Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hanumaan Saves His Devotees

Saturn is the most dreaded planet as it inflicts sorrow and pain. Its impact can be long lasting and very painful. It can be only borne by persons of great strength, determination and patience. When ever Saturn gets a chance( always through temptation) when a person fails a test, there is calamity. The process is not open and Saturns slow intrusion is always shadowy. However shadowed and mysterious he may be, Hanumaan had him in his death like grip and diverted Saturns attention else where, away from his devotees.

There are many tales associated with Hanumaan and Saturn in Indian Mythology. However Hanumaan strides across the pages of the epic Ramayana like a colossus. His image on one hand is that of complete obedience and Devotion and on the other hand his courage is matchless. So let me depic t one from Ramayana.

One day Rama and his army of monkeys were engaged in making preparation for crossing the vast Indian Ocean to go the Lanka in order to rescue Sita who the demon king Ravana had abducted. Hanuman was also sorting boulders that could be used so that a bridge could be built over the ocean. While all were busy, Saturn was taking his rounds. He came across Hanumaan who was working and Hanumaan happened to be in Saturns way. Saturn requested Hanumaan to move so that Saturn could continue on his way. To this request Hanumaan agreed but only after he finished doing what was his duty.

Saturn was used to having his way with all mortals as fear of Saturns wrath cowed all humans. He was amazed at the audacity of this monkey. He demanded that Hanumaan comply with his request at once or face dire consequences. The Martian energy of Hanumaan came to the forefront and his temper rose. He looked at Saturn and his vice like grip closed around the feeble neck o f Saturn. Saturn dangled in the air and gasped for breath. Saturn realized that he would surely die unless there was divine intervention. He prayed to Rama and begged for his life. Rama sensing Saturns crisis, came up to Hanumaan and asked him to let go of Saturn.

Hanumaan obeyed Rama and dropped Saturn to the ground but not before he extracted a promise from the terrible and sorrow inflicting Saturn that he would never come near or look at Hanumaan and his devotees. Saturn complied with folded hands and went on his way after saluting Rama and Hanumaan.

This is one of the reasons why Hanumaan is worshipped on Tuesdays for the planet Mars and Saturdays for Saturn. If one worships Hanumaan or takes his name, Saturn and his malice is always kept at bay.

Author:: Madhushri M Mukerjee
Keywords:: Astrology, Religion, future prediction, Hanumaan, Lord Ram, Hinduism, Devotion
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