Sunday, November 13, 2011

"When Will You Find Love?"

So many clients who are unattached and yearning ask the old question, When will I find Love? Its actually a good astrological question, and can be seen in Western astrology by many different patterns. Lets look at some of them. Of course, the most obvious item to focus upon is Venus, the planet of Love. (For progressed, think secondary or solar arc.) VENUS Progressed Venus conjunct Natal Sun (or vice versa, Progressed Sun conjunct Natal Venus) is usually the best indicator of a year when the universe throws open the doors and Love walks into your life, and when you would draw another to you who has affectionate feelings for you. This is a time in life when you would not be meant to be alone. However, the Love object may not be a romantic or permanent one. My case studies reveal that, in one instance, this pattern identified the period that a child was adopted by a never-married single parent (the child being the true soul mate ), and in another, the pattern pointed to a Love affair that put the final nail in a disintegrating marriage and set the individual upon an important life pathbut did not result in marriage. In the former situation, the mother also had Progressed Venus entering H7 (another obvious prognosticator) and conjuncting the Natal Part of Fortune therein, and in the latter, the relationship could be seen in retrospect as an important soul agreement though not meant to result in permanence. Progressed Venus conjunct Progressed Sun (or vice versa, Progressed Sun conjunct Progressed Venus) is very similar in nature, as would be Progressed Venus conjunct ruler of H7. In the latter case, the nature of the planet acting as ruler would greatly influence the type of relationship formed. For example, if Saturn, possibly an older or serious partner; if Mercury, a younger or friendly type.

Likewise, Progressed Venus conjunct Sun/ or Moon/Descendant midpoint, Progressed Sun conjunct Venus/Descendant midpoint, or Progressed Ascendant or Descendant conjunct Sun/ Venus midpoint would also be good indicators of a period in the life-clock during which a Loved one might appear. (My observation is that this quest for Love isnt really just about romance, because thats not always lasting. The real issue seems to be about permanence in Love that is, marriage or a long-lasting relationship so Ill focus upon H7 rather than H5.)

Conversely, Progressed Sun conjunct Venus/Ascendant midpoint might signal a Love relationship (depending on the rulerships of the Sun or Venus), but might just as easily indicate a period of comfort, self-Love and personal beautification. For those who work with declinations, similar indicators would also been seen by Sun/Venus, Venus/Ascendant or Venus/MC parallels.

Of course, should any of these delightful aspects occur at a very young age, their benefits will be pretty much wasted in terms of longterm attachments, but there are stories of youngsters bonding with a friend or neighbor who later becomes their true Loveor at least their lifelong buddy.

A Venusian progression to itself that is, Progressed Venus conjunct Natal Venus can only occur when the Natal Venus is retrograde at birth, and then turns direct during the lifetime, or when a Natal (direct) Venu s turns retrograde. And since Venus retrograde lasts about 43 days (thus, 43 years by progression), being born closest to its stationing would best ensure enough time for this return to occur. Such a period will emphasize the nature of Venus natal significance at the same time that it brings its Venusian qualities to the forefront. If natally well-aspected, happiness can be brought forward; if afflicted, financial, romantic, or indulgency problems can be emphasized.


But besides these obvious involvements of Venus, there are other conducive patterns as well. Slightly less obvious are: Whenever the angles are involved with Venus or H7, there is a good chance of Love appearing in ones life, such as Progressed Ascendant/Descendant strongly aspecting Natal or Progressed Venus or ruler of H7, usually a positive signal for marriage, or Progressed MC strongly aspecting Natal or Progressed Venus or ruler of H7, another great time for Love, even i f the aspects are hard (because, after all, how hard can a Venus aspect be?). In fact, either of these would be wonderful to schedule a wedding around, as would Progressed ruler of H7 strongly aspecting Natal or Progressed Venus. Even a less obvious aspect, such as Ruler of H7 in a feasible aspect to an angle or a Love-connected planet, might predispose to a marriage-type energy.

A Progressed Venus in major aspect to Natal Neptune is frequently found at times of romantic events such as weddings, but tends to glamorize the emotions and cloud the reality of the relationship. Such unions will face greater-than-usual trials regarding the longevity of the marriage, but can certainly survive the progression if an effort is made after its passage to deal with the less-than-ideal characteristics of the partner that would then be revealed. Then there are indicators for relationship that just generally emphasize its potential, such as Progressed Moon into Libra or H7, or Progressed planets into H7, or even the Involvement of the Vertex when found in H7. (The Vertex, normally found in Houses 5-8, by my observation works as a fulcrum around which key events are shaped; thus, if in H7, key partnerships will be accented when the Vertex is activated.) If the natal chart has planets in H7, progressions or outer planet transits to them will certainly accentuate relationships (but such horoscopes will always be dealing with partners or consequences of the lack thereof as that was part of the life plan). Venus-Moon patterns often result in an individuals general contentment, but do not necessarily show romantic involvement; sometimes they signal the birth of children.

In regards to harmony in a relationship once formed, look to one partners Progressed Venus tracking anothers Progressed Sun, and vice versa, or both Progressed Venuses tracking each other (a situation not always shown by conjunctions between comparative Venuses in the natal charts, since this occurrence will be determined by the age difference between the two individuals as well as their natal patterns). Of course, the topic of synastry is a separate one, to be applied after a relationship has been formed in order to analyze the positive and negative potential between the two horoscopes, and so does not fall into the parameters of this article.


Finally, there are patterns that might spark Love, but offer the least long-term assurance of permanence: Transiting outer planets conjunct Natal or Progressed Venus or ruler of H7 will play up the qualities of these planets, but can be unpleasant or fleeting just as easily as the opposite, depending upon the meaning of the transiting planet or the natal potential of the transited p lanet. For example, Uranus over Venus might lend an exciting but impermanent Love experience while Saturn could be either restrictive or serious. Neptune would probably cause delusional fantasies about the partner or bring a weak or compromised person into ones life whom one would wish to rescue. And Pluto, of course, would likely offer a powerfully transformative experience that could alter ones approach to sex, Love or money forever! Transiting outer planets into H7, on the other hand, would likely highlight the need to deal closely with others, but far less likely, the arrival of Love.


Anyone who trusts in the truths of astrology should discard forever the fear that aging ruins your chances for Love. Its a myth. For example, I had a 70-year-old feMale client, an artist, who found a suitor when her Progressed Sun was sextile her Ascendant while her Progressed Venus was opposite her Moon, and his Progressed Venus was trine his Neptune, crossing his South Node. (The latter pattern shows a Love-connection from prior lifetimes.) Once meant to occur (by any of these afore- mentioned patterns), the universe will go to great lengths to put two people together. People will meet accidentally or on distant trips to places they will never revisit, or will be introduced by a third party who will never again appear in either of their lives. Coincidence or synchronicity will abound, and the non-astrologer will remain amazed by such luck, whereas the astrologer will nod knowingly as the Divine Plan is revealed through cosmic mathematics.

When one of these patterns kicks into your chart, youll watch the door of Love open wide in your heart. But it will be up to you to keep its flame kindled thereafter. One caveat, though: as I said before, Venus sy mbolizes Love, not necessarily between two romantic partners. I have several examples in my files in which one of these patterns brought a soul-mate into the life in the form of a beLoved child. Venus can also symbolize pleasure and financial wellbeing. The right match can even bring pleasant financial conditions along with Love (such as marrying well), if the horoscope predisposes. But if the natal chart doesnt do so, then positive Venusian aspects will bring other types of Love (such as the above-mentioned never-married adopter whose difficult Natal Sagittarius Sun/Moon/Saturn t-square precluded marital possibilities in the incarnation).


Some case studies of Venusian patterns revealing strong Love-based events in my files are as follows: Forty-six-year-old widow meets second s pouse Progressed Sun semi-sextile progressed Venus, and Progressed Moon into H7. Seventy-year-old-feMale is courted Progressed Sun sextile Ascendant, and Progressed Venus opposite Moon. Divorced feMale meets second spouse He: Progressed Venus conjunct Sun; Her: Transiting Uranus conjunct Venus, and Progressed Moon in Libra. Life-changing affair for feMale: Progressed Venus conjunct Sun. First marriage for young eligible bachelor Progressed Venus sextile Ascendant, and sextile Node; Progressed Moon into H7.

(This article originally published in the February 2004 issue of Dell Horoscope magazine. Reprinted with permission.)

Judi Thomases,, member of the AFA and the National Council for Geocosmic Research, is an astrologer and spiritual consultant based in Rockland County, New York. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Douglass College, founder of a women's spiritual network for meditation, teaching, and personal development, and director of an interdisciplinary self-development center, she is a regular contributor to Dell Horoscope magazine, and writes monthly columns of The Brotherhoods' teachings. She has studied, counseled in, and written about metaphysics, astrology, and intuitive sciences for three decades. In 1997, Judi began to hear the voic e of her spirit guides, who told her to expect a flow of teachings that she could use to help and heal others. These guides, the Brotherhood of Light Workers, transmitted Wisdom's Game to her.

Author:: Judi Thomases
Keywords:: Love, finding Love, Wife, Divorce, Male, feMale,Venus,Sun,Uranus,Moon,Sun
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Born With The Moon In Scorpio

According to Astrology, the exact location of the moon during the time of your birth determines your emotional reaction to the world around you. While the astrological sun colors your outwardly aggressive actions, the moon dictates your inner, passive or receptive urges. The moon is your female energy - she represents the type of nurturing energy you project, and/or the type of mothering you received as a child. Today we will discuss the Moon in Scorpio.

The Scorpio Moon: Joy and Pain

The Moon is literally in its fall, or denouement, in this sign. For this reason, Scorpio Moon folks are known to grapple with themselves on the inside. They typically experience all emotions extremely, deeply and totally - ecstasy, sorrow, elation... and yes, their tempers, when provoked, can be explosive. To complicate matters, Scorpio Moon people regard their own emotions as a source of vulnerability and therefore try to keep their true feelings under wraps. So, it's not surprising that while many Scorpio Moons are traveling this earth feeling everything very intensely, they're also wearing this kind of detached look. After all, if they were to be found out, there would be very grave consequences indeed. What those consequences might be is anybody's guess... but if the Scorpio Moon is the one doing the imagining, it's sure to be quite catastrophic.

The Scorpio Moon, in a nutshell: intensity. Intense likes, intense dislikes, intense fascination, intense disgust... and yes, in keeping with the general Scorpio reputation, intense love affairs. This is a very black-and-white, all-or-nothing moon with extremely fixed notions about things. If you're loved by a Scorpio Moon then you are loved fiercely, totally and completely; but if you're despised by a Scorpio Moon, then you may as well not exist. And it's quite possible in dealing with this turbulent moon native that both emotions may be directed at you at different points in this lifetime. If a Scorpio Moon perceives that you have slighted them in some way... better mak e good immediately, or run and hide until the mood passes, because in all likelihood, revenge is being plotted against YOUR head!

The Scorpio Moon: Offsetting the Drama With Private Relaxation

Scorpio Moon people tend to go through life acting on hunches, reading between the lines - picking up subtle nonverbal cues, moods, intentions, underlying messages and such. Indeed, someone with this moon placement may get a very different meaning from the same conversation heard by someone with a more literal and pragmatic mind. This is not only quite distracting to the moon native, but when they react to these perceptions it often l eads to undesired consequences and drama. Thus, the irony of the Scorpio Moon; being consumed by the very internal composition one despises in himself, and attracting drama-infused situations as a direct result of trying to avoid them.

A troubled Scorpion Moon person should allow herself some distance from time to time... a private sanctuary where she can sort out her emotions, get a healthy perspective and then emerge from the cocoon with renewed inner peace and a higher purpose in mind. Indeed, reflection and meditation feels quite natural to this introspective moon native and is encouraged as a way to take the edge off and tem per the extreme moods. A deeply sensitive soul, capable of great courage and strength... there is much room for psychological growth and wisdom to be gained with this lunar positioning.

The Scorpio Moon: A Powerful Force for Good OR Evil

As with any sign, there are both positives and negatives to the Scorpio Moon placement. The sign of Scorpio has been assigned two symbols- the Scorpion and the Eagle. The former, a covert creature who stealths along the ground; and the latter, a symbol of power and might, soaring into the high heavens. Lows and highs... the Scorpio Moon is quite familiar with both states of consciousness... more than most, in fact.

Spiritually evolved Scorpio Moon souls can (and should) harness the gift of their emotional intensity and move proverbial mountains with it. If a Scorpio Moon person is intrinsically good, then that goodness of spirit can manifest itself in divine ways... extreme compassion and generosity toward fellow man, great and unshakeable integrity, impeccably honest conduct in business and personal affairs, and a permanent seat on the side of righteousness and justice. An enlightened Scorpio Moon will pledge his whole self to any and every cause he deems important; profess his undying faith to his family, home, country; and even make the ultimate sacrifice in a lifelong promise to serve God. Yes, this moon placement is often found in religious leaders, as the spiritual aspect is heavily emphasized here.

Less evolved Scorpio moons, on the other hand, are not averse to using abject means to get what they want. The concentration of power in this sign placement has led many a wayward Scorpio lunar native down a dark and devious path of corruption. In direct contrast to their enlightened counterparts; illicit affairs, illegal and underhanded dealings, petty and deceitful behavior, psychological turmoil, and loyalty to no one but themselves are trademark signs of the afflicted Scorpio Moon. Again, this is all due to the fact that Scorpio is in the moon's fall, thus making emotions feel uncomfortable, unnatural and all-encompassing. With the all-or-nothing theme at work, indeed this placement will produce some extreme results.

The Scorpio Moon and Sex

It has been said that sexual impulses drive the Scorpio Moon native moreso than other moon signs, perhaps because they radiate such passion and intensity that they're forever in need of release. The Scorpio Moon is equated with transcendental lovemaking or soul sex in which the participants experience an exalted state of consciousness by way of the physical sex act itself. Clearly, while sexual nirvana is hardly a day-to-day occurrence, this moon person has been labeled as having an extra potential for such achievements. At the very least, this moon person admits to having a high sex drive, even allowing sex to affect his or her decisions at certain points in life.

The Scorpio Moon as a Nurturer

The Scorpio Moon Nurt urer is fiercely protective and psychologically all-consuming. Scorpio Moon Mothers, or Smothers as they are sometimes known, must learn to temper their intensity. If the Scorpio lover is possessive in her affairs, the Scorpio mother is equally possessive of her children. It will be her ongoing challenge to let go. These moon natives must get a reign on that fretfulness that leads to strings of sleepless nights, and interfere less in the daily trials and tribulation s of their young sons and daughters. Scorpio Moon Mothers must generally permit themselves to chill out, cool down and back off. An earth-sign or earth moon-sign partner can lend a comforting and grounding effect for the Scorpio nurturer who has let the worrying get out of hand yet again.

Other signature themes and preoccupations of the Scorpio Moon: secrets, mysteries, severity, psychology, power, control, passion, revenge, obsession, loyalty, sex, depth of f eeling, ethics, spirituality, solitude, death. No, the Scorpio moon is surely not made of green cheese, but rather some of the most powerful facets of human existence. This lunar native must learn to embrace the reality of his or her own emotions as opposed to running or hiding from them. If the Scorpio Moon person can navigate his or her own spirit to a higher and more exalted place, he will recognize the potential for complete and total happines that lies within himself... and the transformation will be powerful for certain.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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Author:: D. Giolitto
Keywords:: Astrology, Astrology numerology, moon sign, Astrology profile, Scorpio,Scorpio moon, moon in Scorpio
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

What If Astrology Really Worked?

There is a large population which looks at today's forecast the first thing in the morning newspaper. Every one of them desires to find out about their day in the columns. Do the predictions come true? Let me talk about this. Most of the forecast columns have four to five predictions. Practically no body writes down all of them and compares the forecast with actual happening at the end of the day. What we do is to remember something of the forecast and if anything comes true, we are delighted. We forget that the other three to four forecasts did not come true.

That is human nature. We want to believe something and find ways to prove that right. This is what we do with forecasts. None of us wants to critically analyze them because we are subconsciously worried that they can prove to be largely false. We also like to hear about what good may happen. We are all tired with worries and anxieties that we want some assurance that things are not that bad and they will improv e. Astrologers use that weakness very intelligently.

What if Astrology really worked? What if every astrologer made absolutely correct predictions? Say my prediction for today is that I may meet today with an accident. I will believe that and not move out of the home at all. If my prediction says that i may get a windfall soon, I will stop all my work and begin buying Lottery tickets or waiting for a rich relative to die. But despite all the reading of the predictions, none of us acts like this. That proves that we do read the columns to feel good and give no value to them as far as real life is concerned. Some people may be exceptions to this, but this is true for a very large majority. The biggest fun of life is in unexpected happening. That continues.

The author C.D.Mohatta writes fun q uizzes and fun tests at on topics like love, personality, dating, relationships, friendship, movies, tv, music, business, etc. The author also writes for which has free ecards on holidays, birthday, love, friendship, family, expressions, celebrations and all events and occasions. The author also writes articles, advice and ideas at on topics like love, dating, marriage, relationships, break-ups, etc.

Author:: CD Mohatta
Keywords:: Astrology,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Find Out What Astrology Can and Can't Do for You

Almost everyone worries about the Future at one point or another. We become uncertain about income, Relationships, and Health, and we do everything in our power to ensure positive outcomes. When personal strength fails, some people decide to turn to Astrology and stargazing in hopes of learning more about what lies in their path and what they can do to prepare for it.

If you are thinking about calling a 900-telephone line for Advice, keep in mind that anyone can set up shop as a Horoscope reader, and there are many scams in place on the Internet and in the yellow pages. Think about it: anyone who could really tell the Future could make a pretty good living by working for government agencies, wealthy clients, and serve their own interests through investments and gaming. The vast majority of people purporting to tell the Future share very little personal information with a client, but tend to make more generalized statements, like Happiness is in your Future or You wil l lose a loved one in the foreseeable Future. Does foreseeable refer to one week or ten years? Without detailed facts, no one should seriously consider the Advice of someone with untried or unproven claims.

With that in mind, though, there do seem to be those who have a sixth sense in understanding much about a person they have just met. Sometimes these people can make claims that seem very close to reality, which, when they come to pass, fit the interpretation offered by a Horoscope reader.

If you are thinking about consulting a medium, or fortuneteller, about your Future, here are some things to consider when selecting a person to contact:

1. How long has the person been reading Horoscopes? Has she lived in the immediate area for a long or short time? Does she live in a place that betokens someone making a successful living?

2. Where did the reader learn her skills? Who trained her? When did she realize she had second sight? Does she get ongoing tra ining or study? Have her skills improved over time?

3. Can the person tell her own Future? How has that worked out for her? What has she learned about herself and her clients in practicing this skill?

4. With what degree of accuracy can the teller predict your Future? Can she offer immediate insight that will prove her claims? Are there client referrals that you can check with to see if their predictions came true?

5. Ask about the tellers methods. How does she see into the Future? How reliable is her methodology?

Take specific questions or areas of your life that you would like to ask about during your consultation. Write down the tellers specific words or phrases so you can check for accuracy later.

If you believe that you have encountered a scam, dont hesitate to report it to the Better Business Bureau to help protect others from falling victim to the scam artist.

Find out if Astrology Study can help you when you visit Astrology Study a t

Author:: Charles Kassotis
Keywords:: Astrology,Stars,Future,Relationship,Health,Advice,Horoscope,Zodiac
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Astrology Never Lies

Contrary to its detractors concerted opinion, Astrology is not superstition. Superstition is more akin to: If I break a mirror, I will have 7 years bad luck. or If a bird flies into my house, someone will die. or If I step on a sidewalk crack, I will break my mother's back. or When It's Christmas and the weather is warm, it will be cold at Easter.

Those are Superstitions. Astrology is not superstition. Not even close. Astrology is a language. It exists. Like Estonian or French. It just plain exists. Like hard boiled eggs or chutney. Now, for some, languages that they do not know and are unable to read or converse in, constitute a sort of threat. When we hear friends chatting in a language that we don't know and we are present, we almost automatically imagine that they are talking about us. This is a kind of natural paranoia. We cannot understand. So we feel threatened or left out and perhaps even targeted as a victim.

Astrology, like any language, does have to be learned in order to be used. That's why some people are astrologers and others have other learnd professions such as doctors. An astrologer might tell you that your Sun in Leo means that you tend to want to be in the spotlight, but if your rising sign is Pisces, that Leo need for the spotlight might be mitigated.

This sort of diagnosis is not unsimilar to when a Dr tells you that the lump on your arm looks like a cyst, but if the tests come out positive, it might be something more serious. He looks at the cystic physical evidence, but he also digs further to find out if it might be something more threatening.

Now the language of Astrology has been much squelched and derided by a sector of the population we refer to as scientists or , in any case, people who believe that science (another language) is the pathway to understanding every human ill - including mental, emotional and physical ailments - and to conquering and refining and owning whatever commodity is available to man. (Space flight for example or improved hard boiled eggs)

But squelching a language doesn't always put it out of existence. And Astrology has survived the giant squelch of science and remains a means of communication between peoples and a method of both diagnosing and better understanding the human condition. Astrology is not in competition with science. It's just there alongside it the way that TV is there alongside the Internet. The two media must co-exist. They cannot afford to be at war. The Internet will win. It's bigger. And younger. TV knows that the way that Astrology knows that it must coexist with science because if there was a war between them Science would win. It's bigger. And younger.

Nonetheless, there is wisdom in what is ancient. So Astrology continues to exist. Some people study it and are able to use it in their work and daily lives. Other people don't study it sufficiently to become astrologers. But they dabble and they enjo y dabbling. Other people (most people) consult astrologers. They are the clients or the patients or the consultees who come to people like me for advice and information about their astrological charts: Who am I? What should I do about my mother-in-law's interfering in my Marriage? How can I get a divorce and keep my children? Why do I not have self-confidence? Where am I making my mistakes and why do I keep making them over and over again?

What some skeptical people (the Science-blinded or prejudiced) don't know is that the answers to all of those questions are sitting right there in peoples' astrological charts. Moreover, just because most people don't know how to read their charts and don't speak the language or know how to interpret the letters (symbols), doesn't mean the answers are not there. They are.

Astrology never lies. I have heard it tell me and my clients the truth over and over and over again, thousands of times. A client writes and asks me why she c annot seem to get a husband. She's young and beautiful and accomplished and owns her own home. Yet, she has nobody to share it with. What should she do?

I find out her birth date, time and place (sometimes she sends me a photo as well) and I do her chart. First thing I note is that she is more accomplished than she let on in her query letter. I know already that she is president of her own company. But she is also an Aries with Leo rising and she was born in a Rooster year. This woman is what my mother used to call a tough cookie and a multitalented cookie at that!

She doesn't bend easily. She is not soulful and won't listen to whining - even her own. She wants to be in the spotlight (Leo rising) and she is indeed in her own spotlight all the time. She's also a Rooster which is one of the most successfully non-flexible signs out there. Rigidity lurks in this woman's chart and has already done some damage to her private life.

But... I look further and...Eure ka! This young woman has the Moon in Cancer. She is longing for a home and children and a man to share it with. But, because the Aries and the Rooster and the Leo ganged up and got a hold on her soul (Moon) when she was still very young, she followed them to her own multimillion dollar successful oblivion. She learned how NOT to share and she made her fortune by being ruthless and firm in her opinions. (Aries/Rooster w Leo rising)

It's gets better. I dig a bit deeper and what do I find? This woman has Venus in Scorpio!

NB: I know. I know. You just don't get it when we tell you that there's a planet in some sign or other about which you know less than zero. Why? Because we are speaking to you in a language which is foreign to you. And this time it is about YOU. But we are not trying to hide anyting. You can learn the language too. Nobody is stopping you.

So our young woman has Venus in Scorpio. This means for some astrologers( We are not all alike. Just like doctors... Get a second opinion) that she equates love with sex and mystery and passion. She is hunting for passion and she is only finding suits and ties and expensive trappings. Why?

Because here she is, the president of a thriving software company, owner of her own 3000 sq ft. house and two luxury cars, 35 years old and beautiful and she cannot find a husband - someone to love and be loved by and make a family and a life with.


She's too strong by half. And she is moreover attracted to the wrong kind of suitor. She has always thought she needed someone like me. A mensch. A boss person. A leader of men (and women). Balderdash! Two bosses in the same household? Ouch.

She needs either a steadying, long-suffering Ox or a lovely, langourous Snake or even a tempestuous Tiger - born in Gemini or Leo or perhaps Sagittarius because she has Mercury (her communication planet) in Sagittarius. And those guys she should be looking for are not necessarily w orld beaters. They might be teachers or poets or musicians or even weedy scientists who leave their brains in the laboratories when they come home at night. They should not be head honchos. She is the head honcho. She needs soul. So she should find someone with extra soul to share.

Need I say more? Astrology simply never lies!

Suzanne White 2006

P.S. Our heroine is now successfully married to a brilliant Gemini/Ox (a laid back communicator type) who writes books for a living. He cooks and helps with the kids. They have a nanny and household help. Madame goes to her job every morning after taking the children to school. Papa pipes and slippers into his office and hits the computer for a few hours before dressing and driving to the supermarket to do the family shopping. It worked! sw

Suzanne White I like to count my readers among my friends.

Celebrated author of 4 best selling Astrology Books, Suzanne White is American and lives in Paris and Buen os Aires. Suzanne gives private consultations. Visit her at:

Author:: Suzanne White
Keywords:: Chinese, Astrology, Women's problems, Superstitions, Marriage, Matchmaking
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Psychics What is a Psychic Anyway?

Everyone is so caught up with the word psychic. It seems to mean different things to different people I have noticed. What is in a name after all? Well, if I put on my numerologist hat, there is quite a bit in a name, but, I will save that fascinating topic for a future newsletter. The word psychic does not confer any rare mystical power bestowed upon a select few. A dictionary definition states, supposedly sensitive to supernatural forces: claiming, or believed to have, extraordinary sensitivity to nonphysical or supernatural forces.

In the way 'psychic' is used when it pertains to a psychic reading, psychic means using senses other than the five main physical senses most of us enjoy - the sense of sight, the sense of smell, the sense of hearing, the sense of taste and the sense of touch--are all very palpable to most of us and we pretty much take these for granted. But the psychic sense - what really is it? What do people who call themselves psychic really sense an d where does it come from and how do they do that? You may be aware that all humans possess the higher intuitive faculty that we all can access, which is being referred to here as psychic ability. Those who have become authentic psychic advisors have developed this sense more than the average person or were perhaps born with a more heightened or finely tuned sense of what is going on around them that involves other than the five senses and are able to use this faculty to help themselves and others.

I am asked this many times. How do you do that? I have gone into deep reflection on this very topic, and I don't believe that many spiritual workers really literally know how what we do really works. I have found that different Psychics use different methods and, really, I've learned that many psychic advisors felt or knew something about themselves was different from a very young age. They have many different experiences, many different from each others experiences, yet they can all be defined as psychic. So, it's that special sensation you feel (but do not understand fully) that allows you to be able to sense things NOT using your usual five senses BUT, being very real. Believe me, it takes training, skill, experience and knowledge to become a really good psychic advisor, and this is true for astrologers, numerologists and others who use these tools to see the unseen or the unknown.

I have been giving readings now for many, many years and I, myself, have used many Psychics to read me. On this journey, I have learned so much about the truly unique service of giving psychic advice (when it is a uthentic) and can give you valuable information acquired from my personal and professional experience. This article is by no means intended to represent the entire scope of psychic advising and all the different methods but only those with which I am very familiar and can therefore offer illumination to persons who may be interested.

Firstly, I would like everyone to recognize that in far too many cases, you are not really getting a psychic reading at all. The unfortunate truth about this business is that so many psychic advice businesses (which include the 900 number services and large psychic advice websites) have used psychic advice as a means to exploit peoples' vulnerabilities. How to choose a psychic has become a crucial selection process.

It is so easy to believe wonderful things someone is saying about you, your loved ones, or friends and lovers but many times it turns out not to be at all realistic. Wonderful things do happen to all of us at some times in our lives, but it's just a little more than a coincidence that when you call a psychic, all of a sudden all these rosy, wonderful things are about to happen, and especially with regards to what you are asking about and then some, and let's not forget that's exactly what you want to hear. It's not easy to find someone who has all the qualities you should look for when you search for psychic help.

I have learned (and you can benefit from this information if you are new to seeking psychic advice), that everyone who says they are psychic, simply are not. In fact, most psychic networks via telephone or large websites that have thousands of advisors waiting to take your call, are comprised of individuals who simply put up an ad promoting themselves as a clairvoyant, medium, tarot card reader, etc. and their best skill is taking your money and exploiting your needs. This business is totally unregulated and therefore you'd better beware of the fakes and the con artists out there who are waiting for people who are not that discriminating in choosing a qualified psychic advisor.

Not only are they unskilled with using intuitive arts as it is intended to be used, but do not have any concern for the well-being of the people calling them whatsoever. There are, however, many truly talented and ethically sound Psychics, mediums, astrologers, numerologists and tarot readers out there. Finding them is the hard part. When you find yourself calling a network of unauthenticated people who are calling themselves psychic and even claiming to be certified, who do not have to adhere to any previously established guidelines and standards, except for the very small self-governing population of ethical psychic readers, you put yourself at risk of not only wasting your money but believi ng in someone who, 1) has no talent whatsoever and 2) has a total disregard for your well-being.

This brings me to the variety and scope of the authentic psychic population, their abilities and what they can and cannot really tell you and some information about what you should realistically expect. Also, I would like to clarify some of the questions people always ask about concerning timing and why even an authentic psychic can sometimes be wrong with regards to a specific prediction or may not for one reason or another be able to connect with your energy at the time of your reading. This is not an exact science and one should approach their reading with an open mind and with an attitude of assisting your advisor by not resisting what information is brought forth but rather going with the flow of the reading being conducted by a capable and responsible psychic advisor. My next articles about Psychics will expound upon the different aspects of a psychic reading and methods.

Cherry Sage owns and operates one of the top quality psychic web sites on the internet today. Her main focus is authencity, honesty and integrity. One of her missions is to make sure that everyone looking for a real psychic reading or tarot card reading will be able to find certified authenticity and quality service. Her many followers trust in her advice and her accurate predictions. You can read hundreds of inspiring testimonials on her website Cherry Sage is a professionally trained master psychic, tarot card reader and numerologist. She is an author who currently has her own live weekly radio show and continues to provide exceptional services to her growing customer base. Please visit her website where you will find very helpful articles to keep serious s eekers of psychic advice informed and up-to-date regarding the psychic world.

Author:: Cherry Sage
Keywords:: Psychics, psychic readings,authentic psychic readings,accurate psychic readings,tarot card readings
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Don't Be Taken In By a Horoscope

You know the old adage, If it sounds too good to be true, it is? Astrology is probably one of the most prevalent practices where this saying holds true. You can run into scam artists in many areas of life, including health, herbals, and jewelry. But Astrology, with its nebulous interpretation of celestial body juxtaposition that is largely subjective, remains an elusive art that unfortunately can be manipulated for preying upon unsuspecting victims.

Astrology has to do with plotting meaning from the spatial arrangement of planets, the sun and the moon, and certain alignments that feature key designs of cosmic proportions. Those who study celestial bodies and try to interpret their movement and positions as having a bearing on human life are known as astrologers or astrologists. While it may be difficult if not impossible to earn an accredited college degree for this skill at most major universities and colleges, many people pick up a few tips on the Internet, read a few books on the topic, or learn from those who have been in the business for a long time. They may use charts, telescopic readings, and constellation study to offer interpretations of their meaning and how these apply to peoples lives.

The next step that many practitioners take is to advise their clients on lifestyle changes to make in order to escape calamity or enhance the potential for success. Many famous rulers and wealthy people, along with celebrities, have sought the advice of astrologers. Some of these persons include Queen Elizabeth I (in the 1590s), Princess Diana (in the 1990s), and a host of other household-recognized names. Though some of these people purport to be religious, they secretly meet with an astrologer, which is forbidden by many Christian denominations as a form of witchcraft, to inquire about future prospects.

As with any part of life about which the general public understands little, those who study Astrology typically fall into two groups. The first comprises those who earnestly seek to disclose the secrets of the universe by reading the heavenly bodies and understanding their unique relationships to each other, and then transferring the insight gleaned from those observations to human-interest events on earth. The second group of so-called astrologers includes charlatans who are trying to make money from the simple-minded and those eager to throw money at practitioners who pretend to understand the cosmos and proceed to tell clients what they want to hearfor a hefty fee, of course.

Buyer Beware! is a useful slogan as far as soliciting the services of a stargazer. Some questions to ask before requesting assistance include where or how the person learned the craft, how long he or shes been practicing, which specific techniques and tools are used, and the degree of accuracy promised. Also ask specific questions about your life that a bona fide stargazer should be able to answer in a meaningful way.

For more helpful information on the uses and misuses of Astrology, visit Astrology Study at

Author:: Charles Kassotis
Keywords:: Astrology,Scams,Horoscopes,zodiac signs,Internet,Spirituality,Metaphysics,Deceiving,Misleading
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Matchmaking Madness Avoiding the Dangers of Dating Sites

Most of us can be deceived by the Personality that a person presents on a Matchmaking site. But there is a way you can find out who they really are inside so you can avoid the dangers and pitfalls of the Dating game.

Many folks believe that if their profile matches another person, they will be a match and can live in peace and harmony. While profiles can show another person's preferences, they do not reveal the inner Personality -- who they really are inside. This is why it is a serious mistake to assume that you know a person simply because a Matchmaking site has shown that you have Compatible profiles. But, alas, this is what countless people do every day, and they wonder how they could be so wrong about another person.

The answer is that they did not know who that person was inside.

For instance, as a professional Matchmaking Astrologer, I have found Couples who have had very Compatible celestial energies. They appear to be the ideal Couple. They are v ery loving and pleasant to observe. But I have seen a serious flaw in some of these relationships which cannot be seen or explained by ordinary means.

Such a flaw often end up being the source of a breakup, and folks simply don't understand why they didn't see it coming. Their problem was easily seen in the combination of their signs and planets but totally hidden to themselves and any outside observer.

The average Couple does not have enough tools to know what is going on in the deep recesses of another person's psyche. Matchmaking sites certianly do not have this capacity. And there is no computer program that can synthesize these energies as well as the human brain.

Then there is the danger of downright dishonesty.

Some folks submit a photo that was taken 20 years ago. Can you imagine the impact this has on the other person when they meet face to face?

Others are already married and lie about it. They simply want to have an affair. They can e asily mislead the other person.

Then there are those who want to find a good catch, so they manipulate the facts to convince the other person that they have a great education, came from a well-to-do family, and Love all the things the other person Loves and appreciates.

But, as I have so often said, the signs and planets of the heavens reveal the truth of any relationship. They reveal the inner nature of a person. This cannot be hidden from a skilled, celestial matchmaker.

If you really want to play it safe and avoid the dangers of the Dating sites, I beg you to find out who the other person really is insid

2006 Randall Curtis

Randall Curtis has been a professional Matchmaking Astrologer for over 50 years. To avoid the dangers of Dating, learn about his Date-Checker Method at know your date For more help and further information, call him toll free at 888-211-3523 or check out his website at

Author:: Rand all Curtis
Keywords:: Matchmaking,Astrologer,Dating,Mating,Personality,Compatible,Couple,Romance,Love,Zodiac
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Annual Forecasts & Fengshui Remedies for 2006 : Year of Yang Red Fire Dog for Tiger Sign

The ancient Chinese Astrology is not only fascinating but also quite accurate. Its Zodiac is based on 12 signs, a cycle of 12 years and are named after 12 symbolic animals : Rat (or Mouse), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog).

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is based on your Chinese Lunar Year of Birth. The Chinese New Year is movable and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year.

If your Date of Birth falls into any of these below listed Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Tiger, you are symbolically identified as a Tiger :

From 08 Feb 1902 to 28 Jan 1903

From 26 Jan 1914 to 13 Feb 1915

From 13 Feb 1926 to 01 Feb 1927

From 31 Jan 1938 to 18 Feb 1939

From 17 Feb 1950 to 05 Feb 1951

Fr om 05 Feb 1962 to 24 Jan 1963

From 23 Jan 1974 to 10 Feb 1975

From 09 Feb 1986 to 28 Jan 1987

From 28 Jan 1998 to 15 Feb 1999

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2006 is the 4703rd year and is also the third year of the New Fengshui Land Luck Period 8. The new Chinese Lunar Year is from 29.01.2006 to 17.02.2007. Here are the Annual Forecasts and suggested Fengshui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming New Year 2006 : Bing Xu, the Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog :


An unstable year. Many of you will have a good career and a fast pace too. A lot of business people will also expand their activities. But a negative trend could also set in very fast. The unemployed would find a proper job. At the same time, those who thought that they had settled down could find themselves suddenly out of favour with Lady Luck. Sincere and systematic work is of essence. Be humble and do not let frictions develop into arguments. Lack of motivation and focus, irritation at efforts not recognised could eventually make many of you to lose good opportunities, shift professions or business. Some may move their homes too. But wherever you go, rumours will haunt you throughout the year. If you are onto stock markets, real estate agency and MLM, you may not do good. But you have anything to do with civil service, administration and publications, you will do well. If you are in Governmental service, resist illegal activites, or else you ma y end up with litigation or may even be imprisoned. Be extra careful when you sign in documents of any type. If you are employed, install a Golden Carp in the North and if you are doing business, keep a Dragon & Phoenix statue in the North. Hold your tongue back and ignore insults. Do not take shortcuts, but follow the rules and regulations strictly, to avoid being picked on. Otherwise you may find yourself getting out of control and some of you may end up on the wrong side of the law. Beware of back-stabbers, especially those who are near you. It would be a bright idea for you to wear a Black Tourmalene Crystal Pendant to keep off all these negative energies.


Except for those of you in commission based profession, wealth luck is minimal. In fact, you may have to fight hard even for what is rightfully yours. So better avoid impulsive purchases and be prudent when you spend. Do not invest big in stocks. Do not lend to friends. You may have to foot a lot of legal bills this year. To improve cash flow, keep a set of Dragon & Phoenix Coins at home and carry a smaller set in your pocket or purse.


Take care of your mental health. Do not allow the work pressure to translate into depression and hallucinations. Meditate whenever possible. Avoid visiting hospitals and funerals. If you can eat, sleep and rest well and in time, all is okay. Otherwise you may end up with a lot of digestion problems. Some of you may experience tooth and kidney problems.


Not an ideal year for good marriages to happen. If you are single, enjoy companionship but refrain from crossing the limits. If you are married, resist seductions or you will regret later. Ignore gossips. Trust and faith will be tested. Love triangles will eat into good and time-tested relationships. Many families will see separations. Married couple should keep the combined statue of Dragon & Phoenix or a pair of pink Mandarin Ducks in the South Wes t of their bedroom.

Beneficial Crystal : Green Aventurine, for 2006

Good Relationship with : Horse, Dog & Dragon, for 2006

Conflict with : Snake, Ox, Monkey & Rabbit, for 2006

Yin/Yang : Yang

A NOTE ABOUT REMEDIES : The above Analysis has suggested some Remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and has recommended certain enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy. For the Remedies/enhancers to be effective, they sh ould be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location. Any or all of these Remedies can be reused for the coming new years, the only thing is that some of them may have to be repositioned according to the specific new year.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it's entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be clickable hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

The Author of this article Sri Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Vaastu & Fengshui Researcher, Crystal Master and a Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is in permanent, life-time Remedial Solutions, especially Crystal Energy Fields. His wife Srimathi Kalpana Guptha is also a Psychic Reader. Th e Energy Couple can be reached through or either of their websites: or

Janarrdhana Guptha has authored the book titled Guide to Fengshui Good Luck Symbols. He writes regularly in leading English & Tamil Magazines from India. More of his articles can be read at his blog :

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: chinese astrology, Forecast, yearly prediction, Remedies, Fengshui, four pillars, Analysis, 2006
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Do You Love Reading The Daily Horoscopes Part I

Have you ever wondered why you feel an instant attraction to certain people? These intense reactions are pre-determined by a powerful astrological principle commonly known as horoscopes.

The daily horoscopes not only list the Zodiac signs for each month but also each signs distinctive personality type. The fact is that conflict in a relationship often arises when two incompatible personality types are in disagreement. The Zodiac signs listed in your daily horoscopes can be used as a guide to understanding the innate qualities and personality traits of your pArtner.

And thats not allthe twelve Zodiac signs listed in the horoscopes are actually divided into four separate categories know as Elements. These four natural elements; Fire, Air, EArth and Water houses at least three of the twelve Zodiac signs.

Now the first element Fire, houses the signs Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. The individual personality traits are action-oriented and vibrant. What does this mean for you? Well, look to add different levels of spontaneity to your relationship.

Air, the second element houses the signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. With inquisitive and innovative personality traitsopen and honest discussions about relationship issues are satisfying. Best of all their curious nature are a welcome addition to spicing up any relationship.

The fertile element EArth houses the signs Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. The personality traits are task-ori ented and savvy. Gentle nurturing will relax the tendency of EArth to hold back feelings in a relationship.

A cooling mist, Water the final element houses the signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Water has a keen understanding of peoples needs and a patient temperament. Even better is the high level of confidence and satisfaction manifested in its relationships.

There you have itthe four elements that houses the twelve signs of your daily horoscopes. Discover the personality traits of your pArtner by exploring your horoscopesembrace them. Use them to add intense passion to your relationship. Youll be glad you did!

Copyright 2005 James Hall

James Hall is happily married and thoroughly enjoys writing about relationships. His site is a dating guide to finding lasting love on the web.

Author:: James Hall
Keywords:: free daily horoscope
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Friday, November 11, 2011

Horoscopes Virgo

In this sixth of a 12 part series on Horoscopes, we're going to look at the third of what are called the summer signs, Virgo the Virgin.

People who are born between August 22 and September 22 are Virgos. Their element is Earth, their quality is Mutable, their energy is Yin, their ruler is the Mercury, their color is blue, their gem is Sapphire, their main anatomical parts are the intestines and colon, their keywords are service, self-improvement and sacred patterns, their Tarot suit is Pentacles and their Tarot Major Arcana card is The Hermit.

Some famous celebrities who are Virgos are Salma Hayek, Cameron Diaz, Keanu Reeves, Sean Connery, Greta Garbo, Stephen King, Sophia Loren and River Phoenix.

Virgos are the most confusing sign of all. They can be totally calm on the outsid e while ready to blow a gasket on the inside. They have this constant need to fix what they feel is broken. Don't even try to get in their way when they're doing this. They are the ultimate problem solver and as far as they are concerned, there is no problem that can't be solved.

Virgos are very practical. You won't see them surrounding themselves with a lot of things that are non essential. They don't necessarily live in huts but fancy homes, clothes and cars just don't interest them. Just give them a vehicle that gets them from point A to point B and they're perfectly content.

One problem a Virgo has is thinking too much. They can analyze a problem until they are blue in the face and still never get anywhere with it. They question everything and look at the pros and cons of each situation under a microscope. They do make great detectives but sometimes they miss the forest for the trees.

A Virgo in love is one who seeks the perfect mate. They wil l never settle for anything other than perfection, which is why it takes them quite some time to find somebody who they are ready to settle down with for life. But once they do, they are very intimate. They are also great servants to their lovers. They just live to serve. Sometimes though this becomes a problem as they leave their partner with nothing to do.

Virgos are one of those signs that goes well with a number of different signs. They tend to look for other Earth signs like Taurus and Capricorn, but can get along equally as well with Scorpio, Gemini or Sagittarius.

A Virgo at work is truly a blessing. If you're lucky enough to have one on your team you are indeed very lucky. Their work ethic is second to none and they are always seeking self improvement at their jobs. They are great planners, organizers and finishers. They are very reliable so you can always count on them to do the best job possible.

Virgos are without a doubt very dependable people. You may not always know what's going on inside of them, but they'll never let you down if you need them to come through for you.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Horoscopes

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Horoscopes
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Astrology Signs Reveal Hidden Attitudes

An attitude is an opinion, a set way of looking at something. Your specific Attitudes can be seen quite clearly in your astrological chart. For example, if Mercury was in the sign of Cancer at the time you were born, you would have a very different attitude toward the home than a person born with Mercury in Sagittarius. This is only one attitude. There are many more that are revealed by the various planetary positions in the twelve Signs of the zodiac.

It is very important to know what your Attitudes are if you really want to understand yourself. This information will also help you understand what Attitudes you need to change in order to get along well with other people.

Obviously, some Attitudes are positive, creative, and support your goals. They work for you. However, there may be other Attitudes that you will want to change, or need to change if they are preventing you from getting what you want or obstruct your relationship with other people.

So, the questions is, What are the Attitudes that I have that are detrimental to me?

A skilled astrologer can make all of your Attitudes very clear to you and explain precisely how they tend to function under any given situation. This is extremely valuable information.

In all human Relationships, we encounter some people who appreciate our Attitudes because we support what they are trying to do. At other times, we have to work with people who have very different Attitudes than ours. We are in Conflict with the way they see things -- their Attitudes.

Since you cannot change the other person, you will need to know what atttiudes you need to change to get along with them. The clash of Attitudes that you experience with them can be fully understood if you look at how thei r astrological Signs relate to yours. Your astrology Signs, as well as the other person's astrology Signs, will need to be thoroughly analyzed so that you will know what to do about your relationship.

These are extremely beneficial insights that a professional astrologer can give you. Your Hidden Attitudes, as well as those of other people, will not be Hidden any longer. With the astrologer's help, you can become completely aware of what is going on inside of you as well as within those people who are involved with you.

(c) 2005 Randall Curtis

Randall Curtis is a professional astrologer with world-wide clients. If you wish to become a certified, professional astrologer, check out The Institute of Professional Astrology. Click on this link for insights into your Relationships, free astrology lessons, professional analysis of your secret energy cycles and complete life reading.

Author:: Randall Curtis
Keywords:: Astrolgy,Signs,Attitu des,Hidden,Relationships,Conflict,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

A Bone to Pick

In the Ancient times, there was always arch enmity between God and demons. On one occasion when the Gods had performed a Yajna or fire sacrifice, the demons demanded a share of the sacrifice.

The laws of atithi Sewa or hospitality, bound the Gods and they had to abide by the demand. Gods offered Saraswati the Goddess of knowledge and learning to the demons. Alas! Demons were meant always to be ignorant and they refused to accept her. Demons felt that knowledge had no positive aspects and that it only increased sorrow. They were not so concerned with speech and the art of communication. According to them speech only led to disputes and quarrels.

Enraged Saraswati was happy to decree the Gods as always higher and wiser while stated that the demons would always remain fools of ignorance.

Gods are not always serious and somber and ritualistic. They are also witty, cunning and diplomatic. A tale of such a wit is also associated with Saraswati.

A certain demon had practiced meditation over years together and had appeased Brahma. Brahma in such events always blessed the devotee. This would normally be a boon which may make him invincible.

The heavenly kingdom was alert as the demon continued with his austerities and reached a stage when getting a boon from Brahma was looming large. They all in a group appealed to Saraswati to find a way where Brahma's boon will not make the demon at par with the Gods.

Saraswati the symbol of intelligence transformed herself into a little speck and perched at the tip of the demon's tongue. When the time came and Brahma was pleased and asked the demon what he wanted as a boon, the demon's tongue was in control of Goddess Saraswati; the poor demon could only say I want to be asleep forever.

This way Brahma's boon was diverted towards making the demon ineffective, ignorant and always asleep.

Madhushri completed her early schooling at the Shri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicher ry. Having grown up in an environment of literature, music and spirituality she proceeded to complete her Masters in Comparative Literature from the Jadavpur University after completing graduation studies in the same course of the University. In addition, Madhushri also hold a Masters degree in Music from the Rabindra Bharati University.

Given her deep interests in mythology, literature and spirituality, the move to Vedic Astrology was a natural extension. Being an intuitive reader of Natal Chart, she brings a successful blend of Astrology and spiritual skill-sets into all her readings and counselings. A natural flair for expressing complex and difficult matters makes her a prolific creator of most of the content on CyberAstro website since 2001. Madhushri has a large following for the accuracy of her daily, weekly and monthly zodiac predictions.

Author:: Madhushri M Mukerjee
Keywords:: Astrology, Religion, future prediction, Hanumaan, Lord Ram, Hinduism, Devotion
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Why did they not ask Heavens? The Case of the Missing Bridegroom in Women Horoscopy

Despite the shortage of the brides in number when compared to the number of bride-grooms, due to various reasons including the preference to male child birth, there is an increasing trend in the late marriage of girls. This is due to socio-economic imbalances. Now a days the girls are earning equally and some times more than the boys. They are working equally with the men in the fields of works related to education, computer and intellectual jobs. This has resulted in no time to think about marriage. The institution of marriage is considered to be an obstacle in an otherwise progressing material and social aspects of a girl. But the main reason behind the late marriage is due to the anomalies in the horoscopes of the brides. The main fields of operation in a horoscope of late marriage are the ( a ) The afflictions to 7th house ( b ) The afflictions to Jupiter , the significator of marriage to the 7th house for women ( c ) The afflictions to Mars resulting in what is kn own as Kuja Dosha . ( d ) And finally afflictions to the houses 3, 7 and 9, according to Dr. Commander Selvam , in his Yoga Craft .Com. ( a ) Afflictions to 7th house : The important points for consideration in studying the afflictions to the 7th house are

  • (1)
  • The occupation and ownership of malefics.
  • (2)
  • The aspect of malefics on the 7th house.
  • (3)
  • The position and aspects of separative planets The Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and ruler of 12th house.
  • (4)
  • The position of the 7th house Lord .
  • (5)
  • The position of Jupiter, as significator of marriage in a female horoscopy.
The Seventh house is the descendant in a horoscope. It is the house which complements and supplements to the ascendant. The union of the First house and the Seventh house is the Dharma and ultimate aim of all the beings. Without one another, there is no completeness. There is no meaning to the life. Praying God together, begetting the off-springs to gether, leading a moral life together are the injunctions of Vedas and the wise. Any Dosha such as Kalasarpa Dosha, will definitely act as an obstacle of marriage in a horoscope. All the Doshas are to be removed first. The Yogas in a horoscope are to be studied. By worshipping the planets and their deities which are causing delay in marriage, the girl will have an early marriage and prosperity and meaning in her life. It is only when the marriage is unduly and hopelessly delayed, then only the parents stArt thinking about the marriage. Then they stArt consulting the astrologers. ( b ) The afflictions to Jupiter : The Jupiter is the significator or Karaka of marriage in a womans horoscope. The Jupiter is benevolent. He can overcome all the afflictions and bestow his grace on the subject. But one important consideration is that when Jupiter is Retrograde, He may cause delay in marriage. In Vedic Astrology, the retrograde planet is powerful . But the planet in retrograde indicate the past Karma of the subject and this cannot be easily remedied. The Jupiter is a strict disciplinarian. He expects the subject to be disciplined and then worship Jupiter. Jupiter is Dhanakaraka; Jupiter is Bhagyakaraka. Jupiter is all powerful and He can destroy our sins. He can make the other planets to behave by His aspects. Jupiter stands for Dharma. Jupiter stands for Religion. Jupiter stands for ceremonies , pomp and show. There is no meaning in secretly wo rshipping Jupiter. Yet Jupiter is beyond ones reach. Only discipline may please Him. He possesses infinite knowledge. A knowledge of God, Brahma. He is called Brihaspathi and Brahmanaspathi. Here one important socio-economic change is to be considered with respect to Jupiter as Karaka of 7th house of marriage. Now a days most of the girls are working. A working girl is an asset to the parents and the family; But a married girl is a burden in the family. Getting the girl married in time is the Dharma of all the parents. But the mind of the girl and the parents alike acting under the influence of malefics mostly the Mars , would be thinking differently. The change in socio-economic trends suggest altogether a different picture. The natural values of sex, marriage, family and child bearing have become out dated. In its place, the money , the show of money, those luxuries which money can buy have been substituted. That is the main reason, the parents and the girl stArt thinking of marriage lately, by which time it forms a delay which cannot be easily condonable. That is where the Jupiter comes in and says follow discipline and Dharma. If the discipline and Dharma are back seated, naturally, The Jupiter does not significate the house No.7.

( c ) The afflictions to Mars : Mars causes obstructions to marriage, if placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses. This is known as Kuja Dosha. Exceptions are Aries to 1st, Scorpio to 4th , Capricorn or Pisces to 7th and Cancer to 8th and it is 12th for Sagittarius ascendants. Afflictions to Mars have special interpretations concerning the chastity of a woman. But this cannot be loosely interpreted, since they have repercussions on the family life. Since the ancient astrologers themselves have cautioned against these unsavoury pred ictions, it is better to avoid it completely. A small and inadvertent mistake on the pArt of the astrologer may lead to complications. The whole family is affected by the concept of loose and immoral character of a woman. For more of Mars effect, the readers are advised to read Articles on Mars, About Mars, Blame it on Mars, There is a Mars in my kitchen, by this author. The Mars factor operates in the field of energy and prowess. This in turn applied to marriage factor, the sex becomes predominant. The social scientists have researched and found that now a days the sex in youth is hardened. The sex element is being deteriorated. Once upon a time , the blush, the look, the lovely limbs, which attracted the opposite sex, are diminished in values; [ May refer to the poem The forsaken city of Ayodhya- which stArts like this: Where the lovely maidens washed their lovely limbs.. by W.B.Yeats . The blush and the angled looks of the maidens have become the things of the past. Both qualitatively and quantitatively. In its place the hard sex, exposure and vulgarity are predominant. Even then there is no sex element. The youth are loosing their salt. There is no urge for sex and hence the marriage. By the time the parents and the youth think of marriage, its sanctity and values are derogated. By that time it becomes only a formality, status and prestige issue. Marry Very Early Made Jane Shake Up Nevilles Pillow. A Shakespearean quote to remember the Nine planets , wherein while each first letter in the sentence representing a planet, the sentence itself may be suggestive of the necessity of early marriage. If one thinks of marriage in early stages, the remedies to the obstructions in a horoscope are followed, the late marriages can be averted. Any how better late than never. ( d ) Afflictions to houses 3, 7 & 9 ,: This is again , the position and aspects of the separative and malefic planets on these houses. Mainly the residence of these planets are considered much. Dr. Selvam does not assign reasons as to why these houses are to be considered ? The significator for the Third house is Mars as energy and prowess; The field of activity being power, brothers, friends, motivation and interest. The significators for the Ninth house are Jupiter and Saturn representing Dharma and father respectively. The field of activity being Dharma, grace, fortune and father. The considerations for the houses 3, 7 & 9 are general in nature and no t specifically with respect to marriage, unlike house no. 7. While suggesting a remedy for an astrological problem, the astrologer must be specific. His duty is to find out where the planet obstructs. Then only an effective remedy can be suggested.

Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor, is an advocate by profession, Study and research in various subjects, including Science, Medical,Philosophy. Remembering Agatha Christie through the titles of these Astrology Articles, makes one understand the subject in a different perspective. There is a Mars in my kitchen, Blame it on Mars etc., are some of the interesting Articles by the author. The present Article has a social science background.

Author:: Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor
Keywords:: Shortage of brides, but delay in marriage, A working girl an asset, but married is burden to family
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House Energy Correction Horoscopes Karma & Crystal Energy Fields Part III


House Energy Correction is the concept of controlling the 8 Directional Energies; 7 Chakras and 7 Energy Bodies of the People; Boosting and Balancing the 5 Elements of the Lands & Buildings. Simply stated, it is the Total Energy Rectification of Horoscopes of the Family Members and Business Partners; Vaastu and Fengshui Energy Correction for their Lands & Buildings. Read the revealing FAQs about unique Crystal Energy Fields based on the Ancient Siddha Programming Techniques for Karma Correction. This is the third and last of a series of 3 parts of FAQs.

Question 18 : Can you explain how you go about with your Diagnosis and Energy Correction, with a Case Study ?

Ofcourse. This particular client of mine is running a garment factory with successful exports to Europe. For 8 years the business flourished and he expanded. Suddenly everything changed. Some of his orders got cancelled a nd many of his exported consignments got rejected. He started facing some serious labour problems, his financial troubles grew and he faced a couple of litigations too. All this within a single year.

When he came to me, he was depressed and in high stress. He was attracting a negative Energy beam from his North and his Mooladhara Chakra had atleast 3 cracks in it. His other lower Chakras were unbalanced. All his upper Chakras, especially his Ajna & Sahasrara were solidly clouded. His South West was opening up and his North East was closing down. So were his land and buildings too. During the subsequent Clairvoyant session, it was revealed to me that the client had been a victim of Black Magic through 3 objects placed in his factory and home. The client agreed and said that he had been told the same through Prashannam (a Clairvoyant Casting Method with Vedic Astrology approach) and Arul Vakku (Clairvoyant Oracle under Divine Trance). A Tantric had also removed the objec ts and performed some poojas, about 6 months ago. But he was still sinking. I checked up and found that the objects had indeed been removed, though the negative Energy formation still remained in it's place and was quite strong, as in most of such cases. This was the root cause of all his problems and the source had already contaminated his body and had started corrupting his mind.

After the diagnosis, it was revealed to me that Energy flow had to be corrected for 6 of his 8 directions, apart from extensive Chakra Processing. The full solution was to create an 8 armed Crystal Energy Field with the Crystal shapes of Rahu or Vajra Phurba, Maha Meru & a Shri Yantra. The combined Crystal Energy of Snow Quartz, Lapis Lazouli, Red Jasper, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Orange Cornelian and Smokey Quartz with other invisible Sookshma Sakthis were needed. It would take a minimum of 4 weeks to build, program and energise the CEF, exclusively for the client, with some special high-end programming for the South West and North East. This particular concept is called Mayan Coloured Rahu Crystal Flame.

Today, after 8 months of the installation of CEF, the client's problems are fully solved and the effects of black magic totally destroyed. He is now in an aggressive business mode and his growth line is climbing real fast. His problems are now solved, forever.

Question 19 : Who is the Guru who taught you these Energy Correction Techniques ?

I was and am being attuned, taught (these time-tested, ancient Siddha Programming Techniques) and guided by Cosmic Energy Beings whom some would also call as Devathas or Angels.

Question 20 : Why do you Remedy only through a Crystal Energy Field ?

Of all the remedies the mankind had been using since the dawn of civilisation, Crystals have given the best possible results. Because they are concieved, grown and gifted by Mother Earth herself. And Mother always knows best - she kno ws what exactly we need. Crystals are of a wide range, numerous in their varieties, limitless in their applications and have extraordinary powers, and when properly programmed and networked, they are willing workers. Crystals are forever.

Question 21 : Can you explain more on how you create your Crystal Energy Fields ?

To harness the power of the Crystals is no simple task. Despite their superior power, they need to be readied for their tasks. They need to be treated properly, systematically and need to be provided with logistics. Just like Computers. Computers have super power, but are useless without the relevant Software. Here the Crystals are Computers and I am the Programmer. I create custom Software for operating the Crystals.

Its a long and meticulous process - right from diagonising the clients problems, wish lists, anticipated troubles, it goes right through to judging the crystal power needed for that particular customer/problem, calculating the n umber of Crystals, selecting the right crystal varieties, exact crystal shapes - just like choosing the right computer configuration - not only for the current needs but also for the future requirements.

The Crystals are then cleansed, awakened (if need be), energised (to last for a long time - so long that one may almost call them near-permanent) blessed (by powerful and divine angelic forces) and then finally activated. Now comes the most crucial and life-giving part, the programming itself. The Energy pattern native to the Crystals as well as the reinforced Energy matrix is fully dedicated to the cause and life of the clients family/business - to solving the existing problems, to infuse positivity, boost growth and to protect when needed. This is the crystal programming. Then all the involved Crystals are intensely bound and networked (once again, like in computers), as in the case, with star attraction, that is the Energy Tower (which could be a Crystal Pyramid, Cr ystal Maha Meru or a Pancha Boodha Stupa) to be linked and maintained till the end. That completes the software part.

Thus my Crystal Energy Fields are not only problem-specific, but also are client-specific, thus highly result oriented - unlike those who sell readymade crystal grids, off the shelf. I do not offer to sell customised products, but build exact, perfect solutions that really work for a long, long time.

Question 22 : Can you list some of the important factors that make your Crystal Energy Fields so very successful ?

(1) Because they are specially designed for a specific purpose, customised for the client and totally focussed on their intent, unlike the readymade crystal Energy grids.

(2) Because they are carefully and expertly created by meticulously synchronising the crystal laylines of 8 cardinal directions with sacred geometry and precisely linking them to an extraordinarily powerful cosmic crystal Energy source.

(3) Because of t heir built-in programs, they continuously cleanse the negativity, flushout blockages and beam you 100% positive Energy on a sustained basis, so that you remain positive at all the four planes : physical, astral, mental and spiritual.

(4) Because they are empowered to systematically cleanse, energise, balance and harmonise all the 7 vital Energy centers called as Chakras of the human body, on a direct and continual basis.

(5) Because they automatically scan the land and the building/flat you are in, sense the sources of negativity there (including Vaastu or Feng Shui defects), generate additional positive Energy to overcome the negative Energy there and shield you from them.

(6) Because they automatically tune to the new living space that you have moved/shifted to and harmonise it as your current home.

(7) Because they are geared to generate enough positivity not only in and around you, but also to sufficiently ground you. Especially when you live in the 10th floor of a high rise building and are experiencing a disconnect with the earth.

(8) Because they are not only tuned to your Personal Karma alone, but are tuned to the Family Karma, hence more effective.

(9) Because they also envelop and accomodate the human Energy fields of newly inducted family members (if provisions are given earlier), like a new daughter-in-law, a new born child, et cetra.

(10) Because they are flexible enough to meet, accept and challenge fresh problems in their stride, before solving them in the customers favour.

(11) Because the nature and power of our programming techniques are direct, stupendous, result giving and time-tested for thousands of years by Angels, Siddhas, Devathas, Celestial Light Beings and many other Higher Energy Forms, whatever name by which you call them.

(12) Because all the Horoscopes of the concerned people (family members and business partners of the present and future) are fully taken into account and complete Horoscope Rectification is done.

(13) Because all the Lands and Buildings of the client's family (those presently owned and also those to be acquired in future) are totally taken into account and their Five Elements are always tuned and kept in balance.

The FAQs will be continued in future.

Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Fengshui & Vaastu Researcher, Crystal Master & Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is permanent Karma Energy Correction through custom-built Crystal Energy Fields. His E-Mail : His websites : &

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: Karma,Destiny,Astrology,Horoscopes,Vaastu,Fengshui,Bau,Biology,Remedy,Crystals,Energy,Reiki,Prana
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