Saturday, December 1, 2012

Psychics How to Spot a Fake Psychic Changing the "Imitation" Psychic Paradigm

How Do You Spot A Fake Psychic?

After conducting Psychic readings, numerology readings and tarot card readings for over 20 years now, I have gained a definite perspective not only as an advisor but as a client. As a client, I was been able to see exactly how Psychics who are not real work their magic. After getting a Psychic reading from dozens of so-called Psychic advisors, you may find yourself intoxicated by the things that the Psychic tells you. If it sounds too good to be true, most likely it is. You have to understand the origins and purpose of Psychic networks. Their job is to make lots of money, not to help you. Granted, there are real Psychics who are gifted and working on Psychic network lines, but I have found that most of the people working as Psychic advisors period, are not real at all. Im sure you have heard by now that many fake Psychics use scripts and certain formats in conducting their Psychic readings, but for the most part, its really simple what they tell you that gets you hooked.

For example, if after getting a Psychic reading, you find yourself feeling intoxicated almost, then they have done their job superbly. To be told that the one you love, loves you and that you will marry them and be together for the rest of your life is intoxicating. They give you hope that keeps you calling and calling until after you see that you have been lied to, you begin to face reality and the truth sinks in, you now realize that what they said was not true when they said it nor will it ever turn out to be true. You will find yourself hurt and disillusioned beyond the ordinary disillusionment experienced from your own lifes complications. You may eve n find yourself broke or in debt. Its unconscionable that people could prey on others vulnerabilities and pain in this way. But that is exactly what they do. And in the end, there is only more pain. And the inevitable distrust of Psychics.

It's this fake paradigm, which has its roots in the first elemental phone Psychic networks, that dominates the public's perception and legitimate scrutiny is reasonable. But real Psychics around the globe are out there and you should make it your business to find a foolproof way of determining who is real and who is not until such time as this paradigm is changed to ensure that your advisor is authentic by virtue of their credentials as it is for any professional practitioner.

Now you may frequent sites where the advisor is given feedback after your call. This is a good thing but, it is not foolproof. I have seen fake Psychics who will have almost perfectly glowing feedback that goes on and on for pages. Perfect! You may wonder why this occurs. Simple. After you hear exactly what you want to hear or want to believe verified, well, this is where that intoxication comes in, you tend to reflect your glorious feelings with equally glowing feedback! But when things don't happen the way were told, you never come back. So, others following in your footsteps will call this advisor because they too want to believe.

Another thing to watch out for is fake feedback. This is also a tactic used by fakes to fool you. On sites where feedback is left, an authentic Psychic advisor has to have a very high level of integrity in order to be comfortable telling the truth despite the fact of what the client wants to hear. If the Psychic does not tell them what they want to hear in a reading, the client may leave very bad comments and a bad rating. It's the price you pay for being real. In my experience when I tell a client something they didn't wan t to hear, for the most part, they don't leave any comments. The fact is, they will most likely go find another Psychic who will reflect their own feelings about the situation. A reading can be truthful and uplifting without bringing the client down but you have to ready to hear the truth.

So how do you know who is real and who is not based on feedback! That is not to say that an authentic Psychic is not going to have great feedback. They do, but sometimes they will be the ones to receive bad ratings and feedback mixed in with the good. Life is all about taking the good with the bad. Honestly, its very hard to tell. The pr oof is really in the reading and outcomes and developing a relationship with a few trusted advisors who have been able to connect with you and your energy and have proven that their insights and predictions have been accurate for you. But, just remember, if it sounds unbelievably good, it probably is not really true and the Psychic is not real and only setting up a line to take your money and setting you up for emotional failure. So be careful of perfect feedback. Its really not always an accurate gauge of the Psychic advisors true abilities; except of course their ability to fleece you out of your dollars. Of course, really consis tently bad feedback is a good indication that the advisor is probably just very bad and should think about going into another line of work.

Another point, you need to understand that even if you are speaking with a gifted, authentic Psychic, you and that particular Psychic may not connect that well. That is different from the Psychic being fake. There a many reasons why a particular Psychic may not connect with you. They may not be rested and ready to take calls, or you may not be relaxed and ready to receive truthful information or in some other way blocking the flow of what is being channeled thereby skewing the information on either side. Psychic readings are not an exact science. Intuition is relied upon to conduct an accurate Psychic reading for a client. The reading goes much better when both the Psychic advisor and client are relaxed and ready to receive. I personally find it difficult to connect with a client who wants to hear a certain thing. I have experienced many times my client trying to guide the reading. So see your authentic Psychic advisor as someone who wants to help you and be ready to assist in the flow of information.

To spot a fake Psychic is not impossible, but if there was a way to quantify the statistic of fakes out there, I would be willing to bet that most (due in large part to large networks hiring script readers) are not real. Unfortunate, but through observation and experience, I feel this to be true.

One of the Oldest Tricks in the Book. First Warning Sign That You Have Got a Fake!

One of the oldest tricks in the book and something which continues to surprise me because people are continually taken in is when a Psychic tells you someone has put a curse on you or there is a negative block on you which only they can remove for some exorbitant price, HANG UP! Say goodbye, because this person could not care less about you or your problems. Psychic parlors are notorious for this kind of activity. It is not for real, the curse nor the Psychic.

I have always believed that having a good doctor, a good mechanic and a good Psychic are all professionals that are worth taking the time to assess their skill, experience and credentials to see if they are the one for you. There is nothing more satisfying then actually making a positive difference in someones life and their continued use of your service over many years. A walking, talking testimonial is very gratifying for this Psychic advisor.

Cherry Sage owns and operates one of the top quality Psychic web sites on the internet today. Her main focus is authenticity, honesty and integrity. One of her missions is to make sure that everyone looking for a real Psychic reading or tarot card reading will be able to find certified authenticity and quality service--to change the existing paradigm. Her many followers trust in her advice and her accurate predictions. You can read hundreds of inspiring testimonials on her website

Cherry Sage is a professionally trained master Psychic, tarot card reader and numerologist. She is an author, she was a Featured Expert in the Ask the Expert column in Spin Magazine. She currently has her own live weekly radio show and continues to provide exceptional services to her growing customer base. Please visit her website where you will find very helpful articles to keep serious seekers of Psychic advice informed and up-to-date regarding the Psychic world.

Author:: Cherry Sage
Keywords:: Psychics, Psychic readings, Psychic phone reading, online Psychic readings, Psychic chat, Psychic
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The Twenty Seven Nakshatras of Hindu SystemWestern Equivalents for the Benefit of Western Readers

While the Indian Star System or Hindu Nakshatra system is a scientifically designed one, some doubt whether the 27 nakshatras physically exist in the sky. They do exist. For the benefit of the western readers, the 27 nakshatras and western equivalents is given below. The twenty seven nakshatras and the respective western equivalent are given below:

1) Ashwini Alpha, Beta Aries
2) Bharani No 28,29,41 Taurus
3) Krittika - Pleiades
4) Rohini Aldebaran Hyades, Alpha, Theta, Gama, Delta and Epsilon Taurus
5) Mrigashirsha Lambda, Phi 1, Phi 2, Orion
6) Aardraa Betelgeaux Alpha Orion
7) Punarvasu Castor, Pollux with Procyon Alpha, Beta, Gemini-Alpha Canis Minor respectively
8) Pushya Gama, Delta and Theta of Cancer
9) Ashlesha Delta, Epsilon, Eta, Rho and Zeta Hydra
10) Maagha Alpha, Ela, Gama, Zeta My and Epsilon Leonis
11) Poorva Phalkuni - Delta and Theta Leo
12) Utra Phalkuni Beta and 93 Leo
13) Hasta Delta, Gama, Eta, Virgo
14) Chitraa Spica, Alpha Virgo
15) Swaati Arcturus Alpha Bootes
16) Vishaakha - Alpha, Beta etc Libra
17) Anuraadha Beta, Delta, Pi -Scorpia
18) Jyestha Antares Alpha, Sigma Tau Scorpio
19) Mula Scorpio, tail stars
20) Poorvaashadaa Delta and Epsilon Sagittarius
21) Uttaraashaada - Zeta and Omicron Sagittarius
22) Shraavanaa Altair Alpha Aquila
23) Dhanishtha - Delphinus
24) Shatabhisak Lambda Aquarius
25) Poorva Bhaadrapada Alpha and Beta Pegasus
26) Uttara Bhaadrapada Gama Pagasus and Alpha Andromeda
27) Revathi Zeta Piscum

The above stars can be seen with the help of the star maps. The Vedic Rishis (seers) have very clearly indicated the size and shape of the stars. There were a number of books available in the past. The Nakshatra vidya or the Science of the Stars or descriptive Astronomy is lost due to the continuous invasions on India. However Vedic Scholars are able to find out the real science now and we may hope the full benefit of this science will be passed on to the future generation. In our next Article we will look into the wonders of the stars.

S. Nagarajan is a vehicle body engineer by profession. He has written more than 1300 Articles in 16 magazines and published 18 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine Articles, seminars, courses. His email address is: His Articles on Yoga, laughter, efficacy of mantras and sound, Hypnotism, Tele Kinesis, Power of Prayer, Vastu and Feng Shui, Auto suggestion, Success Formula, Out of Body Experience etc are regularly appearing in So farsixty four Articles have been published in

Author:: Santhanam Nagarajan
Keywords:: 27 nakshatras of Indian star system and the western equivalent names
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Free Romance Horoscopes Deception

I do not bash the beauty of astrology. My article pertains to the deception that is Horoscopes and zodiacs and tarot cards. Mind you, I really don't think they are all scams, but most of the ones found on the net are. You have to pay anywhere from five to ten to fifteen to more dollars to get a personalized report regarding stuff you already know about yourselves.

I will admit to liking to read my Horoscopes in the papers and sometimes when I am bored, I read them online. The truth to the matter is, why would you want to know what will happen? Rather, why would you want to let a few lines in a paper or the internet or a magazine govern how you choose to do things just so that subconsciously, the Horoscopes are made definite to come true. If you read You will fall in love on the 14th, you will probably go out instead of staying at home as usual and actually do meet someone and convince yourself you are falling in love because the horoscope says so.

And hence thi s is where rests their intrigue. Horoscopes often come true because we choose to believe them and we lead our actions to make sure they come true.

The next time you want someone to read your palm or have tarot cards read, remmeber all the Greek and Roman mythologies of Prophecies and oracles. Even Macbeth, remember Macbeth. Had he paid no heed to the three witches, he would not have worked so hard only to lead to his own demise. Therefore, it really is not something arcane and magical at work here. It is our lack of free will or rather, too much of our free will. It's an awesome notion.

So the next time you stare at the stars, remember how they are just gaseous entities in the universe, some of which have already exploded but since they are so far away, it takes so long for their last li ght to reach our eyes on Earth. Now that's truly amazing.

Visit for more information on the author and more freebies and articles.

Author:: Kathleen Lieu
Keywords:: Horoscopes, Romance, tarot cards, Prophecies
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Astrology Of Space

Even in ancient times Astrology helped people find the good and bad places for them on earth, it was based on calculation and conformity of signs, houses and squares to the four sides of the earth.. The most attention was paid to analysis of the signs quality and the qualities of the researched places in the country.

In the 20th century the activity of discovery in Astrology increased so that Astrology started to use the geocentric model (the geocentric model of the universe is the theory that the Earth is at the center of the universe and the Sun and other celestial objects go around it.), astrocartography (Astrocartography is an astrological system, developed and popularized by American astrologer Jim Lewis), and local space methods.

Here is a list of all the methods concerning the analysis of the space quality:

1.The analysis of the signs quality and the qualities of the country/place.

2.The analysis of the Planet quality (especially in the ninth and fourth houses) and the quality of the country/place.

3.The analysis of consistency between the signs, houses, and squares to the sides of earth.

4.The geocentric method.

5.The astrocartography method.

6.A method of the local space, Local Space.

If the geocentric method can be considered a brand new method in the 20th century then the astrocartography method became the result of traditional-logical development of the time of K.Ptolemeja (1 century AD), like the Planet is stronger at the top of the rising Horoscope. Modern computer techniques have only proven the old axioms with convenient graphic diagrams. The same is true about the methods of the local space, in fact even before its creation everybody knew where East and West was in the Horoscope. The modern astrological program can display on the map of the earth the surface of lines, where the particular Planet is in the significant points of the Horoscope (top, rising, aspect, position of the axis of Horoscope) or on the significant direction (Local Space).

By knowing the place of the Planet in the individual Horoscope, it is possible to reveal favorable and not favorable sites of the space for the person. Usually the search includes places that are favorable for residence, for rest, for work, and for adjustment of private life. However, this can not be limited; the wishes of fans of the extreme life can be considered too.

The grid of lines of the Planets can be put on the whole continent, on the country, on the city, or even on a single apartment. Unlike the now-popular feng shui, here everything has astrological substantiations under themselves proven by the mathematical way from the individual Horoscope.

The presentation and beauty of space Astrology cannot leave anybody uncaring. It seems that in this area of Astrology we can expect big progress as in the growth o f the already existing techniques and the development of new ones. But even those tools that we have now allow us to understand and explain a lot.

If you would like to learn more about Astrology, especially mystical parts of Astrology, visit the Astrology-Wisdom site.

Willie Krut is studying Astrology and readily likes to share his knowledge. To subscribe to the free Willie's Newsletter, visit

Author:: Willie Krut
Keywords:: space Astrology,Astrology,feng shui,Planet,Horoscope
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Horoscopes Sagittarius

In this Ninth of a 12 part series on Horoscopes, we're going to look at the third of what are called the fall signs, Sagittarius the Archer.

People who are born between November 22 and December 22 are Sagittarians. Their element is Fire, their quality is Mutable, their energy is Yang, their rulers is Jupiter, their color is Purple, their gem is Turquoise, their main anatomical parts are the liver hips and thighs, their keywords are understanding, enthusiasm and exploration, their Tarot suit is Wands and their Tarot Major Arcana card is The Chariot.

Some famous celebrities who are Sagittarians are Brad Pitt, Ben Stiller, Lucy Liu, Britney Spears, Woody Allen, Kim Basinger and Walt Disney.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are called the gypsy, student and philosopher all i n rolled into one package. There is no other sign that is as focused on finding the truth and meaning of life itself. They have a burning need to understand everything. They thrive on the changes that this search can lead them through. Their life is literally one long adventure that is never ending.

The archer needs their freedom and independence. They never get tired of a change of scenery. Therefore, it is not uncommon for an archer to move several times in their lifetime. A home is just a temporary stopping point along their journey of life. It's very easy for them to miss an important date or deadline, but they are also great for getting a dull party going. Their lack of commitment can drive some people crazy. It's hard to tie the archer down to anything and have him commit. Many archers go through their life without ever getting attached.

That brings us to an archer in love, if there really is such a thing. Commitment? Not much of a chance, at l east not for a long period of time. If they ever do find their true love you can bet that they left a long line of lovers behind. The archer is great for a good time. If that's all you're looking for, then you have found the ideal partner. But if you expect that good time to last forever, you better look elsewhere.

At work, the archer is not the most dependable person because they tend to lose interest in a project very quickly. If you want the archer to perform well, put him in a think tank kind of environment. They are at their best when they have to come up with solutions. This all goes back to their unending desire to find the meaning of life. At work, they may simply have to settle for finding a better mousetrap.

Archers have a weakness to always having to be on the go. Because of this, they can wear themselves down quite easily. While they're doing this running around, they may end up gathering a number of projects to do. Eventually these can bec ome quite overwhelming, though they will never admit it. The search for truth and understanding is all that matters.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Horoscopes

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Horoscopes
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