they will never admit it. The search for truth and understanding is all that matters.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Horoscopes

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Horoscopes
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Indian Astrology and Marriages

Astrology is considered to be the oldest of all sciences, which studies the effects of the planetary positions and movements on our lives. Indian Astrology is an integral aspect of the Vedic literature (Vedic Astrology) and was practiced over the years by Indian sages and passed on to their disciples. In olden days, the kings would depend on astrology to determine the right and auspicious time before embarking on any new and important initiatives. Ages later, today, we still find the strong influence of astrology in our day-to-day life. Any major event in life, whether it is marriage, buying a car, buying a house, or even entering a new house, is undertaken only after consulting the astrologer for an auspicious time.

Astrology is in-depth science with multiple widespread branches. It is used to create birth or natal charts (Jathaka / Janampatri) based on the time, date and place of birth, to answer any specific questions Prashnas, to find the auspicious time and da y called Muhurtha. While all of these aspects of astrology are well in use today, one of the most popular one is the creation of Jathakas and matching of Jathakas for marriages. Marriage is an important aspect of life. In India, when a child is born, the exact place, date and time is documented and when the child grows older his/her natal chart is created based on this birth data. When the child attains marriageable age, his/her natal chart is matched with those of prospective brides and grooms to find an astrologically compatible match. This is an age-old tradition, which is practiced with equal fervor even in this tech-savvy, net-savvy age.

It is interesting to note that, thousands of years ago astrology was imparted by the teachers to their pupils orally. During the beginning of Kali Yuga the astrological literature was documented for the future generation.

Today, the essence of astrology has been captured and converted into astrological software. These softw ares are immensely accurate and provide extensive reports based on scientific calculations. One such service is provided on the website, which is an Indian matrimonial site. The Astrology section provides various astrological services like Horoscope / natal chart generation, Horoscope / natal chart matching for compatibility, star matching for compatibility.

Indian Astrology is an integral part of the Indian culture and most of the marriages are consummated only after consulting an astrologer. At a genuine effort is made to help prospective couples figure out whether t hey are compatible to be bound in the holy wedding knot.

The author is a freelance writer based in Pune, India. She has been collecting information on Indian Astrology.

Author:: Priya Dave
Keywords:: Indian Astrology, Horoscope, Horoscope Matching, Indian brides, India Grooms, Indian Matrimonials
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God the Astrologer

A frequent device in scripture is to put the most important item first in a phrase or a list. To observe the oceans move by the power of the moon, then declare that people are unaffected, is folly. To know that global conditions vary by the phase of the moon and claim it has no effect on people, is folly. So wherefrom came the idea that astrology is sorcery? It is a tribute to the dawn of the Aquarian Age, we don't execute astrologers for sorcery. So where did this link come from in the carefully cultivated Christian mind?

A story might explain it: In a large village, long ago and far away, there was a council of elders which pretended to wisdom. They were very jealous of a man who was truly wise and lived alone on the outskirts of town.

Being wise men of liesure they loved to spy upon the wizard. The council met weekly and discussed their wizard observations. In time the council decided the wizard was getting too much attention and probably offending God in th e process.

The wizard was executed and the people lived happily ever after. To this very day, all the descendents of all the people of that village, know that wise men are wizards and ought to be put to death, as they did in Russia and China last century. Today, when an all knowing Christian tells me astrology and numerology are sorcery, I know who his/her parents were.

Ed Howes sought and found. Knocked and entered. Now he sees things differently. To see more of what he sees, please visit

Author:: Ed Howes
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, October 28, 2012

An Introduction To Clairvoyant

Do you want to know about your future? Are you looking for answers to questions that have been bothering you lately and giving you sleepless nights? Do these questions have anything to do with your relationship, career, money, or fortune? If you answer yes to all these questions, then you will probably need the services of a Clairvoyant.

A Clairvoyant is a gifted person who has the ability to clearly see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses. Only a few people are gifted with this ability, and so it is very reassuring to know that there are people who can help you understand the things that are happening and will possibl y happen to you, as well as give you answers to bothersome questions. The Clairvoyant can help you gain perspective so you will be able to see and think things through more clearly.

However, you should keep in mind that a Clairvoyant reading should not be relied upon when dealing with life. A reading should just serve as a guide to come up with sound decisions and avoid possible mistakes. The choices you make each day will still be the main factor of what you will become tomorrow. Although there is nothing wrong in believing what a Clairvoyant foresees for your relationship, career, money, or fortune, it is still better if you do not expect too much from a reading.

Finding a Clairvoyant has never been easier than it is today. Many professional Clairvoyants have taken advantage of the Internet and so it is easier to access their services. However, you should be cautious when choosing your Clairvoyant so that you are not taken advantage of. You have to make sure that you choose a certified Clairvoyant who can actually deliver accurate readings and not give you false interpretations intended to mislead you in any way.

Clairvoyant provides detailed information on Clairvoyant, Clairvoyant Mediums, Clairvoyant Readings, Psychic Clairvoyant and more. Clairvoyant is affiliated with Online Psychics.

Author:: Jimmy Sturo
Keywords:: Clairvoyant, Clairvoyant Child, Clairvoyant Consultant, Clairvoyant Dream, Clairvoyant Mediums, Clai
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Clairvoyant Dream

Every individual experiences dreams during his lifetime. These dreams are experiences of images, words, thoughts, sounds or voices, and sensations during sleep; the dreamer does not have the capacity to influence the said experience. Dreams could be frightening, upsetting, and even stimulating especially if it is an exotic dream. However, there is another form of dream that people often have a hard time remembering or analyzing when they awaken; this is the clairvoyant dream.

A clairvoyant dream is an experience of images and sounds or voices where as a thing or an event is seen that has the possibility of happening for real. Actually, a clairvoyant dream is very hard to distinguish since many people have the belief that whatever happened in your dreams, the exact opposite will happen in real life. Only a gifted person, who has the ability to foresee a thing or event without the use of the senses, can easily say that such dream is a clairvoyant dream.

Clairvoya nt dreams can be classified into two kinds: the warning dream and the anxiety dream. The warning dream is often a dream that looks into the future and foresees some sort of danger. In this kind of clairvoyant dream, the dreamer rarely appears in the experience. The anxiety dream, on the other hand, has something to do with what the mind wants to tell the dreamer. The mind unconsciously absorbs information and releases this information through this anxiety dream. In some cases, this kind of clairvoyant dream indicates a health problem that the body is trying to seek some action for immediate treatment.

A clairvoyant dream can be very helpful in order to foresee an event or better understand a problem. However, the sad pArt is that the dreamer is not capable of changing or preventing anything that is seen in the clairvoyant dream.

Clairvoyant provides detailed information on Clairvoyant, Clairvoyant Mediums, Clairvoyant Readings, Psychic Clairvoyant and more. Clairvoyant is affiliated with Online Psychics.

Author:: Jimmy Sturo
Keywords:: Clairvoyant Dream
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

How to Use Zodiac Sign to Resolve Conflicts

The best way to understand the zodiac signs is to think of them as twelve separate energy fields in space that consist of either fire, earth, air, or water. This is easy to understand if you think of what happens when you pour water on fire. Obviously, you know that the fire goes out. In a sense, water has eliminated it. We all know that fire and water are not compatible.

It is helpful to know that all of us are made up of various combinations of fire, earth, air, and water energies. Our particular combination of these elements are revealed in our astrological birth chart. They reveal who we are as a human being.

For example, if you have a lot of fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) in your nature you would not get along with a person who was born with a lot of water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). You would feel that the water person is too emotional, sensitive, and incapable of facing reality.

On the other hand, the w ater person would view you as blunt, impulsive, arrogant, and insensitive to their feelings. People encounter these kinds of dramas every day of their lives, but are not conscious of what is behind the conflicts they have with other people.

To be more specific, if you have your Moon in Cancer and your co-worker has his Mars in Aries, he will always be seen by you as a real jerk because his impulsive reactions irritate you emotionally. If you knew that these are the signs that are at the source of your problems, you could find a way to work with them. You would be able to talk about these differences and work out a solution. You might even find it humorous!

It is helpful to know that there are three fire signs, three earth signs, three air signs, and three water signs. When planets are found in these signs, they activate the energies of the signs. This is the valuable information that a skilled Astrologer can find for you. He can even tell you what your relationship would be like with any other person BEFORE you even get to know them.

If you practice looking at your relationship problems in this way, you will find answers that you never thought imaginable. All you need to do is explore these secret realms of consciousness and you will be well-rewarded with great insights into human nature.

2005 Randall Curtis

Randall Curtis is a professional Astrologer with world-wide clients. If you wish to become a certified, professional Astrologer, check out The Institute of Professional Astrology. Click on this link for insights into your relationships, free astrology lessons, zodiac love match guidance, and a free course on Avoiding Dating Disaster.

Author:: Randall Curtis
Keywords:: zodiac signs,fire signs,water signs,air signs,earth signs,Astrologer,Randall Curtis
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Ganesh Loses his head

Out of his deep-seated anger against his father Saturn started doing penance (see Birth of Planets). His objective was to become more powerful than Sun, his father.

In Indian Puranas it was believed that by doing penance one could gain such powers that one could even topple the seat of Indra (Indian equivalent of Zeus).

During penance, one had to remain celibate, control all his emotions and subject the body to extreme suffering. In summer, one had to stand on one leg within a Ring of Fire or in winter stand neckdeep in cold water through the night. All the while chanting specific mantras, which could energize one's latent powers. Saturn went through this for years and finally success was his. While Sun gave life to all beings, Saturn became the dealer of Death. He had the additional power of bestowing instant wealth and prosperity and also the power of healing (by denying death).

Even after achieving his goal he continued to be a celibate and led the lif e of a hermit. Chhaya, his mother was alarmed. She literally forced him to marry a girl of her choice believing that the beauty of the bride would ensnare Saturn into domesticity.

No such thing happened. Saturn continued with his daily meditation after going through the marriage rituals with extreme reluctance only to please his mother. He remained a celibate, although technically married. It is not clear why he agreed to marry. While agreeing to his mother's entreaties he remained totally oblivious to the fact that in the process he was ruining the life of normal and healthy girl. Possibly he did not quite understand the responsibilities of marriage! His wife tried her best to win him over. She would bedeck herself with all kinds of finery and try to attract his attention. But Saturn did not even look at her.

One day she had enough of it and cursed Saturn saying Since you did not even bother to look at me, I curse you that from today whomsoever you look at will perish.

All this while, elsewhere other important things were happening. Mother Uma the consort of Shiva created a child from her mind. The baby was most gorgeous looking and Shiva made him the leader of his guards known as the 'Ganas'. Hence his name became Ganapati or Ganesh.

There is an Indian ceremony when a child receives his first meal of solid food. Family and friends are invited and there are festivities. It is known as Annaprashan.

The time came for Ganesh's Annaprashan. Uma in a joyful mood invited all the gods and demigods. Everybody was too happy to oblige. Everybody except Saturn. Remembering his wife's curse he did not turn up. Uma noticed his absence and sent her emissaries to fetch him. It was difficult to avoid her summons and reluctantly Saturn went. He decided that he would not look at the child and only join the festivities and bless him with his eyes closed.

Alas, that was not to be. Uma brought the child to him and wanted to know what he thought of him. Saturn told her that he did not want to see the child because if he did something terrible might happen.

Uma would hear none of it. She asked Saturn to look at the child and assured him that she herself would remain responsible for the consequences. What could Saturn do? He looked at Ganesh and as he did Ganesh's head dropped off his shoulder.

Uma was hysterical. There was general confusion. Everybody started crying. Only Vishnu kept him cool. He took one of Shiva's attendants aside and asked him go out and find the first living being lying with its head towards the north. He was to cut the head off and bring it as fast as possible to Vishnu.

The attendant found an elephant lying down with its head northwards. He chopped the head off and brought it to Vishnu and he set it on a Ganesh's headless body and Ganesh became whole again. Since then he became known as the elephant god.

Such were the powers of Saturn - made even more po tent by his wife's curse.

In Indian Astrology it is said that the house which receives Saturn's aspect (i.e., the house to which Saturn looks) is ruined and nothing good can be expected from it.

Madhushri completed her early schooling at the Shri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry. Having grown up in an environment of literature, music and spirituality she proceeded to complete her Masters in Comparative Literature from the Jadavpur University after completing graduation studies in the same course of the University. In addition, Madhushri also hold a Masters degree in Music from the Rabindra Bharati University.

Given her deep interests in mythology, literature and spirituality, the move to Vedic Astrology was a natural extension. Being an intuitive reader of Natal Chart, she brings a successful blend of Astrology and spiritual skill-sets into all her readings and counselings. A natural flair for expressing complex and difficult matters makes her a prolific cre ator of most of the content on CyberAstro website since 2001. Madhushri has a large following for the accuracy of her daily, weekly and monthly zodiac predictions.

Author:: Madhushri M Mukerjee
Keywords:: Astrology, Religion, future prediction, Hanumaan, Lord Ram, Hinduism, Devotion
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Horoscopes Aquarius

In this eleventh of a 12 part series on Horoscopes, we're going to look at the second of what are called the winter signs, Aquarius the Water Bearer.

People who are born between January 21 and February 19 are Aquarians. Their element is Air, their quality is Fixed, their energy is Yang, their rulers are Uranus and Saturn, their color is Violet, their gem is Amethyst, their main anatomical parts are the ankles and circulation, their keywords are humanitarian, unique and revolutionary, their Tarot suit is Swords and their Tarot Major Arcana card is The Star.

Some famous celebrities who are Aquarians are Christini Ricci, Heather Graham, Edward Burns, Oprah Winfrey, Chris Rock, Mozart, Virginia Woolf and Paul Newman.

There's an old joke about Aquarians that goes like this. How many Aquarians does it take to screw in a light bulb? The answer is, One and she has to use the latest technology to do it.

Yes, it isn't enough for an Aquarian to just get the job done. It must be done with style. If you're going to write a letter to somebody, the stationary must be the most fancy that can be found and the pen has to be custom made. The common things that most people use are just not good enough for a person born under this sign. Only the best will do.

The Aquarian is the crazy inventor herself. They are also quite eccentric. They are fascinated by anything out of the ordinary. It doesn't even matter how practical or impractical it is. If it's unique, they have to have it or at least take a look at it. Aquarians are the trendsetters of the zodiac. They will try something before most people even know it exists.

The Aquarian is also very much ahead of her time. They often will speak to others as if it's a tedious process because the r est of mankind is so dimwitted in comparison. Sometimes Aquarians feel like they are visiting Earth from another planet and that they don't even belong here. They often feel quite out of place and at odds with the rest of the world.

If you want to receive love from an Aquarian then you have to understand their need for their independence and not feel threatened by it. If the Aquarian finds the right partner, they can be very devoted to this person and very true. Aquarius is a fixed sign, so they are resistant to change. Therefore, once they find somebody who they are comfortable with, no easy feet, they are quite likely to stay with this person for the rest of their lives. The trouble with the Aquarian when it comes to love is that they will sometimes sacrifice their personal relationships to pursue what they consider to be the greater good.

At work, the Aquarian is clever and original. They usually excel at anything they do. Plus, they are also very crea tive. Because of how diverse they are, they can do just about anything from the arts to science to finance. They are also very good at humanitarian pursuits. Oprah Winfrey is a perfect example of this trait. At their jobs, Aquarians will always try to come up with innovative ways to do things.

The Aquarian is without a doubt one of the most interested and unusual signs. They may seem a little odd to us normal people, but once we get to know them we discover just how truly amazing they really are.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Horoscopes

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Horoscopes< br>Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Getting the Best Psychic Readings

There are many types, methods and systems of readings employed by people who claim to have Psychic abilities. Each and every professional Psychic may have one or more specialized areas such as Tarot reading, Numerology, Palm reading, Psychometry readings etc. Though the reliability of such readings cannot be fully ascertained, many people are ready to pay huge amounts on personal readings while some do it for the sake of entertainment.

Psychic readings include Face to Face Readings such as In-Person Readings at home, Psychic Party Readings for a group, and the less detailed and shorter Psychic Fair Readings. Distant Readings include Internet Readings, Phone Readings and Mail Readings.

Tarot Reading:

Tarot reading is the most popular form of Psychic reading in which a deck of 78 cards known as the Tarot is used to predict and interpret relationships, love, careers, etc. The tarot is also used for spiritual, esoteric, psychological, occult and divinatory purposes. Tarot reading has a great deal of variables because each card in the Tarot, as well as the order in which they appear, and their position within the 'spread' when dealt, have different specific meanings.

Psychometry Readings:

Psychometry is a form of postcognition which enables the Psychic reader to achieve information about people or events that had already occurred, or is occurring by being in close contact with the area or object where the event took place. If you seek pyschometry reading in the commercial world, the reader would ask for your favorite and closely worn objects such as wedding rings, glasses, car keys etc for the reading. This method is also used to try and locate missing persons.


Numerology is defined as the study of the occult meanings of numbers and their supposed influence on human life. It is essentially a reading of an individual based specifically upon numerical values such as their date of birth, letters in their names, etc. Numerology was considered part of higher mathematics in the ancient world but is now regarded as pseudomathematics.

Aura Reading:

Aura Psychic reading involves the observation and interpretation of auras around physical human bodies. The aura is a set of cascading colored outlines emanating from the surface of your body which differs from one person to another in terms of size, shape, intensity, and color. Aura readers claim to have the ability to see or sense this aura, observe each characteristic and interpret their meaning to the individual.

Palm Reading:

Palmistry is another popular method in Psychic reading which involves characterization and foretelling ones future through the study of the lines, shapes, wrinkles and curves on the palm. Palm reading has its origins in gypsy fortune tellers and Indian mystics. This practice is regarded as pseudoscience like many other Psychic readings.


Astrology is clo sely related to, but not regarded as a science because it involves reading of an individual and predicting the future based upon date of birth, using the planets and stars, and their alignments etc which is considered unscientific. Astrology is most popular in India and surrounding countries.

Psychics Live presents articles about Psychics and how to uncover your Psychic abilities.

Author:: George Royal
Keywords:: Psychic, Psychic reading, astrology report, Horoscope, chinese Horoscope, numerology report
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Tarot & Fortune Telling

Since ancient times man has strived to search out the unknown. His pursuit of knowledge of the future has led to the creation of many different methods of fortune telling such as astrology, numerology, palmistry etc. Card Reading or Cartomancy, as it is also known, is one such method that can also claim to have helped penetrate into the mysteries of fate from ancient times to the modern day. It is impossible to trace the prehistoric beginnings of cardlore, as Divination by the cards is of great antiquity. One theory holds that Europe obtained the cards from the East, notably India and China. Another theory separates the cards of the West entirely from those of the East and holds that Western cards were originally made in Europe around the fourteenth century.

The earliest cards found in Europ e were the Tarot. These symbolical, numerical cards, forming a pack of 78 cards are the immediate predecessors of our own modern day playing cards. Divination by these cards is credited mainly to the Jewish astrologer and cabbalist, Jacque Gringonneur. The Tarots helped the earliest catromancers develop their art, later on in Spain, Italy and France methods of Cartomancy requiring only 32 and 52 cards were developed, while the remaining cards were discarded.

The word Tarot is believed to have been derived from Tarotee, meaning cross, in reference to the diagonally crossed lines on the rear of the cards. The advent of numerical representation saw the evolution of card games such as Tarochi or Triumphs as it is also known. Just like contemporary playing cards the Tarot pack also consists of fou r suits, namely Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles. Today there are many variants of the Tarot pack, some with upto 97 cards. Though one does suspect that some may also be the invention of todays marketing geniuses, trying to satisfy the ever growing demands of the consumer, not to mention profit hungry corporate bosses.

Divination by the 32 card pack is just as accurate as the Tarot Pack, owing to their common ancestry, though Tarot readings maybe somewhat more detailed. There are many methods of Divination using the 32 card pack, however they are mostly similar in character. Though their layouts are easier to learn than those of the Tarots, the 32 card pack never gained mass appeal. As up till now ordinary numerical cards had been used for this purpose and as one card can have up to eight different meanings depending on its position, deciphering readings was a tedious and difficult business. Thus this method only remained the preserve of accomplished Cartomancers. How ever, today modern printing allows not only the meanings of the cards to be printed on the card face, but also pictorial descriptions. This makes the cards easy to read and self explanatory. The pack of 32 has three simple layouts, well suited to those untrained in the art of Cartomancy. For instance, a sample pack may use the following procedure:

In the first layout the enquirers question is answered by randomly selecting 13 cards from the pack. The enquirer can solicit more information on any five of the 13 selected cards by choosing five more cards from the remaining pile. This form of Divination is carried one step further and the thoughts and desires, the household and the fate in general of the enquirer are read from the eighteen selected cards. The third layout is perhaps the most inter esting and allows the enquirer to know if a particular wish or desire will be realised in the future, simply by shuffling the cards and laying out nine cards in a particular spread.

Now to practical experiences: Mrs.G has been using the Power Fortunes pack for sometime now and reads the cards frequently. Recently, for example, she kept getting Man in Uniform and at the time there was no connection, but much to her surprise an old acquaintance from the armed forces, who she had not been in contact with for sometime, called to see her, quite unexpectedly. Although this person lived more than 1500 miles away.

Ms Haindl in London, England has also been using the Power Fortunes Pack for sometime. In the spring of this year the cards repeatedly predicted upheavals along with the Ten of Clubs, meaning Change of Occupation. Sometime later, she left her job under trying circumstances, but almost immediately found a more prestigious and lucrative position elsewhere.

Mrs.G did a reading for a friend, who picked up 4 Kings, which represents, Honors, Promotions and Wealth. Such a condition seemed too remote for friend or family, but suddenly there was an upheaval in her friends husbands job and much to their surprise this is exactly what happened.

Reason tell us that cards are merely printed pieces of cardboard. It would be quite absurd for us to expect them to convey anything intelligible, let alone the future. However, all those who come into contact with the cards discover an inexplicable pattern, relevant to their lives. In fact, so uncanny are these revelations, that their accuracy cannot be explained away as a matter of sheer chance. It is for this reason that people have consulted the cards since ancient times, while the cards have in turn faithfully guided their masters through lifes uncertainties. Considering one doesnt have to rely on anybody elses fortune telling talents except ones own, it would seem like a good choice.

Vineet is a cpywritter and consultant for Tarot Readings. More details on the Tarot and fortune telling can be found at, Tarot Cards.

Author:: Vineet S
Keywords:: Tarot,fortune telling cards,Tarot readings,Predictions,Divination,Cartomancy
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Power Bead that Beats Failure and Gives Wealth Health Success Part II

The Indian Star System or Hindu Nakshatra system divides the ecliptic the apparent path of the Sun in the sky into 27 equal divisions of 13 degrees 20 minutes each. This system is a scientifically designed system. This mysterious system reveals all the present, past, future events of every man. These 27 nakshatras or stars are closely related to each and every man/woman.

In India, the nakshatra at the time of birth is immediately noted for the newly born child. This is called birth star or Janma Nakshatra in Sanskrit. For every star there is a beneficial Rudraksha bead. The twenty seven nakshatras and the beneficial rudraksha bead are given below:

1)Ashwini - Nine faced
2)Bharani - Six faced
3)Krittika - Single faced or Twelve faced
4)Rohini - Double faced
5)Mrigashirsha - Three faced
6)Aardraa - Eight faced
7)Punarvasu - Five faced
8)Pushya - Seven faced
9)Ashlesha - Four faced
10)Maagha - Nine faced
11)Poorva Phalkuni - Six faced
12)Utra Phalkuni - Single faced or Twelve faced
13)Hasta - Double faced
14)Chitraa - Three faced
15)Swaati - Eight faced
16)Vishaakha -Five faced
17)Anuraadha -Seven faced
18)Jyestha -Four faced
19)Mula -Nine faced
20)Poorvaashadaa -Six faced
21)Uttaraashaada - Single faced or Twelve faced
22)Shraavanaa -Double faced
23)Dhanishtha -Three faced
24)Shatabhisak -Eight faced
25)Poorva Bhaadrapada -Five faced
26)Uttara Bhaadrapada -Seven faced
27)Revathi -Four faced

Rudraksha has no side effects. The various types of rudraksha, different classifications which bestow wealth, health and other worldly pleasures are given in the first pArt of this Article. However for the benefits of the new readers the list is given below again:

A rudraksha of a single face bestows worldly pleasures and salvation. Very rarely one gets this single faced bead.

A rudraksha with two faces bestows the fulfillment of all desires. This quickly makes one to control his mind.

A Rudraksha with three faces always bestows means of enjoyment. As a result of its power all lores become firmly established.

A Rudraksha with four faces instantaneously bestows the four aims of life namely, virtuous life, wealth, sexual enjoyments and salvation. It also represents Brahma the lord of creation. By wearing this, designers, engineers, interior decorators and Artists can improve their power of creativit y.

A Rudraksha with five faces bestows salvation and all desired objects. Normally ninety per cent of the rudrakshas available in the market are five faced.

A Rudraksha with six faces absolves all sins. This bestows health and wealth.

A Rudraksha with seven faces bestows wealth and wisdom. Even a poor man becomes a great lord.

A Rudraksha with eight faces bestows longevity. Man who wears it lives the full span of life.

A Rudraksha with nine faces increases the energy.

A Rudraksha with ten faces removes ill luck, poverty.

More on Rudraksha secrets will be enumerated in the next Article.

S. Nagarajan is a vehicle body engineer by profession. He has written more than 1300 Articles in 16 magazines and published 18 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine Articles, seminars, courses. His website His Articles on Yoga, laughter, efficacy of mantras and sound, Hypnotism, Tele Kinesis, Power of Prayer, Vastu and Feng Shui, Auto suggestion, Success Formula, Out of Body Experience etc are regularly appearing in So far sixty four Articles have been published in

Author:: Santhanam Nagarajan
Keywords:: Indian star system divides the sky into 27 divisions, each nakshatra has a beneficial rudraksha
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Flying Stars Fengshui for 2006 : Predictions & Remedies for Main Door Facing South West

(Chinese Solar Year : 04.02.2006 to 03.02.2007)

Flying Stars or Fei Xing is a powerful form of Feng Shui derived from the famous Xuan Kong Fengshui. It is an Analysis of the Five Elements and Star Combinations (representing certain energy patterns) that occupy every building. Each new year these annual stars change, Qi (energy) shifts happen, bringing good and bad energy with them - thereby producing different effects.

In February 2004 all the Feng Shui Energy Patterns underwent huge transformations to the NewAge of Land Luck called Period 8 Energy Cycles. It means that a large scale evolution of the human race with completely new energy dynamics has started. The significance is that the new, vibrant energies of Period 8 impacts on the buildings differently than before and energies that were previously activated now need to be remedied, in order to reduce any bad effects from the past influences.

The Flying Stars Chart or the 9-Grid Meteor Plan for the Bi ng-Xu, Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog has been plotted and the effects of their energy patterns are analyzed. The analysis also contains suggested remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and recommended enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy.

For the remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location.

The direction in which your main door lies is very important to any form of Geomancy, including Fengshui & Vaastu. The primary reason for this is that the air currents and energy flow in and flow out through the mouth of the main door. Thus you receive positive energy for the year, if the main door faces a direction of auspicious stars or meteors (powerful energy bodies) and receive negative energy for the year, if the main door faces a dir ection of evil stars or meteors. In case negative impacts are forecast, you can simply offset the negative energy by installing the recommended remedies there. Any or all of these remedies can be reused for the coming years, the only thing is that they should be repositioned according to the new year.

Please note that the effects may be felt in varying degrees depending upon the exact compass degree of the main door.


A good year where the Celebration Star brings you good name, fame and prosperity. There will also be many occasions to celebrate : awards, rewards, achievements, increments, promotions, governmental recognitions, pregnancy, new births, marriages, etc. Business people will expand the existing setup and embark on new ventures. Previous investments will payoff now and there will be surplus moneyflow. Those in employment will get promotions and incremen ts. Females will fare better than males.

If any of you are in marketing or medical line; real estates, food or in education fields, you will flourish more. If any of you are in metal business, including jewellry, you may not get it that good. To enhance the Wealth Chi, you may place a Fengshui Water Fountain near your main door.

If you wish to have a marriage or childbirth within the year, install a potted plant with large leaves, near your main door. Light up a small green bulb that will continuously burn, 24/7, outside your main door. Minimise the colours black and blue here. Use red or green coloured pillow covers and bedspreads in the bedroom.

If any of your family is, according to the Chinese Zodiac, a Dragon or Dog or Ox or Rooster, they should wear an Amethyst Crystal Pendant around their neck. When any of these people have to sign any documents, make sure of all the fine print.

Display the Safety Talisman for 2006 in the North West sector and carry a miniature version of it always.

Door Mat Colour for the Main Door : Green or Red (on the outside).


To minimise damage due to gossiping and rumours, arguments and disputes, avoid the colours green and blue in the center of your home. Do not place any moving water features like fish aquarium or water fountains here. Display 8 red roses without thorns and leaves in the center of your home/office/building and light up a small red coloured bulb which will burn continuously, 24/7. This is applicable for all buildings, irrespective of the direction of the main doors.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it's entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be clickable hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

The Author of this article Sr i Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Vaastu & Fengshui Researcher, Crystal Master and a Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is in permanent, life-time Remedial Solutions, especially Crystal Energy Fields. His wife Srimathi Kalpana Guptha is also a Psychic Reader. The Energy Couple can be reached through or either of their websites: or

Janarrdhana Guptha has authored the book titled Guide to Fengshui Good Luck Symbols. He writes regularly in leading English & Tamil Magazines from India. More of his articles can be read at his blog :

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: flying stars fengshui, chinese astrology, xuan kong, fei xing, four pillars of destiny, Forecasts
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