Sunday, July 31, 2011

Annual Forecasts & Fengshui Remedies for 2006 : Year of Yang Red Fire Dog for Horse Sign

The ancient Chinese Astrology is not only fascinating but also quite accurate. Its Zodiac is based on 12 signs, a cycle of 12 years and are named after 12 symbolic animals : Rat (or Mouse), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog).

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is based on your Chinese Lunar Year of Birth. The Chinese New Year is movable and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year.

If your Date of Birth falls into any of these below listed Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Horse, you are symbolically identified as a Horse :

From 25 Jan 1906 to 12 Feb 1907

From 11 Feb 1918 to 31 Jan 1919

From 30 Jan 1930 to 16 Feb 1931

From 15 Feb 1942 to 04 Feb 1943

From 03 Feb 1954 to 23 Jan 1955

Fr om 21 Jan 1966 to 08 Feb 1967

From 07 Feb 1978 to 27 Jan 1979

From 27 Jan 1990 to 14 Feb 1991

From 12 Feb 2002 to 31 Jan 2003

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2006 is the 4703rd year and is also the third year of the New Fengshui Land Luck Period 8. The new Chinese Lunar Year is from 29.01.2006 to 17.02.2007. Here are the Annual Forecasts and suggested Fengshui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming New Year 2006 : Bing Xu, the Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog :


An year in which you have to be both defensive and offensive at the same time. You will have to show aggressiveness in some places and at the same time pay dearly just to hold onto what you have, in other places. You will have to play mental games with people around you, to get their help and stay afloat. Maintaining good relationship with superiors is a must. Your higher-ups will not trust you and your subordinates will not co-operate with you. Avoid taking rash decisions. You will face many emergency situations where you have to be calm and smile away grave insults. Respect and follow the ground rules without failure or you will end up in a legal mess. If you maintain clarity in your thoughts, take right decisions at the right time, work really hard and make strategic partnerships, then you will perform reasonably well. Traders and those in administrative capacities will do better. Enlist the guidance of Kuan Kung by keeping his statue in the Nor th West. Wear a Lapis Lazouli Crystal Pendant around your neck. Wait patiently for your time and do not expect any miracles.


On your own, there is not much money luck. But there could be a regular cashflow of income through others, if you keep smiling and shrink your ego enough. Spend more on health insurance. Some of you will spend money in shifting or buying real estate. Having a set of PaKua Horoscope Coins with you and a set of Dragon & Phoenix Coins at home will help you.


No serious health problems. Look out for infections. Take care when you climb. Some may get injuries and bruises because of a fall. There is a possibility of getting animal bites, so be careful with pets like cats and dogs ! Elders should be extra careful, in general.


Not a stable year for relationships. There will be quite a few ups and downs. Decisions for marriage should be weighed carefully. Married couple should be extra careful of their energies. A single wrong move could do some long term damage. Spend more time with your family and nurture your relationships personally and carefully. Consult and involve your family in all major decisions. Invest on a Stilbite Crystal Cluster and keep it in the South West of your bedroom.

Beneficial Crystal : Bloodstone, for 2006

Good Relationship with : Goat, Tiger & Dog, for 2006

Conflict with : Rat, Monkey, Ox & Horse, for 2006

Yin/Yang : Yang

A NOT E ABOUT REMEDIES : The above Analysis has suggested some Remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and has recommended certain enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy. For the Remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location. Any or all of these Remedies can be reused for the coming new years, the only thing is that some of them may have to be repositioned according to the specific new year.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it's entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be clickable hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

The Author of this article Sri Janarrdhana Gupth a is an Energy Consultant, Vaastu & Fengshui Researcher, Crystal Master and a Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is in permanent, life-time Remedial Solutions, especially Crystal Energy Fields. His wife Srimathi Kalpana Guptha is also a Psychic Reader. The Energy Couple can be reached through or either of their websites: or

Janarrdhana Guptha has authored the book titled Guide to Fengshui Good Luck Symbols. He writes regularly in leading English & Tamil Magazines from India. More of his articles can be read at his blog :

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: chinese astrology, Forecast, yearly prediction, Remedies, Fengshui, four pillars, Analysis, 2006
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Inspirational Psychic Readings

During an inspirational psychic reading, the counselor uses his sixth sense to delve into the seekers aura and determine his subconsciously buried passions or aim in life. Far too many people experience a tedious daily grind at a job that they dont pArticularly enjoy; their aim is to complete yet another monotonous day, grudgingly accepting the fact, That's just the way life is. It's true that the majority invest so much time and effort into making a living that they neglect their hopes, dreams and aspirations, thus failing to live a gratifying life. And then there are those who are uncertain about what they want out of life.

Inspirational psychic readers believe that there are measures which, if taken immediately, will allow people who lack a focused vision to experience a life of their choice, rather th an being held hostage to a life characterized by unfulfilled aspirations. These counselors motivate seekers to take steps that most of them aren't aware exist, by asking them, do you know exactly what you want out of life? We all know, of course, that we want to find our soul mate, enjoy robust health, a fulfilling career, and be blissfully happy. But what we often don't know is what we should actually be doing, here and now, that will bring about these results.

Situations differ depending on each persons circumstance, but there are specific steps that can be taken right away to help the seeker realize his ambitions, regardless. If the seeker, however, does not have a focused vision regarding what he would like to accomplish, the reader quiets his mind and searches within for any indication of what might motivate him to take action towards a goal or passion that his inner voice has been urging him to do.

The answer may come as a whim to try something different to break the monotony or it may be a gradual awakening to a means of tackling an impediment he may be facing, but it is the first step towards a more gratifying existence.

Psychic Readings provides detailed information on Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readings and more. Psychic Readings is affiliated with Famous Psychic Mediums.

Author:: Richard Romando
Keywords:: Accurate Psychic Readings, Inspirational Psychic Readings, Live Psychic Readings, Psychic Palm Readi
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Chinese Horoscopes Much More Than An Animal

These days, when it comes to Chinese horoscopes most people know which of the 12 Chinese Animals they are, based on the year they were born. However, nothing in life is ever that simple.

If all there was to it was 12 Animals that would mean there wouldnt be much variation between the characteristics of people, just 12 types, or possibly 24 if you consider male and female.

Well I can tell you there is FAR more to a Chinese horoscope than knowing which of the 12 Animals you are.

The first thing to remember is that Chinese horoscopes are based on the Lunar calendar not the solar one, that is why Chinese New Year falls anywhere between the middle of January and the middle of February.

So you see if your birthday is during this period you may not be the dog you thought you were, you may be a pig instead!

But, with 12 Animals in the list each twelfth year the animal is repeated as they cycle through doesnt seem so complicated? Well unfortunately the Chinese calendar works on a 60 year cycle not a 12 year one. This means that each animal occurs 5 times in the 60 year cycle (12 x 5 = 60) and each one is unique so there are actually 5 types of each animal.

So if you are a Rat, you could be a Rat on the roof, or a Rat in the field, or a Rat in the Warehouse, or a Rat on the beam or finally a Rat on the mountain.

Then there are the 12 Palaces, Ming, Brothers and Sisters, Marital, Man and Woman, Wealth, Sickness, Moving, Servants, Officials, Property, Fortune and Virtue and finally the Parents Palace. Each Palace influences a different aspect of your life.

There are 5 elements, Wood, Metal, Water, Fire and Earth and 37 Stars and they all come together to produce a unique chart just for you.

The key to it all is your 8 character horoscope determined from your year, month, hour and time of birth, 2 characters for each, in Lunar years of course.

In fact your very own personalised Chinese horoscope has so many possible variations that there are millions and millions of combinations

So you see with all these parts that make up a full Chinese horoscope it is not enough just to know that you are a Pig or a Dog or a Cock.

Colette York is the originator and builder of Your-Chinese- Horoscope. A place for personalized Chinese horoscopes.

Author:: Colette York
Keywords:: Chinese horoscope, Palaces, Animals
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Astrology Refuted: They Should Have Seen It Coming

A comedian once showed a newspaper to his audience. The headline read, 1-800 Astrology Business Goes Under: They Should Have Seen It Coming. Everyone laughed, including me. We chuckled at the irony of a real contradiction here. If such a business could provide the service they claim, then its owners should have succeeded where other businesses failed. In fact, if they really knew the future, they likely wouldn't bother with this business at all. They would simply raid the stock market with a perfect investing record. We all somewhat instinctively know this, even those of us who have never had the occasion to sit and think it through carefully.

But this pseudo-science has another problem that concerns us. It's adherents who create the garden-variety horoscope columns (found in most any newspaper) spotlight a basic contradiction. On the one hand, they pretend to tell your future based upon the timing of your birth and the alignment of the stars and/ or planets. Philoso phers have called this assumption astral determinism.

This means simply that the stars and planets determine your future, hence the phrase, written in the stars. On the other hand, however, when the predictors finish telling just what will befall you, they move onto the next part of the column. They offer advice. But this advice you may take or leave, as though you have a free choice to make, the outcome of which no star determines.

So they assume astral determinism when predicting, and then assume its opposite when advising. One simply cannot have it both ways. The only way to resolve this contradiction derives from saying that the heavenlies determine SOME things, but not others. This avoids contradictory impulses, however, at the cost of engaging a purely arbitrary (pick and choose whichever you like) approach to what stars do and do not determine about your life. And yet their charts promise a principled (non-arbitrary) way to know the future. So this option makes no logical headway either.

Either way then, assumptions necessary to the trade of star-traffickers show themselves bogus. The whole thing turns out a useless mirage. Astral determinism thus represents a phoney idea, and we can show this with a little logical rigor.

Finally then, we wish to add logical insult to mystical injury by noting that our refutation of astral determinism posits a fairly clear and obvious problem for their trade. And like the bug who never quite manages to avoid the fast-approaching windshield -- they should have seen it coming.

Carson Day has written some 1.3 gazillion articles and essays on all manner of topics. These aim to glorify God and offer people real help to live wisely and well. You can visit Carson's websites at (The Omniblog, where Carson blogs everything) or (Carson's Day Trading Outpost). Thanks for stopping by.

Author:: Carson C. Day
Key words:: critique astrology, critical thinking, pop culture, astrology contradictions, refute astrology, Fun
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Do You Love Reading The Daily Horoscopes Part II

How many time have you felt an instant attraction to someone youve just met? Well, the explanation is simpleyou have encountered the powerful forces of the Zodiac. It is all revealed in your daily Horoscopes. The intensity of the love you feel in your relationship is influenced by the twelve Zodiac signs.

More important are that the signs of the Zodiac are divided into four categories known as Elements. These natural elements; Fire, Air, Earth and Water houses at least three of the twelve Zodiac signs.

And they dont stop thereeach Zodiac sign has a unique pattern of behavior called modes. The amazing appeal of these modes is their ability to depict the types of action that each sign will take when dealing with people. Wouldnt you want to learn how they affect your relationships?

Introducing the first mode Cardinal, it is straightforward in its dealings but also expects fast results. The signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are included in this mode. The impact on your relationship can make your head spin with the pace of Libras and Aires rapid fire decisions. However, Cancer and Capricorn offer a nurturing and patience environment that can enhance a relationship.

The next mode is Fixed, it is methodical, organized and often exhibits an unyielding disposition in relationships. The signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are associated with this mode. In a relationship, this may explain the need for one partner to dominatetake controlduring intimacy. On the other hand, a need for total control during the day can often lead to being a submissiverelinquishing controlduring intimacy.

The final mode Mutable, is open to change, needs variety, and is very flexible. The signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are included in this mode. Satisfying! That one word describes your relationship. Even better are the qualities of these signs that reflect an openness vital to keeping the passion flowing in a relationship.

The fact is that each mode offers a dazzling array of personal qualities to enhance a relationship. Best of all is the ability of each sign to identify and nurture the positive traitsand have a satisfying connection based on the relationships between the elements and modes. Your daily Horoscopes are a powerful toolif used wisely can accurately determine simple ways to intensify the romance in your relationship. One things for sureyou can control the harmony in your relationship. So what are you waiting for?

Copyright 2005 James Hall

James Hall is happily married and thoroughly enjoys wri ting about relationships. His site is a dating guide to finding lasting love on the web.

Author:: James Hall
Keywords:: Horoscope, Zodiac signs
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Psychic Readings

Psychics are people who allegedly have extraordinary mental powers or a sixth sense, generally known as ESP (extra sensory perception). Psychics look into the lives of people and predict future events. Derived from the Greek word psychiokos or psyche, which means soul or that which is mental, the word psychic is generally associated with fortunetellers. The word psychic was first used by William Crookes, a chemist for describing Daniel Dunglas Home, a famous magician (1833-1886).

Psychic reading implies the art of reading a person's mind. It involves use of intuition and deep analysis of a particular problem or a query tha t is posed. Psychics use several techniques like psychometrics, astrology, tarot, palmistry, telepathy, I Ching and so on to connect to a higher consciousness, which they believe will have answers to all questions. Psychic readings can relate to a person's present, past or future; his love life, relationships, ailments, stress and general success (or failure) in life. Psychic readers answer these questions and offer guidance and advice for leading a better life.

Psychic readers are people who have high levels of ESP. They master the art of automatic writing, channeling, clairaudience, the ability to hear or perceive sounds which are not normally audible, clairsentience (knowing about an event- past, present or future, through a feeling) and clairvoyance (extrasensory perception of an event whic h does not related to the normal five senses).

Divination is the art of offering a prophecy, prediction or foretelling the future via the occult, while hiero is the more down to earth act of automatic writing or drawing. Precognition involves seeing forward in time) and psychometrics derives knowledge about an object or a person connected with it by making contact. Psycho kinesis is the ability to move objects with the mind and remote viewing allows a psychic to describe a person, place or thing without being in their presence. Telepathy is simply mind-to-mind communication.

There are thousands of Psychics in the world. Several are willing to offer their services like psychic reading for a fee. A psychic's fee ranges from $1 per minute to $10-$15 per minute. Psychics can be contacted in person, by mail, phone or through e-mail. There are also several websites that offer free psychic consultation online. However, these free services are limited. Psychics are slowly finding acceptance there is a demand, in spite of the skepticism of some critics. However, there are fake Psychics also who claim to have great success with their powers, which is in fact obtained by cheating, so buyer beware.

Psychics provides detailed information about Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing and more. Psychics is the sister site of Phone Psychics.

Author:: Kristy Annely
Keywords:: Psychics, psychic readings, psychic medium, psychic healing
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Happy Birthday Leo It's Deja Vu All Over Again

Well of course there is always something disturbingly familiar about getting older every year, but that's not quite the Deja Vu that I am talking about. This year those Leo's born before August 13 - will experience the effects of Retrograde Mercury in their Birthday Chart and this will have a major impact on the next Solar year (the year between Birthdays) of your life.

Each year is a new page in life. On the day near your Birthday (sometimes a few hours before, and sometimes a few hours after) the Sun returns to the exact degree in the sky where it was when you were born. If you were born at 9 degrees 18 minutes of Leo, then your Solar Return happens in the day, hour and minute when the Sun Returns to 9 degrees 18 minutes of Leo. The entire impact of a Solar Return happens over the course of about 5 days; two preceding the return to 918 Leo and two following it, plus the actual day of the Return.

These 5 days are very powerful and potent. You can - and shou ld use them to set an intention for the whole next year of your life. Take some time to meditate or walk alone and contemplate what you want to do, be and accomplish this year. The influences will be felt for the entire next year of your life. It is as if the Universe has handed you a set of tools and materials and said. Here are your resources for the next 12 months - do what you can with them. But of course, it is up to you to use them constructively. We can use an electric saw to build a house, or we can use it to cut down the only bridge into town. The choice is ours.

This year almost all of the Leo's in the world will feel the impact of the Retrograde Mercury in their Solar Return Chart. This makes it a very unusual and important year for Leo's. You have been handed a special tool to use this year called Retrograde Mercury. It is up to you how you use it! But there will definitely be a set of experiences that come along with this tool. It is different to use an electric saw than it is to use a set of knitting needles! I can promise you that this is true, since I have used both of these. But don't underestimate knitting needles - they were the subject of a rather nasty murder fantasy scene on 'Desperate Housewives,' and Airlines will no longer allow them on board a commercial flight. So much for harmless fun! In fact it would be easier to smuggle a power saw onto your next flight.

What has this got to do with you? A lot. This year Leo's have been handed a set of knitting needles. And your thoughts (Mercury) will determine what those needles create. This particular set is kind of boomerang shaped, and will bring things back to you. You know how a boomerang works right? The harder you throw it away from you, the faster and more furiously it returns. This year your thoughts and beliefs will operate in much the same way. People from the past return. Old conversations come back around. And the feelings that you hav e towards others land back in your own lap. It's Deja Vu, all over again.

When contemplating writing this message for you I was shown two animals - these are the Totems representing the energy you will confront this year. First is the Mountain Lion - much like your Leo symbol. This is showing me that you must face any fears, questions and issues that stand in the way of you taking a position of leadership. Lead with your heart, find your courage and speak your truth. Issues of power and abuse of power may confront you. Your job is to be a leader, hold compassion (especially for those who attack you) and act with the utmost respect for yourself and all living things. Above all, do not fall into the trap of stooping to the level of petty tyrants - even if they plague you at every turn. Yes, you may very well have to deal with a syndrome that I call PTS - Petty Tyrant Syndrome. The other side of this coin is that by rising above PTS, can can will rightfully magnetiz e your proper community and tribe of people around you. And there is power in numbers.

The second totem is Raven. This is power, sorcery and magic. Something of great mystery, the unknown and mysticism is possible - in fact it is necessary for you this year. Raven asks you to confront any fears that you project outwardly onto others, and demystify them. Confront your inner demons. Be ready to experience and embrace the magic and mystery in life. A super consciousness experience is very likely, and such a moment will change and open your entire outlook on the world and how it really works. It's through the looking glass for you my friend! And if Up is Down and down is Left, then what is Right? The only possible answer to that question is: whatever lights up your heart and makes you feel joy, love and courage. The great gift of Raven is to remind you that miracles are everywhere; especially now. Never give up on your dreams or destiny.

So we can boil it down to a few key elements for your year: pride vs courage/compassion and fear vs magic. Living in the realm of courageous and compassionate magic is the sweet spot for you Leo's for the next 12 months. May tenderness, joy and self-respect rain down upon you this year and bring you the tribe of cubs that rightfully belong in your Lion's Den!

Aura Galadriel Wright, Author and Astrologer writes for numerous magazines and can be found online at ~ Find great Gifts for your favorite Sign at my Store You can also print a FREE PDF version of this article to give your favorite Leo as a gift by clicking

Author:: Aura G Wright
Keywords:: Leo, Astrology, Birthday, Horoscope, Birthday Gift, Horoscopes, Sun Sign, Astrology Sign, star sign
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Power Bead that Beats Failure and Gives Wealth Health Success Part II

The Indian Star System or Hindu Nakshatra system divides the ecliptic the apparent path of the Sun in the sky into 27 equal divisions of 13 degrees 20 minutes each. This system is a scientifically designed system. This mysterious system reveals all the present, past, future events of every man. These 27 nakshatras or stars are closely related to each and every man/woman.

In India, the nakshatra at the time of birth is immediately noted for the newly born child. This is called birth star or Janma Nakshatra in Sanskrit. For every star there is a beneficial Rudraksha bead. The twenty seven nakshatras and the beneficial rudraksha bead are given below:

1)Ashwini - Nine faced
2)Bharani - Six faced
3)Krittika - Single faced or Twelve faced
4)Rohini - Double faced
5)Mrigashirsha - Three faced
6)Aardraa - Eight faced
7)Punarvasu - Five faced
8)Pushya - Seven faced
9)Ashlesha - Four faced
10)Maagha - Nine faced
11)Poorva Phalkuni - Six faced
12)Utra Phalkuni - Single faced or Twelve faced
13)Hasta - Double faced
14)Chitraa - Three faced
15)Swaati - Eight faced
16)Vishaakha -Five faced
17)Anuraadha -Seven faced
18)Jyestha -Four faced
19)Mula -Nine faced
20)Poorvaashadaa -Six faced
21)Uttaraashaada - Single faced or Twelve faced
22)Shraavanaa -Double faced
23)Dhanishtha -Three faced
24)Shatabhisak -Eight faced
25)Poorva Bhaadrapada -Five faced
26)Uttara Bhaadrapada -Seven faced
27)Revathi -Four faced

Rudraksha has no side effects. The various types of rudraksha, different classifications which bestow wealth, health and other worldly pleasures are given in the first pArt of this Article. However for the benefits of the new readers the list is given below again:

A rudraksha of a single face bestows worldly pleasures and salvation. Very rarely one gets this single faced bead.

A rudraksha with two faces bestows the fulfillment of all desires. This quickly makes one to control his mind.

A Rudraksha with three faces always bestows means of enjoyment. As a result of its power all lores become firmly established.

A Rudraksha with four faces instantaneously bestows the four aims of life namely, virtuous life, wealth, sexual enjoyments and salvation. It also represents Brahma the lord of creation. By wearing this, designers, engineers, interior decorators and Artists can improve their power of creativit y.

A Rudraksha with five faces bestows salvation and all desired objects. Normally ninety per cent of the rudrakshas available in the market are five faced.

A Rudraksha with six faces absolves all sins. This bestows health and wealth.

A Rudraksha with seven faces bestows wealth and wisdom. Even a poor man becomes a great lord.

A Rudraksha with eight faces bestows longevity. Man who wears it lives the full span of life.

A Rudraksha with nine faces increases the energy.

A Rudraksha with ten faces removes ill luck, poverty.

More on Rudraksha secrets will be enumerated in the next Article.

S. Nagarajan is a vehicle body engineer by profession. He has written more than 1300 Articles in 16 magazines and published 18 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine Articles, seminars, courses. His website His Articles on Yoga, laughter, efficacy of mantras and sound, Hypnotism, Tele Kinesis, Power of Prayer, Vastu and Feng Shui, Auto suggestion, Success Formula, Out of Body Experience etc are regularly appearing in So far sixty four Articles have been published in

Author:: Santhanam Nagarajan
Keywords:: Indian star system divides the sky into 27 divisions, each nakshatra has a beneficial rudraksha
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How To Make A Dowsing Pendulum

A Pendulum is a very useful communication tool for spiritual inquiring. When used in conjunction with a chart, it can be used for dowsing and Divination. It can be used for the following:

1. Provide Yes/No responses and answers to queries. This is similar to muscle testing or applied kinesiology.

2. Provide more accurate answers to queries, such as degree, intensity or percentage.

There are commercial Pendulums available on the market. Usually they can be bought from shops dealing with metaphysical or new age stuffs. However these shops are quite scarce and can be quite hard to find. Alternatively, Pendulums can be ordered online through websites selling them.

This article is about making a do-it-yourself (D-I-Y) Pendulum for dowsing. If you want to save some money or commercial Pendulums are not available for you, you can opt to make one yourself.

Actually, to make a Pendulum is n ot that difficult. We can always find substitutes for the various parts of a commercially-manufactured Pendulum. The parts that need to be substituted are: 1. The bob which is the weight at the lower end of a Pendulum.

2. The chain which connects the hand to the Pendulum bob.

For the < b>Pendulum bob, we can use any reasonably weighted object. I personally, use arrow shaped pendants. In fact, the smaller-sized fishing weights can also be used. Although, I much prefer some pendants over fishing weights as they are more visually attractive than the latter. Pendants can be bought from fashion accessory stores. As for fishing weights, they can be found in large departmental stores as well as shops selling fishing equipments.

For the chain, they can be acquired from fashion accessory shops that sell necklaces and chains. Metal ones are preferred. The length of the chain should not be more than a foot. In my opinion, 1/2 to 3/4 of a foot is quite ideal.

Once we have the parts, all we need is to assemble them. At the tip of the pendant or fishing weight is usually a loop or ring. We need to hook one end of the chain through the ring (or loop) at the tip of the Pendulum bob (which is either a pendant or fishing weight).

Normally, most chains are made up of many little metallic rings. To assemble the Pendulum, we may need to pry open one of the metallic rings (at one end of the chain) and insert the loop/ring of the Pendulum bob through it. After that, we will need to re-adjust the metallic ring (on the chain) back to its original closed-looped position. A long-nose plier is most suitable for doing these fine handiworks.

Thats all to making a Pendulum for dowsing. Quite simple, isnt it!

I hope this article is useful. Happy Pendulum making.

The author runs a Self Growth site with Pendulum dowsing and Divination resources.

Author:: Shen Gerald
Keywords:: Divination, Psychic, Pendulum, Applied Kinesiology
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Which Element of the Horoscope are You?

No doubt that millions of persons begin their journey rushing through the newspapers to see the daily Horoscope. We want the Horoscope to tell us positive things will happen in the next 24 hours, like how will somebody look at us nicely, how fast we will be rich, or our love compatibility. In contrast, we are less interested to come up with a horror-scope like today is not your day for love, business deals are not in the stars for you today.

But first of all, which element of the Horoscope are You? Hmm dont really know what the Horoscope is? Well, the Horoscope is an astrological chart for a specific person or group that correlates each Zodiac sign as they are crossed by the Sun, Moon and planets and the position of planets in Astrology. Now, the elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water are based on ancient Greek philosophy; they are the building blocks of life: the solid earth upon which we stand, the running water we use as a resource, the air we breathe and the fi re which keeps us warm and aids in the creation of additional resources. The Horoscope elements reflect a quality of human nature and correspond also with the Tarot: Fire = Wands; Earth = Coins; Air = Swords; Water = Cups.

Here are the list of the Sun Signs elements, but if you still dont know, ask mom for your birthday and keep reading this:

1. Earth Signs

Well-grounded, and realistic, your earth sign makes sure you stay in the real world. When it comes to friendship, no-one is more rock steady than you. A builder of long-lasting bonds, you are talented in business and good with money. You find fulfillment in seeing tangible results for your efforts.

Earth signs are: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Taurus (April 21 May 21): They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank. The ruling planet for Taurus is Venus; the color of choice is Pink, and its star s tone is the Emerald.

Virgo (August 23 September 23): They need the stimulus of practical problems to be solved rather than the mere routine or working to set specifications that need no thought. The ruling planet for Virgo is Mercury; the colors are Green and Dark Brown, and its star stone is the Sardonyx.

Capricorn (December 22 January 20): They plan carefully to fulfill their ambitions; they are economical without meanness, and able to achieve great results due to their organizing ability. The ruling planet for Capricorn is Saturn; the color of choice is Brown, and its star stone is the Black Onyx.

2. Fire Signs

These three are the sexiest signs in the Horoscope. Enthusiastic and creative, courageous and spontaneous, confident and fun-loving, you are ardent in love. Other cooler signs may be dazzled by your bright flame. Fire signs are: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

Leo (July 23 August 22): Their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bring out the best of loyalty from subordinates. The ruling planet for Leo is the Sun; the color of choice is Gold, and its star stone is the red Ruby.

Aries (March 21 April 20): The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and action, adventurous, ambitious, and impulsive. The ruling planet for Aries is Mars; the color of choice is Red, and its star stone is the precious Diamond.

Sagittarius (November 23 December 21): Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. The ruling planet for Sagittarius is Jupiter; the color of choice is the Rich Purple, and its star stone is the Topaz.

3. Air Signs

These three are the most intellectual signs of the Horoscope. Their skills make them great thinkers and problems solvers.

Air signs are: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Gemini (May 22 June 21): Since they lack the quality of conscientiousness, they are apt to fight a losing battle in any atte mpts they make to be moral. The ruling planet for Gemini is Mercury; the color of choice is Green, and its star stone is the Agate.

Libra (September 24 October 23): Librans are sensitive and have the psychic gift of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism. The ruling planet for Libra is Venus; the color of choice is Blues, and its star stone is the Sapphire.

Aquarius (January 21 February 19): Many are psychically intuitive to the Age of Aquarius, an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening. The ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus; the color of choice is Turquoise, and its star stone is the Turquoise.

4. Water Signs

These three always stay tuned to their feelings, conscious and subconscious, with a level of intuitiveness sometimes bordering on the psychic. Water is the element of the poet, which have them ready to interpret the universe.

Air signs are: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Cancer (June 22 July 22): The Cancerian character is the least clear-cut of all those associated with the signs of the Zodiac: It can range from the timid, dull, shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant, and famous. The ruling planet for Cancer is the Moon; the color of choice is Silver, and its star stone is the Pearl.

Scorpio (October 24 November 22): They are like a volcano; they can erupt at any moment. Their tenacity and willpower are immense. The ruling planet for Scorpio is Pluto; the color of choice is dark Red to Maroon, and its star stone is Opal.

Pisces (February 20 March 20): They are more readily concerned with the problems of others than with their own. Their psychic and spiritual qualities can lead them into careers in the church or as mediums and mystics. They are also sexually delicate. The ruling planet for Pisces is Neptune; the color of choice is soft Sea Green, and its star stone is the Moonstone.

Alma De la Cruz, a staff mystic employed by, has a profound personal history where she has unabashedly delved deep into the heart of occult mysteries for an extensive period of her life. Her name literally means Soul of the Cross in Spanish. Currently she is working publishing a manuscript that delves into the mysteries of Hispanic new age beliefs incorporating old insights with new spiritual methodologies. Check out her bi weekly metaphysical column: where she takes a new twist, incorporating Latin shamanistic philosophies with leading edge occult beliefs.

Author:: Alma De La Cruz
Keywords:: Horoscope, Tarot, Zodiac, Cancer, Zodiac signs, Gemini, Scorpio, Astrology, Signs.
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Friday, July 29, 2011

Power Bead that Beats Failure and Gives Wealth Health Success Part II

The Indian Star System or Hindu Nakshatra system divides the ecliptic the apparent path of the Sun in the sky into 27 equal divisions of 13 degrees 20 minutes each. This system is a scientifically designed system. This mysterious system reveals all the present, past, future events of every man. These 27 nakshatras or stars are closely related to each and every man/woman.

In India, the nakshatra at the time of birth is immediately noted for the newly born child. This is called birth star or Janma Nakshatra in Sanskrit. For every star there is a beneficial Rudraksha bead. The twenty seven nakshatras and the beneficial rudraksha bead are given below:

1)Ashwini - Nine faced
2)Bharani - Six faced
3)Krittika - Single faced or Twelve faced
4)Rohini - Double faced
5)Mrigashirsha - Three faced
6)Aardraa - Eight faced
7)Punarvasu - Five faced
8)Pushya - Seven faced
9)Ashlesha - Four faced
10)Maagha - Nine faced
11)Poorva Phalkuni - Six faced
12)Utra Phalkuni - Single faced or Twelve faced
13)Hasta - Double faced
14)Chitraa - Three faced
15)Swaati - Eight faced
16)Vishaakha -Five faced
17)Anuraadha -Seven faced
18)Jyestha -Four faced
19)Mula -Nine faced
20)Poorvaashadaa -Six faced
21)Uttaraashaada - Single faced or Twelve faced
22)Shraavanaa -Double faced
23)Dhanishtha -Three faced
24)Shatabhisak -Eight faced
25)Poorva Bhaadrapada -Five faced
26)Uttara Bhaadrapada -Seven faced
27)Revathi -Four faced

Rudraksha has no side effects. The various types of rudraksha, different classifications which bestow wealth, health and other worldly pleasures are given in the first pArt of this Article. However for the benefits of the new readers the list is given below again:

A rudraksha of a single face bestows worldly pleasures and salvation. Very rarely one gets this single faced bead.

A rudraksha with two faces bestows the fulfillment of all desires. This quickly makes one to control his mind.

A Rudraksha with three faces always bestows means of enjoyment. As a result of its power all lores become firmly established.

A Rudraksha with four faces instantaneously bestows the four aims of life namely, virtuous life, wealth, sexual enjoyments and salvation. It also represents Brahma the lord of creation. By wearing this, designers, engineers, interior decorators and Artists can improve their power of creativit y.

A Rudraksha with five faces bestows salvation and all desired objects. Normally ninety per cent of the rudrakshas available in the market are five faced.

A Rudraksha with six faces absolves all sins. This bestows health and wealth.

A Rudraksha with seven faces bestows wealth and wisdom. Even a poor man becomes a great lord.

A Rudraksha with eight faces bestows longevity. Man who wears it lives the full span of life.

A Rudraksha with nine faces increases the energy.

A Rudraksha with ten faces removes ill luck, poverty.

More on Rudraksha secrets will be enumerated in the next Article.

S. Nagarajan is a vehicle body engineer by profession. He has written more than 1300 Articles in 16 magazines and published 18 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine Articles, seminars, courses. His website His Articles on Yoga, laughter, efficacy of mantras and sound, Hypnotism, Tele Kinesis, Power of Prayer, Vastu and Feng Shui, Auto suggestion, Success Formula, Out of Body Experience etc are regularly appearing in So far sixty four Articles have been published in

Author:: Santhanam Nagarajan
Keywords:: Indian star system divides the sky into 27 divisions, each nakshatra has a beneficial rudraksha
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Value of a Psychic

Lets think about that for a minute. Lets say that your financial situation is going all wrong, there seems to be a blockage somewhere and you dont know what it could be or even how to change things, and there is someone out there who is broadcasting that she can. Lets say its not your finances, its your love life. It seems like its going okay, and then every single time, it all falls apArt too easily. Nothing seems to gel and your heArt keeps getting broken. Would you hold off on obtaining that assistance, thus leaving your situation exactly where it is, because you dont want to spend money? The fact is, it might be well worth it to spend the m oney just to have your situation turn around again. Lets look at it another way. What do you do when your car breaks down? You fix it yourself to save yourself money or you take it to a repair shop. You dont just leave it broken because it might cost some money to repair, because then you are not getting the necessary use out of your car that you need.

What do you do when you have an organ that needs to be removed, or a tooth, or some other ailment because there is a blockage or just because you are suffering? If there is enough suffering, you go to the doctor, you get treatment, you get healed, you have it fixed for you because you do not have the knowledge to fix it yourself.

In this life, you pay the one with the knowledge and the know-how to perform specific services, make repairs to or change whatever is not right in your life. Why then, do people not acknowledge what a psychic offers as being just as valuable, if not even moreso, especially if they can h elp to change your personal situation, so it increases, prospers, or grows to more or better than what you had in the first place, because you fear you will not have enough money?

There is an endless supply of money in the Universe, as long as people keep spending. There is always more. We will not run out, despite what others say. If you keep circulating it, more continues to come. Knowing that, does fearing that make any sense?

You may have a blockage in your situation, it's not in your organs or in your car's engine, and you are just going to leave it instead of letting someone that knows how help you remove it? Isn't the obvious solution to find someone that can repair or undo what is wrong? Yet, tons of people regard psychic assistance, advice and direct intervention much the same way, as having no real value. The truth is, we are the experts on the unseen and the unknown causes around people and their situations, we hold the solutions because we believe in the problems. It's not make-believe or all in someone's mind, it's very real and sometimes very hard to track down, and often hard to solve or repair and complete, but I do it. I work hard and diligently until I come up with a solution to other peoples' problems. I heal peoples situations, things they cant even see to work on or repair themselves. The things their minds and imaginations won't even accept much less acknowledge is what I work on. I am very good at what I do and my work is SO valuable to others and they don't even realize that.

Stop seeing us as invaluable and realize I can really help and make a difference or differences, because this is my area, and allow me to do my work and stop undermining the quality of it. The fact is, we psychics and healers are MORE important than most workers out there BECAUSE what we do is invisible, so it's very hard to see to work on, hard to track down to repair, and not always a picnic when in the process of it, but i t WORKS! It makes huge differences in peoples lives.

There is a picture on my blog page that comes with this listing it is of me with a spirit guide inside of my body, that literally altered my eye color, my expression and my behavior while she was telling me to become a healer and sticking around to be sure I listened! What other reason could there be for that than problems outside our imaginations and sight exist in this life and certain people can detect and repair those problems so life is easier and better to live?

Malina Havard is the owner of A Mystical Creation,, a site that offers psychic & magical intervention, protection, as well as psychic readings and other things at affordable rates. She is a Reiki Master and has studied independently for many years. Her first reading was performed without any divination tools when she was in high school and she has many spirit guides and animal guides around her. Malina knows t hat it is in her nature to help people, to heal and to teach. She is now offering people the chance to become psychic, through her guidance.

Author:: Malina Havard
Keywords:: learn to be psychic, accurate psychic readings, fix my problems
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Annual Forecasts & Fengshui Remedies for 2006 : Year of Yang Red Fire Dog for Rooster Sign

The ancient Chinese Astrology is not only fascinating but also quite accurate. Its Zodiac is based on 12 signs, a cycle of 12 years and are named after 12 symbolic animals : Rat (or Mouse), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog).

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is based on your Chinese Lunar Year of Birth. The Chinese New Year is movable and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year.

If your Date of Birth falls into any of these below listed Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), you are symbolically identified as a Rooster :

From 22 Jan 1909 to 09 Feb 1910

From 08 Feb 1921 to 27 Jan 1922

From 26 Jan 1933 to 13 Feb 1934

From 13 Feb 1945 to 01 Feb 1946

From 31 Jan 1957 to 17 Feb 1958

From 17 Feb 1969 to 05 Feb 1970

From 05 Feb 1981 to 24 Jan 1982

From 23 Jan 1993 to 09 Feb 1994

From 09 Feb 2005 to 28 Jan 2006

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2006 is the 4703rd year and is also the third year of the New Fengshui Land Luck Period 8. The new Chinese Lunar Year is from 29.01.2006 to 17.02.2007. Here are the Annual Forecasts and suggested Fengshui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming New Year 2006 : Bing Xu, the Year of the Yang Red Fire Dog :


A better year than 2005, but you are still not out of the woods. You can now come out of your isolation, move out of your territory, explore new avenues and regain your self-confidance, but there are still obstacles to be crossed and inconsistent luck to be faced. Those of you in the employment will encounter more difficulties and non co-operation. Frequent setbacks will lead to frustrations. Flexibility and adaptablility should be your seed mantra. But many of you will get timely help and guidance, if you look out properly. Some will migrate to distant lands, personally and professionally. But think hard and take professional advice, before switching jobs. You will be facing adverse conditions wherever you go. Be extremely careful when you s ign any agreements. If you are in a job or practice that involves your speech skills, like a lawyer, PRO, salesman, insurance agent, etc., you will do much better. Display a Dragon & Phoenix statue for a general improvement and continue to wait for better times. Remember that the experience that you gather this year will be significant in future.

You are in punishment formation with the Tai Sui this year, so display the statue of a Three Generations Dragon Head Turtle alongwith a photograph of the presiding Year Authority of 2006 in the North West, to minimise the negativities of gossips and scandals. You should also wear a Fengshui Rabbit Pendant or place the statue of a Rabbit in the East. (The position of Tai Sui corresponds to North West this year. Tai Sui is also popularly called as Grand Duke of Jup iter and is an intangible energy body of war-like nature that should not be disturbed.)


Average wealth luck. Some of you could get help and support from friends and superiors. Stars also indicate financial loss through wrong guidance and because of mistakes of others. Do not enter speculative markets. Stimulate money flow by using a set of large sized wealth coins. You can also place a 3-legged Money Frog over your counter, looking towards you.


Normal health. Look out when you take the steps and avoid climbing very high. There could be some bruising and blood injuries. You might also suffer from viral infections and common cold throughout the year. You can try to pre-empt the destined by donating blood and getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist. Exercise, sleep and rest well. Meditate frequently to safeguard your mental health.


Much better luck in the household. If you try and avoid bringing your career karma into your home, you will settle down to normalcy as far as your home is concerned. If you are a single, be careful of your romantic relationships. Good luck for those who wish to expand their friendship circle.

Beneficial Crystal : White Quartz, for 2006

Good Relationship with : Ox, Snake & Dragon, for 2006

Conflict with : Rabbit, Dog & Rooster, for 2006

Yin/Yang : Yin

A NOTE ABOUT REMEDIES : The above Analysis has suggested some Remedies/cures for reducing t he impact of negative energy and has recommended certain enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy. For the Remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location. Any or all of these Remedies can be reused for the coming new years, the only thing is that some of them may have to be repositioned according to the specific new year.

This is copyrighted work. Permission is granted to republish (both in electronic media as well as print media) the article in it's entirety only, including the full bio of the author and his links. All links should be clickable hyperlinks. An acknowledgement mail from Republishers will be appreciated.

The Author of this article Sri Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Vaastu & Fengshui Researcher, Crystal Master and a Clairvoy ant Karma Reader. His speciality is in permanent, life-time Remedial Solutions, especially Crystal Energy Fields. His wife Srimathi Kalpana Guptha is also a Psychic Reader. The Energy Couple can be reached through or either of their websites: or

Janarrdhana Guptha has authored the book titled Guide to Fengshui Good Luck Symbols. He writes regularly in leading English & Tamil Magazines from India. More of his articles can be read at his blog :

Author:: Janarrdhana Guptha
Keywords:: chinese astrology, Forecast, yearly prediction, Remedies, Fengshui, four pillars, Analysis, 2006
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Longrange Weather Forecasting with Astrology

Weather Forecasters across the nation proclaimed the arrival of the first day of Autumn on September 22, 2005. They were, however, totally oblivious as to how this would affect the very Forecasts they will make throughout the season. Of course, in a general way, meteorologists understand that because of the earths orbit around the Sun, the Sun now appears to be over the Equator and moving south. This means a loss of solar energy for the Northern Hemisphere, and a loss of solar energy means changes in the Weather. But thats as far as it goes for them.

The ancients had a different understanding. An astrological chart set for the beginning of each season at the corresponding solstice or equinox afforded them more than just a broad-spectrum look at the season in question. From the planetary positions and aspects contained in the chart, they extracted a more detailed look at the quality of that particular spring, summer, fall, or winter. Would it be a dry season or a wind y one? Would it be a mild or a harsh winter? When would certain Weather phenomena take place?

The beauty of this method is that Weather phenomena can be foreseen months and years in advance since planetary positions can be calculated far into the future. This built-in, non-polluting, advance warning Forecast tool is one of Gods thoughtful conveniences that, if properly used, could save humankind time, money, and lives.

This year, Long-range Forecasts based on this method, have found their fulfillment in Hurricanes Alpha, Wilma, Otis, Dennis, and Tropical Storms Irwin and Arlene.

Ken Paone has been working with Kepler's Long-range Weather Forecasting method for about 14 years. His published Forecasts have appeared internationally. You can email Ken at The results of his latest Long-range Forecasts and Hurricane Forecasts for July 2005 are available on his blog at

Author:: Ken Paone
Keywords:: Astrology, Weather, Forecast, Hurricane, severe Weather, Storms, Planets, Long-range,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Palmistry How to Read

Have you always wondered what the lines on your palms mean? Boy, I sure have! Well now you can discover yur destiny today with palm reading!

Everyone has a different palm reading, but there are only eight basic lines that you really need to learn to stArt reading palms. Palm Reading Tradition is an ancient Art designed to enlighten all who take the chance to seek out the hidden knowledge. If you join our Online Palmistry Class, you will have the power of the universe in your hands!

Why is going to a stranger for a palm reading a bad idea?
1. some readers are quite expensive.
2. alot of readers will only tell you what they think y ou want to hear.
3. You will never be sure you are getting a good reading, unless you have some knowledge of reading palms yourself.

What will you learn from the palm reading class?br> 1. You will have some ensight to what some of your advantages are in this life.
2. You will learn rather you are after love, money, popularity, or success.
3. You will also learn how to read other peoples palms, which will make you the life at any pArty!

This online course covers everything from how to decipher hand lines, mounts, markings, finger shapes, to how to make a palm print and the history of palm reading. This class is a fun guide for beginners as well as a great resource for professionals looking for a fresh perspective in this fascinating Art! Click below to join today!

Ive been reading Tarot Cards and Palmistry for a few years now! would love to visit with you!

Author:: Kimberly Dietz
Keywords:: Palmistry how to read
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's Astrology Good For?

You usually find it on the comics page. Most people who read it make jokes about it; some, under their breath, comment on how spooky it is...

This is not Astrology. Consider:

If someone wrote a column that broke all of us down into 12 types then proceeded to tell us what diseases we had, would you call that Medicine?

I've been an Astrologer for over 36 years and I have a couple of things to say about what it's worth.

First, it is worth studying for the Meaning it can add to our lives. Care must be taken here, though. Any Astrologer that says it can predict your future is Dead Wrong.

Second, it's good for broadening our understanding of just how many factors go to make up a complete person. We All Have All Twelve Signs In Our Natures! No one is lacking any of them. In a complete chart they are all there. True, most people have 4 or 5 emphasized but we all have all twelve.

A good place to get your whole chart for free (plus a free interpretation) is:

Third, Astrology is supreme at helping us track Cycles in our lives. It's very good at answering questions like: Have these circumstances happened before? How can I face them this time with more of my true self? What in my past has a bearing on what's happening now? How can I take what I have now and use it in the best way in the future?

So, more meaning, a broader understanding, and cyclic awareness. Not bad for something that can't even predict the future, eh?

Alexander M Zoltai is a writer/Astrologer who wishes he were a geek... Here's His Place On The Web!

E-Mail Him Here...

Treasure the Earth ~ Aim for the Stars

Author:: Alexander Zoltai
Keywords:: Astrology, Astrologer, Zodiac, Sign, Signs
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

An Introduction To Clairvoyant

Do you want to know about your future? Are you looking for answers to questions that have been bothering you lately and giving you sleepless nights? Do these questions have anything to do with your relationship, career, money, or fortune? If you answer yes to all these questions, then you will probably need the services of a Clairvoyant.

A Clairvoyant is a gifted person who has the ability to clearly see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses. Only a few people are gifted with this ability, and so it is very reassuring to know that there are people who can help you understand the things that are happening and will possibl y happen to you, as well as give you answers to bothersome questions. The Clairvoyant can help you gain perspective so you will be able to see and think things through more clearly.

However, you should keep in mind that a Clairvoyant reading should not be relied upon when dealing with life. A reading should just serve as a guide to come up with sound decisions and avoid possible mistakes. The choices you make each day will still be the main factor of what you will become tomorrow. Although there is nothing wrong in believing what a Clairvoyant foresees for your relationship, career, money, or fortune, it is still better if you do not expect too much from a reading.

Finding a Clairvoyant has never been easier than it is today. Many professional Clairvoyants have taken advantage of the Internet and so it is easier to access their services. However, you should be cautious when choosing your Clairvoyant so that you are not taken advantage of. You have to make sure that you choose a certified Clairvoyant who can actually deliver accurate readings and not give you false interpretations intended to mislead you in any way.

Clairvoyant provides detailed information on Clairvoyant, Clairvoyant Mediums, Clairvoyant Readings, Psychic Clairvoyant and more. Clairvoyant is affiliated with Online Psychics.

Author:: Jimmy Sturo
Keywords:: Clairvoyant, Clairvoyant Child, Clairvoyant Consultant, Clairvoyant Dream, Clairvoyant Mediums, Clai
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Ganesh Loses his head

Out of his deep-seated anger against his father Saturn started doing penance (see Birth of Planets). His objective was to become more powerful than Sun, his father.

In Indian Puranas it was believed that by doing penance one could gain such powers that one could even topple the seat of Indra (Indian equivalent of Zeus).

During penance, one had to remain celibate, control all his emotions and subject the body to extreme suffering. In summer, one had to stand on one leg within a Ring of Fire or in winter stand neckdeep in cold water through the night. All the while chanting specific mantras, which could energize one's latent powers. Saturn went through this for years and finally success was his. While Sun gave life to all beings, Saturn became the dealer of Death. He had the additional power of bestowing instant wealth and prosperity and also the power of healing (by denying death).

Even after achieving his goal he continued to be a celibate and led the lif e of a hermit. Chhaya, his mother was alarmed. She literally forced him to marry a girl of her choice believing that the beauty of the bride would ensnare Saturn into domesticity.

No such thing happened. Saturn continued with his daily meditation after going through the marriage rituals with extreme reluctance only to please his mother. He remained a celibate, although technically married. It is not clear why he agreed to marry. While agreeing to his mother's entreaties he remained totally oblivious to the fact that in the process he was ruining the life of normal and healthy girl. Possibly he did not quite understand the responsibilities of marriage! His wife tried her best to win him over. She would bedeck herself with all kinds of finery and try to attract his attention. But Saturn did not even look at her.

One day she had enough of it and cursed Saturn saying Since you did not even bother to look at me, I curse you that from today whomsoever you look at will perish.

All this while, elsewhere other important things were happening. Mother Uma the consort of Shiva created a child from her mind. The baby was most gorgeous looking and Shiva made him the leader of his guards known as the 'Ganas'. Hence his name became Ganapati or Ganesh.

There is an Indian ceremony when a child receives his first meal of solid food. Family and friends are invited and there are festivities. It is known as Annaprashan.

The time came for Ganesh's Annaprashan. Uma in a joyful mood invited all the gods and demigods. Everybody was too happy to oblige. Everybody except Saturn. Remembering his wife's curse he did not turn up. Uma noticed his absence and sent her emissaries to fetch him. It was difficult to avoid her summons and reluctantly Saturn went. He decided that he would not look at the child and only join the festivities and bless him with his eyes closed.

Alas, that was not to be. Uma brought the child to him and wanted to know what he thought of him. Saturn told her that he did not want to see the child because if he did something terrible might happen.

Uma would hear none of it. She asked Saturn to look at the child and assured him that she herself would remain responsible for the consequences. What could Saturn do? He looked at Ganesh and as he did Ganesh's head dropped off his shoulder.

Uma was hysterical. There was general confusion. Everybody started crying. Only Vishnu kept him cool. He took one of Shiva's attendants aside and asked him go out and find the first living being lying with its head towards the north. He was to cut the head off and bring it as fast as possible to Vishnu.

The attendant found an elephant lying down with its head northwards. He chopped the head off and brought it to Vishnu and he set it on a Ganesh's headless body and Ganesh became whole again. Since then he became known as the elephant god.

Such were the powers of Saturn - made even more po tent by his wife's curse.

In Indian Astrology it is said that the house which receives Saturn's aspect (i.e., the house to which Saturn looks) is ruined and nothing good can be expected from it.

Madhushri completed her early schooling at the Shri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry. Having grown up in an environment of literature, music and spirituality she proceeded to complete her Masters in Comparative Literature from the Jadavpur University after completing graduation studies in the same course of the University. In addition, Madhushri also hold a Masters degree in Music from the Rabindra Bharati University.

Given her deep interests in mythology, literature and spirituality, the move to Vedic Astrology was a natural extension. Being an intuitive reader of Natal Chart, she brings a successful blend of Astrology and spiritual skill-sets into all her readings and counselings. A natural flair for expressing complex and difficult matters makes her a prolific cre ator of most of the content on CyberAstro website since 2001. Madhushri has a large following for the accuracy of her daily, weekly and monthly zodiac predictions.

Author:: Madhushri M Mukerjee
Keywords:: Astrology, Religion, future prediction, Hanumaan, Lord Ram, Hinduism, Devotion
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Halloween Among the Stars: The Seven Sisters Pleiades

Have you ever heard of The Seven Sisters, also known as the Pleiades? It is a small Constellation made up of seven Stars that is shaped like a cluster of grapes. While this Constellation is small, many people believe that the Pleiades has witnessed and foretells of many big things. Some people believe that a cataclysmic event, one that may have killed thousands maybe millions of people, happened while The Seven Sisters were in the sky. A few even believe that the world will end while The Seven Sisters shine overhead.

So what does this all have to do with Halloween? Well, if for some reason you found yourself on a deser ted island without a calendar, you could still celebrate Halloween because the Pleiades is always right overhead during Halloween.

But what truly makes The Seven Sisters a sinister set of Stars is the fact that not only is Halloween celebrated at this time, but so was an ancient Aztec ceremony involving a human sacrifice and the end of the world, a Celtic ceremony called Samhain when evil spirits would invade the earth and a Mexican holiday called Days of the Dead (da de los muertos). Ancient temples in Greece were built to be lined up with Pleiades. And so was a major Aztec temple. The Pleiades is even mentioned in the bible, in the book of Job and has a place in Brahman faith as the sparks from a god of fire. The set of Stars is so widely mentioned and so often associated with death and destruction, that there are some who suspect that the Pleiades were overhead when a terrible event happened on Earth.

No one is quite sure what this event was, though some suspect that it may have been the great flood that is talked about in the Bible or perhaps the cataclysmic event that lead to the sinking of Atlantis. The Aztecs believed that the world had not been destroyed just once when the Pleiades were overhead, but rather four times. And that if a human sacrifice was not made once every 52 years (when their two calendars coincided), that the world would be once again destroyed while those seven Stars looked down.

So this Halloween, when you are taking your kids out trick-or-treating or on your way to a costume party, make sure you stop for a moment and look up at the Stars. See if you can locate the Seven Sisters overhead in the night sky. You might also want to stop and wonder what horrors that little cluster of Stars has witnessed, and if they might witness a few more sometime in the future.

This article was written by Heather A Rhoades and was sponsored by and the DareToScare Costume Search Engine. The article is available for reprint as long as a link is provided back to

Autho r:: Heather Rhoades
Keywords:: Halloween, Stars, Constellation, seven sisters, Pleiades
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Horoscopes Cancer

In this fourth of a 12 part series on Horoscopes, we're going to look at the first of what are called the summer signs, Cancer the Crab.

People who are born between June 22 and July 23 are Cancer. Their element is water, their quality is Cardinal, their energy is Yin, their ruler is the Moon, their color is silver, their gem is Pearl, their main anatomical parts are the stomach and breasts, their keywords are feeling sensitivity and nurturing, their Tarot suit is Cups and their Tarot Major Arcana cards are Temperance and The Moon.

Some famous celebrities who are Cancers are Tom Cruise, Princess Di, Harrison Ford, Meryl Streep, Liv Tyler, Tom Hanks, the Dali Lama and Ernest Hemingway.

Cancer the Crab. You couldn't pick a more fitting description, not that Cancers can't be wonder ful, warm human beings. As a matter of fact, Cancer is the most maternal sign in the zodiac. If you want to have the best chance of having a great mother, hope and pray that yours was born between June 22 and July 23. You won't find anyone more loving. But with all that love comes a lot of emotional baggage.

Cancers are heavily ruled by our moon, which controls the tides of the ocean. You know how rough the seas can be. Well, when the moon is just right, or in the case of the cancer, all wrong, look out. Out come the tears, the throwing of sharp objects and a lot of other not so pretty emotions. A cancer can love you to death but if you cross her look out. She can give you a look as cold as ice and have you feeling sorry for her all at the same time.

Because Cancers are so emotional, they tend to let things get out of control at times. Normally very neat around the house, when they get into a mood, they can let things really pile up to the point where y ou need to bring in a cleaning service to get things straightened out. Under normal conditions, however, a Cancer home is a wonderful home; comfortable, good food and lots of love and attention. Oh yes, Cancers can literally smother you with their love and they demand to be smothered back. So if you're not the touchy feeling kind of person that she's looking for, you might want to either take some affectionate lessons or stay clear. If she feels her overwhelming love is not being returned she can become quite moody.

At work, even though it may seem that Cancers are too moody to keep a job and do it well, this is actually not true. Cancers are very intuitive and sensitive to change and many times they are on the cutting edge of things. They can be extremely creative and make good executives. Their mothering instincts make them great at creating their own projects as they tend to look at these projects as their children. Because of this, they work very hard on th em.

Cancers are indeed quite a handful, but with a little love and understanding, they can be the best friend and lover you will ever want in your life. If you can handle not breathing all too well.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Horoscopes

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Horoscopes
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Astrology Signs and Planets Reveal Who You Are

But people are starting to take a new look at Astrology.

The well-known astronomer/astrophysicist, Dr. Percy Seymour of Plymouth University, wrote in his book The Scientific Basis of Astrology, that The resulting fluctuations of earth's field are picked up by the nervous system of the fetus, which acts like an antenna, and these synchronize the internal biological clocks of the fetus which control the moment of birth. The tuning of the fetal magnetic antenna is carried on by the genes which it inherits, and these to some extent will determine its basic genetically inherited personality characteristics. Thus the positions of the Planets at birth are not altering what we have inherited genetically but are labeling our basic inherited personality characteristics.

If a renowned scientist is confirming what astrologers have been saying for thousands of years, it is time for us to take notice and take advantage of the marvelous resources that an astrolo gical birth chart can reveal for you. No longer can we condemn Astrology as superstition, because it has been proven that the zodiacal position of the Planets and Signs at the time we were born actually reveal who we really are. You can actually confirm this for yourself with a little investigation.

The astrological birth chart can reveal your life purpose, the lessons that you need to learn, your unique gifts, talents, Relationships to other people, and your psycho-sexual profile.

Astrology can show your sexual likes and dislikes. These preferences are revealed by the position of your Venus and Mars at he time you were born. A skilled astrologer can describe these desires quite clearly and help you understand them. He can also help you understand your sexual relationship to another person. Can you imagine the value of having such information at your fingertips.

If you wish to determine whether or not you are sexually compatible with your partn er or a possible mate, you would first need to locate the sign positions of Venus and Mars (e.g., my Venus is in Gemini and my Mars is in Aquarius) at the time and place of your birth. Then you would need to learn how these Planets function in those Signs and how they relate to the sexual energy of the other person. You can find more information about this at this location. You can also get free Astrology lessons here if you would like to start learning how Astrology works. Now is the time to bring our minds to the exploration of Astrology, which I have called Planetary Psychology

I can guarantee you will soon discover how much you have been missing.

Professional astrologer with world-wide clients, founder of Planetary Psychology, and The Institute of Professional Astrology. Author of The Heart of a Man is a Woman and No One is a Mystery. Creator of the Soul Mate Search Project, How to Live a Miraculous Life, and How to Find Your Soul Mate Along the Zodiac Trail Seminars. Author of online courses: Master Matchmaking Course On Relationships, The Art of Sexmatching, and How to Avoid Difficult Relationships.

Author:: Randall Curtis
Keywords:: Signs,Planets,Astrology,Relationships,Mating,Matchmaking
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

How Tarot Cards Can Help You Really!

What Are Tarot Cards?

Made up of no less than seventy-eight cards, each deck of Tarot cards are all the same. Tarot cards come in all sizes with all types of Artwork on both the front and back some even make their own Tarot cards. The meaning and the message of each one of those seventy-eight cards, however, always remains the same.

Tarot cards were first used by the Celtic people more than two thousand years ago. Many believe that Tarot cards serve only to tell the future, but this is not true. When used traditionally, Tarot cards speak of the past and present, and are supposed to give clues and ideas about the future that you are potentially heading into.

Whats In the Cards?

Tarot cards are made up of four suits much like any regular deck of cards. In fact, Tarot cards have all the same values as traditional playing cards: ace through king for each suit. Only one extra card is added to the royal family in Tarot cards the squire, his position is just under that of the knave (also known as the jack).

The suits are as follows: wands, which in general speak of esoteric issues such as spirituality or creativity; swords, which speak of conflicts and tensions; cups (or pentacles), which are always about money; and cups, which deal in relationship matters and love. The other twenty-two cards of the standard Tarot deck are called the Major Arcana cards, and are all very specific. Cards such as the Devil, the Tower, and Death are in the Major Arcana.

How Could a Tarot Card Reading Actually Help Me?

When done traditionally, a Tarot card reading can put everything into perspective in a clear and understandable way. Every Tarot card reading is prefaced by a question, one that you do not have to reveal to your Tarot card reader but that yo u keep to yourself. Each card will come up in the past, present, or future position and will shed some light on the topic of your question.

Whether or not you believe in spiritual or esoteric things, or even in the Art of telling the future, a Tarot card reading can help you better understand your own thoughts. Youll realize potentially dangerous patterns in your life, and get a better understanding of self. Even the question that you ask in your mind can help you understand something about yourself, and in this way a Tarot card reading can truly help you.

Can Anyone Read Tarot Cards, Or Do I Have To Call Someone or Go Online? Anyone can learn how to read Tarot cards. There are many books available, both in online and physical bookstores that will tell you the meaning and message of each and every card. Every card in Tarot has a card-specific meaning, and a message or warning. The good news is, theres no secret about what these cards mean to convey so you, too, can learn how to read the Tarot.

Once you know the meaning of the cards (and its not something you have to memorize; its perfectly okay to keep notes by you when you try to give yourself a Tarot card reading), you can read the Tarot for yourself or for others. Any book you read about the Tarot will explain the spreads to use the way to lay the cards out to understand their meaning and placement in the scheme of your question.

An Ancient Mystery

Tarot cards are more ancient than religion. Tarot cards are older than most languages and most writing, and yet they are still around and are still being used today the exact same way they were used thousands of years ago. If Tarot cards didnt help people, why would they still be used and still be so popular?

I have been studying Tarot for seven years and have incorporated it in my dailly meditation routine. My purpose for this Article is to give others a free resource which can hopefully change their lives for the better.

Author:: Glen Wearden
Keywords:: tarot card, online tarot card, buy tarot card, free tarot card, free tarot card reading
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