Thursday, September 29, 2011

Longrange Weather Forecasting with Astrology

Weather Forecasters across the nation proclaimed the arrival of the first day of Autumn on September 22, 2005. They were, however, totally oblivious as to how this would affect the very Forecasts they will make throughout the season. Of course, in a general way, meteorologists understand that because of the earths orbit around the Sun, the Sun now appears to be over the Equator and moving south. This means a loss of solar energy for the Northern Hemisphere, and a loss of solar energy means changes in the Weather. But thats as far as it goes for them.

The ancients had a different understanding. An astrological chart set for the beginning of each season at the corresponding solstice or equinox afforded them more than just a broad-spectrum look at the season in question. From the planetary positions and aspects contained in the chart, they extracted a more detailed look at the quality of that particular spring, summer, fall, or winter. Would it be a dry season or a wind y one? Would it be a mild or a harsh winter? When would certain Weather phenomena take place?

The beauty of this method is that Weather phenomena can be foreseen months and years in advance since planetary positions can be calculated far into the future. This built-in, non-polluting, advance warning Forecast tool is one of Gods thoughtful conveniences that, if properly used, could save humankind time, money, and lives.

This year, Long-range Forecasts based on this method, have found their fulfillment in Hurricanes Alpha, Wilma, Otis, Dennis, and Tropical Storms Irwin and Arlene.

Ken Paone has been working with Kepler's Long-range Weather Forecasting method for about 14 years. His published Forecasts have appeared internationally. You can email Ken at The results of his latest Long-range Forecasts and Hurricane Forecasts for July 2005 are available on his blog at

Author:: Ken Paone
Keywords:: Astrology, Weather, Forecast, Hurricane, severe Weather, Storms, Planets, Long-range,
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A Version Of The Origin Of Astrology

The history of astrological development is as foggy as the history of mankind. Definitely, there is a theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Also there is a not-fully-proven theory of an Astrology development that our ancestors observed- they observed the star sky, wrote down everything, that occurred there, and as a result they came to the conclusion that, supposedly, some configurations in the sky correspond to some proceedings on the earth.

I do not wish to go deep into scientific disputes, but the theory of Mankind as a result of natural selection seems to me unreal. For the tens of centuries reflected in history, people changed very little. In the same way I do not consider possible the occurrence of Astrology just from observation. Certainly , a lot of imperative astrological observations have been done in the past, especially in Babylon. However their purpose was not the discovery but only the acknowledgement of astrological laws.

We can ask then, from where have these laws come? I would answer: they have been the result of the practical appendix of certain philosophical-religious concepts. Of course we can continue from where these concepts came, etc. If we continue to do this we will go too far from our sphere of interests in a practical Astrology.

There are many blank spots in the history of Astrology. When you try to understand it very often there is an impression, that there once existed an extensive knowledge that was gradually forgotten. For example, there exists the evidence that the very deep and detailed understanding of astronomy (that is, actually, Astrology as the astronomy at that time was an integral component of Astrology) were around in Egypt in days of the Pyramids creation, that i s about 2400 BC. Around that time (1650 BC) they created complex calendars and it looks like later on the Egyptians began to forget the astronomical basis of those calendars.

It is possible to tell that Astrology has come to Europe (we shall concentrate on the European branch of Astrology as the closest to us) from the Egyptian, Babylonian, and Persian sources. The middlemen in this process, also interpreters and distributors of astrological knowledge in the first century AD., were the Greek philosophers. The Greek books were a source of Astrology for the civilized world of those times, including the Roman Empire. Astrology played an important role in the Roman Empire and by IV century AD, was finally stated as a public Science.

However after the Roman Empire collapsed around 500 AD and the rise of the barbarian kingdoms in Europe (present-day Italy, France, Germany, etc.) the astrological tradition in Western and Central Europe stopped. And in the east, in the B yzantium Empire, religious and political conditions completely suppressed the practice of an Astrology.

Then onto the stage came the Arabs. In 711 AD their empire extended from the territory of present Spain in the west up to India in the east. In VIII century the Arabian governors and leaders of the Muslim world motivated the intelligence of the country to study the Greek language and assimilate the scientific achievements of other nations. So Greek Astrology along with other Greek Sciences became a component of the Arabian Islamic Science. In this condition Astrology continued to develop, while in Europe during the six centuries, from 500 to 1100 AD, the practice of Astrology was extremely complicated.

One of the major reasons for the decline of Astrology in Europe was the degradation in the field of mathematical and other scientific formations that followed the fall of the Roman Empire. However by 1100 the West has realized, at last, the necessity of the devel opment of a Science - in the same way as it occurred in the Muslim East in VIII century. The mass translation of Arabian scientific (including astrological) texts to Latin language had begun.

The result became the revival of interest in Astrology in Europe, which prolonged up to XVII century.

If you would like to learn more about Astrology, especially mystical parts of Astrology, visit the Astrology-Wisdom site.

Willie Krut is studying Astrology and readily likes to share his knowledge. To subscribe to the free Willie's Newsletter, visit

Author:: Willie Krut
Keywords:: Astrology,Horoscope,Science,Wisdom,Stars
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So What Are Your Thoughts About Fantasy Stuff Like Astrology?

Many people are very into Astrology in the spiritual sense, are you? What do you think about it all? Do you have thoughts on fantasy stuff like Astrology? You don not have to believe in all of it to think about the concepts.

For instance I have very much enjoyed discussions with Wikens with regard to their beliefs. They have an intriguing perspective. As far as Astrology it is fascinating and considering I am born in the Year of the Dragon and my number is 1 and I am a Libra, I went to check it all out. And it is truly amazing how well all that fits my personality. And it is not like I planned on it being that way, it just happened that way, before I knew of any of those things.

Do you like art? How about fantasy art with unicorns and other worlds? Do you like Science Fiction concepts of higher intelligent beings or thinking about propulsion systems of the future, etc.; I do and these are cool things to consider and they are fun too.

Do you like talking to people who are involved in such things; boy I do and do you know why? It breaks up the monotony of all those things I already know and get tired and bored of thinking about. I am however pretty reality based. Never have I once done drugs and I am not into video games or anything like that, but I do like science behind it all and enjoy the discussions. So for me it is fun, I bet if you explored it more yourself you would agree. Consider all this in 2006 .

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: fantasy stuff, Astrology
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Astrology Karma and Free Will

Vedic Astrology is based on the principle of Karma (the law of action and reaction) and on the reincarnation or transmigration of the soul. In other words, our lives today are the result of our past activities.

Presently, there are those who consider that it is society that exclusively judges and condemns individuals, while others feel that society judges and then the Supreme Being, without any intermediaries, determines what will happen to us after our deaths. The Vedas, on the other hand, describe a cosmic justice that is divine because it stems from the Supreme Being and is made up of his energies and agents. That justice works to ensure that everyone is treated according to his or her acts, good or bad. So, we can say that more than chastisements there are consequences; each action has a reaction . If we eat too much, our stomach will ache or bother us; if we touch an electric plug, we will be shocked, and so forth. These are just some simple examples of certain reactions that are immediate, however, in most cases; we experience the consequences or results of our acts in our following lives. If we mistreat others, we will be mistreated in the future; if we cause pain to others through acts of violence, we will suffer violent reactions; and if we do not use our lives for what they were intended, but waste them living like animals, then we run the risk of being degraded to inferior forms of life.

Our backgrounds and the cosmic judges verdict can be found in our astrological charts. It is our case in the universal archives. There, it is revealed the nature of our past activities, the state of our consciences when we left our former bodies and the futures that await us.

Just as a lamp illumines objects in darkness, Astrology reveals to us the effects of our previous Karma, good or bad. All the planets indicate clearly whether we are enjoying or suffering now as a result of our actions in our previo birth -Prasna Marga 36-37

We experience happiness or grief not by chance, or because of good or bad luck, but due to our own actions, thanks to that perfect and implacable law called Karma, which, like all universal laws, comes from the Supreme Being, who controls and supervises it. At the time of death, our desires and actions create a certain state of conscience that determines our next birth or even our liberation.

Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail -Bhagavad Gita 8-6

Can our Karma change?

But what are the limits of astrological influences? What about free choice? Can our Karma change? While it is true that what is astrologically predestined has an absolute value because the reactions (Karma) are going to come to fruition soon er or later and produce their effects, this does not mean that we are subject to an unchangeable destiny. If everything were predetermined, why would Shri Krishna instruct us through the Vedas and other sacred writings? Why should we make an effort to follow the principles contained in those writings if everything has already been decided? The Vedas make it very clear that karmic law involves responsibility. Our free will, although limited, does allow us to make the right choices. It is for that reason that Vedic masters insist that we are responsible for forging our own destinies. Although our manifested Karma (prarabdha Karma) determines our happiness or sadness in this life, it is up to us to use our free choice appropriately to burn the material reactions by not generating any more Karma.

As the blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities - Bhagavad Gita 4-37

About Free Will*

Once, an Indian political leader asked our spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada, Why has the Lord granted such freedom to the jiva? Prabhupada told him, you are fighting for freedom. Don't you know the value of freedom? Devoid of freedom, the soul is only matter Freedom offers us the alternative to do right or wrong. Once, Gandhi told the British authorities, We want freedom. They replied: You are not fit to have self-government. When you are fit, we shall give it to you. But finally, he told them: We want the freedom to do wrong. So, freedom does not guarantee only acting in the right way; freedom has its value independent of right and wrong.

Free will is only absolute with the Absolute Truth. Because we are finite, our free will is infinitesimal. The possibility of committing a mistake is there. Our first choice was to dominate, and so, gradually we have entered the world of domination.

* Narrated and commentated by B.R. Sridhara Maharaja

The eternal spiritual being --jiva--, because of his subordinate nature, is never fully independent, but is always under the influence of something. In the material world, the strict cosmic laws control him, forcing him to be born, get sick, become old and then die; but in Vaikuntha, the spiritual world, he is cocooned in the loving spiritual energy of the Supreme Being. The jiva is free to choose between the material and the spiritual energy. If he identifies with the material, his eternal relationship with B hagavan (the Supreme Being) becomes covered. The Vedic spiritual process allows the jiva to remove that blanketing and to recover his lost identify. When that happens, he frees himself from the duality of matter and with a full knowledge of his true identity maintains his free choice, for the capacity to decide and independence are never lost; however, they will never be misused again.

Daniel Ghiotti - Vedic Astrologer and writer. Author of Health and Vitality, the first book on Ayurveda in the Spanish language.

Author:: Daniel Ghiotti
Keywords:: Astrology,vedic Astrology,Karma, free will,hindu Astrology,Hinduism,Reencarnation,Vedas,
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Master of Horoscope Walter Mercado

Celebrities and common people all over the world are known for looking forward Astrology masters, spiritual leaders, gurus, and gifted teachers to focus on their pathways in life and carreers. Extravagant psychic and master of the Horoscope Walter Mercado is a Puerto Rican astrologer to whom everyone in Latin America and in the United States follows and listens as if the world depends on his predictions.

Born under the sign of Pisces, and with his singular charisma and unique style, psychic Walter Mercado has motivated and enlightened millions of people with his astrological and accurate advice for more than 25 years. Characterized by his positivism and spirituality, Walter guides his admirers to reach a higher consciousness and the realization of their dreams via a better understanding of t he psyche and consciousness.

As a youngster in his homeland, Puerto Rico, he was named Walter of Miracles, the child who could see into peoples pasts and futures, who knew the causes of their illnesses and the way to their cures. But now, seated on a throne, psychic Walter Mercado speaks with a Grand Divo tone and gestures as if he's prophesying the Armageddon, though all he's really doing is reading Horoscopes.

Walter Mercados psychic gift was given from the moment he was born in 1933; in the 1960s, he moved to India where he learned about Astrology and how to elaborate Horoscopes, but his mystery was revealed in 1975 by a spirit guide. The master of the Horoscope wrote in his review about that moment, an asexual being of light told me that it was my mission to use my powers to help gui de others through this very difficult time in which we live.

The Latino psychic has a solid reputation as an authority in Astrology chart and Horoscope and most of his fame comes thanks to his Astrology TV shows which started in Puerto Rico to jump for a wide Latin American market years after. During the late 1980s, he moved to Miami, Florida, where he started to publish and to reveal the daily Horoscope to the American public and people abroad. With his charisma and credibility, Walter Mercado reaches millions via mass communication media.

His TV shows on Astrology include El Show de Walter Mercado (The Walter Mercado Show), Walter y Las Estrellas (Walter and the Stars), a daily Horoscope segment on Univision's news show Primer Impacto as well as his other shows, and Walter Mercado y Los Signos del Amor (Walter Mercado and the Signs of Love) as his Horoscope columns displayed in several publications in the U.S. and Latin America related to the mysticism in the East. To honor the new millennium, the Latino astrologer wrote Beyond the Horizon: Visions of the New Millennium, which reiterates the common New Age thoughts. Beyond the Horizon takes as its premise the belief that we're now in a painful transitional period between the Ages of Pisces and Aquarius. While the Age of Pisces was marked by selfishness and war, the Age of Aquarius will bring peace, honesty, the development of new psychic abilities and even contact with beings on other planets.

About his book and the New Ages Age of Aquarium, he wrote The Aquarian Age will be a time for men and women to come together as one, to think of themselves as human beings, not as men or women, Mercado writes. It is a time of integration, a time to join both of those energies within us--the yin and the yang.

The Latino astrologers trademarks are his wildly colored capes, designer suits and sharp wit. He often involves world situations, politics, The Bible, and numerous other themes in his predictions.

Nowadays, Mercado writes the Horoscope for a several Spanish newspapers, TV shows and publication.

Alma De la Cruz, a staff mystic employed by, has a profound personal history where she has unabashedly delved deep into the heart of occult mysteries for an extensive period of her life. Her name literally means Soul of the Cross in Spanish. Currently she is working publishing a manuscript that delves into the mysteries of Hispanic new age beliefs incorporating old insights with new spiritual methodologies. Check out her bi weekly metaphysical column: where she takes a new twist, incorporating Latin shamanistic philosophies with leading edge occult beliefs.

Author:: Alma De La Cruz
Keywords:: PSYCHIC WALTER MERCADO, Horoscope, Latino astrologer, Astrology, Walter Mercado
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Choosing Your Psychic Medium

Psychic mediums are those who claim to have special abilities to communicate with spirits of the dead. They seek to prove that that the human personality continues to exist even in the afterlife. Their main occupation and means of livelihood is to help families of the deceased communicate with their loved ones who have passed on. Mediums take their work seriously and regard themselves as a class distinguished from fortune-tellers and other Psychics. However, there is not much evidence that these individuals really have the power to break through to the other side.

The Two Forms:

According to the followers of this trade, Psychic Mediumship is considered to exist in two forms Physical and Mental.

Physical mediums conduct private sances to link spirits with the living world by way of p hysical manifestations such as raps, audible voices, body movements etc. It is also claimed that these mediums, while performing psychic rituals, are able to conjure materialized figures of the dead, though confirmation of such phenomenon has never been established.

Mental mediums, on the other hand, use their minds to perform their psychic abilities of contacting the afterlife, which include Clairvoyance when they see the spirit, Clairaudience when they hear the spirit, and Clairsentience - when the presence and thoughts of the spirit is sense.

Psychics and Psychic Mediums:

Though mediums are also considered to be Psyc hics in the sense of the term, the main difference between regular Psychics and mediums is that Psychics do not claim to communicate with spirits of the dead. They, on the other hand, perform certain activities that involve predictions and postcognitions. For example, while psychic detectives claim to help solve crimes by employing their psychic investigative and sensing abilities in providing information such as when, where, and how; psychic mediums would rather try to contact the spirit of the victim, in an effort to identify the criminal.

Famous Psychic Mediums in History:

While scientists and other skeptics discard the theory of psychic mediumship and raise numerous questions on its credibility, there are some people in history who, and incidents that have continued and managed to baffle many experts and men of science.

One of the most famous among the earliest psychic mediums is Helen Duncan, born in 1898. Her main area was in physical mediumship in which she held sances at home and spiritualist churches. Duncan's rise to fame is contributed largely by her alleged ability to conjure physical manifestations of the dead. She was arrested a number of time for fraud, vagrancy and conspiracy during her career. However, she continued to practice her trace till 1944, and there are still many incidents concerning her psychic abilities that remained unexplained till today.

Daniel Dunglas Home, born in 1833 in Edinburgh, Scotland, is considered to be the most remarkable psychic physical medium of all time. He conducted several sances during his career which lasted till 1873, in which many inexplicable events took place. Home is best known for his alleged ability to float on air or levitate. After conducting a series laboratory condition tests, even the noted scientist, Sir William Crookes found Home's many performances baffling and credited the man for being gifted.

Today, the most well-known medium has to be James Van Praagh, who's made numerous appearances on NBC's the Other Side; been featured on the Dateline, the Today Show, ABC's 20/20; and been interviewed on Oprah and Larry king Live. His books such as Talking to Heaven and Reaching to Heaven and Healing Grief also continue to hit the bestseller lists.

Psychics Live presents articles about Psychics and how to uncover your psychic abilities.

Author:: George Royal
Keywords:: Psychics, online Psychics, Psychics online, psychic mediums
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Born With The Moon In Scorpio

According to Astrology, the exact location of the moon during the time of your birth determines your emotional reaction to the world around you. While the astrological sun colors your outwardly aggressive actions, the moon dictates your inner, passive or receptive urges. The moon is your female energy - she represents the type of nurturing energy you project, and/or the type of mothering you received as a child. Today we will discuss the Moon in Scorpio.

The Scorpio Moon: Joy and Pain

The Moon is literally in its fall, or denouement, in this sign. For this reason, Scorpio Moon folks are known to grapple with themselves on the inside. They typically experience all emotions extremely, deeply and totally - ecstasy, sorrow, elation... and yes, their tempers, when provoked, can be explosive. To complicate matters, Scorpio Moon people regard their own emotions as a source of vulnerability and therefore try to keep their true feelings under wraps. So, it's not surprising that while many Scorpio Moons are traveling this earth feeling everything very intensely, they're also wearing this kind of detached look. After all, if they were to be found out, there would be very grave consequences indeed. What those consequences might be is anybody's guess... but if the Scorpio Moon is the one doing the imagining, it's sure to be quite catastrophic.

The Scorpio Moon, in a nutshell: intensity. Intense likes, intense dislikes, intense fascination, intense disgust... and yes, in keeping with the general Scorpio reputation, intense love affairs. This is a very black-and-white, all-or-nothing moon with extremely fixed notions about things. If you're loved by a Scorpio Moon then you are loved fiercely, totally and completely; but if you're despised by a Scorpio Moon, then you may as well not exist. And it's quite possible in dealing with this turbulent moon native that both emotions may be directed at you at different points in this lifetime. If a Scorpio Moon perceives that you have slighted them in some way... better mak e good immediately, or run and hide until the mood passes, because in all likelihood, revenge is being plotted against YOUR head!

The Scorpio Moon: Offsetting the Drama With Private Relaxation

Scorpio Moon people tend to go through life acting on hunches, reading between the lines - picking up subtle nonverbal cues, moods, intentions, underlying messages and such. Indeed, someone with this moon placement may get a very different meaning from the same conversation heard by someone with a more literal and pragmatic mind. This is not only quite distracting to the moon native, but when they react to these perceptions it often l eads to undesired consequences and drama. Thus, the irony of the Scorpio Moon; being consumed by the very internal composition one despises in himself, and attracting drama-infused situations as a direct result of trying to avoid them.

A troubled Scorpion Moon person should allow herself some distance from time to time... a private sanctuary where she can sort out her emotions, get a healthy perspective and then emerge from the cocoon with renewed inner peace and a higher purpose in mind. Indeed, reflection and meditation feels quite natural to this introspective moon native and is encouraged as a way to take the edge off and tem per the extreme moods. A deeply sensitive soul, capable of great courage and strength... there is much room for psychological growth and wisdom to be gained with this lunar positioning.

The Scorpio Moon: A Powerful Force for Good OR Evil

As with any sign, there are both positives and negatives to the Scorpio Moon placement. The sign of Scorpio has been assigned two symbols- the Scorpion and the Eagle. The former, a covert creature who stealths along the ground; and the latter, a symbol of power and might, soaring into the high heavens. Lows and highs... the Scorpio Moon is quite familiar with both states of consciousness... more than most, in fact.

Spiritually evolved Scorpio Moon souls can (and should) harness the gift of their emotional intensity and move proverbial mountains with it. If a Scorpio Moon person is intrinsically good, then that goodness of spirit can manifest itself in divine ways... extreme compassion and generosity toward fellow man, great and unshakeable integrity, impeccably honest conduct in business and personal affairs, and a permanent seat on the side of righteousness and justice. An enlightened Scorpio Moon will pledge his whole self to any and every cause he deems important; profess his undying faith to his family, home, country; and even make the ultimate sacrifice in a lifelong promise to serve God. Yes, this moon placement is often found in religious leaders, as the spiritual aspect is heavily emphasized here.

Less evolved Scorpio moons, on the other hand, are not averse to using abject means to get what they want. The concentration of power in this sign placement has led many a wayward Scorpio lunar native down a dark and devious path of corruption. In direct contrast to their enlightened counterparts; illicit affairs, illegal and underhanded dealings, petty and deceitful behavior, psychological turmoil, and loyalty to no one but themselves are trademark signs of the afflicted Scorpio Moon. Again, this is all due to the fact that Scorpio is in the moon's fall, thus making emotions feel uncomfortable, unnatural and all-encompassing. With the all-or-nothing theme at work, indeed this placement will produce some extreme results.

The Scorpio Moon and Sex

It has been said that sexual impulses drive the Scorpio Moon native moreso than other moon signs, perhaps because they radiate such passion and intensity that they're forever in need of release. The Scorpio Moon is equated with transcendental lovemaking or soul sex in which the participants experience an exalted state of consciousness by way of the physical sex act itself. Clearly, while sexual nirvana is hardly a day-to-day occurrence, this moon person has been labeled as having an extra potential for such achievements. At the very least, this moon person admits to having a high sex drive, even allowing sex to affect his or her decisions at certain points in life.

The Scorpio Moon as a Nurturer

The Scorpio Moon Nurt urer is fiercely protective and psychologically all-consuming. Scorpio Moon Mothers, or Smothers as they are sometimes known, must learn to temper their intensity. If the Scorpio lover is possessive in her affairs, the Scorpio mother is equally possessive of her children. It will be her ongoing challenge to let go. These moon natives must get a reign on that fretfulness that leads to strings of sleepless nights, and interfere less in the daily trials and tribulation s of their young sons and daughters. Scorpio Moon Mothers must generally permit themselves to chill out, cool down and back off. An earth-sign or earth moon-sign partner can lend a comforting and grounding effect for the Scorpio nurturer who has let the worrying get out of hand yet again.

Other signature themes and preoccupations of the Scorpio Moon: secrets, mysteries, severity, psychology, power, control, passion, revenge, obsession, loyalty, sex, depth of f eeling, ethics, spirituality, solitude, death. No, the Scorpio moon is surely not made of green cheese, but rather some of the most powerful facets of human existence. This lunar native must learn to embrace the reality of his or her own emotions as opposed to running or hiding from them. If the Scorpio Moon person can navigate his or her own spirit to a higher and more exalted place, he will recognize the potential for complete and total happines that lies within himself... and the transformation will be powerful for certain.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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Author:: D. Giolitto
Keywords:: Astrology, Astrology numerology, moon sign, Astrology profile, Scorpio,Scorpio moon, moon in Scorpio
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Do You Believe in the Powers of Planet Alignments?

Many people Believe that during times of planet alignment magical things can happen. Others say no way; that is utter hokum. Perhaps you have an opinion on this subject? Can Planet alignment affect the Earth and the Earths path?

Now then with regard to planet alignment, indeed the planets are very far apart and thus somewhat insignificant. However many nearby planets all aligned could ever so slightly change the resonance of the normality of Earth and ever so slightly move the all the planets a little off their exact (atomic clock amounts in micro seconds stuff) path.

Insignificant yes. But mankind does not have enough power to do that yet? Well unless he can put a large yield nuclear weapon on a fault line and trigger something like the Sumatra Earthquake nearly cracking a tectonic plate. S omething to think on.

Additionally Eclipses are significant because they will provide for slight changes of Earths resonance. Some say that in fact human beings seem to pick up these things, even Full Moons as they seem to have an innate ancient hunting need during those times which comes out. Any policeman will tell you that they have significant troubles and lots of arrests on full moons, as people will do some pretty crazy things.

Could it be a double factor? Resonance changes picked up by the brain, body, bio-rthyms or the full moon triggering mammalian old part of the brain seeing the full moon? Yet over cast full moons also have huge arrest rates in large cities, when no one can see the moonlight. Now then does this mean that they can they feel it subconsciously? Lots of questions here and few answers and those are my main thoughts this issue. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Believe, Powers Planet Alignments
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Yanthras Explored Enigmas!

The Word Yanthra is of Sanskrit origin means Machine in English. The terminology is used here with reference to Mystical Diagrams representing Universal energy.

From time immemorial cross section of civilizations was making use of one or other type of Mystical diagrams for desired ends though mostly in crude ways. There are evidences of uses of mystical diagrams by people of Harappa and Mohanjadaro civilizations . If we trace back further the early nomadics were having their own system of diagrams and rituals for curing of diseases , warding off animals and spirits and also to control fellow beings. Though no scientific evidences may be available for all these there are numerous references in Hindu civilization and History as evident in Many puranas , Vedas and ancient scriptures.

Evolution Of Yanthras:-

Though it may be difficult to know the exact timing of the development of the scientific and systematic preparation of the Yanthras presently being used as per Indian vedic system that is found be scientifically designed and rationally described, there are many references about the same in ancient Sanskrit texts and manuscripts that there were the end result of great Tapas (focused enquiry) and consequent intuitions.

Many an eyebrow may be raised here when I refer about intuitions and Tapas it is matter of fact that there are many such concepts eluding human wisdom, intelligence, and comprehension. The ultimate secret of Yanthras is also one among them.

But it is a fact that these are not random generated checks , triangles, circles or other geometrical figures but a systematic ,scientific and well defined complex diagram charged with live syllables representing sounds and they themselves represent the universe and its energy .

How does Yanthras work?

As mentioned above Yanthras are energy centres artificially ,made and designed to attract a particular frequency of energy required for a given situatio n. In simple terms it may be well compared to the receiving sets of a Television set or Radio that retransmit the picture or voice broad cast at different frequencies. A yanthra on the other hand picks up such type of energies or vibrations required to full fill a desired objective.

The energy so conceived is directed to an individual/s or situations. It is based on the theory of universal soul and individual soul to say the jeevatma and paramatma and all living things take direction from the latter, the central energy source.

The yanthra besides being a complex geometrical diagram also contains Manthras or specific syllables or sound energies. The combination of both is well synchronized and the full power is unleashed.

As we know Manthras energise specific chakras or energy centres of Human body so also Yanthras positively or negatively influences the chakras. One important aspect of Yanthras like manthras are it not only influence the wearer but also th e people and situations around him/her.

All the vedic Yanthras have a uniform pattern containing a central point and Syllable like a circle or triangle and syllable like Om or Hreem. The same is surrounded by specified circle petals or any other geometric figures .

Each figure represent a specific energy receiver and as such is unique. For example while a triangle represents a higher active energy the petals usually indicates soothing energy .Of course there are exceptions to all these theories.

The Yanthras like a Dynamo generates energy and any kind of Motor can be connected to it. The mechanical device is the intended action and the same runs by the energy it generates.

Some of the mathematical formulas of these diagrams are so complex and infinite like the combinations of Chess that even the super computers are not able to solve or comprehend.

One such instance is of the Sree yanthra or popularly known Shreechakra which is being used for all round prosperity and worship of The Divine mother goddess.

Kinds Of Yanthras and Sources

The Yanthras basically are divided into 3 The first kind exclusively for worship the second as a protective charm and realization of positive objectives and the third the despised and those casting spells.

While among the 3 kinds above there are numerous subdivisions classified in the name of different devatahas (deities) and 6 objectives known as shat karmas means 6 different objectives that includes Attraction, annihilation, immobilization, driving out etc.

There are numerous Indian Sanskrit texts like Yanthra chinthamani, Soundarya lahari, Sarada thilakam to mention a few describing over 10000 Yanthras and more can be made should some one does really research in different combinations. However the Yanthras explainedin these texts are time tested ones and enjoys credibility.

Having described about the basics , efficacy, evolution and types of Yanthras let us see some of the commonly applied Yanthras.

Applied Yanthras

I now give below some of the commonly used and most popular Yanthras for various mundane objectives.

Swayam vara Yanthra


This most effective Yanthra conceived and made by None other than the great sage Durvasa for the sake of those who seek permanent life partners is being used successfully from time immemorial. I have personal experience of people getting stunning results with this yanthra normally drawn in silver or gold thin sheets with required Manthras and other prescribed rituals.

Santhana gopala Yanthra

As the name indicates this yanthra is for begetting good offsprings . Many a Couples longing for children have realized their ambitions by wearing these Yanthras.

This should be worn by couples of reproductive age and the result manifest early. Though any medical problems are to be taken care of and clinically to be fit the po sitive vibratios of this yanthra drives you to right treatment , right doctors and in cases of unexplainable reasons solves the same that is beyond reasoning.

Maha Mrithunjaya Yanthra

The Boon given by the great preceptors of this land of Rishis Maha mrithunjaya Yanthra representing the ominiscient Lord Shiva manifested as Mrithunjaya or the one who succeeded over death or overcome the cycle of births saves one from deadly diseases , ill health and other evil effects.

Normally prescribed for those who suffers from terminal illness or persistent health problems the Yanthra along with the Havana and the Japa of the same Manthra surely gives solutions to the needy.

Danwanthari Yanthra

This Yanthra representing the lord Danwanthari an incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu

Is effective in health problems. While Maha hrithunjaya is for severe cases this one is good for normal good health.

Tripura Sundari Yanthra

The one that represents the trinities of Mother godess the Maha lakshmi, Mahakali and Maha saraswathi is an excellent charm against evil spirits, and also to build reputation and popularity. Normally used by cine actors , politicians, and those in Marketing field this is also found to be very effective for Job seekers.

There are numerous Yanthras useful for the modern man as prescribed by my great preceptors.

(copy right reserved)

The authour is a Professional Vedic astrologer and Mystic specialised in vedic remedies.He can be contacted for direct consultation in the following site.

Any of the above mentioned Yanthras or any other specific objective and tailor made Yanthras are supplied as per request and at nominal prices. Contact by direct query at the above site!

Register! Register with my site to receive my articles and advice.

Author:: Raveendranath Menon
Keywords:: Yanthras,Mystical diagrams,Charms,Vedic remedies,,vedic astrology, Mystic remedies
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Astrology and Career

The Katha-Upanishad refers to material manifestation as:

A tree standing on the ground of material nature, bearing two types of fruit: sweet and sour, symbolic of happiness and distress. Its roots go in three direction represented by goodness, passion and ignorance. The first bird is the localized aspect of the Supreme One, referred to as Pramtm the divine spirit, the Entity who needs neither food nor drink. The other bird representing the mortal, has to select his food from the offerings of the tree: a choice between distress and happiness. Sometimes he eats the fruits of happiness and sometimes the fruit of distress. Having eaten the fruit, he expands along the three directions of the roots, the modes of material existence, namely, goodness, passion and ignorance.

This individual growth is what makes two mortals dissimilar. Growth is strongly connected with past karma and guidance upbringing. The realities of life have different meanings for each individual. Why does a stable and rewarding professional relationship become distant? Why does the accommodating boss turn into a difficult task master? Why does the team lose spirit for no apparent reason?

There is no end to such questions, but all the answers can be found if the map of growth can be analyzed. Unfortunately, this is an impossible task for mortals. However, this growth can be monitored by our own efforts and choices and Astrology can be the guide that shows us our very basic instinctive tendencies. Planets and their positions give our respective Ascendants and Moon signs, along with other planetary positions. This doctrine can be a very useful friend philosopher and guide, provided we are open to accept what it shows, provided we are ready to go beyond the predictive elements.

The most important aspect of Astrology is that it shows you the mirror image of your Karmic journey. What one has to understand is that there is no black and white, no good or bad in a Horoscope. Each Horoscope has good AND bad, each Horoscope is misaligned somewhere, which is why the person is born.

The significance of the 10th house takes us to the realm of Career and status in life. It displays fundamental possibilities. The 10th is a Kendra and as such, any planet located here will be prominent, powerful, and influential all through life. As this is an upachaya house (attributes that grow with time and effort), any possibility indicated by an occupying planet will grow in strength as life progresses. This in effect also gives great strength in overcoming all kinds of obstacles.

The house indicates our ambition, status, profession, father, fame, recognition, foreign travels or affairs, political power, authority and many others. But very importantly, it signifies our determination, self-reliance and patience. The 10th house reveals holy pilgrimages, as well as good and charitable deeds, compassion, etc. Father's reputation is also signified by this house.

A strong 10th house will give the person a position of power in Career and fame.

Different planets may fare in a very unique manner in this house, irrespective of their lordship. Let us see how they fare and how it affects our Career or 10 th house significations in general.

I will start with the Sun, as it is the most important of all planets.

The Sun is a great planet, but it is a natural malefic. All malefics thrive in an upachaya' house so by the virtue of this tendency, Sun does well when located in the 10th house. Sun in the 10th house is an excellent placement for Career and the person may get success in all undertakings. The Sun is the significator of the 10th and hence gets dik bala, or directional strength, when located here.

Astrologers often conclude that it is its best position in the Horoscope. The person is Career-minded and easily rises to a position of authority in his chosen profession. Fame and popularity are a ssociated with this signature and these yield great power. As Sun aspects the 4th house, there may be difficulties in relationship with the mother due to this, but wealth is favored and a beneficial relationship with the father, who may be wealthy and prosperous, is also indicated.

Moon is a neutral planet but it is a benefic planet as well. Its location and aspect produce calming and soothing effect always. When Moon is located in the 10th house, Career matters are highly enhanced. If the waxing Moon is in the 10th house, the person is very fortunate as the significations of both the Moon and the 10th house flourish. The person is sure to enjoy fame and success from a very young age. Associations with the mother and females are greatly favored. When Moon is thus posited in a man's Horoscope, married life is smooth and enjoyable. Wherever the Moon is placed in a Horoscope, it becomes an area of great interest and vitality. So the Moon's location in the 10th house induc es the person to love his/ her profession and to be sincere and diligent in efforts. The aspect of a bright Moon on the 4th house brightens the entire Horoscope. Education, mother, happiness, fixed assets, and conveyances are all favored. The person is kind and warmhearted.

Mars is natural malefic like the Sun and Saturn. The 10th house is one of the few houses that utilize this fiery energy of Mars to good effect. Mars gets dik bala or directional strength in the 10 th , often making this its best placement in the Horoscope. The person is efficient and enjoys success and achievement all through life. The person is highly ambitious and may wish to be a ruler of some sort. Mars' aspect on the 4th house may indicate ups and downs in relationship with mother and some amount of unrest in the domestic scenario. But overall, this is a fine location for Mars and makes the person a go getter' in his/ her profession.

Mercury is a natural benefic and if Mercury is in the 1 0th house, the person has a successful Career and a good reputation. The person has the capacity to earn plenty of wealth. It is necessary to consider the aspects to Mercury - alone and un-aspected in the 10 th . If this is true, it can indicate great intellect and involvement in a Career connected with communications. Mercury rules commerce and trade, so this placement can mean a very successful person in business. Mercury's aspect on the 4th house indicates a fine education and happiness at home. The person also enjoys fine conveyances and all kinds of comforts and luxuries; a good relationship with mother and benefits from her are well indicated as well.

When Jupiter is in the 10th house, the person will enjoy a successful Career and will know his purpose right from a very young age. His or her professional activities will succeed almost immediately, and there will be honor and fame. The person may also choose a Career, which greatly benefits the public. He or she w ill especially be attracted to work involving higher knowledge.

Jupiter's aspect on the 4th house makes the person happy and content, gain of wealth is easy while fine conveyances and all kinds of comforts and luxuries are sure factors. Relationships with his mother benefits from her are well indicated. Gain from government or authority figures are also a strong possibility.

Jupiter is known as the great benefic and even when it is the lord of inauspicious houses, its location and aspect produce some good somewhere; just as there is some unfavorable hidden in Saturn's blessings. Venus is a natural benefic and like the Moon, it has its wonderful attributes. Its energy is beautiful and its placement in the 10th house makes the person bring joy and happiness to the public and all his or her associates.

This is one of the most common placements of successful actors, artists, musicians, and performers. It is also found in the Horoscopes of people who make their living selling jewelry, photography, cosmetics, sweets, arts and crafts, fine cars, and other such luxuries. The person enjoys great popularity and has a natural flair for making wealth. The person is lucky in life and makes many lucky contacts with people through his/ her profession. The person is happy and content, as Venus is powerful and prominent in this Kendra, throwing its benefic aspect onto the 4th house. The person gains great wealth and enjoys fine cars and conveyances. Happy relationship with mother as well as benefits from women is highly indicated by this placement.

Saturn is a natural malefic and is greatly feared by most. When Saturn is in the 10th house, the person normally possesses great ambition, leadership ability and power. However, Saturn in any kendra gives major ups and downs in life and therefore, Career successes may fluctuate. The benefits of this malefic's location in the 10th house has its benefits too, though. Saturn in the 10th gives th e tendency of leadership and a highly disciplined approach to one's profession. However, the rest of the Horoscope should be analyzed to confirm whether a leadership position is likely or not. Otherwise, the person's work may be connected with construction, mining, or any Career involving manual labor, like steel, iron, coal, etc. Saturn's aspect on the 4th house is not good and may affect relationships with mother and also cause domestic unrest.

Rahu is a malefic but the 10th house is one of the finest placements for Rahu. The person is likely to have a powerful and renowned Career. Career will flourish most if the person is connected with the masses. Influencing the masses or selling to the public is the key note of this location. As Rahu essentially generates ambition, the person may live with insatiable Career ambitions, changing Career many times. If other signatures of the Horoscope are harmonious, the person's work and effort greatly benefit society. The person will easily reach a position of authority. Money power comes early in life and may help support parents. Ancient Hindu scriptures declare that the person will prefer the company of persons of a different religious background. Association with unconventional and low class people - especially women, are one of the pit falls of this signature.

Ketu is also a malefic and is a profound energy of the unknown. Because malefics in upachaya houses produce good results, Ketu in the 10th gives excellent Career success. But generally Career is out of the ordinary. The sign placement is also very important as Ketu may cause problems if it is in an inimical sign (i.e., a sign ruled by one of the luminaries or a sign which is unfriendly. In such a case, the person could experience strange difficulties in Career. The most common of the troubles caused by Ketu is enmity from unknown and behind-the-scene activities against the person in terms of his/ her Career. This can become very tro ublesome in the Career path as well as the person's general success and happiness.

When considering matters related to the 10th house, one must never forget that success relates to the status the person is born with. A very good 10th house in a pauper's Horoscope may not mean that he/ she will attain royal status - it indicates a status that is better than that of a pauper. But with malefic or Martian attributes, the person may even turn dictator and overthrow the government.

There are some subtle significances that must also be understood before any conclusive significance to this house can be attached . The religious philosophy of a man is dharma and dharma without any significance or connection to karma is empty. It brings the focus to the core, which is good or evil. The 9th house essentially signifies the religious philosophy of the mortal that sustains through the terrestrial journey. The 10th house astrologically suggests the fruition of the 9th house. Dha rma must set a certain Karma without which it would be an empty profession, devoid of any significance. It is for this reason that we find planet connections between the 9th, 10th or Ascendant. The 9th and 10th create Raj jog. They are connections that can turn a pauper into a king or a skeptic into a great guru.

When we consider the Career aspect, it is not only just one or two houses that can be analyzed for a perfect picture. Career is connected with finance, vocation and ultimately, gains and self- satisfaction. If we just consider the 10th house for Career, or the 6th house for service, or the 11th house for gains, or the 2nd house for conserved wealth, the analysis will remain half-hearted and incomplete. All the four have to be considered together and analyzed for just how well they are adjusted with each other's planetary energies. Then alone will the true essence emerge!

Madhushri completed her early schooling at the Shri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry. Having grown up in an environment of literature, music and Spirituality she proceeded to complete her Masters in Comparative Literature from the Jadavpur University after completing graduation studies in the same course of the University. In addition, Madhushri also hold a Masters degree in Music from the Rabindra Bharati University.

Given her deep interests in mythology, literature and Spirituality, the move to Vedic Astrology was a natural extension. Being an intuitive reader of Natal Chart, she brings a successful blend of Astrology and spiritual skill-sets into all her readings and counselings. A natural flair for expressing complex and difficult matters makes her a prolific creator of most of the content on CyberAstro website since 2001. Madhushri has a large following for the accuracy of her daily, weekly and monthly Zodiac predictions.

Author:: Madhushri M Mukerjee
Keywords:: Astrology, Religion, future prediction, Zodiac, Horoscope, Devotion , Spi rituality, Career, Job
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Star Gardening: A Guide to Gardening by Starlight

Gardening by the signs of the zodiac

The first farmers were probably the first practical astrologers. Their crops seemed to respond to the signs in the heavens and this became a convenient method of ensuring good harvests and provided a functional approach to Husbandry.

Modern agriculture echoes many of these ancient principles. Certain seasons brought changing conditions which seemed to either help or hinder the growth of crops. Each season presented different alignments in the constellations and these patterns would evolve into horticultural astrology as it is often practiced today. The following is a brief outline of the zodiacal roots of gardening by the stars and signs of the zodiac.


It was believed that in order to insure against infestations when pruning vine c rops, trees and woody growths the following formula applied. The Moon must be full in the constellations of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Sagittarius. When pruning is done during this period the plants will not suffer from parasites nor disease.


Ancient gardeners were believers in never grafting plants or trees when the moon was waning or not visible. Decreasing moonlight or the total absence of moonlight was considered crucial in the successful propagation and grafting of all types of vegetation.


Crops and other plants that were to be preserved for future use were always cut while the light of the moon was decreasing. This was believed to aid in the length of time that produce could be stored without spoiling. This was especially true of timber which was to be used in construction. If wood is cut at the end of the winter and during the decline in moonlight it will be hard and durable.

Plant Regeneration

When cutting or glea ning crops and plants that produce more than one yield the moon should be waxing and in its first quarter. Also, the moon must be high in the sky at this time and in conjunction with the planets Venus or Jupiter. When this equation is followed yields will increase and new growth will be rapid.


Sow or plant your garden when the moon is in Taurus, Virgo or Scorpio and is near Saturn. This is the time of maximum benefit for seeds and transplants which, if planted now, will grow with strength and vitality. Also, when the moon is in Libra or Capricorn it is a good time to weed your garden and trim trees and shrubs.

When to Avoid Planting

Never plant any type of vegetation when Saturn is in one of the fixed signs of the zodiac. This will cause poor crops and limited harvests. In ancient times this stellar alignment was associated with famine and death.

The Stellar Gardener

Planting and Husbandry by astrological signs should be examined by any gardener as an insightful way to round out ones knowledge of horticulture. The ancients studied the natural order of things. It worked for them and it will still work for us if we care to heed these echoes from the past.

Eugene DeFazzio is the webmaster of (

Author:: Eugene DeFazzio
Keywords:: star gardening,Husbandry,signs of the zodiac
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Palmistry How to Read

Have you always wondered what the lines on your palms mean? Boy, I sure have! Well now you can discover yur destiny today with palm reading!

Everyone has a different palm reading, but there are only eight basic lines that you really need to learn to stArt reading palms. Palm Reading Tradition is an ancient Art designed to enlighten all who take the chance to seek out the hidden knowledge. If you join our Online Palmistry Class, you will have the power of the universe in your hands!

Why is going to a stranger for a palm reading a bad idea?
1. some readers are quite expensive.
2. alot of readers will only tell you what they think y ou want to hear.
3. You will never be sure you are getting a good reading, unless you have some knowledge of reading palms yourself.

What will you learn from the palm reading class?br> 1. You will have some ensight to what some of your advantages are in this life.
2. You will learn rather you are after love, money, popularity, or success.
3. You will also learn how to read other peoples palms, which will make you the life at any pArty!

This online course covers everything from how to decipher hand lines, mounts, markings, finger shapes, to how to make a palm print and the history of palm reading. This class is a fun guide for beginners as well as a great resource for professionals looking for a fresh perspective in this fascinating Art! Click below to join today!

Ive been reading Tarot Cards and Palmistry for a few years now! would love to visit with you!

Author:: Kimberly Dietz
Keywords:: Palmistry how to read
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Spiritulizing Saturn


We all know that Saturn takes about 28-29 years to encircle the Zodiac, meaning that every planet and angle in your horoscope will be contacted by it that often to ensure its own delightful brand of challenge! And if you live double or triple that age, you'll enjoy that much more of the fun. While Saturn conjuncting anything is always a trial, one of the most difficult of its passages is its journey over (or square, or opposing, et al) the Moon, representing the emotions. We'll get to this later.

Tracking Saturn

In general, there are several ways to experience Saturn's passages, especially the hard ones. Of course, there's the natal (birth) pattern. Occurring during one's formative years, there is nothing to do about it but live through itand some don't! But there are also transits, progressions (secondary and solar arc), returns (solar, lunar, and Saturn's own), eclipses and other lunations. Saturn's transi ts take about three-quarters of a year over a particular degree (although every so often a lucky soul can see it zoom by in mere weeks! 1). This longer passage will feel like an eternity, and in the event of its own return - depending on its natal aspects - can be one of the more difficult periods in life.

Lunar returns, by definition, last only the month; solar, the year. If Saturn shows up in these in especially difficult aspects, the given period will be problematical. Eclipses and lunations (new and full moons) will trigger natal or newly-formed patterns, and their influence can last anywhere from a few weeks to many months.

And finally (saving the best for last), Saturn's progressions will drag on for a year or two before exactitude and for the good part of the year that it wanes away. (The thing to realize about progressions is that Saturn itself, being a slow-moving outer planet, will not move far from its birth position by secondary progression, but can move quite a distance away from its birth position by solar arc progression (also called solar arc direction), a calculation based upon adding the solar arc to every other planet in the birth chart. This latter type of progression allows Saturn to reach natal planets to which it had no original connection, and also allows other planets to reach it, kind of like a transit.)

Since Saturn's transits to any degree are felt for of a year, and Saturn's solar arc progressions for 3-4 years (two approaching, one on, and one leaving), both types of passages can represent quite a challenging period in one's life. And just for good measure, yes, it's possible to have solar arc Saturn conjuncting a natal planet at the same time that transiting Saturn does so (or makes a hard aspect to it), and even have difficult combinations emphasized by Saturn in a solar return chart, and/or with a few lunations to these sensitive degrees thrown in for good measure! Whew!

Now, just imagine if all that damage was focused on the one planet in your chart where you're most vulnerable: the Moon! I'll get to this in a moment.

The Principle of Containment

As a Capricorn with my natal Saturn in aspect to my Sun, Mercury, Moon, Node, Jupiter, and Pluto, and having recently experienced a Saturn station on an angle, and both a prolonged solar arc progressed Saturn-Moon combination and a Saturn transit squaring my Moon, and soon to have a hard Saturn transit that will form a grand cardinal cross to Sun, Mercury and Midheaven), I've found myself contemplating Saturn's energy in order to figure out a positive way to handle it. (It was either that, or curl up and fetal-ize!) In this regard, I've come up with what I'll call The Principle of Containment. It uses both Saturn's limitations and Capricorn's patience and gallows humor, and its application will, I believe, carry you to wisdom and empowerment.

In short, what I'm prop osing is a way to handle Saturn in order to mitigate but not deny suffering.

Emotional Pain

Sometimes emotional pain comes about through a loss, but it can also occur because of a lesson. While the key event often occurs under a hard Saturn passage, it sometimes happens earlier and is suffered only when Saturn forms its subsequent aspect, such as the shell-shock of a dynamic incident and the later unfolding of its ensuing emotion. When people are in pain, they either grieve and suffer or repress their ache, as though these are their only choices. Whereas grief is healthy and repression is not, excess grief can run amok and paralyze. Sadness, given full rein, can devolve into depression, illness, isolation, and many other lingering negative expressions of aching emotion.

In truth, it's neither the loss, restriction, or frustration of the lesson that causes suffering; it's the emotions that arise from such. If we, as humans, did not have the gift o f feelings we would react to the event as do animals: in the moment, alert, processing the new development, taking the change in stride, and moving on 2. We wouldn't develop anxieties, diseases, and complexes, or need Prozac! There is a lot to learn from the animals, who bear up to their fate with aplomb, and simply integrate all that befalls them into their total experience of being-ness, whereas humans dramatize their plights and make mountains out of the simplest travail. You are above the animal kingdom but not separate from it. Look to the creatures of the physical plane as a kind of role model, and take what comes as part of your lessons, part of your destiny.

-- Received via The Brotherhood of Light Workers on 8/31/01

In the case of natal (karmic, very early) experience, we can do little about this because on a soul level we've chosen to begin life with certain challenges and don't have enough self-awareness as yet to do anything about our childho od predicaments. But as adults we have choice. And choice can lead us away from suffering and into something more manageable, more contented. Curiously, as this concept was jelling in my mind, an article appeared in a national magazine 3 discussing the burgeoning understanding that a tenet of modern psychotherapy - remembering and venting one's trauma - may produce more suffering than healing for the patient. Researchers, in other words, are realizing that the upshot of encouraging someone to wallow in his or her pain only prolongs darkness, resulting in the opposite of health. The article went on to proclaim the virtues of repressing the dark memories instead of dwelling in them.

This direction is similar to where I too was headed, except that rather than head backwards towards repression, I'm veering off towards something else, something that can be considered a different way of handling one's pain. I've chosen to call it containment. Let me explain:

Containment versus Repression

Pain is an emotion. (We're not discussing the physical kind of pain here, but this process can have application even for that.) Emotion is, almost by definition, the opposite of structure, of form, of boundaries. It's hard to uncover emotion's borders: when did it begin, what is its middle, and when will it end? Likewise, it's difficult if not impossible to assign a measurable quality to emotion: is it weak or strong? Does my pain hurt more than yours? At best, emotional pain is relative. It's relative from person to person, and from one event to another. It's relative over the passage of time. And it's even relative in the way people process an event through their heredity, culture, age and so forth. The stoic and the hysteric will react quite differently to the same incident, as will the youth and the sage, or the hero and the 98-lb.-weakling! But none of it can be considered wrong. It's all just part of being human. The only generalization about emotional pain that is always true is that we hate being in it and devoutly want to get past it when we are!

Emotional pain is one of the most human of all conditions. Its sufferance leads directly to compassion, the ability to empathize with another whose pain is recognized and remembered. Those few people who are really incapable of feeling pain exhibit behavior that the rest of us usually label inhuman - cold, robotic, deadened, unfeeling, zombie-ish. In fact, other than a few really new souls (called infant souls), most of those who exhibit such behavior are actually so numbed by prolonged and acute pain that their only coping strategy is to retreat into an unfeeling state. It is beyond the scope of this article, or my training, to explore such type of psychological trauma further, but it's my intention to provide an alternative approach to those of us who are facing pain that is still within manageable proportions.

The two us ual coping strategies, as mentioned, are repression and expression. By the latter, to express, is meant to let grief have full rein ad infinitum whereas by the former, to repress, is meant to bury, to forcibly stuff under. My dictionary defines repression thus: To keep under restraint or control. To put down; quell, as a rebellion. To check, curb, rein, restrain, subdue, suppress. This takes energy and is hard work. The image I get is of something rascally that wants to keep popping out, or worse, something monstrous under wraps that wants to escape! Neither choice seems desirable to me.

On the other hand, there is this thing I've been talking about: containment. My dictionary defines containment this way: The act or fact of containing; holding, enclosing, surrounding. To include or compromise. To keep within bounds, as oneself or one's feelings. It seems a much better strategy. Emotional pain can be held in conscious awareness, enclosed and surrounded by ob servation, neither allowed to run wild nor pushed down into the subconscious. It can be witnessed and thus managed. The principle of containment means that you can learn to sit with your pain without needing to run from itso long as you learn how to negotiate it. What better way to use Saturn to your Moon than to create a protective structure within which your feelings can be held as you work with your other powers to endure, to thrive, and to remain creative?

How to Practice Containment

How does it work? How can you utilize it as a valuable technique in a period of sadness? I would not be able to teach this if I had not applied it to my own experience first. Yes, it takes effort. Yes, you will lapse, then have another go at it! But it's do-able, especially for us astrologers who have the priceless gift of foresight to see happier times ahead. We, more than any humans on earth, can define the boundaries of our time of pain, knowing when it will end or be surpassed by happier energies. Pain is felt viscerally. Let me try to describe it. Your heart aches. Your gut is tense, upset, unsettled. Your thoughts go straight to gloom, to every misery you ever felt of a similar nature, to every depressive expectation you ever cradled in your mind.

When an attempt is made to see ahead, you can envision only a future full of the same misery as you now feel. So, quite literally, the past, present and future all stink! And there's no surcease, no space for anything but the aching. It's hell to reside in your body or your mind. For God's sake, you're in pain!!! What would it take to remain in the present, to observe the pain? First, you'd need to strengthen your core and center your energies by pulling in all loose ends. Believe in yourself. Learn to tame neediness. Don't rush outwards in a vain search for escape (pills, alcohol, co-dependency, risky gambling - in fact, every addiction). Every person you lean on is one of your loose ends. (Having loose ends is the opposite of feeling whole.) Every substance you turn to is another loose end. All such actions dissipate your power. You'd have to watch yourself sending energies outward to these places in a self-defeating attempt to numb the misery, and then wake up to see this very process as weakening. You'd have to find the strength to pull back inwards every useless act of this sort, every wasteful action.

When you pull in all your loose strings, you find yourself growing stronger, more whole, less and less needy. Next, you'd need to protect your boundaries. Say no! If a person is the source (cause) of your pain, cut him/her loose. Even if he/she is beloved, or family, remove yourself from his/her influence (at least temporarily). Aloneness is not the source of pain when togetherness was the root of it in the first place. Go within; get to know yourself much better. Enjoy yourself for your blessed qualities, and deliberately erase (cancel out) any hurtful comments another has made about youproviding that you first gain any morsels of wisdom from such, if possible. Polish the beauty of your true nature; eradicate the obvious imperfections. But never buy into the ugliness of another's jealous words. Make it your project to love yourself, and to project that love outwards. Work hard at being (becoming) a terrific person to be around, and you'll soon find others gravitating towards your magnetic attraction. And finally, you'd need to look for help only by going upwards (spiritual searching) not outwards (other people, dependency). Immerse yourself in wisdom teachings.

Seek authentic masters, and reject the phonies. Learn the spiritual trick of moving into joy by altering your thought construct(s). Then the chemistry of the body will follow. In a recent article, 4 factors that constituted authentic happiness included an everybody wins strategy, tapping into good moments and successes i n the past to deal with present problems, determining which strengths to use or avoid with particular people or situations, finding open doors when others close them, enhancing relationships by aligning one's own with one's partner's strengths, and leaving a legacy. In another recent article, 5 listing (i.e., counting) one's blessings resulted in marked improvements in mental health and even some aspects of physical health as well.

This way lays empowerment!

COPYRIGHT 2003, Judi Thomases.

This article was originally published in the January 2004 issue of Dell Horoscope. Reprinted with permission.

Judi Thomases,, member of the AFA and the National Council for Geocosmic Research, is an astrologer and spiritual consultant based in Rockland County, New York. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Douglass College, founder of a women's spiritual network for meditation, teaching, and personal development, and director of an interdi sciplinary self-development center, she is a regular contributor to Dell Horoscope magazine, and writes monthly columns of The Brotherhoods' teachings. She has studied, counseled in, and written about metaphysics, astrology, and intuitive sciences for three decades. In 1997, Judi began to hear the voice of her spirit guides, who told her to expect a flow of teachings that she could use to help and heal others. These guides, the Brotherhood of Light Workers, transmitted Wisdom's Game to her.

Author:: Judi Thomases
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, < b>Email newsletter, Email
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Mars Attacks More Often Than You Think!

Okay, before you think that I'm just another alien freak, let me say that I don't mean that little green men from the red planet are on the warpath. The sort of attack that I'm referring to has to do with the very noticeable effects in your life whenever the planet Mars forms an Aspect to one of the factors in your birth chart.

Have you ever had one of those days where you seemed restless, perhaps even nervous, when you were impatient with others, when you couldn't sleep at night... and there didn't seem to be any obvious reason for your agitated state? Well, then you may well have been experiencing what is known to astrologers as a Mars Transit.

As you may already know, a birth chart is a map of the exact (to the degree and minute of arc) planetary positions on the date (and at the time and place) of your birth. One of the main techniques that we astrologers use to make predictions about the tendencies of a person's future is that of the so-called Transits. A Transit occurs when a planet on a specific day/time (for example, right now) is passing over a degree of the zodiac that is in a specific angle to one of the important factors in your birth chart. Let's get more concrete. Suppose you were born on November 8 1955, at 9:48 am EST (as I was). The Sun in your birth chart is (as seen from the earth) in 15 degrees, 25 minutes of the sign Scorpio. Now, on Nov 6, 2005, the planet Mars is in 15 degrees Taurus: exactly 180 degrees from your Sun. An 180 angle is known as an opposition, and is but one of the various Aspects used in astrological work.

In order to interpret such an Aspect, several things must be considered:

- The planet making the Aspect (in this case, Mars)

- The planet (or other factor) in the birth chart receiving the Aspect (the Sun, in our example)

- The Nature of the Aspect (in this case, of the opposition).

- Other considerations, such as the sig ns and houses these planets occupy, other Aspects that are present among the factors in the birth chart, etc.

In our example, we'll simplify. An opposition is regarded as an Aspect of tension, and often represents a challenge we have to face. As I write these lines, the planet Mars is in opposition to my Sun, and has been for several days - and I sure have noticed it! I've been busier than usual, teaching my students, working on different Internet projects, and have generally not had much time to just sit back and relax. This is often the case when Mars is in Aspect to your Sun.

Also typical of Mars is, on occasion, accidents, or experiencing pain of some sort. Well, a few days ago, one of my back teeth began to hurt. My dentist had warned me it was going to give me trouble some day (it already has several fillings in it), and I'm afraid that day has arrived. A toothache is a painful thing to have, as I'm sure many of you know, and in just a half hour, I'll be leaving for the dentist's to see whether the tooth can be saved, or must be extracted. In any case, the inevitable unpleasantness/pain associated with undergoing dental work is also typical of a Mars Transit.

Nervousness, impatience and impulsiveness often occur under a Mars Transit, so if you're experiencing such a time, I suggest you try to relax, take your time, drive more slowly than usual... for when under the influence of Mars, we tend to get ahead of ourselv es, and this can, depending on the circumstances, lead to an increased risk of accidents.

How can you know when a Mars Transit will be affecting you? Well, just about any good Astrology program allows you to calculate Transits. Our own Omnicycles program lets you do both your birth chart and Transits (in graph form) for the weeks/months when Mars will be showing its influence most strongly in your future. There are also some Astrology sites that let you calculate the positions of the planets for different time periods: use seach terms such as Astrology, on-line ephemeris (put this one in quotes), and Aspect in Google to find sites that offer such a service.

Despite the occasional upsets that Mars Transits can bring you, I should also mention the positive side. During these times, you will have more energy, and will no doubt be able to get a lot more done in your work, studies, etc. Take advantage of this trend: if you feel so worked up that you don't know what to do with all that excess energy, maybe it would be a good time to paint the porch, indulge in your favorite sport, or work it off in some other way. Just resist the temptation to do too much, or to tax your strength to the limit: be active, but don't take any unnecessary risks.

Since Mars can, in its worst manifestation, represent violence, we can be pretty sure of one thing - If those little green men from that neighbouring red planet ever DO decide to attack and wipe us all out, it will probably happen when Mars is in a rather bad Aspect to the Earth!

David E. Bolton, born in Baltimore, MD, began his astrological studies in 1977, in Kassel, Germany. He has been teaching the subject for over 20 years, and has been especially active in the area of research. His primary interest lies in the refinement of predictive techniques, as well as the redefining of traditional systems of interpretation. Working with the Spanish programmer, Juanma Puertas, Mr. Bolton developed the Omnicycles software program, that allows users to view the ups and downs of their lives in many different areas: love, finances, work, social life, and more. A free working demo is available at his website,, so that you can test the program's effectiveness in your own life. Mr. Bolton is also a professional harpsichordist and language teacher. He now lives in Granada, Spain.

Author:: David E. Bolton
Keywords:: Astrology, Transit, Mars, Aspect, birth chart
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

What's Astrology Good For?

You usually find it on the comics page. Most people who read it make jokes about it; some, under their breath, comment on how spooky it is...

This is not Astrology. Consider:

If someone wrote a column that broke all of us down into 12 types then proceeded to tell us what diseases we had, would you call that Medicine?

I've been an Astrologer for over 36 years and I have a couple of things to say about what it's worth.

First, it is worth studying for the Meaning it can add to our lives. Care must be taken here, though. Any Astrologer that says it can predict your future is Dead Wrong.

Second, it's good for broadening our understanding of just how many factors go to make up a complete person. We All Have All Twelve Signs In Our Natures! No one is lacking any of them. In a complete chart they are all there. True, most people have 4 or 5 emphasized but we all have all twelve.

A good place to get your whole chart for free (plus a free interpretation) is:

Third, Astrology is supreme at helping us track Cycles in our lives. It's very good at answering questions like: Have these circumstances happened before? How can I face them this time with more of my true self? What in my past has a bearing on what's happening now? How can I take what I have now and use it in the best way in the future?

So, more meaning, a broader understanding, and cyclic awareness. Not bad for something that can't even predict the future, eh?

Alexander M Zoltai is a writer/Astrologer who wishes he were a geek... Here's His Place On The Web!

E-Mail Him Here...

Treasure the Earth ~ Aim for the Stars

Author:: Alexander Zoltai
Keywords:: Astrology, Astrologer, Zodiac, Sign, Signs
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips