Friday, June 29, 2012

Inspirational Psychic Readings

During an inspirational psychic reading, the counselor uses his sixth sense to delve into the seekers aura and determine his subconsciously buried passions or aim in life. Far too many people experience a tedious daily grind at a job that they dont pArticularly enjoy; their aim is to complete yet another monotonous day, grudgingly accepting the fact, That's just the way life is. It's true that the majority invest so much time and effort into making a living that they neglect their hopes, dreams and aspirations, thus failing to live a gratifying life. And then there are those who are uncertain about what they want out of life.

Inspirational psychic readers believe that there are measures which, if taken immediately, will allow people who lack a focused vision to experience a life of their choice, rather th an being held hostage to a life characterized by unfulfilled aspirations. These counselors motivate seekers to take steps that most of them aren't aware exist, by asking them, do you know exactly what you want out of life? We all know, of course, that we want to find our soul mate, enjoy robust health, a fulfilling career, and be blissfully happy. But what we often don't know is what we should actually be doing, here and now, that will bring about these results.

Situations differ depending on each persons circumstance, but there are specific steps that can be taken right away to help the seeker realize his ambitions, regardless. If the seeker, however, does not have a focused vision regarding what he would like to accomplish, the reader quiets his mind and searches within for any indication of what might motivate him to take action towards a goal or passion that his inner voice has been urging him to do.

The answer may come as a whim to try something different to break the monotony or it may be a gradual awakening to a means of tackling an impediment he may be facing, but it is the first step towards a more gratifying existence.

Psychic Readings provides detailed information on Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readings and more. Psychic Readings is affiliated with Famous Psychic Mediums.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readi
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Are You Playing The Fool to Your Advantage

What does the appearance of The Fool mean for you when it appears in a Tarot spread? Do you get excited or worried? In this short Article we explain what The Fool means when he appears in the Tarot.

The Fool is perhaps one of the most important tarot cards in the deck. He is the first card of the Major Arcana, the first of 22 cards. He is also the only one of the Major Arcana to remain in our modern card deck, appearing as the Joker. His journey is at a deeper level the journey we are all on - the journey through life and life's troubles, as no matter how old we are or what experiences we have been through we will still contine to find ourselves in areas where we are unsure, and vulnerable.

The Fool has appeared in many guises over the centuries in the different decks that have appeared. In the Visc onti Sforza deck he is seen looking a bit like a tramp without shoes in his stocking soles, and threadbare at that! He carries a large stick or staff over his shoulder as though ready to commence a long journey.

In the Wirth deck he looks a bit like the court jester of old, and most like the forerunner of today's joker in the traditional card deck. He has however a cat with it's teeth sunk into his left leg, and a crocodile in the distance. The picture on this card seems to indicate the urge of The Fool to get on with his journey in spite of all obstacles both past and future. The Arthurian Tarot portrays The Fool as Parsifal who sought the mythic Holy Grail, and the Mythic deck depicts him as the Greek god Dionysus, wearing animal skins of many colours, and dancing gaily at the edge of a cliff.

No ma tter which deck we use the appearance of The Fool is a sign that we should follow our own path no matter what. We need to have the courage to jump off the cliff into a new venture if that's what is called for. We need to have faith in our convictions no matter how hard this might be.

There are risks to everything in life and the appearance of The Fool in a spread is a great opportunity for a new beginning provided you are willing to make the jump!

Leonard Mutch is a writer with an interest in all things psychic and paranormal. He makes it easy to develop an understanding of The Tarot at his Tarot Cards website.

Author:: Leonard Mutch
Keywords:: The Fool,Tarot Cards,Tarot Reading,The Tarot
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Psychic Advice

Psychics are people who use a sixth sense or ESP (extra sensory perception) to feel and sense things that other people can't. Psychic ability is the ability to feel a higher energy that can be used to understand and interpret things that normal people cannot. This can be something that happened in the past, a forecast of something that is going to happen in the future, a look into the past life of a person. Psychics use their powers to help people overcome their doubts, anxieties, depressions and even illnesses.

Psychic advice is the counseling or guidance provided by a psychic. Psychics use several techniques like astrology, numerology, intuition, clairvoyance, spirit guides, auras, spells, channeling, Clairaudience, the ability to hear or perceive sounds which are not normally audible or clairsentience, knowing about an event-past, present or future, through a feeling.

A more commonly known psychic ability is clairvoyance, the extrasensory perception of an event, which does not relate to the senses. Divination claims the capacity to prophesize, predict or foretell the future by practicing the occult arts, while hiero is manifested as automatic writing, painting or drawing. Precognition is the ability to see forward in time and prophesy involves predicting a future event under the influence of divine guidance.

Psychometrics alleges the ability to derive knowledge about an object or a person connected with it by coming into contact with the object or person and psycho kinetics can move objects with the mind. Remote viewers can describe a person, place or thing without being in their presence and finally, telepathics communicate mind to mind.

Psychic advice can be about: wealth, job or career, health, relationships, love, fulfilling dreams and even past lives. Psychics claim they can help clients see barriers to success, outcomes of a particular situation, destiny, dreams and more.

There are a few Psychics who offer psychic advice for a fee but this is uncommon. The Internet is just one source for finding a psychic.

Psychics provides detailed information about Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is the sister site of Phone Psychics.

Author:: Kristy Annely
Keywords:: Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

A Brief Look At The Puranas (Origin of planets) Enjoy Indian Astrology

Astrology or Jyotish is an integral part of the Vedas. Though in the Vedas the emphasis is more on Astronomy, there was hardly any distinction between Astrology and Astronomy in the Vedic period. Both were studied to determine the auspicious timings for making offerings to propitiate the Gods. The Vedas, therefore, made detailed studies of the stars and the movement of Planets across the sky. Eclipses had to be timed because they signified evil portents. The obliteration of the luminaries, however temporary, could not be good for the mere mortals.

The stories regarding the birth of Planets are found in the Puranas, which are of a later vintage. There are 18 Puranas. They deal with the story of creation, the tussle between the Gods and demons, the various forms and reincarnations of Lord Vishnu and sometimes even the genealogy of kings on earth. The same story appears in several Puarnas and predictably, the versions differ from one another.

In the early stages, Puranas were also an oral tradition. While elaborate care was taken to preserve the integrity of the Vedas so that distortions might not creep into them through repeated retelling, no such precaution was thought necessary for the Puranas. The Vedas were sacrosanct. The Puranas were not quite as sacred.

Methods of memorizing the Vedas were very interesting. Let us assume that we have a sentence in the Vedas - God is good. (Actually, Vedas do not dish out such simple sentences. We have cooked up an example to illustrate a point). One student would memorize it as God is good. That is normal. We all go through a similar exercise the night before our exams.

But a second one would do it in a strange form:

Doog si dog - memorizing it backwards. There would be a third who would do something even more strange:

Go od di is sg go oo od.

This gobbledygook can be easily unscrambled to find the original message. There were many more ways; all were simultaneously practiced to ensure that if corruption took place in one it would be rectified by comparing it with the others.

In one method two sentences would be mixed up in a manner not entirely unlike sending scrambled digital packets across the broad bandwidth.

But enough of that! Let us go back to the story of the Planets as given in some of the Puranas. These were subsequently changed, modified, expanded until they became part of a rich folklore of India wit h all its sectarian bias and regional garnish.

So the stores we bring to you here originated in the Puranas but got extensively revised through successive retelling!

Enjoy your look into Indian Mythology!

Note: You are allowed to republish this article in your website and ezines without any change in the content and the link to cyberastro must be provided as the article author.

Sujit Bose is a very well educated, wise and senior person having great insight into Astrology. Read more Astrology articles by some of the well know astrologers of cyberastro at

Author:: Sujit Bose
Keywords:: Astrology, Religion,Horoscopes,Yajnas,Planets,indian Astrology
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Horoscopes Aquarius

In this eleventh of a 12 part series on Horoscopes, we're going to look at the second of what are called the winter signs, Aquarius the Water Bearer.

People who are born between January 21 and February 19 are Aquarians. Their element is Air, their quality is Fixed, their energy is Yang, their rulers are Uranus and Saturn, their color is Violet, their gem is Amethyst, their main anatomical parts are the ankles and circulation, their keywords are humanitarian, unique and revolutionary, their Tarot suit is Swords and their Tarot Major Arcana card is The Star.

Some famous celebrities who are Aquarians are Christini Ricci, Heather Graham, Edward Burns, Oprah Winfrey, Chris Rock, Mozart, Virginia Woolf and Paul Newman.

There's an old joke about Aquarians that goes like this. How many Aquarians does it take to screw in a light bulb? The answer is, One and she has to use the latest technology to do it.

Yes, it isn't enough for an Aquarian to just get the job done. It must be done with style. If you're going to write a letter to somebody, the stationary must be the most fancy that can be found and the pen has to be custom made. The common things that most people use are just not good enough for a person born under this sign. Only the best will do.

The Aquarian is the crazy inventor herself. They are also quite eccentric. They are fascinated by anything out of the ordinary. It doesn't even matter how practical or impractical it is. If it's unique, they have to have it or at least take a look at it. Aquarians are the trendsetters of the zodiac. They will try something before most people even know it exists.

The Aquarian is also very much ahead of her time. They often will speak to others as if it's a tedious process because the r est of mankind is so dimwitted in comparison. Sometimes Aquarians feel like they are visiting Earth from another planet and that they don't even belong here. They often feel quite out of place and at odds with the rest of the world.

If you want to receive love from an Aquarian then you have to understand their need for their independence and not feel threatened by it. If the Aquarian finds the right partner, they can be very devoted to this person and very true. Aquarius is a fixed sign, so they are resistant to change. Therefore, once they find somebody who they are comfortable with, no easy feet, they are quite likely to stay with this person for the rest of their lives. The trouble with the Aquarian when it comes to love is that they will sometimes sacrifice their personal relationships to pursue what they consider to be the greater good.

At work, the Aquarian is clever and original. They usually excel at anything they do. Plus, they are also very crea tive. Because of how diverse they are, they can do just about anything from the arts to science to finance. They are also very good at humanitarian pursuits. Oprah Winfrey is a perfect example of this trait. At their jobs, Aquarians will always try to come up with innovative ways to do things.

The Aquarian is without a doubt one of the most interested and unusual signs. They may seem a little odd to us normal people, but once we get to know them we discover just how truly amazing they really are.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Horoscopes

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Horoscopes< br>Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Astrology Signs and Planets Reveal Who You Are

But people are starting to take a new look at Astrology.

The well-known astronomer/astrophysicist, Dr. Percy Seymour of Plymouth University, wrote in his book The Scientific Basis of Astrology, that The resulting fluctuations of earth's field are picked up by the nervous system of the fetus, which acts like an antenna, and these synchronize the internal biological clocks of the fetus which control the moment of birth. The tuning of the fetal magnetic antenna is carried on by the genes which it inherits, and these to some extent will determine its basic genetically inherited personality characteristics. Thus the positions of the Planets at birth are not altering what we have inherited genetically but are labeling our basic inherited personality characteristics.

If a renowned scientist is confirming what astrologers have been saying for thousands of years, it is time for us to take notice and take advantage of the marvelous resources that an astrolo gical birth chart can reveal for you. No longer can we condemn Astrology as superstition, because it has been proven that the zodiacal position of the Planets and Signs at the time we were born actually reveal who we really are. You can actually confirm this for yourself with a little investigation.

The astrological birth chart can reveal your life purpose, the lessons that you need to learn, your unique gifts, talents, Relationships to other people, and your psycho-sexual profile.

Astrology can show your sexual likes and dislikes. These preferences are revealed by the position of your Venus and Mars at he time you were born. A skilled astrologer can describe these desires quite clearly and help you understand them. He can also help you understand your sexual relationship to another person. Can you imagine the value of having such information at your fingertips.

If you wish to determine whether or not you are sexually compatible with your partn er or a possible mate, you would first need to locate the sign positions of Venus and Mars (e.g., my Venus is in Gemini and my Mars is in Aquarius) at the time and place of your birth. Then you would need to learn how these Planets function in those Signs and how they relate to the sexual energy of the other person. You can find more information about this at this location. You can also get free Astrology lessons here if you would like to start learning how Astrology works. Now is the time to bring our minds to the exploration of Astrology, which I have called Planetary Psychology

I can guarantee you will soon discover how much you have been missing.

Professional astrologer with world-wide clients, founder of Planetary Psychology, and The Institute of Professional Astrology. Author of The Heart of a Man is a Woman and No One is a Mystery. Creator of the Soul Mate Search Project, How to Live a Miraculous Life, and How to Find Your Soul Mate Along the Zodiac Trail Seminars. Author of online courses: Master Matchmaking Course On Relationships, The Art of Sexmatching, and How to Avoid Difficult Relationships.

Author:: Randall Curtis
Keywords:: Signs,Planets,Astrology,Relationships,Mating,Matchmaking
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TAROT How Often Should You Have a Reading?

One of my FAQs is, How often should I have a Tarot Card reading? There is no general answer. It depends on your purpose - what type of reading you are having and the way you are using it. If you are looking for some indication about what is happening in general in the future, then you could have a reading every six months or so, or perhaps every year.

This kind of reading tends to involve a bigger spread or layout as Tarot readings are called, with more cards in it. This allows a broader view of trends that may be coming into play around you. It usually tells a reader whether you are in a time of change or of relative stability - whet her new stuff is going to happen or things remain very similar to how they are now. You don't need this kind of reading very frequently. It's big picture stuff and tends to change slowly.

If you are looking at one issue at a time, such as if you are going to get a new job soon, you can ask that question with a smaller kind of layout. A few cards or a Celtic Cross will be fine and will tell you what the possibilities are in that situation. The reading might tell you if you need to add to your skills and head off in a new career direction or search more thoroughly for a job than you are currently doing. If you asked about moving house it might say that moving would be disruptive at this time. The Tarot is always more than just Yes or No. Usually it gives you some advice or insight as well.

With a re ading based on one specific topic you can ask whenever you like as long as the topics are different. It's no good asking the same thing many times, because the answers just become confusing and often merely reflect how you are feeling that day. I always try to discourage people from becoming dependent on divination. Asking the same question again and again, trying to nag the cards into telling you what you want to hear is not healthy. Sometimes life doesn't give us what we want and we have to accept that and get on with things as best we can.

It's better not to ask trivial questions. I have found that the Tarot works best when you've thought out your question carefully and put it in a sensible manner. When you have an answer to a question, then it's a good idea to go away and reflect on it and see how t hat answer can help you with your problem. That is one of the strengths of the Tarot - guidance. It can help us to see solutions for ourselves.

By using the Tarot wisely, it becomes like talking to a good friend. The answers often open up new ways of looking at our lives that can help us bring out the best for ourselves in the future. Like all good friends it responds best if you take notice of the answers it gives.

Dianne Hardwick 2006

Dianne Hardwick has been reading Tarot for over 30 years. For a free astrology forecast visit her website at

Author:: Dianne Hardwick
Keywords:: Tarot,reading Tarot,Tarot cards
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Your Astrological Sign of the Zodiac

Astrology is the study and mapping of celestial planetary bodies on a given date, time and place for the purpose of determining their influence upon human events. Once the positions of the Moon, Sun, and the planets has been determined the cosmic forces emanating from these celestial bodies can be correlated and a Horoscope can then be drawn and interpreted for an individual.

The individual is identified by their Astrology birth chart and their astrological sign of the zodiac constellations. These can vary according to chinese Astrology as compared to vedic Astrology and western Astrology, numerology and tarot Astrology. In the eastern Astrology the chinese zodiac sign and chinese Horoscope are different from the western and vedic Astrology while numerology and tarot Astrology follow their ways.

Once your Astrology charts, daily Astrology reading and daily Horoscope have been determined you can use them to help you make decisions about many things. Perhaps most important is your zodiac compatibility, Astrology love signs, Astrology compatibility and zodiac signs compatibility. Love Horoscopes and Astrology birth charts are used by many people to determine if somebody they know is an Astrology match.

Aries * The Ra m * March 21 - April 20

Taurus * The Bull * April 21 - May 21

Gemini * The Twins * May 22 - June 21

Cancer * The Crab * June 22 - July 22

Leo * The Lion * July 23 - August 21

Virgo * The Virgin * August 22 - September 23

Libra * The Scales * September 24 - October 23

Scorpio * The Scorpion * October 24 - November 22

Sagittarius * The Archer * November 23 - December 22

Capricorn * The Goat * December 23 - January 20

Aquarius * The Water Carrier * January 21 - February 19

Pisces * The Fishes * February 20 - March 20

Taylor is the webmaster/owner of =>Taylor's Web World

For more information on Astrology and Horoscopes please visit =>Taylor's Web World Astrology and Horoscope Page

Author:: Taylor Collins
Keywords:: Astrology,Horoscope
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Handbag Horoscope

Have some fun with this tongue-in-cheek handbag horoscope. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental and frankly quite shocking to the writer. Enjoy.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Take time to channel the excess energy youre experiencing into pursuing that promotion. The boss is likely to take particular notice of you as you update your professional wardrobe. Using a luxurious leather briefcase (in burgundy or chartreuse) improves your productivity, announces your professionalism and hints at your fun-loving side.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Youve been working too hard for too long. Its time to grab your girlfriends and seek some serious retail therapy. Theres nothing like a new leather tote bag with multiple compartments to keep a girl on track and on task. Who ever said shopping was easy?

Gemini (May 21-June 20) You Twins are divided in what you want to do with the rest of your life. Bumping up to the glass ceiling is wearing you do wn but are you ready to ditch it all for motherhood? Are you prepared to turn in your laptop case for a diaper bag? You dont need to forgo your fashion sense for this new calling. Keep your classic career handbags if only to retain a link to your former life.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Theres no other way to say it: You are a fashion diva. You offer advice and counsel to your fashion-challenged friends. Youve taken shopping to an art form and your support group meets Wednesdays. Count your handbag collection and be amazed. Well. Okay, one more cant hurt. Go for patinaed leather, buckles and handmade quality. Add some studs just for fun.

Leo (July 23-August 22) The money problems you have been experiencing over the past six months have finally turned around. Through small sacrifices and incredible discipline you are once again mistress of your bank balance. Sounds like a good reason to splurge on some arm candy. Go for a fun and funky hobo slouch to celebrate y our good behaviour.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Communicate, communicate, communicate. No one is a mind reader. Ask and ye shall receive. We both know what you really want---an oversized satchel in a rich chocolate brown, distressed leather. You could use it to run away from home when things get tense. Kidding.

Libra (September 23-October 22) It is really important to take time for yourself this month. Leave the dishes in the sink, park the vacuum cleaner, wriggle out of car pool duties. Pack a roomy duffle bag with objects of decadent pleasure and take thee to a hotel room for some serious R n R. The ideal bag for this adventure will have sturdy carrying handles, leather construction and room for everything you need.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Follow your muse. The journey will provide creative release and profound insights. What you do with what you learn about yourself is strictly up to you. The possibilities are endless. Theres nothing li ke a gorgeous, roomy tote to carry you through this journey of discovery. The perfect one will have pockets for your journal, colored pens, a favorite novel, scented candle and personal talisman.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) You are experiencing a quiet, introspective time in your life. While you need this space to think through some issues, dont drive the ones who care about you away. Plan a night of Texas hold em to bring some fun and frivolity back into your life. Wont you look smug walking away with your winnings in a retro framed clutch?

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) You are in for an exceptional month filled with romance, success at work and an unexpected windfall from an unlikely source. Fashion savvy singles will turn the windfall into handbags before the sun sets. Go for seductive, feminine styles with lots of beading, decorative stitching and tassels. Go with your gut instinct and you will be rewarded with extra attention at the club sc ene.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Use the next four weeks to realign your priorities and re-establish some good habits. Your eating and exercise regime have suffered and the results are becoming obvious in lowered energy levels. Get your butt back to Curves. Carrying your shoes, gym gear and water bottle has never been easier or more stylish than with a practical, multi-pocket tote bag. You go girl.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Its time to fight the opposing forces in your personality and use your considerable talent and creativity for projects left on the back burner. You will dazzle and amaze yourself and others. Whether you need project notes or files or inspirational words they are at your fingertips in a beautiful burgundy leather briefcase. Theres power in looking the part.

Hazel Anaka is hooked on handbags and leather Purses as evidenced by her online business Her weekly column From Where I Sit appears online an d in print. Using 16 years of retail experience she's just opened Heart Works Studio Gallery & Gift Shop near Andrew, AB Canada. Featuring her original art and eclectic giftware, Heart Works also offers workshops in art, writing and personal development.

Author:: Hazel Anaka
Keywords:: ladies leather handbags, Purses, tote bags, duffel bags, Satchels, luxury leather goods
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Psychic Advice

Psychics are people who use a sixth sense or ESP (extra sensory perception) to feel and sense things that other people can't. Psychic ability is the ability to feel a higher energy that can be used to understand and interpret things that normal people cannot. This can be something that happened in the past, a forecast of something that is going to happen in the future, a look into the past life of a person. Psychics use their powers to help people overcome their doubts, anxieties, depressions and even illnesses.

Psychic advice is the counseling or guidance provided by a psychic. Psychics use several techniques like astrology, numerology, intuition, clairvoyance, spirit guides, auras, spells, channeling, Clairaudience, the ability to hear or perceive sounds which are not normally audible or clairsentience, knowing about an event-past, present or future, through a feeling.

A more commonly known psychic ability is clairvoyance, the extrasensory perception of an event, which does not relate to the senses. Divination claims the capacity to prophesize, predict or foretell the future by practicing the occult arts, while hiero is manifested as automatic writing, painting or drawing. Precognition is the ability to see forward in time and prophesy involves predicting a future event under the influence of divine guidance.

Psychometrics alleges the ability to derive knowledge about an object or a person connected with it by coming into contact with the object or person and psycho kinetics can move objects with the mind. Remote viewers can describe a person, place or thing without being in their presence and finally, telepathics communicate mind to mind.

Psychic advice can be about: wealth, job or career, health, relationships, love, fulfilling dreams and even past lives. Psychics claim they can help clients see barriers to success, outcomes of a particular situation, destiny, dreams and more.

There are a few Psychics who offer psychic advice for a fee but this is uncommon. The Internet is just one source for finding a psychic.

Psychics provides detailed information about Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is the sister site of Phone Psychics.

Author:: Kristy Annely
Keywords:: Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Magic Before Houdini

I noticed that my son was reading a promotional article that promised to: Teach the secrets of Magic tricks the simple way. Magic tricks to mystify your friends and family plus Magic tricks for parties and special occasions.

All that I knew about Magic was that you do a Magic trick by letting the person anticipate what you are going to do, and while they are concentrating on your right hand, you pull the rabbit out with your left!..if you get my drift.

The success of a Magician lies in his or her ability to perform illusions that give the appearance of reality, as nobody really thinks that the hand is quicker than the eye.

Following some research of my own, I found that it was once believed, that Magicians were able, by use of supernatural powers, to exercise control over nature. Magic was, in the early stages, closely associated with religion.

The king's own Magicians were supposedly capable of influencing the seasons, by creating rain, thunder and lightning, as well as the necessary sorcery such as warding off enemies. They were also called upon to cure disease and cast spells on invaders and other tasks to gain the favour of the gods.

Modern Magic can be traced back to ancient Egyptians and Chinese civilizations.

One of the oldest Magic tricks is the Chinese Linking Rings in which, solid metal rings link and the unlink themselves.

The Egyptians worshipped amulets Romans sought the bl essing of priests called Oracles who were considered able to speak to the gods.

There are ancient Egyptian records giving details of Magic before Pharaoh Cheops. One such Egyptian known as Dedi entertained, the slaves that built the pyramids with Magic tricks and illusions. He made chickens and birds disappear and returns sometimes without heads!

He is also credited with inventing an illusion known as The Cups and Balls which sound like a forerunner to what we now know as the thimble and pea trick.

In modern times, we have seen the evolution of Magic as entertainment taking over from the old Magic which was part of religious rituals.

In the fourth century Christianity became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire and outlawed Magicians.

Later, in the Middle Ages, Magicians were aligned with sorcerers, witches, and devil worshipers. They were regularly jailed and some were executed. Magicians as we now know them, doing card tricks, and making objects disappear, were not really seen until the sixteenth century when books on Magic also became available.

The first book in English 'The Art of Juggling,' was published in the early 1600's

By the eighteenth century, Magic was well established in Europe as entertainment. One famous illusionist was Baron Wolfgang von Kempelen who invented an automated chess device which defeated many humans including Benjamin Franklin in 1783.

In the mid 1900's, a Charles Mouton opened an entertainment theatre where the public paid to watch Magic shows. Before that, the entertainment theatres were no more than rooms opened to the public to have a drink and see Magic at no cost.

Today there are countless books of Magic such as the one my son was considering, that claim to show anyone with manual dexterity how to perform Magic tricks....Maybe If my son does not buy that book, perhaps I will!

Author Antony Wilton discusses Magic of today and yesterday at his Magic site Magic Tricks

Author:: Antony Wilton
Keywords:: Magic,Magic tricks,Magician
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Psychic Readings What Can a Psychic Really Tell You?

If you are familiar with me and my concepts, then you may already be aware that I have been trying to help change some of the negative views that many people have about Psychics and what they do. Since I have covered some of those aspects in other articles I want to focus more on what a psychic should be and what you can reasonably expect to learn from a psychic reading.

The most profound concept that came into my awareness at the beginning of this journey for me as a psychic advisor was the idea that we are all here to learn something; to grow and evolve towards perfection of the soul. When a real psychic is doing their job, they are assisting you in an awareness of certain aspects of your life when you seek out psychic advice. The reason psychic advice can be so powerful is because it can p rovide much needed insight into your life that you would otherwise not be aware of because you may be so embroiled in the day-to-day activities and events of your life that you shut out your own intuition and your own ability to access your Higher Self. Psychics are accessing unseen elements in nature; however within all of us exists a hidden, decipherable code that persons with highly developed psychic intuition and/or with the use of certain divination tools, can more readily access. These persons were either born with a natural gift and/or has developed it.

Once I found my true path, I decided to make it my mission to help those who seek it to find the power of their inner world and to access Higher Consciousness through spiritual practice. A psychic (a term which really is not to me accurat ely descriptive of what we do) is supposed to help you to help yourself. Not take the place of your own inner powers, insights or judgment by showing you that you can do this for yourself. A true intuitive psychic should be used for guidance and to give you probable outcomes based on the energy that you are channeling at the time of your reading. You see, a prediction can change because you have the power to change it, especially after someone tells you they see a thing that will happen but which you have the power to change. This is particularly useful when your advisor sees a possible negative outcome to a situation. This is in actuality an opportunity to change that possibility by changing your thinking, action, reaction or beliefs about a situation. Every conflict is just an opportunity to harmonize energy based on your thoughts and actions. Every outcome is not necessarily pre-ordained and fixed.

Many people need help to find their way and when you are spea king with a talented, authentic psychic, you are opening up more possibilities in exercising your free will to be at cause in your life as opposed to being effected by uncontrollable circumstances. Deep profound insights into your life can have a powerful affect on your consciousness and bring about the very thing you want, empowerment. Its a much touted word these days, but it is for real. It is the quest that all souls (whether they know it or not) are moving towards as we travel the spiral upwards to perfection.

Having said all of that, what a psychic can tell is varied. First, you have to establish what kind of information you are seeking. Second, you have to find the right psychic who can provide you with this information. Now, not all Psychics are created equal and this article assumes that you have done your homework and have established that you are working with a professional and ethical practitioner.

Know Your Psychic Different Psychics Have Different Areas of Expertise

There are some Psychics out there who claim to be 100% accurate, can tell all, knows all, that they are a psychic, a medium, an astrologer, crystal reader, reiki master, etc. I find that Psychics that claim to be everything to everyone, most likely are prob ably neither professional nor ethical. Find out specifically what your psychic does best! Many professional Psychics will tell you what they can and cannot do. For instance, a medium can be a psychic but all Psychics are not mediums. So if you are wishing to contact a loved one who has crossed over, then you should seek an authentic psychic medium. All Psychics are NOT mediums. Some Psychics are clairvoyant (which means clear seeing) and have visions. In my experience, I have talked with many clairvoyant Psychics who are indeed able to see visions in the past, present or future. The same goes for someone who is empathic who can feel anothers emotions. Some Psychics can do both, but some can do only one or two practice areas very well.

Different Psychics Have Different Methods

Whether your psychic is clairvoyant, clairaudient, empathic, telepathic, a medium, uses divination tools such as Tarot, Runes, I Ching, or even numerology and astrology, the extent to which they can tell you certain information will be based on their experience in their craft, their skill, knowledge and natural gifts. All these elements play a part in getting you accurate psychic information during your reading and you especially want someone who is knowledgeable if they are going to be able to help you based on channeling from a higher realm. Some Psychics use tools, some do not. Depending on how a psychic worker discovered their gift and how they have practiced it, will determine their skill level. I recall seeing a program on television where this psychic actually read peoples' butts (yes, their behinds). There were actually people showing her their butts and she would read them. Go figure. No one should ever judge what it is that connects a person with higher consciousness. For some it may be the Tarot for others could be butts, but spiritual gifts come in all shapes and sizes, no pun intended. It is mastery that should concern us. Psychic mastery is a discipline like anything else and anyone seeking psychic advice should want someone who has mastered their gift to a certain degree in order to help others with it.

Some Common Pitfalls to Watch Out For

I have found through many years of using Psychics, clairvoyants, etc. that some can see certain types of things but may not be able to assist you at all with what it is that concerns you. For instance, you call someone who claims to be clairvoyant and you want to know whether or not you will have a reconciliation with your lover and she sees that you have a new puppy and that youre wearing a yellow scarf and you are blown away by this information. Wow, incredible. That is a gift for sure--to be able to do that and see that without seeing or knowing the person. So many everyday people have psychic gifts but that does not necessarily make them capable of helping you with a serious situation in your life that requires specialized help or someone who is experienced and knowledgeable and skilled in their craft at getting you real psychic answers channeled from Higher Consciousness.

Now even though that particular clairvoyant was able to see what you were wearing and that you had a new puppy does not mean that they can see clearly and profoundly the answers you seek. Their ability may not be a match for your concerns. I have found that pe ople who are amazed by just small, little things like that tend to believe everything that clairvoyant says when in reality their gift is a gift of seeing You physically and what is in your physical surroundings, which is an excellent talent called remote viewing BUT is not a skill match for your reconciliation question or your career question. It is worth developing as a methodology for certain types of readings. But the tendency to believe everything from that point on is very strong because to an inexperienced seeker of psychic advice, this is amazing enough to cause you to make the erroneous determination that this person can see everything. And that is not the case many times over. So all this is to say, ask the psychic you may be calling or contacting to spell out exactly what their expertise is and you make the determination that this psychic is the one for you.

If a psychic is empathic, they can feel anothers feelings/emotions. If a psychic is telepathic, they can know anothers thoughts. If a psychic is clairvoyant they can see the past, the present and the future through visions. If a psychic is clairaudient, they receive/hear information even sounds in their mind. If a psychic is clairsentient, they can actually capture information through physical sensations associated with you or a person you are asking about. Keep in mind that the skill level of each practitioner is going to vary and this is another bit of information you want to inquire about. How much experience do they have?

All these abilities alone if untrained or at the beginning stages may not be able to assist you but when combined with training, experience and knowledge, you can a have a most unique experience with an authentic intuitive advisor that can help you in powerful ways that will assist you in your personal empowerment, provide insightful answers to your questions and probable outcomes. Remember, outcomes are based on the current energy tha t surrounds you at the time of your reading and without a doubt can change. Many people are under the mistaken perception that if its meant to be, then there is nothing you can do to change a thing. There are indeed some things that occur in every life that are destined to be because of certain preordained events that must take place in the life for your souls growth or in many, many cases, due to karmic debts and the resulting correction of imbalances created by misuse of certain energies in previous lifetimes. Then there are other life experiences where free will is at play and it is your very decision or action that is the thing that is being tested. So a psychic reading is not meant to bypass experience because your soul will undergo what it must to complete its stopover on this plane of existence, but an expert psychic reading can help you to identify that which is eluding you or some point you seem to be missing and help point you in the right direction. Or, your p sychic can identify a block or a karmic pattern that you are having trouble dealing with. Sometimes its not just what Mom and Dad did to us as children. Sometimes just to become self-aware is empowering in and of itself. To become aware of something significant through guided spiritual forces can have an overwhelming effect on a person. It could be that very moment which becomes a turning point in your life. The true psychic spiritual advisor has done their job well if they can help you in this way. But they are not a substitute for experience and a professional, ethical psychic would never try to make you dependent on them.

What a Psychic Should Not be Telling You

Also, conversely, we should take a look at, what a psychic should not be telling you. A psychic should not be telling you what decisions to make. Always take away from your reading empowering elements that help you to make your own decisions about your life. An ethical and responsible psychic should never predict death. They should not propose doing spells for you that will change the course of events or another person or to negatively affect anothers life supposedly for your benefit. Engaging in this type of activity will only bring about negative karma on you and this psychic, and the karmic consequences could be devastating. This is totally unethical. A psychic should never tell you that they can make something happen for you because that is patently false. No one else can make something happen for you because a psychic advisor does not have any special powers to control your fate or others behavior. Psychic advisors are suppose to be spiritual people who have chosen to help others using spiritually developed talents but never choosing to use those talents to boost their own ego, control anothers will, or make you psychologically dependent. Those types are out there. Beware of Psychics who tell you that they will need to perform energy work on you through long meditations at a great cost. If they tell you you have a negative block or curse this is a notorious psychic scam. If you encounter a psychic like this, even if they do seem to have psychic ability, do yourself a favor and hang up or leave immediately. You may want to read my article How to Spot a Fake Psychic to expand your knowledge in this area.

So, know your psychic, have a clear idea of what it is you need to know so you can make the best selection. Ask your psychic what they specialize in because no one specializes in everything. Let them stick to what they know or at which they are best doing. And make sure that they have training and experience. There is nothing worse than getting a psychic reading from someone who does not know what they are doing even if they may have a g ift that is undeveloped and not qualified towards something specific. Do your homework, ask the right questions and realize the limitations of a psychic practitioner. No one but God is all-knowing and 100% accurate. Ignore anyone that makes these types of claims. Thats just for the gullible and uninformed.

Cherry Sage owns and operates one of the top quality psychic web sites on the internet today. Her main focus is authenticity, honesty and integrity. One of her missions is to make sure that everyone looking for real psychic readings or tarot card readings will be able to find certified authenticity and quality service--to change the existing Imitation Psychic paradigm. Her many followers trust in her advice and her accurate predictions. You can read hundreds of inspiring testimonials on her website

Cherry Sage is a professionally trained master psychic, tarot card reader and numerologist. She is an author, she was a Featured Expert in the Ask the Expert column in Spin Magazine. She currently has her own live weekly radio show and continues to provide exceptional services to her growing customer base. Please visit her website where you will find very helpful articles to keep serious seekers of psychic advice informed and up-to-date regarding the psychic world.

Author:: Cherry Sage
Keywords:: Psychics, psychic readings,authentic psychic readings,accurate psychic readings,online psychic
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Astrology The Planets

In Astrology both the Sun and Moon, as heavenly bodies are generally included amongst the listings of the influences of the planets.

The subject of planetary influence upon life on earth and upon the human psyche in particular has been the focus of attention over thousands of years and in every culture. Where Astronomy continues to observe the physical aspects of the planets, scholars continue to refine what is known of the affects of the planets upon our human psyche.

Remember, the influence over each individual can only be determined by his Astrological Chart which will modify or intensify each factor through what is established as the special relationship of one planet to the other at the time of birth.

The centuries have confirmed the following generalizations.

SUN The S un is obviously the most powerful of the heavenly bodies. It represents our most important or spiritual being and represents our enduring characteristics throughout each lifetime. Each of us evolves through incarnations under a birth sign which is different each lifetime, progressing through all the zodiacal birth signs until we have complete experience of human nature. The Sun holds the key to our spiritual life and in our birth Chart indicates all that is life giving, warm, masculine, positive, optimistic, electric and creative. It is an indicator of our good fortune in life and our conscious intelligence.

MOON The Moon is the complementary heavenly body to the Sun. It represents our growing and changing soul which is affected by changing circumstances and emotions throughout our lifetime. It represents our unconscious intelligence and subconscious mind and emotional outlook rather than our conscious thought as does the Sun. The qualities it symbolizes are the feminine traits of nurturing, calming, comforting, reflective, magnetic and is concerned with gestation and growth. It is an indicator of our personal emotions and our faculties of intuition and imagination.

MERCURY Mercury was once considered the messenger which flew between heaven and earth. It represents the human mind with such capabilities. Its position in the chart and the relationship with other planets and energies will indicate whether we are utilizing this gift of free will and human intelligence to the utmost. In the Chart is shows the speed, the movement and the talents we have for communication and intellectual development. It can equally indicate, along with other factors in the Chart, a highly developed genius for peace or an agitator for revolution.

VENUS The benign planet of love and harmony. These qualities are immortalized in the legends of the gods and in the enduring symbols of romantic love and harmony integral to the great works of art of all times. The planet affects our talents in music, dance, decoration and in diplomatic skills which maintain a peace between differences. In the Chart it indicates our love capacity and our personal needs and expressions and much of our good fortune.

MARS Mars is dedicated to protection of things of value - defence of the weak - preservation of goodness in culture and in all things and is willing to fight to the death for its cause. It was once the god that was twinned with Venus, which represented human goodness. In the Chart it indicates an inclination towards activity, agitation, aggression, even violence, but also shows the ardent qualities of the soul and its willingness to defend its values. In our Chart it shows our dynamic talents and passions as it shows our ill fortune which comes through uncontrolled energy and enthusiasm or the aggression of others.

JUPITER Jupiter is the grand planet of beneficence. It represents magnanimity, generosity , wealth, good fortune, happiness and abundant health. Because it indicates ease and luxury it has been shows by the symbol of the horn of plenty. But in a Chart not only will it indicate these things, but also where one is perhaps lazy or indolent because of good fortune and so can be although generally the planet of well being, can also show where we are resting on our laurels so to say. Generally its influence accentuates the good.

SATURN Saturn is regrettably generally considered 'malefic'. We know it as a huge planet with mysteries as yet undiscovered. In legend however, it is always associated with its main purpose in human life, to cause difficulties and death, before renewal and known as 'The Reaper'. It is certainly the representative of the great law of Karma - the justice which fulfils the law of action and reaction and which we question why to us? when we suffer bad fortune but neglect to do the same equally with our good fortune! Saturn's influence represents natural law. In our Chart it shows the difficulties, our personal restrictions, our unresolved problems and the serious matters of our soul which provide the present lessons we must learn for our personal growth.

URANUS Uranus is the unpredictable planet affecting all of us by its energies causing unusual and unconventional feelings, interests and behaviour. Its influence flooded our earth and our civilization with stimulated the growth of great planetary changes throughout the last few centuries of revolutions and wars beyond anything history has shown to date. Its influence is to urge us out of the confines of the individual consciousness to understand the universality of all life on our earth and beyond. It focuses the virtues of the New Age Of Aquarius (the sign it rules) that is humanitarian instincts, purposes and actions. In our Charts it will indicate the sudden and life changing things that happen without any observed cause. In our nature it t ouches the part of us which wants to swim against the worn out values of the past and to break new ground.

NEPTUNE Neptune as its name indicates is the planet which rules over the most nebulous of our watery emotions. As we look at a globe of our earth we see that the material world or earth is much less than the great vastness of the oceanic blue. Water proves greater materially and in our human psyche, shows our emotions to be greater than our physical selves. But until we know how to utilize its influence the energies show in our Chart as our vague potentials, our dreams, our unrealised selves, the indeterminate aspects of our character, our human weaknesses instead of virtues and strengths. It shows our capacity for addiction to habits and to drugs and our reliance and the blame we foist upon others. Its most controlled energies provide us with inspirational dreams and ideas, with idealistic concepts and feeling, with mystical experiences and with a sense of t he greater unity of life beyond our petty ego.

PLUTO Pluto is so small that it is easy to see how one could query it having any influence upon our distant world but indeed its influence is such that we are now beginning to find to what extent. Having only been recently discovered there has been limited investigation possible as to how it affects us but certain factors emerge. Pluto was associated as the god of the underworld and often thought of as negative. But like all energies, they can be bad or good depending upon the purpose to which the energies are harnessed. If it is seen that the power of Pluto directs the great monopolies and business enterprises which have bullied others out of existence, or which work to undermine the health and well being of us all, it is course is seen as a negative power developed and expressed in this way.

However if the same energy could work to bring us a one world of peace and a brotherhood of people an ideal as yet never accomplished in our history - it can only be seen as a unifying principle which is goodness itself. The actual details of Pluto, its function in the solar system and its affect upon our lives remains to a large extent, speculation.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Astrology

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Astrology
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Psychic Love Advice

A psychic reader is a person who is believed to possess extra sensory perception (ESP) and is a highly intuitive individual. A psychic is looked upon as a source to help people understand the turmoil in life and provide information about the future. However, in the vast spectrum of problems mankind faces, psychics are most likely to be asked about love more than any other factors of life.

Human beings are known to be highly emotional individuals. Of all our sentiments, love is known to be most vulnerable. People have spent lifetimes looking for true love and understanding the term. People around the world would almost always do anything for love. There are situations in life when people have selected love over food, shelter or money.

People are always contemplating whether they are in the right relationship or what they should do to turn the relationship around. In modern times more and more people are turning to a love psychic to understand their love life. Th ese psychic readers are known to be capable of deciding whether couples energies are attuned or not.

Love in itself is a concept that deals with energy and vibrations. This energy could include sexual vigor or the vitality and enthusiasm of true love. Many people have a hard time understanding this difficult emotional subject. Hence, more and more people are consulting love psychics to understand their relationship. A love psychic usually refers to astrological chArts to verify compatibility of pArtners.

There are a number of love psychics who not only provide advice but also have a reputation of being able to bring peoples love back in ca se of a broken heArt. This system involves using a love spell, wherein the person who is trying to get away is held back by spiritual powers. Many people opine this results in a negative karmic cycle. Consulting a psychic for love advice is a matter of personal choice and only individuals opting for it can decide if it is the right advice or not.

Psychic Advice provides detailed information on Psychic Advice, Free Psychic Advice, Free Online Psychic Advice, Psychic Love Advice and more. Psychic Advice is affiliated with Free Phone Psychic.

Author:: Kevin Stith
Keywords:: Psychic Love Advice
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Is Zidane Insane? An Astrological View On A Moment Of Lunacy

Over 1 billion people around the globe, and 69,000 people in a German stadium, looked on in disbelief as the French team Captain in the World Cup Football Final committed an act of sheer madness. Zinedine Zidane, was playing the final minutes, of the final match in his professional career, when he violently Headbutted his Italian opponent, Materazzi, and got sent off in disgrace. What should have been, win or lose, his moment of professional glory has instead gone down in history as his moment of shame - one which will haunt him forever.

Many of the headlines gracing newspapers and media reports across the World on the subject include the words 'an act of Lunacy.' And from an astrological perspective, indeed it was. The word Lunacy comes from the Latin word for the Moon, Luna.

Zinedine or 'Zizou' as he is affectionately known was born on June 23, 1972 in Marseilles, France. Not only is he a lunar ruled, Cancerian but his Mercury and Mars also occupy the sign. H is Moon is in the water sign of Scorpio in mutual reception with his Mars, therefore acting as final dispositer for his Sun. In other words this is one highly emotional man. My guess would be that the inflammatory comments of Materazzi must in some way have been directed either at Zidane's family, or his nationality, for no other planetary placements are more hypersensitive, defensive and reactive to this type of personal insult than these.

With the Sun, Moon and Mars linked in this way his normally controlled, enigmatic, family-man persona belies an aggressive, impulsive streak which can appear to emerge suddenly but which, on closer examination, is invariably linked to the lunar Cycles. A connection between weather patterns, tidal rhythms and menstrual Cycles have long been recognised and accepted as part of the close relationship between the Sun, Earth and its satellite, the Moon. Less widely recognised however are the other stresses and effects on the human body th at the lunar phases exert.

The word 'lunatic' is defined as such because it was once noticed that Insanity was brought about by the changing phases of the Moon. Hospitals know that admissions rise significantly around the time of the Full Moon due to an increase in emotionally driven incidents. Surgeons appreciate that blood take longer to coagulate at the time of the Full Moon and some avoid operating. Law enforcement officers know that a significant rise in arrests for violent disputes occur in 29 day Cycles.

So, can Zidane excuse his behaviour by blaming the decision of FIFA to stage the World Cup Final less than 36 hours before a Full Moon - I think not. And neither should people who possess close links between the Sun, Moon and Mars in their charts be fearful that they might suddenly He adbutt someone one day! No, to explain, but not excuse, Zizou's behaviour we have to see the Moon for what it is - a cyclical trigger for impulses which at other times might lie dormant or find positive, rather than negative expression in his life. Just as when he Headbutted his opponent in Turin on 24 October 2000, transiting Venus was again in close aspect with transiting Pluto at the time of this match. These two planets link in with Zidane's Moon and were themselves in a tense alignment at the time of his birth.

The position of the Cup Final's transiting Moon (and that of 2000) in relationship to the planets in his horoscope alert us to a flashpoint. With the aid of astrological advice, Zidane could have been warned that he was more susceptible to acting on his propensity to 'lose it.' Forearmed with that information he might have been able to arrest his emotional reactions and perhaps have altered the course of World Cup history. In this way he would have been tru ly collaborating with his fate, rather than being a victim of his periodic 'Lunacy'.

Kathryn Cassidy is a professional astrologer. She writes on a variety of topics which fall under the umbrella of the word metaphysical at

Author:: Kathryn Cassidy
Keywords:: Football, Astrology, Zinedine,Zidane,Headbutt,Cycles, Moon, Lunacy, Insanity
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

There is a Mars in my Kitchen

When the Great Emperor Nala lost his Kingdom and wandering in the forests with his wife Damayanthi, due to cruel disposition of the planets in his horoscope, both the King and Queen had to beg and pray for food and cloth. Even the Great King had to share half of the sarry worn by the Queen. That is the way the planets play their game into our life. When King Vikrama was in some one elses palace,The Saturn who was after the Great and truthful King Vikrama,entered the body of a swan in a life-less picture hanged to a wall, and swallowed a pearl necklace, only to bring bad name as thief to the King Vikrama. There is a proverb : When the person looses strength,even the ground hits him. That is why Shakespeare [King Lear says like this : As the flies to the wanton boys , are we to the Gods?; They kill us for their sport;

Yet there is positive side in the game play of the planets. They will not kill us, unless destined. They make us to fight back.After all life is full o f fight; Full of activity. When the planets make us to loose everything, due to cruel disposition, they give us something precious in return, so that we sustain the fight and ultimately come back victorious; Getting , not only what we did lost,but also additional glory and honour for being truthful and not deserting our duties and Dharma. Accordingly, when the Kings named above , with one more addition of Bheema of Pandavas, have been driven to the state of beggars, The Mars came to the rescue. The Kings are Mars people. King Nala and Bheemasena of Pandavas were gifted with the Art of cooking. The Art of cooking is synonym with these two Great W arrior Kings. Both of them survived with this gift of Art of cooking in their time of distress. As quoted in my Article ,Blame it on Mars, Mantreshwara praises Mars as residing in kitchen fire. Unless the Mars bestows his grace, the food cooked will not get taste. Provocation of taste buds is by Mars. The fire in the kitchen is also due to Mars. Firstly Mars represents fire. Secondly the fuel we use consist of charcoal or fire-wood comes from EArth, who is mother of Mars. There is a ritu al under which little pArt of the rice food prepared in a charcoal or firewood stove, is taken by hand and put in the fire for the fire-god. Then only the food is offered to the other gods and later consumed. The Gas stove also consumes gas which is taken from the womb of the EArth, from where the Mars is supposed to have come from. Oven and Electrical stoves consume electricity, may need a different interpretation, since they do not come under direct EArth fuel. The food prepared i n Gas or Oven, is not tasty also. That is apArt, the Kitchen fire representing Mars, gives us the power to sustain the life. When Mars is in good position in a persons horoscope, that person is inclined to prepare the tasty food, even though he may be a good soldier or a Mars man brandishing muscles in other aspects. The food prepared by such person gets a special taste. Or when the kitchen is positioned in consonance with the Mars position, then also that place is blessed. That is why some eating places, restaurants, hotels earn money by getting name in their tasty foods.

Whenever there is in-digestion, the state of in-digestion it is called Agni Mandya, meaning slowing down of the fire in our stomach. Due to the ill-ness, the process of burning the food called Oxidation gets affected. In this process , the food we eat will not get digested, by the digestive organs in our body. This disease is due to Mars effect. Mars is bilious (Pitta) in nature. Whenever the PH factor is affected, by the action and reaction of the Hydrochloric acid in our stomach, The Pitta also varies. When this pitta is increased, a person looses balance of mind also.Recently it is found by researchers that the digestion of food is affected during winter, when the atmospheric temperature is down.Digestion and water borne diseases increase during this period.Thre are two good old Vritas called Chaturmasya and Dhanurmasa, which prescribe strict diet of easily digestible food and prohibit all the hard food. Mars is there stArting from preparation of food to till it is digested and energy to our body provided. While describing a house , one will say like this : Drawing Room, Hall , Kitchen, Bed room , Toilet etc., Drawing Room is the place , where the morning Sun enters first. Hall is the place which gives majestic appearance to a house. Kitchen is the place where the life and energy of the family members is being created and sustained . Look! There is a pattern. In Astrology, Sun is the signficator of First House. Jupiter and Mercury are the joint significators for the Second House. Mars is the significator or Karaka of Third house for energy and prowess, which incidentally is Kitchen . Energy in the body is obtained by a process of oxidation of cells. A cell is divided into two. Two becomes four. Likewise the process continues. In this process heat is generated and this heat keeps the body warm, while providing energy to the b ody. Agni,the fire god represents Mars, just as Yama and Varuna represent Saturn. The enormous and unlimited story of Agni is the story of Mars also. That may require lot of space for such description and uses,which is not the scope of this Article. Agni is soul of Mars.Agni in the form of Tejas also represents Sun.

A good wife is the one who provides good food to the family and good bed to her husband, thereby she dominates the family and controls her husband by gaining respect and command in the home. Both these are controlled by Mars. When Mars is in good position in horoscope, one can expect harmony in family life. Things are disastrous, if Mars is ill-posited. Food is prepared through Agni, the fire God represents Mars. A good sex is represented by Venus- Mars combination in a horoscope. Mars al so brings argument,competition and conflict on the negative side. When these factors enter kitchen, the ladies frequently quarrel. That is why kitchen is often called the battleground of a family. No two ladies agree just like clocks. A lady representing Venus wishes, she to be assertive and being possessive in the house hold. The nature of Venus is that she enjoys the longing for possession, rather being possessed. When the other lady also asserts in the same way conflict arises. Look ! There is a pattern. When pattern is there , there is a way to find out a remedy.This is elementary! Mr. Watson, said Sherlock Holmes.This appies to the malady of breakdown of Joint Family Home or the Matrimonial Home. Astrology can be helpful, if only the problems are understood, by proper analysis. The Counselors and Psycho-analysts can take advantage of Astrology, just like the Aurveda takes the help of Astrology.

Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor, is an advocate by profession, Study and research in various subjects, including Science, Medical,Philosophy.Wait for his series of Articles on Horoscope of Rama Avatar, Max Planc,Madhvacharya and Duality Concept and other thought provoking writings. Experienced and skilled in Remedial Astrology through worship.Finds pleasure in helping those who seek service, since it is also a way of worship.

Author:: Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor
Keywords:: Kitchen is called a battleground, Look for pattern, Then it is easier to find remedies to maladies
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Psychic Detectives

A psychic detective uses psychic power to solve mysteries. This so-called psychic power is the ability to use one's intuition along with the help of a higher power or source of energy to know about things that most others can't see or feel. Psychic power allows a person to predict or recognize the past and understand clearly what has happened. This ability is possessed by a very few people and these people, also known as Psychics are being sought out by come law enforcement agencies to clear unsolved mysteries and solve crimes.

The police use psychic detectives to assist them in difficult cases such as kidnapping or murder, when a stalemate is perceived. The first official use of a psychic to solve a crime can be dated back to 1845. Psychics are allegedly able to locate missing people or recognize a person who has committed a crime. They use techniques like psychometrics (understanding a person by touching the person or an object that belongs to the person), telepathy (mentally communicating with a person), numerology (psychic reading using numbers like date of birth) or dowsing (looking for hidden things by waving a stick or any other apparatus near the ground) and others.

General psychic abilities include clairvoyance or seeing pictures, visions, and images via a sixth sense and clairaudience, hearing thoughts of the living and the spirit realm in the form of voices, sounds or music. Clairsentience is the ability to sense information through smell, touch, taste and other physical sensations.

Psychic detectives use intuition and reasoning abilities for solving crimes. However, the re is criticism of psychic detectives. Many police departments are skeptical of the supernatural and won't employ Psychics. To date, there is no documented evidence of a case being solved with the help of a psychic detective.

Psychics provides detailed information about Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is the sister site of Phone Psychics.

Author:: Kristy Annely
Keywords:: Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing
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King Among The Horoscopes

The most powerful sun sign, the Leo, is long thought to be an egotistical sign that radiates arrogance and pompousness. Unsurprisingly, Leo as a zodiac, is the most dominant, creative, and extrovert of all the characters of the Horoscopes. In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing, and magnanimity of personality, the Leo is the monarch among humans as the lion is king of beasts. As many as the signs of the Horoscopes are, the Leo character has complicated facets under these sweeping remarks.

Leos are natural and instinctive leaders. They are leaders either in support or in revolt of the status quo. Leos usually follow politics, entertainment, arts, or any career that puts them in the limelight and gives them the power to influence other people. They are most effective when holding a position of command. They are effective leaders because they know exactly what path they want to pursue and how to achieve their goals. They also have the charm and magnetism to attract and command respect from their peers and subordinates. Among the signs of the Horoscopes, Leos are the most ambitious and stubborn. Leos treat setbacks as challenges to overcome; they thrive on the adversity. NapoLeon Bonaparte, Marcel Duchamp, Jackie Kennedy, Coco Chanel, Madonna, and Alfred Hitchcock are some of their most famous Le os who triumphed to achieve success.

Despite their majestic demeanor, Leos are also idealistic, humane, and beneficient. They favor intelligence, philosophy, and change. Leos are also of strong minds; they cling and pursue their beliefs with complete sincerity. No wonder Bonaparte started the French Revolution, and Duchamp made everyone believe that a toilet is a work of art. But Leos are not without faults, and as grand as their virtues are, their faults are also baser than the other members of the Horoscopes.

Extremely negative Leos are the most unpleasant person that could ever exist. Leos are given to pride, arrogance, and quick tempers. Among the Horoscopes, Leos are the most power-hungry. Leos would not hesitate to use cunning, lies, and trickery to discredit an opponent. Negative Leos are extremely self-centered with a greed for flattery and grandeur. They see other people as lowly creatures but they use their charm to manipulate others to carry out their orders. Leos are also hedonists, with unlimited sexual lust and a craving for passion. Extremely negative Leos are persons better off alone if you can resist them.

You may wonder how Leos managed to succeed given all the excesses in which they seem to thrive. Do not forget that Leos are driven individuals. They are capable of controlling and denying themselves to achieve their goals. Leos are rarely so undisciplined to give way thoroughly to a list of vices. Their vices and excesses are usually balanced by an innate wisdom. Among the signs of the Horoscopes, Leos live on a precarious balance of instinct and wisdom. Those who are afflic ted with the vices also have the intelligence to consciously and actively overcome them. Leos are not called kings among the Horoscopes for nothing.

For more valuable information on Horoscopes, please visit

Author:: Jane Simpson
Keywords:: Horoscopes, Leo
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Predictions From the Zodiac Zone

The daily movement of the Planets reveal the celestial weather of coming Events.

Your Zodiac chart is a map of who you. When you took your first breath, the Planets activated the energies of that map. A skilled Astrologer can tell you with a great deal of occuracy what is happening to your inner psyche. To you. To your own Zodiac Zone.

How can this be?

All of us are composed of psychological patterns. That is, we are conditioned to react to life in our own unique way. We react according to the celestial patterns that were created in our Zodiac Zone. Because they spend most of their lives investigating these patterns, professional Astrologers can explain them in a way that will make sense to you.

All of the Planets in the Heavens are moving through the energy field of our psyche, which I have called the Zodiac Zone. By studying the movement of these Planets, a master Astrologer can tell you what psychological patterns are or will be activated within you. Sometimes, he can even tell you what day these patterns will be activated and even describe some of the Events associated with them.

Years ago, I had a client who had a tendency to violence. I determined this by recognizing a pattern of rage within his Zodiac Zone. I saw that the planet Uranus was presently entering this part of his Zodiac Zone and that on a certain day he would really be upset and have a tendency to violence. I told him that he would need to be calm and not let matters get out of hand. I told him that this seemed to relate to his wife in some way. He said, That's not possible. We are very close. But, when the appointed time arrived, he discovered that his wife was having an affair. He blew up and walked out in search of the retreating lover.

This kind of psycholgical pattern can be seen instantly by a skilled Zodiac master.

Let's look at George Bush's Zodiac Zone.

He was born with Mercury next to Pluto. Mercury represents the mind and Pluto is a coercive and powerful energy that knows no compromise. Throughout the centuries, Astrologers have discovered that this pattern shows an arrogant mind that believes it is always right. Also, Pluto is next to his Venus in Leo which shows he is quite demanding in relationships and expects others to adapt to his needs. Venus also reveals what we love. The many stories that are emerging from the White House confirm these observations. Since his rising Sign is Leo, there is a strong indication of self-love (Although this is not really true when we look at the rest of his chart.).

Bush's Venus is at 21 degrees and 30 min utes of Leo. If an Astrologer looks to see what is going on in George's life, he will quickly sees that the transiting planet, Saturn, is at 21 degrees and 30 minutes on the morning of October 2, 2006, and will make a conjunction with his Venus at that time. A visit of Saturn to one's Venus is not a happy experience. It is the nature of transiting Saturn to deny love and lead the individual to feel he is not supported by others. This could be a rude awakening for our leader.

These statements are being made in May of 2006. Time will tell us if this Prediction is correct, but according to the Heavens, it indicates a celestial fall from grace. If this turns out to be true, then surely we can predict with some degree of accuracy by reading the Zodiac Zone. This also suggests that more people should turn to the Heavens for the deeper answers to their lives.

It has been said that All things are already finished, but their Events happen in time. One of the great benefits of reading the Zodiac Zone is to see what Events may likely occur within our own time.

2006 Randall Curtis

Randall Curtis is a professional Astrologer with world-wide clients. Click on this link to gain quick and valuable insights into your relationships, a professional analysis of your secret energy cycles, and how they relate to the fulfillment of your life purpose.

Author:: Randall Curtis
Keywords:: Prediction,Zodiac,Zone,Astrologer,Astrology,Heavens,Planets,Sign,Leo,Saturn,Events
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